;�__ . ...-�_;_ ���' - _. . . - - - . - . -- -'-
<br /> '_�_ . — �—``4 � – – � G3._t-I. __ "__ -- _ _ �.. • - . .._ - . .. -
<br /> wsxleelK�
<br /> ._� __' .. . .. . "_.._.z�c.c T _ _ – _ __ _ --_.. . _ _ _ -- - -_
<br /> - �-__�—,s _ _ —
<br /> ��. ��.-_- - -�T ' _. - _. _ - _ - : . . -- i�.O�s7'3 --
<br /> � 1?.Ttaw[er et tl�e Ptaperty nr a Be�dlel�l ide�e�t ia�ere+owa.Cf alt or any p�tt��Propeny or any L�te[est irt it
<br /> [s soid or trsnsferced(or its 6eneficial ir�terest irt Horrower is sutd or tar►sferied and Bormrrer is nd re�tucas'pe�son)without .
<br /> i�ende�'s prior written canseM, Lendtr rta�y:at.t�s option. re imrn�iato p�yment in fut�oi aU sums soearcd by ihis ,
<br /> � 5aarity Ctrst�umen�.Hawever.this aptian sltail�.be exercised�y L�ndtt it.cxere�se�s prohibitad by fpderal taw aw af the datc .
<br /> of this Security[r�.arumenl: ' <�� �
<br /> if Lender eaentises this oplion.4ct�dei shatl�giyq�:tn�v��F�nodce oF sccel�t�tinn. The natice stal!pcovide a periad of not
<br /> tess ctun 30 d�yx from�he date thc notice is de�ii�'?t��u�t� �x��shin which Boirowcr must pay atl sums sewred by thi�
<br /> u�
<br /> �3ecurity.�butrument.If Hnrrower f�ils tn p�y.th?�ast�tt�.g��f�'itrCd'r� 1���A��int1 of this pe[icd,Lcnder may invokE any remodics
<br /> pennitted by this Socuriry I�trumait rritbo�t�fttltt�2��nc!tia�o,ct�t;Qrapiqr.4��9aim�cet.
<br /> - -- -. . 18. 8are+avra s Ri�t W lteiwf�tA:sJli�cnt�npi�,.s�t�i=;��'�,QOacfitions. Barmw�er shal! t�ave the right tu 6avo
<br /> -- - -- — enfoteen�c►t uf ttti�Serprity [ast�umeet di�rt�:itr�ard=u�i�;�ti�s!;-�t�(t:lo!he earlier o�..(a):S days(or sud�other periud ac
<br /> applicable ta� maY spxifj+ fas,reitutatatletlll?ti�inpt s�it,uf;�i�',ftiraylerty Parsuant tu any•pawer of sate cornained In ihls
<br /> - Securiry tnsttum�mt;or(b)enuy:ot.a jut��lsautafc�r►�;hTs.�'f��;�nstnunent.'I'�ose conditians arc that BornnKrr.(a�PaYs
<br /> I.eiider all svms whieh tixm wrouid•6edu:�u�r,tt�is•S�rity,;IttciKti�timris and the Note as if na aaoeierutian haid occumed;(b1
<br /> ::�m�.:. c�m any default•ot any aher cove�S�m�a�c►tf.:;lc);A�a�:3��l�tpenses incu�red in enfot�ing thls Securiry[nshument. .
<br /> =�`, including.6ut not limitod ta,�T1z.auo�tr�ys'fe�s:.acr�l(til'tf�is,:suth acc�on as Leader may rea4onably requuc ta assure.
<br /> ;�; . ' tRat the tien of this Security I�i, L'm►da�'s ti�.in:ti�Yta,�Cy.aad Borrower's obligation:to pay We.sums sec+ued by
<br />��,-_�; this Securiry t�s[cument shatl�oo�stinup wf.�t�su►gad;.Up�n�.r+e�ir+�nent 6y 8orrowet: �itis Set.vrityr Inst�ument and the�
<br />-;_�,: obiigations secured hereby shall�ccenaiQ:Eult��.eff�ctiti�aas.if na•a�c�tdtntion had oecurred..However:this right�to tcinstate.shall:
<br />•�/:' not apply in the case of aaeleration twde�`:p7uuSmF►h�lT: �`. • _
<br />- 19. Sale of Not�Cbaage uf.Ltr�q�Senioer:Ti�a l�icrt�a c►����nrtial.interest in the Note(tagether with thls�Security
<br /> . In�ne)may be sold or�e ar,mpro tfiitr�wriihaurpricmnatibe;p.Ain�artc��A sale may�esult in a chunge in the enti[y(knoKn::
<br />_ _ - aS the"l,oan Serviccr')that oolle�s m5nttilp payrrx�sts d�o etn���W�Nptiaamd this Sec�ritX Instniment.'Rie�als�o may 6e onc
<br /> on
<br /> nr mora cl�anges of tl�e I,oa�Seiuices�unraiated ta a sala of,tlta l+(tlt�;�di thc�ze is•a change of the I.oan Seivicer:Borrow�r will be -__
<br /> --_- .� �' �iven written�rotioe of the c1�2tige m acc�idanc,e w��h pamgm���i,�:at�uv�a�I applicaDle law.Tt�e natio�will'stata thc�mme aud ---
<br /> -;Yr.. address of the new.L�n�Servioes and'tha udcir�ss ta�Ki�ic�l`pa�'mM.�is�:sls�u}�6e made.T4e notiae will alsu cantuin�any other
<br /> .. R--
<br /> - " •:�'r'J . informatiam raqnired by apptirabte law;. • .• - • � .. �"
<br /> '`� 2p.Aaan)oos Sqhstanoes. H6ttipwe�.3�atl�nai�cause aY,p:rtnifltl�preser�cc. nse,dispasal. storuge.or retease of any
<br /> _ Har�rdous Substances on�or�,in�t�Fropgiiy;'Borrnwer.shi�lf�qaiidot.�nos aqow anyana else to do..anything•affectiag thc
<br /> �,. ' . Pmpesty that is in violationaof����Hnv��imm�nial+I:si�t:'I��pr�iil��two sentences shall not appty to We pneseix�e,use.or. _
<br /> �, -1�''���,.�;r� �', . sturage oathe Property of�s�llD�r:ahtitlEs p�Na�aritdus;$ubst�:�s�_ttl�e!ara generally•recognized to 6e aPProPriate to nam�al•� �
<br /> `;���,�=�.��::; residential uses and to maintenatic�,af�th��'tiip�ty: �•:i' -- _
<br /> - -'�`�� .._� Bomnwershall p�ompils�•git+�L�.er�.t,.T�{;xi�i•iiten,natic�e aF�a���°am��on:ciaim.demand.�lawsuit•or_other action,by��.any.:�, . . .�� =
<br /> µ��.;:,r : , y govemmental or regulatory agency�a1r��'snvat:_Party:imo}vin�tt�;�A{o�etty�and any Kazardous Substance or Em�ironmentaf t,t�u��. ���
<br /> "� ; of which Bamower has actu3l��,Wf�dga.If Bomn��er:lqm3.�.anlg.nonfied by any go.��mmental or regulatory authority;tltht�!
<br /> r.'"i';" �'•. any removal or other re�ati�:�S any Har�rdau�s�Su6-ttao:e�a31'tc'ttag the Praperty'ss!�r�essary.Bomoxer shall:pmmptly.tak�•• �� -
<br /> ,4 .�; all necessary remedial actiansf�;a�:prsrdar�+y6tti Eniimnm:��l;aK: `.: � �,��'� .
<br /> ,.gti,: =:� . ,... . As used'ui"si�is pa�apl�7.0.."it�atii?ia��5ub�:e.4°'�Fa•t�l;�tie'Sabstances defr�'ed as toxic;����harardous�suyb�tand��i�'�., ��_ ..
<br /> '�'�'S �° s�'•`` Envimnmeatat ia�.and the followin(� h�ytsrk�:. ({�pSaS3i�•:i4,tiaseY,�:,otiier flarnmable or to�ii:.. �noteum�j���ucts� tdvRi'
<br /> 'i'4�.:�1 ' t• 14 ' �G 9� L1"t . � . T .��� CS'__ ?� _ '�..
<br /> '':1;:�r• �;'. . . pesticides and h�ii'rcides,volatile solve:.s:'rr�t�ia4�;a�a3finin�;ayii�sin��;.r.fortnaldehyde.and rac`a.'��i�;a'��e matetiai�..�Jls'u�fiui�.�,� -
<br /> ,: .,,r. this p;trasraPh 20."Enviranmental Law" mearn fbdlriJal�,4ti+�and•Idv:;:vf'ihe juriulictioo wher�"r�����:yu l�ce�t�ct:�tjuii:��� � �
<br /> .. - - , reFai�ta health.safety or envim�atal protectiann; : ,,:. , • :..` , --
<br /> � :. •�� . ` NON-UNIFORM COV�EN��Rc'�'S.Borr�wet�ai�Letid�.s°Cunher wvenant and agree as follmvs ,"� r'.;;';.:.' . ;R'�- _
<br /> -.. .r :��;'- .� -�,.:•� �' 2l.Aoceleration;Ran�'Ga�s6�11ft�►t��ti�to Bmm�w�prior to aooeleratinn f�fe�;�Borrou�er''s breach •,�,�,��:
<br /> . . . `.;:���.� ot any covenant or ap,roement"ta;t!�5�u�ttyti'llutroment (but not pcior to aoceleranon ace�r�pamgraph 17 unless , �.,,;�,
<br /> � .. • ���r� � applicpble law provtdes other�isel�=:'�'[�m,riite s6a11°specify: (a)the defautt;(b)the aciion eeguired to cure tlie de[ault; •'"��`,•-`
<br /> �'�'' ' ' �� � (c)a date.not less than 3U'd�s•€r��h�date the nntice is given to Borrow•er,by wfiich the detliult must be cused;and ''."' �� __
<br /> _ 4;. •:-.:`
<br />-��- ��"••'','•''"�'��- • � (d)tfeet tailure to cure the de!`�€it on or before the date specified in the notic�e aruv resuh�in�aoceteration of the sums �°�'-��,:::�. ''
<br /> �r4:•.` • �
<br /> �'�� '��� secaned by this Security Institiment and��ale of�the Pt� rt Ttie notice sball�mtIier infotvs�orraw•er o[the rigi�t to �Is;'s,;.F,<•
<br /> . . �:� �,'� ', � 3• ��,,' • ,,.,
<br /> � �'tis"�i:��;:`�`r�`�;,`�"'s, reiastate pfter aocele�atian And ttie rig6t�ta�bring a wurt acNon to assert the namexist�nC��ii�,'BIIC�Al1It OS iUly OIIIEr '• '�,'_ .'
<br /> �; � i:;Pi'r.,:�l.�t,., 1 � s), _.
<br /> , :, . ;'';,r�?' ..:,_t��F,;i;, . defense ot Barron�er to acceleration and�ate: If tho defuult is not caced on or�beiore tho�aaa;�pacitied[n the nohe� .; },,tr-�_
<br /> �` �: .`,i r:;: . t � . �.mder, at its���pt�i�n.may cequtre immodiate paymenl in full oia1C�ms�ecueed 6y this86tx�tiEy Instrument w�itLout ��ry�{
<br /> �� .�i�a;,.;•�'. � '� � . ' fi�Hber demani3�7�A may invoke the pow�er aUsaie aad any othcr i�cue�Its permitted by appIiNabFTe law,�nder shall be �_
<br /> - � �=f i•`.y�`:" ���{ � � emxitired to collect ali expenses incurred in pursuing the remecfi�.�pmvided in this para�eaph 2t,indadit�..�:nat Iimited �� --
<br /> - P •��;,.�'i5F -ts�tl'?rf�7"j�i t0�rea�o�bleaitorneys'f«�s�dcastsoftitloevQdenoe. , � _ ���'� �•
<br /> � •'''d i�f,t1 f,14;. . ��`' _
<br /> ��h It the power ot sale�6nvoked Trustce sha11�rerund a notice of detault in each count�ice�ttsc��part o!the ;;r�
<br /> . ` � r.;� Property is tacated and shaU mail copies ai•sucb notice in the manner pre.ccrib�d by appliq�bt�f�to Borrower and to w••,��� .��
<br />- �, tIx other pecsoas prescrihed Isy applicable law.ARer thr time requlred by applicable law,Tn�e��a11 give public notic�e ' '=L-
<br /> e
<br /> -.` , ;'. - ' ' of sak tb the persons And [n the mai�ner pmscrihod by applicabte IaH.Trustee.without de�t'�on Borrox.er. sdaU seif' `;,':�''--°
<br /> `�:•. �;;, � 'on � �.�—
<br /> R� the Praperty at public auct�tv the hi�hest 6iddcr at�the timc and place�nd und�r tke ter�ms d�t�d iu the notia of !!'�,;.i:::.�� "'_
<br /> _-�: ,��.;;.,; .. . , -� � �. y s �� � =���t;'���;i ::� —
<br /> • ,� sak in one or ma+e n�: �n an onder Trustc�dc�Nrminec.Trustec mu�� s��'�tl or��K cel o�the �` —
<br /> J{ ; • :y�,=.;� PropertY bypu bUc an�[w2ment�at�the-ttme�and pinoe ot�an�r previously schedul��d�te.L�t+f�.ar i�s s�s`rgnee may ' ; S =
<br /> , ," ,.;,. purtl�ase the P�up�Ey at any sale. � �'�
<br /> ;�?`;.. . • . .. .
<br /> ^,, ,•�` �.
<br /> .�sf � . . ' ' {;t'• � ..
<br /> r,.� .� :t , . ' ' • I�":j�.., :
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