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<br /> �Op��►10l�['Od�IAS��OS�bJ►�IE.�S 111C�Od•'IV1dd111�1C 0�11.�4'R�dldOd OORC[�C�L��(�t�C{�dh��
<br /> , ftoods cr flaodius.for�hidr t.endar inqiut+es insur�.'Ibis inwt�nc+e shdl.6e m�ined in tbe�a�oaihts iod fQr the pe�iads. '
<br /> dq�t I�enda roqaices.'!be ia�u�aoe carrier pmvidin8 thc iqstu�noe shdl be chasen by Batrawec aubjat to Lender's�ppt�val
<br /> whic�sls�ti oot 6e unneasoatbiy withhdd. If Borrower fidis w m�imiin aove�ge dacdbed abore. I.aida m�y,�t Lenda's
<br /> oplion.ob�ain aovetsge w p�ntect Leader's rigbts in the PtoQerty ia s�oedu�pe with Ptn�pb 7. -
<br /> Ali inwranoe pdicies ana rmewals sluil fi�acoe�aMe.to eender aoa sipu inctuae a stanalua nwrt�p�e cl.u�e.,r.�ode'
<br /> �11 hava tGe rijht tu tald t1�e policks�fd nnew�is:If 4a�der roqaiaa.Boemw�er sMN preaiptly�w�e to Lader all ieoe�ts ol
<br /> P�P�'�and rasewsf oot�oes.In the event of lon.HoROwer eivil�ive prompt natke w tt�e i�u�aoe rinier a�i��nder. ; '
<br /> 1,ender nry m�ke p�of af toss if nt�m�d�pae�tlY bY Bomo�• , � ' � .
<br /> < � � , UNes�l.eader ard BoRO�rer ad�awiie�ae in writi�o ia+wrance prxeed�e6a11 be appliied tai t+e�loatian or�r oE the
<br /> ,Pmpeitjr d�e�ad•iY tbe mtontia►a eep�ir is economicalty te�ibk�nd Latd�er'a*av�iry i�aot k�eae�.If tAe tptoratian or
<br /> e+eqir is a�ot eoono�rdcat�y fasibk or Leada's savriry w�W 6e tauned.the inw:anae pncneds�lall be ap�ii�ed ta d�e�+rs
<br /> �ecund bjr t6is�Se�ueity I�wfi�tikr or oot t6en due.vrith my exow pid w Bam�a i�HoROw�er�I�rndons tbe
<br /> � thepaty.a�dares eot�es�rer within 3D+trys�iwtioa fc+nm La�du th�t tire i�uuhac�e c�fa Wis offered w�dtta a c��m.than
<br />,.. � I.a�der nny enllact the inwt�nae pmcads. Lreader miy use the ptooeeds W npair or nsm�e the Propaty or to p�y sums
<br /> aec,vred bg this Savrity I�ummt,wl�ethet or uot then dtK.lbe 30�d�y period will begin wt�►the notioe is Eiven.
<br /> Unless i.endez aad Bo�rnwer other�rise �gree ia writing, anY appliwtioa of pr0000ds w ptincipl sh�U'not extaod oc
<br /> posMone the due d�e of tha monthly paymeets�efemec!to in pazagnphs 1 and 2 or ch�nge tt�e amouot of thC p�Y.�.If
<br /> ander Qu�gap�h 2!the Pcapetty is soq�ire�i by I.errdes,Somnwer's tigbt to sny,insur�na pdicies�d pioaeds�sultiaa hnm
<br /> . -dim�o to Wc Pmpeity prior w trie aaluisit�ion st�i!�ss to Landar w the e�oent of tl�e swns savmd 6y t6is Sesvrig►1�ummR `
<br /> ia�e�di�tdy priot to dn aoquisit�on.
<br /> f.Ubct�p�e'.Pba��,Mai�te�o�e+�u�d P�artia�ot t�e Aopetty;Bore+nwer's Law App�;l.ear,otdR
<br /> Bonower alall aocupy,establis6,aad use t6e P�opaty ss Borruwei�prinap:t ce.vd�ooe�vithin sixty days aftu the execvtioa aE
<br /> this Sea�rity Iastncmmt aod a1nU ooa�inue to ooa�pl�the Pmpetly#s Boirnwds prencip�l nesida�oe fac at le�st oae yar afta�
<br /> the due of accnpaoc.y,amles isader odxswise ag�ees in writing,whicb conseot s6,dt aot 6e an�sonabiy wid�tkld,or miless
<br /> , extenaating ciri�tr�anoes.esisE vvhidi ane beyond Borrower's oontrol. Boman�zc.s6aII aot destray, dam�$e;ur impaff the '
<br /> Pmpccty.atlow t6e PmQeny:,M dei�iarate.or oanntit wa�te on the Pnopertv_.Eoi=o�sis[1 be in defa�ilt if any fode�du�e
<br /> � action or procoedinS,wheaher civil or crimiagl,is 6egim d�at in l.Cder's goart.�Sh judgmeae oould nsult in fott'eitune of the-
<br /> P�opaty or otha�rise materiaqy impair the tien cnated by this Secarity In�a��or Leuder's security interat.Boirawer may
<br /> cnte sucb a defaa[t�d ranstate.as prnvided in paragiaph 18.6y causing the-dzan or proceoding w be dsmissed with a mling
<br /> th�, iu•Lendc�s,�ad.tkith determination,precludes forfeiwr�e of the Botro�ver's intenst in the Pruperty or other maGesiA! .
<br /> � iinpsirma�e��?�e�ata'cn�ted by this Socurity Lutniment or Lender's secarity interest. Borrower shaU also be in d��afi
<br /> _ Borrower,iTaiing.�L�v appGcation pracess,gave matenally false or ina�curate iafomaafion or stauma�ts to I.ender(or�aii�d :
<br /> to pravtde Lender af'�o...�iy m�terial infomutian)ia ci�unoction with tix Iban evidenced 6y fhe Note.inclnd'uig,6ut not limitod '
<br /> to.�entationc ao�ea�im8 Bomuwer's occupaa►.�.�af the Property as a principa!residence.If this Saurity Iru�trament is on a .
<br /> leasehold. Borrower s£ti��l cumply with all the provisions of the lease. If Honuwer acquires fa titta to the Property, the .
<br /> � leasehold and the fee t�sfial!not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.Protection o4 tf�adei's It�g6ts in the Pmperty.If Barrower fails to perform the oovenants and agreements oontained in
<br /> this Seeuriry Instra�*+� mr there is a tegal pracea�:rcg that may significandy affect I.ender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> proceoding in banlau�;probate.for condemna�va or focfeiture or to enfac�x taws or regulations).then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is�neeessary to protect the value of the Propeity and Leud�''s rights in the Property.i.ender's actioas a�ay ;.�''-
<br /> include paying atry swns secured by a liert which has prioaisy arer tGis::Security Inmument. appeariag in court, psgiug '�, ;
<br /> • rea�onable attorneys'f�es and entering on the Praperty to mar�e��;-rs.A[dzo�Lender may taice actIon under this pat� . -. ,
<br /> , :; 7.Lendet does rat t�:.^�'�to do so. • � •
<br /> , • My �aunts:1isln�rsed by Lender un8er this��.•agra��i 7 shall bexeaz�.additional debt of Boaower securec�by this
<br /> Sauriry lastnunent:�'aiess Borrower and Lender a�ee to other terms of pay�xnt. these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement.at sha Note rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon notice from l.ender to Boaower requesting
<br /> PaYment. �. �.,
<br /> 8.Mortg�t I�anoa If l.ender required mortgage insurance as a ca�iition of making the toan securod by this Security
<br /> Instrument, Borrowea s�all pay the premiums required to maintain the a►�rt�age insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the ;
<br /> mortgage insuranoe coverage required by l..ender lapses or cea.4es to be in efiect,Borrawer shalt pay thc premiums rbquirnd to
<br /> obtain coverage subs�nNally eq�ivalent to ihe mortgage insurano�previously in effect,at a oost substantially equivalent to the �
<br /> cost to Borraacr af mhe�mortgage insurance previousiy in effe�t, frem an a(.temate mortgagc insurer approved by i.ender. If -
<br /> substantlatly equivaP�m anortgage insurnnce coverage is not avaitabie.Sorn�av�shall pay to ixnder each month a sum equal to •
<br /> onetwelfth of the y�mortgage insurance premium being pa:d 1�y Eorraw•c�u�the insurnnoe coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> : be in effect.I.er►der v�i;l accepb use and retain these payments as a�Emss resene ia lieu of mortgage insurnnae. Loss reseive
<br /> Fonn 302s 9190
<br /> � Page3aPe � -
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