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<br /> _
<br /> ;.
<br /> _ �,
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<br /> - . -. ! '- ` ,- . - ____ _ ' _ '.. . _. . . i
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<br /> - ' ,-,c,�oo loo�er be recpi�ea.tt ebe opion+of 1.,adar,if mo�t�e iwuwnoe ca+r«�tm tbe�.nouat s.a fa me pecloa . � �
<br /> dM�t�L�a�da �qai�a)Pa'�6r�e lo�ua�ppwe�bg Leadex�n beo�oroe�ar�ib61e.nd i�a,Waed.Ha�vwef i�!pY
<br /> d�e pe�paa reqc�irod�o�in a�ott�/e ia�uenoa iq diact.or io pravide a tau e�+vt,w�ii Me raquieem�pit iot a�o�ti�e
<br /> inwraaoe ead�ia acooedMCe.�rhh�r�rriuee�[eanwt beta,een 9ocK�es�ad�+n�der or aQpiic�Me lau. <
<br /> !,I�yMeti�,IRnder or ia qeat maY a�ke eraromblo dotrie�s upon�nd i�ppecdons of tbe Arope�ty. Leoder sbill�ive
<br /> Bor�o�rer notia at d�e time of a p�ior w n impectioe�peciEyia�na�an�bk c�uae for the inspectba � ,
<br /> l�.Ca�ie�tb�•'1'b�Pmoeeds oE any tward a cl�im`for d�nu�s.dlroct or oopeque��tial.in��witL�y �
<br /> � co�demytion or aher t�idn=of any p�ct•ot tlre P�operty.ar fo�coavey�e in l�w of.00ndee�ntion.are lierebY�E��
<br /> �Ai1!bt�to l�c�det.-<. : ' - ` `.
<br /> tn U�e eve�t ot a w�al t�TciqE of tAe Prop�ty.the pnxeo0s slWl be�pptied w tbe siuos�xwed bY tius Savriry.Imtiumml,
<br /> �erhtlhet or aot tiKn due.�xith�ny eaoas p�id to Btxmwer.,In tbe eveat o[a p�rti�t t�liirg af the Propett�r in Mhich tlre hir
<br /> muta valu�of thc Pm�erty imimdi�taiy 6efo�e the.hicing is eq�W W or g�e�ter ttan.the armunt of she sums sew�ed 6y Wis
<br /> 5ecatity Insuumart i�mnodiatdy 6efae the taidng,uotas Bocmwer aod I.ender otbawise apee in writing,the sums saviai by.
<br /> tAis Sxutity.Insaument at�li,be ndu�ed 6y the amount of the pcoaeeds muttiplied by ti�foUowing frsction:ta)the tanl
<br /> uaottnt of the suu�sowrod inunedi�tc[y befone the tabng,divided by N)tbe tair awita!vslue of tLe P�opeity inunadi�tely
<br /> befacie the hting.My.Mtance shall bo piid to Bormwer. In thF tveat of a Quti�i taking of tUe Pmpe�ty in whicb the fair
<br /> mulcet value of tUe t�topetty immedi�tely befon the talciug is tess ti�n tltic amount of the sums savrad iu�mediatdy bafone tLe
<br /> tainng.tmless Bo�rnw�r and Lader attieiwise agoee in wriung ac nnte�applicable taw atherwise pmvides. the pr000eds shal}
<br /> 6e applied to the sums saurod by this SecuritY Iasdn�ment whelher or not t6e sums ace tkn due.
<br /> -- _ �--. .
<br /> If the pnoperty is ab�rdoned by Borrower.or if,aRer nutica by l.eodtr to Botrower th�t the condenu�or offers w a�lct an
<br /> awand or s�ttte a daim for domages.Bomowrr fails m r�oad ro i�ender witl�in 30 days aRer the date thc noticc is giv�,
<br /> I,ender is s�aud ta coUect and apply tl�e procads.at its optian.ettlter to�storation ar�pair of the Pmperty oc to tbe sarns
<br /> sauned by th[s Se�ity Insaument.whetfier or not thm due.
<br /> ` Unless I.eader sod Bonawer otherwise�gcet in writing, �ny application af pmxads to principal sh�ll nat extead or
<br /> po�tpooe tht due date of the moatfllY payments nferred w m pacagraphs 1 aud Z nr change the amoutu of s�u6 paymeats.
<br /> !l.BoRU�ra Not Re�For6e�rana By Ii�a'Not�Ralver E�venston of the time for payment or modi6r�ioa
<br /> -- of amoetartion af the sums secured by this Security Instnw�t gtante�hy Lertder to ai[y successor in interest of Bor�ower sltali
<br /> -- mt vpaatr to teiease tt�e liability of the origin�l Bormwer or Bo�r-�'s.successors ia iaterest.Lender shall nM be r�qaind ta ;;_ ,
<br /> _ ----� eot�ce pr�edings against any successor in interest or cefase ta ei�d time for payment ur othecwise tnadify amortization".�
<br /> --- — of tbe sams savrod by this Security Instrument iry m�ason'a�any dematxi made by the original Horrower or Borrower s
<br /> �--� �st�o�e.#sois in intenst. Any forbea�ance by Lender in eseir:i�iig any right or remedy shall Trot be a waiver of or preclade tbe
<br /> ��-�,:, �ex�rrcise of a�sigdt or remedy. '�%- ' ;.
<br /> _�"�'- 1Z. Sait�irs aad Assigns Bound;.loint and Seveial Uabilily. Co-sig�e�s.The cavenants and agreements of tkis;:�;
<br /> �'�'. 5ecurity [� shall bind and benefit the succ�essors and assigns af Lender and Borrower:subjcct to the provisians;'r:�--:°,;:
<br /> �.�► ...�:c.-s ��y 1?:"�Q1T8Vt+L'f'S£�3YCi13I113.'�td II$tCCIitCRIS SIk1U I�JO{Rl Blfd SCVCTAL. AIIy B4fIOWC! WIID CO�c1g05 tI1t5 SCCltf�t�'."..... .'.
<br /> �....�� .�,��;;i. , :'Tiistrument,6ut does not�e�ai1�:�the Note: (a)is c+o-signing tfiis Secu�ry Instcumen`t only to mortgage. grant and convey that� '
<br /> ��'��� �arrowrr's interesi in the.`�?;c�erty under the terms of this Securiry Instrument;(b)is not penonally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> i .. :��„•,-.'{� �.;4�; secared by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bortower may agree to extend. modify.forbear ar
<br /> ` � ,`I".��``�.,.`' ",` . • make any accommodations with regard to the terms af this Secvriry[nstrument or the Nate without that Borrawer s cansem.
<br /> �>:��.�,3<-'•;a:
<br /> • .fYS't.Fi t.�,�,-'.fJ:.'_r '
<br /> ��R;-- , , : .
<br /> •• 13.Laan Charges.if the laan serured hy this Sec�rity lnstrume��t is suh2ect to a law whicb sets maximum loan charaes.•
<br /> .�..�r;• ����� ..:,+...r .�that law is finally interpreted so that the incerest or�Iter.loan c�a des coilazced or to 6e wltected in cannection with the
<br /> �� • •'^Fy�,`�7AJ� '�l�`exceed the permitted limits.then: ta)any such loa.�"a'ta re�:��-�reddced C►r_if�e amount n0ces.sary to reduoe the charge.
<br /> :..�.•
<br /> � J': ��;.; =:.:.;' ia xlie pe�ar�ad li:nit:and(b)any sums alrpdy collected frein_�e�a��ar which�.�a1ed permitted limits will be refunded ua:. : • . �
<br /> ;_ ':�-'::��;j� :�, �. ,�air�a•er. F.�ra3�-may chaase to make this�refund by red�.�cing•si��'�rincipal c.�ci��ader.the Note or by making a dire+a=' � ,
<br /> r :��y � '�'" �s�!ent to Bo�rrawer. if a refund reduces principat. tFie reduction will be �''.�:z� ' ��'.�.�`�P�Paymem withaat .�uy .
<br /> � .�,; ��yment char'ge undcr tlie Noze. " , . .;, ' • • ,
<br /> ,, ,�,. :�'��_:.
<br /> ��i �,;� x � • I4.Natices.Arry nati�e ta Barrower provided for i�.ttus•Secut`.:�Instrument shall be gi���,:,L'-�deliverirr�?i�r.r.�^y maiCco�
<br /> �.���- _.;;�-. �-. ,..,
<br /> ���;:_`�ti.-:;� i4 fly first class mail unless aaplirable law requires use of a.za:L���,i�u.�.The notice ahall be d(re�ed to the�-�iay Ad�•
<br /> ��'x_}_*�,�;.'• pr any other address Barcower designates by natice ta Ler+..'•:��;.�?z�aotice ta l.ender shall be given by ficsx�class ma:i zo
<br /> ���'��'���`' ' L�der's address stated herein or uny other address l.erc��+.�:�r:��y notice to Borrower. Any notice�r3�:�ed.for.in this
<br /> __�'°-�—"� • Sa�riry lnstrument shall be deemed to have been give�e to�8..*�e';r+-zr or l.ender when givcp as provided ia thi��p�:�raph.
<br /> "� -��-�,-_-,�_,� 15.Governing Iaw; 5�'erabllity. This Securu¢y �as�t'artw 3 shall be govcrned by faleral Iaw a.�s u�e !aw af the
<br /> ��- ' � �risdi�ion i�n which the�raperty is located. In the ec�r-t that ar.ti �sn��ision or clause��f thi�Seeurity Instrinm�'tt or the 1�`nte
<br /> �'""�� eonfticts wiah a�licabte law,such mnt7iet s�3a21 aut aff�ct other prc���i::,�ec of thit Secuaty tn.ueuciecnt or the Note which c�ri be,•
<br /> M1��Vyf . .
<br /> . Y ,� given effe¢t w7thout the oomfliciing ptovisian.To[�is end thc provxt::�;?�.of this Security Inst r,urcnt and the Note are dec9.ana±
<br /> --°"'`'°� t�e he severable. � -
<br /> — llf.Borrower's Copy.Barrower shall be given a�°amfarmed'i:�tipy,uf the Note and of this Security lnstmment. •
<br /> Fonn3Q28 5���,'
<br /> � Pagv4a18 ' �
<br /> --- -r . ._ .� � l- ` .- . ' . . ;ii.+Yy','�f _,tLA,�f,-- �..s�;�_�4,-•--�f: ` I`r-�':m".
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