�.Y-..6:_�..`[�4-� ♦a•Y � ;(_. ` � `.. . ' . . . . . .I_ " . .. ._ ' _...._ '.
<br /> . . . . • r �.
<br /> .
<br /> � -' . . .. ��.: �r :.:.. ... .- : . .
<br /> �� '. ' �..... .��.._ _ '_'"_" __— .e"_ -
<br /> , . . - _..__.._._.._��_.__
<br /> ..— �._ '__—.-. ' • _.—
<br /> ��-_ . - ' ._' . _ _ _ . . ""' .-- —. _"_—. __ .. .._. _
<br /> " —"_ ---- . — __ _' _�_ _�_
<br /> —__�— ._ ___�5 __`_ � . _ .
<br /> :� _ - - - --� -- - - __ _ _ - - -- -- _-- - - -=g�„ .,�� -- ` -_ -.;- -
<br /> - -- �S. H�e�w lr.�eet,, I...e�i4e�B�u�ver sh�!!.ioeep tbe impcavema►ts oo�► exisdqg-br haat�a«ectad.on tL�
<br /> � ' pr�pe�ty iniurod sgai�xt,toss by fira.ht7srds included wit6in the tam'extended ooveraga'��ir otha Is�tacds,i�ludia�
<br /> TK
<br /> �lobds a ftoodin�.for Mhich LRndec cequires,ins�u�nce.`Ttns insuzance slwli be m�m�ined in the amnuds and for Sh�Period9
<br /> that I�der�equices.Tho inuuan�e carrier pcaviding the iasuianct sl�ali be chosen by 8oriower subject to Lender's approvai
<br /> which,st�11 not be unnasotublY withh�ld. tf Hcirrowtr ftils w maiatain caveeage described nbove, Let�dEr may.at Lendcr's
<br /> option.obtain covengt to protat I.er�dei srigbts in the Property in sa:ordam�e wIth puagr�ph 7.
<br /> � /U1.iusuraroe poticies,aad�euewats shall be•aooep�bk to Lender and shatt include.a standard mortgage clause.'l.ender _
<br /> � . shat!bive tf�e rigfit to hofd.the pol'scies.3ad nriewals.If Leuder reqsiircs.Bormwer sl�ll F�Y S1Ve ta LeMer all nceipts o!
<br /> --- p�id prsniums an0 mKw�l nouas.in the evait oi'toss.Barrower s1�11 g'evc Pso�t ooticae to the tr�trana carrier a�l.sr�er. -
<br /> I.ender,may nwlce P�oaf of loss if not.mack pe+amptiy by Borrower. . .
<br />-_ Uniess l�der ard Borcowa othavris�age�ee in writing.n�uranee prnceods sl�all bo applied to nsto�ioa or npair of tbe -
<br /> � pmpecty d�nWged,if the,ratocation or repair is xonomically feauble and I.ender's sacaFity is not lessened.If tlse nstoratian or �
<br /> � repair is mt aoonomic�ily•fas�le or Ixaider's sxarity wouW 6e lesse6ed,the insuranoe p�oceeds s[�aU ba apptiod w ihe sua�s
<br /> sxuied by this Savrity Imwiant;whetber or sot theu due,with am►exoas Paid w Bocrower. If�om4�tc abandoas ti� .
<br /> Propaty.or does not aa,.wa within 30 days a mtio�from Leadec t6at tix insuraoce carrier das offenod to s�tte a claim,tha�,�
<br /> - i,ender.mag ooltoct tlx ir�uaace praoeods. Lender m►y use the prncoeds to repair or restore t6e PropertY or to pay swns...
<br /> scwred by this Saurity Losaument,whedx�or.t►ot then due.'The 30�day period wiU begu�whea tl�e aotia is given--
<br /> _ �Sntess l�ender ar�d Borrowor af�a'w�.se agroe in w�iting,anY apPlicatioa of.pcaceeds to principa!st�aU na ext�t,or,��
<br /> postpon�t6e due da�e of the mauhlY,Pay��efemd to in pazagraphs 1 and 2 or.change the ampunt of.tt�e PdY��ts:�If.. . ,
<br />..
<br /> under pa�h 21'the Piopatyt,is.��.����.BorrAower's right ta any insu�ax policies wd prooeeds resultin8 from
<br /> � -
<br />� - - - - damage ta d�e Property prior to the:a�quisiti��4�tct:L�ndec w ti�e exttnt of thGs�sec�red f�y tfus:Sec�rit�Ittstrssmeut
<br /> unmediately priorto t6e acqnisitioa. �'�`:i°;::;� .��:� . :" , . .
<br />; � i.Oocopsc�>Bt+�e'�'�Uon.Ma���d P�+utation of tTK Ptqpa'tY:Borrovra's�1#�li�ttbn>La�s� _ �
<br />} Borr4wer s6a1!voctt�p,establis6,a�,d ase�tx Pt��ierty as Bor�awer"s princip�i residaage wi�hin sixc3r�after�he exxudon of � �"
<br />- ' as Soiro�er's ri residence'�at�east one yeaF�� :.` '`
<br /> ` this Secariry Inshtanent and.sball:c+antinue to uxapy the Prppacy P nci� .
<br />:.�� thc date of accupancy,unless I.�otberwise agrees in.ttr�iiFng.,afiich oongem shal!tu�be unrrrsonably withl�Fcii��?t untess
<br /> e�ctem�ating ciraimstances ea�ist wlnch are.be��and Bort.'�i'"�s oontrol. Earrower shalt not destroy, dama8e`or�'c�pair the �
<br /> .'�. � . Pc+nperty,allow the P�ppeity to deterioiate;;�e�r,.�.�}it.w�,2e�oie t�e Frope�cy. Boritower sha11 be in dafault if��;�ifeitune �-
<br /> �-.--
<br /> - ' actioa or procoeding,whether civil or crimir.3w,:us,�.t�t ip Leader's�gaod faitb judgment coutd.result in fo 'r�'a;.tue of the -
<br /> proputy or whenvise materialty impair thel:ce�:��is�;t�.c�+;�Security Instniment.or laender's secarity interest..&i�wer may =__
<br /> - �' �'�' �' cure siuh a default and reinstatc,as providect'��agraF$L�.wy s�using the action or g:apeedtag w be dismissed.R-it'�a niling o
<br /> '=���� ..: . =-
<br /> -,r.0 � thac,in Lender's good faith detertmmtion,:�c�3es fc��+"`.�of the Borroaer s ini��t in th�Praperty or other material ��-_
<br /> te.
<br /> f impaim�ent of the lien creatod by this SeetiiiC_v:�.�strumer�i����¢ar�s`s�curiry interest:.8orrnwc�.sha11 also be.in defaWt if,..
<br /> Borrower,during the.loan apptjcatian prace�,:�'ave materi��:�eer•ir.z�ctirate infom�arion 4�.�ffit���to i.ender(or failod. �;
<br /> -�� to provide l.e�der with aay.material.iufntmaiian).in eon��iz��:��tI�fc�an evidenced(��the.�ivt�,;.�inciuding.but not limited e�=_ -
<br /> ;�:��, �bl-��-� �� . • ' Tnstrument is an a , _
<br /> �r�y� ��YV• to.repcesentadons concerning�rcqwer s occupancy of the Ptdpetty-as a principa)t+�ssd;arr,q�..if th15,�eastirY
<br /> ��r r :� `� °-. Ieasehold, Bormwer shafl crn�y�with,all.tt�e.pravisious.of the tease. If,Barcqwe{..�u±f�S��ef.titts,[o the Property. ths
<br /> �`' �� ' leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless l.eader agrees to the,tnerget in,writitl$v� "
<br />:::;� s;,��,.�i ._ . . ' •:
<br />�.�.�`;i�� �':��F:.a`Tc._i.�c�:' , '�
<br />':,., .�'..`�'_ _ ..:;. 7.Ptotection ot Lender's Rights in the Prope�ty.If Borrowet.faiis:to peFFqrm,th�covet�aptSiafid��reements wntained in
<br /> . `�`' - . - tliis Security Instrument. or there is a tegal pruceeding that may signiftcam{yiqffect Lender's right5�.The PropertY(sacb as a _._
<br /> '���� °�' ��"`"' procoeding in bankruptcy,pmbatea.for.wndemnation or forfeiture or to enfaricC.laws;or regulations),then I.ender may do and
<br /> ':�.�������`� for whatever is neces to� mtect the value of the Pro rt and�.endec's ri bts„in the Pro rty.Lender's ac�ions inay
<br /> ,` ."_ PaY �"•, . P Fe Y S, Pe a
<br /> ��*..t<;;,• . ...
<br /> •* incl�de paying any.,SUms secured �y.a lie�:which has priority ovee.t�is,,Security��lrutrument. appearing in court, payin$ . �
<br /> s., �t--: :- ,' .
<br /> �.'��z� �. :�. reasonable attameys'fees and eatering,:on.thel P�perty to matce repairs..Althtt�gb 1.ender may take actian�mder this patagraph . _
<br /> �y;;�.u1; , ,_ _ ...�r.
<br /> '.";��;',;._;�. ..� . 7.L.ender does not have to do,so. ,
<br /> :?�s!rl; - .Apy.,amounu disb�''��: Lendec.vnder,this.ParagraPh 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower se��by this� , ` � _
<br /> : . �:,;r;..;i-. : .
<br /> ;::�;.:y�F•;,,•;s�:,.,,.., r SeeuciEa�;'�nsirument. Unlesr$oiri2�+��c.and i.ender agcee.ta,other tem�s of payment.these amaunts shall bear inten��om the ,�'.<:
<br /> �. > "^ 4,,�;-...: ..• . ��os,�;(�„�;��at �'�r��t�,iate.�and.shall be paya�+l��,with interest. upon notfice from l.ender to BorrowEr cequesting .
<br /> :.• �,..:•_;. . .- ,.
<br /> :;:` ::F• .�.,- paymerrt. • _
<br /> � ...r.:.
<br /> y '�:t•::,;_, 8.Mortg�e Ir�surance.If Lender rei�r�jt�d morcgagc insurance as a condition of making the laan secured by this Security
<br /> - � lnstrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage insurance in effect. Ii. for any reason, the "°- •
<br /> =:�.=.::�:
<br /> �: �•-
<br /> �' ''`'��` e insurance cove e r uirod b l.ender 1 ses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> ,� �$�3 �8 �9 Y aP
<br /> -� . - �;._�:? ob*3;,-��eovera�;¢vbstantially equivntent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substamially equivatent to the
<br />�� : ��«.`.�; cost to Borrcas�c�of the mortgage insurance previously in effat. from an altcmate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If : , �_
<br /> ' '` �r� substan6ally equivalent mo�tgage insuranee coverage is not avaitable.Barrower shafl pay to Lender each month a sum equal w �•.•.•
<br /> '"�`�� a�+:welfth of the yearly moRgage insurdnce premium being paid by Bonower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to �,' �,.;
<br /> be in.eifect.l.ender will aaept.usc and retain these payments as a loss resene in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve � �'�.�4t'r,
<br /> - ` . � Fam 3028 9/90
<br /> � ''v vage 3 or e , '`'
<br /> .'' . . , .• , , ,� � � ' �i..
<br /> . � . " � .� � I��
<br /> -_--�-_:;��,�.z:... .-,nt�'�Sj3��-'r ':t-. — �— ;ar;..•- -� _r.r••';.' '�- _ _ , --.+"-"-..-°---
<br /> _—,��;�y� � � a �{ � _ �.
<br /> .ir��w.•� 1'w+L't,1 � � .- � v,: :,L�:•{ ( , , . . . .
<br /> .- '^r�1�� .�x;o. . ,�.. ... < <'-�
<br /> � � 'y s�'4�� ��{� . }�v±C:���' � ��1.��H`.^�':^�i��
<br /> � ��w.l.�:� .,f.�..
<br /> ��,-�' ^i.ilIV.NM.h _,1' ..__.w?�a. . . ' . .. . � ' .. ' � � . . , i�4'wrw ... .
<br /> --- u,.a..�.._._._.�. __ '. ._.. � , ...:,aj1'�i►�N1t���tiu�+�*�•` � ' _ _ . _ .
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