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<br /> .''- pk�eety.•'ll�e e�cit�iE ir t�e Tt�•s ievi�Oe ptryt 6ek seWe�oe a[tl�t tr�ti d tlie��e tiee+eir:
<br /> 'ttitrkt�s!!y tie w+�oe��t�[tre Nlle�tic tAs�w(�aier:(a1 ta all oo�ts aod�se[ateiri�ttie Pv�+er d.
<br /> eai�ad tie�le.�dtli�t�e P�J�wt�f tie'Pe�tee's tees ac��aUy iocau'rea.sol ta esceed . . � < 'X
<br /> d tie ptLdp�aoror�t a�ttie mte at 15e tLne atil�e d�darati�t ot detarit.a�d�+ea+oa�6ie�attor�e9s'tees as oa�nkted
<br /> l�y liw;(h)to afl�se�e�b�ti�Seaa'It�r laet{meat�ae�1(�)anY�to tie pkreoe or pe�eoes ic�aititle�to
<br /> . . ` k' �2: �eoea�e�soe. Upoa P�Y�nent o[al� sum�s senuod bp this Securiry Ir�strument. ixnder sUall requ�t Tiustoe to
<br /> �ocRmrGy`the F�o�patX and siait surrencftr dsis Security I�uuaoet�t>aad all mtss�nS�bt_seCUr�DY this Seeucity.
<br /> 'Ipsteament to Trustee.Tn�stae s6a1!t000nvry.tbe Pmpe�ty withaut warrapty and vxithout charge to the person os pasans tegally .
<br /> aititled to it��ach petson�vr pe:saas s1�11 pry aa�t c�eeot�tion oosts.
<br /> 23.S�6itldte Teortee.l,a�de�at its op6o�s,m�►from time to tim�removc Tr�stoe ud appoid a successar ttustee w
<br /> any Tta�tea�poi�iraeuoder by�t iasttumeot aoonled in tfia c�ouvty ia whidt this Socurity IasWmrnc is�000rdoa•Without
<br /> eomrryme of tbe Propecty,the suaxssor austee s1aE1 sucoeed to�tl thc tit1�,P�wer aad dati�s cnufema!npon Tiustee 6ereit►•
<br /> s�d 6y appLc�bk law. .
<br /> 24.�e�at!�r Notioes.Aorrower tequests dat oopieA of tbe mtias of defa�lt and sak be seN to Borrawes's address
<br /> Mhi�fi is the PruQeety Add�ess.
<br /> 25.1Hiers to Ws Sea�itg�tr�eM.If aae or mae Me�s aze t�[avted bg Bortower atd tecorded togtthec witlt this: •
<br /> Seauiry Inst�amrnt,td!'covemnts atd�g�oana�af each sneb ridet shal!6e incatpoiatod into ud ahall amead and suppit,rt�E��,
<br /> . the covan�ars spd agree�nents of this Saauny Instrummt as�f the dder{s)were s part of this Scwrity Luuument.
<br /> f [Choct�pplicabk bax(es))
<br /> ,4. � ; � �„�� � �i��y� :
<br />��: a���: �` F `�������aer B�we�aay r�u x�a�r .
<br /> ,;:. . �au�ow�Rider - ��:�; `•- �.�te�vo�ut Ride* � f�s000na Hame wder �
<br /> �v.A.Rider � ''t' '`�''��is)[sP�fYl .
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<br /> � BY.�GNING BEIAVU,Botroc�3c�xpts a�d agr�aES to s�!�ms and ooven�nts contained in this Sowrity Instrurna���::;:'�;:::`;;'�:
<br /> 'in iptyr�s)eaavted by Botiawer and tsrotdod witi�it. , "� :;'t,'``:'`:`
<br /> , "t:; ..��,
<br /> �� ,;, � ''' � i . .>-:i;�•� ;,�:..:`�`�::,j,,';�: ;f -
<br /> ' � . < � ;,����� ,L �'-a;::; .•`��.-� ��
<br /> ° . �..," `;'�RINIDA{a� LOEYA :;:_, ..:�+er � .
<br /> ' � '' ', . " ' _ ::i'::':�;::'�- _. ;_, ,t�; - _
<br /> '`,,-:', . , -, .+- -Hono.�a -
<br /> . • ',; ' .. .
<br /> ' (�q1)���•:� -��'a?) � -
<br /> -Bortn�rer . . � -
<br /> STATE bFNEBRASKA, �Y�% HALL . . -
<br /> 7'he foc�egoiag instrument was�,wledged befom mGtai�ii{'';, BTFi �Y of DECEMBER • 1993 + _
<br /> �3'� TRINIDAD LOEZA -:;,.,: _ .. .. ',':.�,;,. , . -
<br /> ..t.
<br /> _ . Wimesv my htind��ad notaria�se�1f�c � , , ��� , : ,' `. in said ty,the c�ate aforesaid. =
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<br /> My C.oasaiqs'sian Bxpires:��-1�Cf'�'��',/ � : " = : -
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<br /> L�;ttiry Pubtk . .
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