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<br /> �►ma�ms�O ton�er be t�ired•rt we apBion�f Laodec,it mo�e�aneoe c+�e f�►tha+�now�t,:d tor,dle pabd .-
<br /> � drt��.t�oue� nq�a)p�o+���ed�►_ae ie�aa�ppeo�aa�jt Lwda�pin becm�an�iw�e at�d is abdinea.:�araire��.0 p.]► :
<br /> ` ebe pemirms,�,�.to m�'+in mo�t�ioatt�noe im dtact.oe to provide a 1o�s naerMe,uaa'1 tht requiee�E�cr mo�t�t � ;
<br /> imuraace eai4_��_iocord�ooe with aoy wrriaen a�earoeo�bacweeo Bon�Mec�od f.aider a apptia�btt taw. , _ ��
<br /> , !t�eetio�.Leader ot it��genE maY�e e�eawolkl�aNries upon aod�°f tha Yrop�tY.l,endet�shd!�ive
<br /> ` 8ocmwet m��ae at dis time af ar p[ior to m im�pectiat apxifYi°g tessombk cau'se fortba iaspection- ' ,
<br /> l�.Care�doi.Tbe procaeds of�ny arvac�f ar cl�im for dam�8a.dieect or coqsequenti�t. in onm�ectioe witf:my
<br /> coodemetiion a otikr ninn�of�y pit of the PcuQnty,a fvr ooavryan�e in tia of 000demu�tion.are heret�'assiSood aod
<br /> � � stri!De pdd t4 La�der. . '
<br />. in the evmt of t to�taking of We PoaQerty,tUe p�ocaeds�t!!be�pptied to tLe su�secuned by this Savritjr Ymt�uiti�t,
<br /> w�bpher or not tbea dae.with any�xce.ss pid w Bamwer. ln tlye eveat af a p�ti�t qfing of the Pro�perty in which tbe fait.
<br /> � mukat valuc of tbe Pt+opecty immediately befon tbe tating is cqual tn or gr�atnr th�t the amount of tbe snm5 saucod by tlus
<br /> Se�vri�y Lt�uument ima�di�k?y befo[e the n1un8,unkss Bonawar aud Lendec otl�e�wise s�ree in writis�.the s�ms saviad by
<br /> thi�Soau'ity Iastniment shafl Oe r�educad 6Y the�ou�ot of the procoods mW6plied by the foltawiag fiactian: ta)the tottl
<br /> amamE of d�e sums securod inmoediauty�befote the tating,dividod 1�►(b)thc fair a�rket vaWe of the PruQaty immcdi�ately
<br /> .befoc+e tLe tairiag. My-6danoe slnit be gaid to Bottower. In tha tvmt of a p�rti�l Wnng of tbe�Pr+�p�RY in whicb tNe fais.
<br /> m�ilcet valac of tLe er�e�tq immodistdx�efota the tatcing is less tla»tbe aa�ouirt oF the sums secu�d i�ediately before the
<br /> t�lang.untass Barrowe�s end L.eader aWec�vise agree in wri6ng or witess applic�6le law otherwise pmvides.the pYnceods.shall
<br /> be 9pplied to tLe s�ups.secucod hy t6is Savriry Inst�umrnt whetJxr or uot the sums are then doe.
<br /> If the Pnoperiy i�.a6oirloned by Borrower.or if.aRer notice by La�der ta Borrower that the condemnor offeis to maka au. ,
<br /> --. a�rd-ctc senls a cl�itxr�damages,Boaower fail�to nsgopsl to Lender witlpn�O da1►s af�'the date the taHoe is givaa.,, _
<br /> 1�der is aathorized.to'i�lloct aad a�ply th�proceeds,at its option,eithe�w t�estor+tion or iepojr of tbe Propaty or to the.sams,.
<br /> sa.�ed by this Sec�tdiy Tifsnument,wtkthor or not thet►dne.. .
<br /> Unkss L�der a�d;Borroyver othetvvise agree in writing, anY application of pmceods to princip�l shalr iwt eatend or ,
<br /> �� postpone the dne datc of the moruhly.pxjrments referred to In paragraphs I and 2 or change the.amount of sucb papneats.
<br /> 13`.Bonv�ver Not Rdeaged;S�i�aisaoce$y Lende�Not a Nr�tver.F�tension of the,pme.for PaYmeat or modifiption ,
<br /> of amo�n of the sums secvred lsy:if�is Socurity Instrument granted by Lender to any sncc�s�nr,in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> noE aperatrAa�ckase t#�liability of tile origidal Borcower or Borrower's suc,cessars in inte�Ixnder sUall not Be reg�irad W ,
<br /> �ammence proceediags�t arty successor in interest�or refuse w eatend time far paymert or otherwise cnodify amortization .
<br /> - of the sums��ued �:�1ais Seeurity Inswment by reasoq af aay dema� made by ti�e originat Borrower or Borrawer's
<br /> sacc�ssots ns interest. Aay for6earance by Lender in exer�i��,�ay.right or remedy shatl aot.4e a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> � exerciseofaayrightor�edy. '• . � �': :;�.: .: : • :, ''
<br /> 12. Soocessors�.�ss�Si�mid;Jdnt�Sev�E.t.T�ity; Co-slgtkrs.The c�ov+enants and agreen�enu of this
<br /> �.. ..
<br /> - :�..Securiry I�trument.sliat@;�iind;��benefit the s,i�ss�s atid as�:s of i.ender and BorroR�. subject trr the provisions of
<br />- _- -- -.�Fh--17. Bom►we'r-`s.:.os:ec�� a�d_.agreemer�,sl�ati be yair+s,and sev�. Any Barrower who c�sgns t�iis Security _
<br /> ����;•�Snstrument but daes not eicecvte•tCre hT��:'(a> is caQ-signing this'�icrity Instrument aaly.tn,�tortgage.grant and conve}�that •
<br /> :'-�. Borrower s interest in the Froperty us�`the te►ms of this SecuritF.Instmmen�(b)is not p��.-ally oblipated to pay the sums
<br /> � '•' secured by this Security instrument:and�(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrawer maY agrrec to extend, modify,forbear or . _
<br /> � ` malce any accommodations�with regard ta the terms af.dsis Security Instniment or the Note without that Bor�awer's cpnsent. : __
<br /> 13.I.o�e Clw�ges.�f the loan secured by this Sc-�urity Instrument is subject ta a law which sets maximum.�loan charges: � , _
<br /> and that law is finatly interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be co{le�ted in connectia�i.with,�he��� `,: ': F:
<br /> loan exceed the pemutted limits.then: (a)any such laan charge shatl be reduced by the ampunt necessary ta reducp,the,�lia�;x,�, ���
<br /> to the,pe�mitted limit: and(b)any sums already caUecteA from Borrower which ezcecded pem�itted limiGs witt be cefu�4•ta��� : �• �
<br /> � Barrower. l.ender may+_c��tse to make this refuixf by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by�,4�aking.,a d�ieCt � -
<br /> payment to Borrower_•Tr.,� refimd reduces principal, the redaction will be treated as a partiat,prypaymertt,withai.,any.. `:', " �:
<br /> prepayment charge undeit��Note. . .., �. ,: •'' . �',
<br /> � 14 tiatices.Any notice to Borra�+w�ir provided for in this�vriry Instrument shaff be giv�q.t�y,defivering it or by+�;�iaiiiq�,.
<br /> it by fir�i o"'..a,ss mail unfess applicabte�u+requires use of at►otfier rrs�iYOd. The notice shall he�=c�cted to i�'e Properry A�1�ess �-
<br /> or any ot'i;s address g3orrower designates by notice to Lender_,?s�.� notice t� Lender shap iQe"givea,�y�-fust class mail to �:
<br /> Lender's aQdress state3 Ea;rein or any other address l.ender desip.�:�by r.atice e�Borrowcr. Any notc�Qr4�ded for in this �
<br /> Security�r,sun.unenrs.+�c,3t Y�e deen�d.ua have been given to Borror:�*o�;Lez�er u�en given�s.�rovided in tTi"rs'paragraph. _
<br /> IS.IG�a�•eruiag La�v; SererabiFiEi, This Security Instrum� 3'r..SE be�g�verncd 4ry;,8�deraf taw and the.law of the -
<br /> • . jurisdictirm r�9 which c.�e Property is[ocated. In the event that any p.�'iVTS10+���p�tause of th'rs Security Instrument or the Note • -
<br /> ;tontlicis wF#h applicabFe Ea�,such conflict shall nat affecl other provitiiaas af thz;Security Instrument or the.Nate which can be -
<br /> ;. given effect without the conflicting provision. To chis.�:td the provisions of this Security lnstrument and i�t3�fi�ote are declared '^-''
<br /> �•
<br /> '� to be seti•erable. , :, , �
<br /> 16:��►�ower's Copy.Borrowca•shall be given one canformcd capy of the Note and of ttt�3,Secur3ty�Instrument. ' �_
<br /> ' • �. ", Fam 3077Q �,90 �:
<br /> . ' . • � � Fa9v4of8 . . • �. . • �,
<br /> `; ' ,�. .. . , � . ' • �;_
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<br /> .. _- ._'�71r�MA2Y4�r"-�.t-� �� _ :a�{tf , .:s��� .,<q���.:k� �}A-.
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