:; � _..._._
<br /> , . �. ..---- _....., -- - — ---- - ----- . - - - - —-- - _ -
<br /> - -- --.i - - , -� �_ T 93" �.tO�iS: .. ���
<br /> , noide�uioo aaia al�io�of any p�ic of We Pt�cpe�tri pr fac oa�veya�oe in tieu d coadema:dou:�are 6peb7►wiP°��d ` ,
<br /> , a�be p�id b iRrder ` , .� � . � . <
<br /> < - L fk cr=nt af�tohl hkin�af'd�Pt�opettyr.tbe p�oceeds 1M11 6e appliod to the suan seciaed b�r�thia Sec�rity
<br /> . 3u�nait.wi�s ar»ot tha►du�with�ny exa�ss p�id to Banflwer. Lt tse event of Y�i�tiai�E��+�Y 1°.
<br /> �fii�d�fairc a�i�et vatae of tha Ptopetty irtune0�tely bCfae tha t��u eqwl w a pater t6�n ti�e�nouel of Q�e su�ee ,
<br /> . ,aecmed by tbis Secucicy ti�mm�ent i�nn�od�eIy 6efae the'Wdng.ankss Borrower aed t.ender athe�wise�ee in wYitL�g.
<br /> � tbe s�ms secund 6y this Sec�i►y IR�uumeat shall be cMuced by il�e aa�ouet of the pmcxeds muttiplied Ey the iolbwina
<br /> �cactioo: (s}!h�wql�t�ount 9f the sams sectaed imit�ediatety befo�e the t�lcing,d'i+rided by ll�)tbe fau m�kes value of tbe
<br /> ' Avpe�ty'�ty befas th�al�g. Any b�l�ncc siull be p�id to Bo�irowe� in the evsnt of s p�rwl niriea of,the
<br /> P�apaty m�die f�mabet vatue of the Pcuperty iarnedixety 6efore dte taking:is kss d�n the�oount o€the stuns
<br /> �esvtied'uamedi�ely 6efat d�tatia�,unleas Bomnwer and Leadrd atl�erwise agJ�ec,in wri6ag or ualess applic�ie law; .
<br /> ' . .od�ue pmvidp.tbe pmce�s1Wl 6e applie�to tIr sums secueed by ttiis Spnuity:insd'ument wt�l�er or not dre sums are<,��.
<br /> t6ea due.
<br /> ' If d�e Ptoperty is�tNCdooed tiY Bortower.or if,�er aoticr�by itnder m Btxr49vFr tBat the rnadem��vffers to enafce
<br /> an arv�d a seW�a ciai�u fa d�n�es.Bocm�ver faits ta nspond ta l.endei within 3(1 dsys afier tha due tbe natis�G is�ven,
<br /> Lnider it audioti�ed W colieCt and�pply the pmGads.'u itc optioo,titha to testaruiaa ar�ep�of the P[a�perty,oc W the
<br /> aums aeeu�ed by this Seenrity In.wwaa�t,whedxe a not tika d� .
<br /> Unless l.eader aod Bamower otl�wise agra in writin8,any aPPt'�cation of p�ocads to priocipal s6�U na txteod or
<br /> paatpone t6e due date of the maothlY PzY�tefemed w in paragraphc 1�d 2 or chmge tht�nto�mt of stict�PsY�ts.
<br /> IL �err+s�er N�t Reieaeed; Far6e�e d� t�ea�er Nat a �Vaiver. Eatension of the tane for payment ar
<br /> modifiption of a�nordrrtine of the sums secursd by this Sec�iry Inwutt�ent gr.utted by Let�der to any st�oessor in inte�ac
<br /> of Bo�mwa sdall nc�t op�errte to rekue d�e li�biGry of tbe ori8nal Borrvwer or Bonrower�successocs in interen.I.ender;
<br /> stt�t uet,�p�ta�Psocet�aos a�inst anY succe.cs�x in iptere_s�as ,� s+�e�tasd ism;,fct�,�u oF �
<br /> atherwise �of the sums saa�red by t6is Sec�uiry Instnrment by rcason of any demand made by tbe origiaal
<br /> Boirower ar Bomawa's suecessots in itueres� �Aay fa�uance by Lender in eae�cising any rigfit or rernedy sball nat be s .
<br /> waivaof apreclnde dre exe�ise of aay rigM a nemedy. . � • .
<br /> 1L S�ocawrs ai A�t��d's Joi�t a�d Severd 1h6W19:Ca�s. 7I�e caven�ts aud a�of this
<br /> Sa�rity Iaspnrmwt sh�lt bind atd benefit the succeswrs and assigns of I,ender and BoRUwer,subject to d�pmirisians of .
<br /> pdag�pti 17.Banower's covenants and ag�eertients shatl be joint and several.Any Barmwer who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> . Instnnment bui does not exec�t�the�Note:�(a)is co-signing Wis Sacuriry Iasuurrunt oniy to mat��.grant and cunvey t6�t
<br /> Bormwas int�t in the Ptvperty uncler the temLS of this Security Insaumen� (b)is rot peiscxt�a.�lobligated to pay the swns
<br /> sav�+ed by thts Security Ia�amen�and(c)aSrces that Lender and any other Bmroxermay a�x w excend.modify.forbear
<br /> , a h�ake aay accomrnoda6on�with zegard to the terms of this Security Instrumear-or the Note without that Bomnwer§
<br /> cronsen� � ,
<br /> 13 I.o�s C6�es. If the loan secured by this Securiry Insuument is subject to a law which sets masimum Ioan
<br /> charges,and thu 1aw is finally inurpceted so that the interest or other toa,n charges coltaxed or to be collected in connertion �`.�.
<br /> with tbe 1o�t eaceed the pertnittod limiu,then: (a)any such[oan cl�.a��st�all be�educed by the amount neassary to reduoe
<br /> �e chu�e ta the pertnitt�a.i l�i�and(b)anY sums alt�eady collertetfi�ii�$omuwer which excaded permiued limits arill be
<br /> �,efunded to Bom�wer. Lee�der may chaose to make this refund by c�ering the principal owed under tt�e Note ur by making a .
<br /> ,. �toct pajmret�t to Sonnwer. If a tefund`feduces prineip�i�:the trQuction witl be treated as a partial prtpayment wlthout ang
<br /> •. 'piepayment c�ts3rge under the Note. ' , _ - .-
<br /> - . l0. 11�i+tives. Any t�ome to Bami��c+.s provided for in Qiis Sa�i�ity Iastiutnent sdall be gF�.by delivering it or by
<br /> '�mailing it by fust class mail vnless upp�"tx8le law requires use of anotftec method.The notice sha[I be directed to the Property
<br />' Addi+ess or any aher adds-�s Boirow�er designates by notice to Lender: My notice to Lender sha116e given by first ciass
<br />' mail w Lender's addnss sra�i herein or any other addn�s Lender designates by notice to Borrowet Any natice pm��ided for
<br />: in this Security lnsuumer�¢.shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> ��overnfng Law;Serer�6lityt 71�is Security Instrument��be govemed by federai law and the taw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Rrope�y is located. In the event that any prov`rs:on or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> �nflicts with applicable 1a,�.:4uc1�conflict shall nM affect other provisions of thi.s Security Inswment or the Piate which can
<br /> tx given effect without tt�}bont9icting pravision. To this end the pmvisions of this Security Insuument ��fta�Note are
<br /> �eiared to be severaDle.
<br /> • � 16: $ostower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed au�y of the Note and of this aa��ity Inmutnen�
<br /> 17. Tes+M4der of the Property or A Benetkial/nterest b Bocan�ax.� If al l or any part of tlse.F�perty or any interest in � -
<br /> it is soid or bransferred(or if a beneficial i�terest in Barrower is�al�ot transferred and Bom��rES i��not a natural person)
<br /> without Lxnder's prior written consen�Lxnder may.at it�option.require immediat;v�ayment iri fttl of all sums secured by
<br /> this Security Insuument. i�owever.this option shall not be exercised by I.errder if�i�ise is prohibited by federal law as of -
<br /> � the date of tlsis Security Ic�ment. .
<br /> It t:t�dt�r�cercises ir.�a bptton.l.ender shall give Borrower noti��f aa:eler�:�e. 77�e cetIce shall provide a period of
<br /> not tess dztu,:�"1�3ays fro�i rtx date the r�otice is delivered ar mailed ai�f:�i which�.iroaer must�y all sums secured by this
<br /> �Sxarity��.�+ent �ff�sisower fnils to pay these snms prlor to the expirar"ar, f�"this perio�,l.ender may invoke any
<br /> `i1.�,*.�edirs pee:;iiited by tP.a�.�ecurity]nstrument withaut furtt�er notice or demand on&.rrower. .
<br /> !8r �Oxro�►er's Right to Relnstata if Borrower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the ri��i^.t to have .
<br /> ���x��s this Security lnsuument discnnfinued at any time prier to.the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such athe�period as
<br /> � Singk Famity•-`auie Mselilrs�Nk Msc U�IFOA'1�11�i5?JtUMErT•-L'niformCavc,�c•.,s fll� Ip�aRe4 njb pogrs/
<br /> , . .
<br /> ..__ :�. :1!-" -�=y%.�'- °- a�� 'a. z3 '� -i
<br /> _--°"..�q-`��i L f',-e'a '�v1'i.v:ev+=ni't.�'�..� _��_ . �-
<br /> .--__--._ ---p-.-,��.�.-- _ .
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