,u14n^.'��' ' .
<br /> . _' '_r_L'�`�'� " ' _ +�"'. . . ._"" " ' ' '_' .. ._' - '
<br /> - '.. t�'+C � r''` ' • C . ' ' '�-.
<br /> 1�.�'� ' .;a " ' . _ _ � '
<br />:_. . , `�. ' � . ' _"'_.. . -
<br /> .. . _ _
<br /> .!� - . � .a.. ...... . _
<br /> _—.-. _ - . . - _ . _ = -- _ _ _
<br /> �. . _ —...-.�,_._�— --__ __'— —-_� —_—_ _ __ .—_. _ . _—._.- —_
<br /> . �'-— ._ -- = s =_- � . - .. _—,'�.- , ;_ ` . __ . . - _��; . _ ._ _ . - .
<br /> `a.ri
<br /> - � �Z Te�feir a[.li�t K s D�dicW I�Il�+e�t i��wq',�,if aII.or wY P�rt of the I'cvpeitY or a�y interrst in it
<br /> is soid ca tr�esfetted(or if b�ei�iciaf in�est in Borrov'ra as sold or traa�e�ed md Borrowa is aot a mtur�t peta6n)vPitboat .
<br /> t�ender's prio��constat.Lender may, �t its optioo, reqwts in�mediat�payment in fult of sfi sums sa�r�d bY this , -
<br /> ' Sea�rity(astrument.However.this option stull aot 6c exercisd ey I�der if exacisc is prnh�b�to�by fedei�l Iaw as of t6e dsce
<br /> , of this Savrity L�suutneot. ' , � •
<br /> ' If Lander caercises this option.Lender 31�1t g►ve Bomowar aotice of ai�celeratioR.lt�e aotict sii�i!provide a�period of not ..
<br /> tess than 30 days t'rom the date the notIa is delivered or maited within which Bo�sower must aay all sums sa�rad by dus
<br /> ' Stcurity Irtstrument.If Bo�rowet i�ls to pay t�ese stmis ptior ta the eaQita�iou of this period,L.eeder�y invok�suy�mnediss
<br /> . perm[tted by tt�is Socurity L�stru�oent withont fnnlKr aotia or dem�nd oa Boriower. •
<br /> 18. Bareswds Ri�t to Rdmtata if Borrower incets artain oonditions, Borrawer shalI have We right w have
<br /> � ` eafimcemeiu a€t6is Se�vcity i�sumatt�at auy�ime prior to tht e�ttier of_ (a��5.days(or sus�ad�er period�s
<br /> applicable.lav�ra�Y s�xifY�ar�tanent)I�eforo sa!e of ttre PrnpertY P�rsuant to airy power of sale contained in this
<br />-- - - Sacurity Instniment:ov(b)entrg of a judgment Cnfoicing this 5e�antS'Immttnent.Tt�ose mndiaons,a:e tl�at Bortower:(a)pays
<br />= Ler�der ali sumg which then would be due under this Securiry Iastcament and tt�e Note as if no acceter�ion 1�ad acaund:(b) .
<br /> - ares any default of aay ather wvenants or agraa�eacs:(c)pays aU expenses irxvrred in enforcing Uus Se�.�urity Insuument,
<br /> - i�ltdi�. but na limited to.reaso�bte attorn�ys' foes:and(d)takes such actcon as Lender may reasoaa6ly requiie to assu�+e
<br /> � that tpe lien of this�Security Iastcutnent.Lender's rights in the Propecey and Borrower's obtigation to pay tbe swus,secured by
<br /> this.Sawiry Instcumeot sh�ll oontinue unci�an8ed. ITpon reinstateu�ent by Borrower. this S�ectsrity Ir�st�ument ard d�
<br />_ obiig,atio�socurod hereby shall rcmain fully ef�'ecbive as if no aaxieration.t�ad arurmd.However[his right w reimrtate sball
<br /> - not apply in the c�se of acceleration under paragaph iT.
<br />- 19.S�e of Not�(,'6�o�e ot Lt►an Serviar.The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together witb e6is Security
<br /> � Insuummt)may be sold one or more times witHout prior notice to Borrower.A sale may resnit in a cdadge in the entity(b�own
<br /> � as ttie"Loan Seavicer")tl�at cvitects moatWY PaYments dae ander die Nate and this Serurit}Instroment_Tl�ere also may be m�e
<br />- or moiech�nges of tUe Laan Servicer w�nelated to a sale of the Note.if there is a c6ange of the i.oan Servicer.Borrowerarill be _
<br /> - - ,� given v�ritten notive of the change in acrnndanca with paragrapt�t4 above an6 applicable lacir.T6e nntice wil!statc the naine aad . _ -
<br /> u ys addm�s of tUe new Lflan Servicer aad tbe address to ahich payments should 6e made.The noti�wi�i aLso oontain any other
<br /> infom�tiou.�+equi�ed by applicable law. � � � --
<br /> 20. t+i�Sab�nns.=Borrower shall na r,aas���r pemiit the pr�.senoe. use.disposal• sta�e,,d:tel,�ease�af any
<br /> -- Ha7ardous Substanccs on or in the Prope�ty. Burrower!s�tf:.r.ot do. ►wr altow anyo� else to dc:.:;�t�.�u ecting the
<br /> • Pndperty that is in yiolation of atry Environn�ental Law. '�`''��ing two sentenoes shall nat apg�r','sta��:gie�a.ar�,use.or •
<br /> storage'on tliee Property of small;quantifies of Fla7asdoas S:�',�nc�s t�.t zre generally recognized u��i;�:�•.r}��.!to nonnal =__
<br /> � �k� msidendal uses and ta maiiuenance of the Property. ,, ,;;�� ,. . . ; .. ` :
<br /> ' � 8orrawer shal}PromptiY give Lender wr�tten notice e€.��-.:cVe�ion.claim.demand,laws.�.��•t�:;,��on by any �'-'�`
<br /> ��. ;� �'��r� governmental or regulazory agency or private party involvrr��:'�}�eity and any Hamrdous Substa�c�o�`�:;���-a.'':.'ental Law' �-_�=
<br /> :� t�'',. . e }
<br /> of wluc6 Borrawer has actual knowledge. If Bormwer learra�..oi�s notified by any govemmental or.r�gqator�`.;:3hority, that 1�
<br /> �:`.� �==...j``.
<br /> , ., . �� any renaval orother tcmediation of any Ha7ardous Substa.�cs�affecqng the Property�s necessary.�3w'-�?ucr shalt promptly take • 6-_-_--
<br /> `1-•..,. ;.:;• alt naxssary reme�ial artions in acoordance with finvimnmentai Law. � •� .°."_�`
<br /> :°y:=_-..,,�:,� .,' t:
<br /> •��•H:.�:,. ..:�,�; As used in this,p�ragtaph 20. "Hazardaus Substancas"are those substances defined as toxic:�'`:ar►rdoi�substances by - ��-,
<br /> ^�•,�,;�;, Enviranmental Lavu and the fallowing substanc�es: gasa;ii�,•kerosene, ather flamc�3ste or toxic'�ei'rofeum��acts. toxic _�
<br /> ::�r.',,,z.._.�•. '
<br /> , • � • ; pesrra��s and herbirides,volatile salvents;materials contacr^*�asbestos or formalde��;��and radioactrve mater��,�'�.;'As used in Y `
<br /> �,*�w���,�.. .�� f ds���.��saph?0."Environmenial Law" means.federat�•�;aad laws of the iuri�Zbn where the Pcoperry r����ted that �'"��Y� -
<br /> � � �,,•.Y»��;,'� ta''�ra$eait[r,sz�`ety ar environ�nental pmteqiop. • .�: -- - , j . � °
<br /> 4���°' NON-1i1+a�M COVENANTS.Borronerand I.ender further caie�ant and agree as foHouz�_" �- '�": �� �'r
<br /> ;;�- ._..�...,- *- ,. ;�,' ..,.. � 21.Aa,elaatfoh;Ranedies.Lender�g�i�•e notice to Bomou��artor to�tcceteratioaf�Afag Boi�na�s 6k�.�ic�-%. , - ---
<br /> , ' ' `' ot any cove�nt or agreanent in this Secsfity lnstrumeM lbut naE pe�or to acrceleration�m82o paragra����(�i�s :
<br /> " �;: applicable law provides atherwise).TAe notfce s6�11 specify: (a)the it�au�s;�!t�e action requised to cu�t�edetautf; . _
<br /> - (c)a d�te.not less tl�n 30 d�ys irom the date the notice is�iven to Borrawer.�y•�vhich the deYsult must be cured;aad '- _
<br /> - - (d)tl�l f9ilure to wre t6e detautt on.os befom the date specified in the notice may result.in acceteradon ot the sums.. ' �
<br />,_ �.:�2::�-. ' � � secwred by tdis Secarity Instrwnent and sale oi the Praperty.The natice st�alt furt6er infarru i2arrower o!the right tn � � ���`
<br />. •>r;�`,_, .`� . . reinstate�Rer acceleratioo and the right to bdng a court action to assert the non�xistertce o€.a def�ult or any otflrt . =��.
<br /> �-�.;b�- • dete�se ot Borrower to acceleration und sale.If the detault is not cured nn or betore the d�s�pedfied in the notice, �-
<br /> . . �a Y � . �'�.
<br /> - � Lender,wt its ma immediate p�yment in full oi all swns secured by t6ts Sec,��ty Iastruis�ent withoat iL�'�.
<br /> '��`?�.������. ., ,s�; ; turt6er denwnd and may imrnkn_�the power ot sale and any qt6er remedles permitted by appfirabTe law.Ii�:-r..stwU 6e ,
<br /> . entltted to collect aU expenses ineurred in pursuing the remedies provlded in this pare�raph 2�i�rr�ading,�i erot limited:
<br /> �
<br /> ;�` : '`-, - � - � to.reasonabte nttorneys'fees and costs oi litte evidence. .• �� �.
<br /> �:-i_.� : •
<br /> •.r�,.s:t:. . . It the power of sale is invoked,'i'ra�a°sh�ll record a nottce c�default in each cuutu=�'iix R•hiFh any past af ttre � .
<br /> F• "
<br /> ° ,��;-.-��� :.. ' . � Property is tacated�nd.shall mail capies��u�5 sircM nottce in the manaer�pr�c�ibed by apptic�Ie•F.:�to Borrower aad�tu ., � ;�'- :
<br /> the other ppsons pr4scribed by applicable law.ARer the time required by applicable law,Trt�stee shall gis��lic nodce' � ��%-�'�
<br /> �� ;:� . � . Q r;;.�,;!;.
<br /> ' � ot sate b t6e persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law�.Trustee,Nitiwut dem9�on Bdrm�zr,sNall sell i .,G;j,:,r: ;
<br />.�„ -,::�.: � .,,»:•,
<br /> ,,..;`7�+ •� •, the Property at public suction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the tetms designate�i�t�e notice of . , �`�=
<br /> y :i�:....i
<br /> ;;_�_*_�.. �- sale in one or more parcels and 1n any ordcr Trnstee determines.Trustee m�X postpone saM uf alt or�ny rcel ot tt�e :..,� ,.�� ��' '
<br /> 1
<br /> ,--;;.,�;. Property 6y pu6lic announceme}�t at the time and place ot any previoasly scheduled sale.lxntier or its�ignee may �;. •; , • -,�'=
<br /> -�•�.,�,. purc6ase tLe Froperty at any sate: � . . - ,i;;`;::' .
<br /> ����"�`,
<br /> �� . ��t;.;�,`!;�:;:
<br />_ V' '�:�.r;�:. � .� . . _ . t! i�r,C` .� '�,.
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