'� � ;w <�,:�`�r__.
<br /> _ `��� . - — _— _ - =�--
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<br /> ' ,�nd fixnmes po�pr ti�rrafter a p�ut of die popt�ty. All teplaoemaxs u�d additions ahail alsu bacdvered by ttds Seaaity ,
<br /> inst�wadit. All of t6c faeaat�is rekMd�o ia this Secanry lnst►vment as th� Ptupe�lY• �• -` .
<br /> . B(IitROWER GriVENANls thu Borrower is 4wfully seised of the.esrace 6aeby conveyed and�s tbe rigt�t w gant ;
<br /> _ and coitvey tAe Propetty aad dnt the Piope�ty is una�cuenbened.exapt fdr eacumbr�u�ces of terad."Barower warranu au�d
<br /> will detmQ saKraUy tbe titk w the Ptoperty agatnst aU cWms aad dem�nds.subject to aiy encwmlx�es of s�ecad.
<br /> • � 7`HIS SECURTfY INS1RU14lENT combines unifortn covtnantt fa t�atlona! use�nd nat-unifam covednu v�►ith .
<br /> .- lueite0 Yatiat�oas by jtitt':sdicaon to�mte a�nifonn secu�icX iacuummd cov�inB n�1 P'�pen3►• . _ _ ' `
<br /> �]N CAVENANTS. Baru�ra and Leader covrnaM and agoe�s fdbws: .. - �
<br /> ' !. .�Mj�a�t d Pr4�ip�t a�L�+Prap���t a�i�Lah CYar�et' Bamwa sf�ii R�Y PaY wixn due ti�e
<br /> �---:__�st€ass�s��e«►the_deIxe±tidercedby,-�1Vnte.aadaa�.t,�c+e�a�rm.eataadlate,_,.,cb�r �c�euoder.die.Note._-.-_. - - .,,--"-
<br /> 2. F�ia ter 1�ies ad I�rsuca Subject to s�pplicab{e iavir orto a v�mtten waivsr 6y I.eMer,�omower s6i11 pf�Y to -
<br /> I.e�kr an the day mo�h1Y PaY��dne�u�der tbe Notq until the Nocc.is paid i�►full,a snm t"Ponds")fos:(a)Y�Y
<br /> taxes aod assess�ne�us wtdch msy atqin piority over this Suurity Iasuwinent as a lid►on tde Pioperty:(b)Ye�ly leasehnld.
<br /> WYr�ts a gamd taus an tbe Ptoperty, if�y; (c)YdrtY ���P�Y ias�u�o�x p�enuum�:tfi,Y�Y fload
<br /> insurance permmns.if aay.<�?Y�Y�8�8��P��•d any:�t(�auY �MY�bY 9amwcr to
<br /> I.ender.ia a�cooed�nce wiW the provisions of paragtaph 8,in lieu o�the payrnent af martgage ins�arance premi+�ms. 't!�
<br /> ivau ar+e p1led"Esc�a�Iurr�." Lender may:at aay time,collset and hotd Pl�nds ia art�mo�mt not to sxcee8 the maximum
<br /> amount a kndr�for a fedaally related moitg�ge loau may roquire for Botmwer's escmw aocaunt aMer thc federat�ieal.
<br /> pstate Settttme�tptocodunes Act of 1974 as ama�ded from time w time,t2 U.S.C.§Z601 et stq.("RFSPA")uNess a�other
<br /> faw tt�ai applies to t�e I3�nds sets a Iesser ama�aE. If so.Lender may.at any time.colkct a�d hoid�Lnds in an amount not m _,-- .
<br /> exceed the lessec amouat I�endr�may es6maoe die amaunt of Fuids�ue on the basis of curzmt data aad �raso�ble
<br /> es6mates af expenditures oF futu�e Egeinw Iums a ati�envise in accacda�e with appUcable taw.. •
<br /> '11�Funds shall be hetd in aa iastitudon wbose deposits aCe insuned b3►a fedeai agency.instrumentatity,or entity . '
<br /> (inetuding i.ender.if I.ender is such an institution)or iQ�ny Federa!Hame Loan Badc. LerYter shall appiy the Fuads w pay
<br /> the Esciow Items. Leader may nbt clsuge Barower for Iwlding and appLying tt�e Funds,annuall�aazlycing the ese�ow
<br /> aa�mt,or verifying tLe�Escmw Items,untess I.ender pays Barower ir�aest on tbe Funds �d�ppi�cable law pemvts .
<br /> Lender to make such a chazge. However,L�eader may iequue Bolrower to PaY a one-time chaige for an independent real
<br /> estate tax reportiag service used b,y,Lender in cunnectian with tt►is loan,unless applicable law provides otl�erwise. Unless aa
<br /> ag�roemant is made or applica��'�'i.�reqnires inserest to be paid:�Lender shall not be nquiad to pay Saffower aoy interest or � , •
<br /> e9mings on the Fund�..Bomns�aad l.ender may agree in wnt�g.however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender --=
<br /> • sha3i give w Bormate�without charge.an��al accounting ofthe Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and the =
<br /> pu�pose for which��sdebit.W the Fu�s.;�:s�i��. The f�nds are ptedgod as additional securiry for ail sums secuc+ed 6Y _ --
<br /> this Securiry Instrt�.�li. . . '� - -_
<br /> � �f.the flmds held by I.er�s'.�exoeed t�:�mounts pet�sutted to 6e heid by appiicable 1zw.Lentkr shall aocount w .
<br /> Boeatir��r for the excess Fun�im ar�ordance wtth the��of applicablt law. If the amount of the Fundc lseld by � -
<br /> Let�i.�rz af any ti�e�xiot suffi�r�>`to pay the Fscrow it��ia�di:e,Lender may so notify Bocrower in writing,a�1d.in • --
<br /> sucb case Boiro�*�s�*,al!pay to i ender the acc�unc neoe�sary�ro makr�the deficiency. Borrav�rer,shaU mals up the . : : -
<br /> � ` defrcieacy in no�f�tweive monthty pa��:s,at Lender�sole dis�e��n. , �. �.,� �': �i==
<br /> uP�P�Y��Li��of aSt s4�seca..��:r this Security Insdvma�'4:Lender shall promptlg re�an�to Brnro:c!�s asiy�'.:; :. :_,_
<br /> FLnds held by I.end�r 3f,t����'aph 2!.L•ender shail acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prio�to:titt aoqpis'stiafl or . . -;;�
<br /> sale of the Ptoperty;s`��a�C,��� F.unds hetd by I.ender at the time of acquisitian or sate as a crrdif against t6z.sura's ��.l`
<br /> secured by tlus Seatnr:.'}�instrur.:��. . ; '`:;
<br /> �,• :
<br /> 3. Applicalh"r�:ot Pa�nnenss. Unless a,�icable law provides o�:e�v'sse.all payments rece'sti��by I.eirder under �
<br /> . paragraphs 1 ancf w�:all be applied:first,to anax��payment charges due uiro�w Eh�Note;second.to�na.u�ts payable under
<br /> paragaph 2;third,to interest due:founh,to pr�r�d�_e;and last,to any 1a*.e�Ih�.*ges due u:rder the Note. •
<br /> 4. C6arges;Lkes. Borrower shall pay's�"� ta�es.assPSSments, o�.bes.fines a��Impositions attn'Iwta6le to the
<br /> Propat��which may attain priority over this Secarit}I���-an�:t��hald paymer;�cc�:ound rents,if any. Sotrower
<br /> sha1P g�shese obligations i�the manner provided in paFagiap3z 2:ar if�s��2:�in that sm�rn:r.Borrower shall pay them on .
<br /> time directly to Uise�erson owed paymen� Borra�c:r sfiail prompdy furn»3�¢o�.e►xler all notices of amounts to be paid under .
<br /> this�ragraph. 1f�.Uqa:-rower makes these paysr�ri�d'srectly.Boaower s;ia3 g�mptly fumish to l.erxtar.receipts evidencing .
<br /> the payments. ', ' '
<br /> Borrower shal!promptly discharge any lien w�hich has prioriry over this Security Ir.s�u:nent unless Bonower.(a)agrees .�.
<br /> in w��g to the payment of the obligation securc�by the lien in a manner ac'ceptable to�.a-,;�,.r.,(b)contests in goad faith the ;,�
<br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the li�:a�in,legal proceedings which in the Ixn��'�opinion operate to prevent the, _
<br /> enforcem�nt of tlee�en;or(c)secures from tto-a fiatder of the lien an agreement satisfac.ar}�x��.ea�s subordinating tha lien
<br /> to this Seeurity In'smimen� If Lender detemanuaes that any part of the Property is subj�zio a h�r w�i�z may attain priority ,_
<br /> ovu thia Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bsrr�wes shsJi�s�sfy the lien or talce
<br /> one ac asone of the ac6ons set forth a b ove wi t h in 1 0 d ays o f�.h:�ving o f no6ce. : � ���,'F�•.
<br /> S.. Haz�rd or Property Iasurance. Borcower sha�:�:i�e improvements now.¢�isting or hereafter ereccgc�an tAe �';�;,,:
<br /> Prope¢¢y imsured against toss by flre,hazards incladed wit£ias t�ie term"eatended coverage"and any other hatards,iar�ltriding ;.� '�..
<br /> floods or floodinp„for which Lender requires insurance. This insurars�c shaU be maintained in the amounts and for ihe -
<br /> • • � �r;•
<br /> :i:,'.;;,
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