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<br /> • ���bic lnv�a�►�peaiE�r iar iei�t? �����P���b�Po*'R 44��le oo�hi■ed L�Mit•� '
<br /> ' 3pcirily i��e�ar N)�►�=1�'��t��9��� 7Lo�e�o�ditio�s se tlyt 8afa� (a�
<br /> : �ays�a+�aec a8��w�icM rea�rard 6p d��r d�s:Sera�ihr�eat.a�d li�e Nob as i�so n+oeieraBo�dd. �` , ; ,
<br /> aocNne�tb)c�es+nY det�nit af s�q►a�ba oov��et�ar+�peeo�t���c)p+ys ti11�xPemes i�c�re�nt'�farc�ai dps Sec�eit�r ,.
<br /> L�teree�t,iucid'ins,6�t eot t6niled.l0.isa�on�bie aMOeueys'�aed(�nices�ch actiol���m7►n�bi�► .
<br /> nq�ire�o mue�e mrt�tiea af d�is sec�it�r I�mmR.Lemal��6ts�n d�e Avpaty aaa s«ro�es�oi�tipBoa a pa�r�ea : . �� ..
<br /> �s smcme�b�► � Sep�it!► Iau�a6a1!'oa�iaue uad�a�ed. .Upoa reimnlemeat bg Borto�a. �is Se��riry .
<br /> . tataume��nd tie obii�ticds se�u�ed 6ereby s1dl1 n�io fidty e8'aaive as if ao aoceiaalian Md oocu�red. Iioaevec.d�t
<br /> • ' ri�6t tn:+aer+nle�limt apQiy m We me af aaoalc�tiau 1u�et p�pb l�. '
<br /> 1! S�le d 1Wie;Ci��ef iwr Satioer. Tbe Note ar a p�cdai�in 9ie Noce(tojel6er widt i�is Sec.�ority,
<br /> �u�neot)q�ay be sold auc ar mone times MiHrout pcia nottce�Haaon�er. A s�ie may resok in s�in i6t eatity�
<br /> (I000Mrn s d�e"l.o�n Sartrioa')d�t co�eca moot�tY pymaot=dueuoQ�r the Nole ao�d�Sac�sity La� 'I'he�e stso
<br /> may be a�e ar mae ch�naes of t6e Loan Seivic�er udsl�ed ta s s�le of dfe No�e. If Wa�e is s�pf tbe I.o�Savioa.
<br /> Eoao�er�1 be gh►w�ridea uoaoe af�he cLao�io aQCaa.noe�ruh p�sph la a6ove aoa.pptic�bic 1sM. 'ltbe aotia
<br /> rvID�ate thc mma aod addness d�e aew Loaw Setvioa�d die add�est w tvbic�piymmtt shoaid be m�de�T6e noticc w�l
<br /> alto�n aay otba iafana�atioe caPieed bY�plic��e I�nv-
<br /> �, gaa�i�,S�oes. Borru�ra sh�I!noc ca�se a pemrit d�e pesajoe,use.disp�l,st�a.a rekase of scryr
<br /> Iiaza�dou�S�b�a►or m the Ptopaty. Bo�mwer sdall not do.oar allow aoya�eise to do.�aydung�ffecmeg t6e
<br /> - Aopaty that is 1n vida6w of�y Em�imm�al I.aw. 'Ibe�soceding two seataooes shall not appiy to tbe peaeace.us�or
<br /> a6oraae an the Ptopaty of smait qu�otities of Nara�do�s Substaeoes thrt a�e geaeMy�acog�bd to 6e�pptn}ri�e ta nann�l
<br /> , �ai ases aucl to m�inta�mx af t6e Ptopacg. '
<br /> BQI�fI1fU�y$�YC�.COdCI Wllt�A�IICC Of 9�jt 1nYCSh$�[IOQ,C��ID.demaod,laws�ut a otl�er scaoa by�ny
<br /> `. auvq�neoal or�ala�ocy sgeircy ur Priv�ie�i3r invoIviag t3�x Prope��y�t�}►H�:sdousSS��anee or Bs�:•�annw�e�t.:: .
<br /> Law vF �►fiicb Baavwa h�s aclwi lmavatedEa ff Barowrr te�rns, or'is`nodfiM bY�Y E�►� ��S�Y
<br /> �r ti�c au�r�dnavai or a�er cemediaaai of�y H�tz�Nous Sabst�aioe�ffxtinS.d�e Prvpaty is aax�rY,Barowa
<br /> � sbaU'po�d�ly tai�c all�eoas�r nat�edial actians in�oo�d�ioC aritb Lma000maot�l isM►,.•`::.. _
<br /> '�3iSOd 101�U3�pQ�!�`�OIIS SU�[IOES��.1LOSC SlII15I�CC3 ��.��lJCIC Of IAiZi[rIOYi AIL5�0��
<br /> � Fmitditmeatal Law wd thc folLo+iF�ig sahstaooes: Sasoline.kero�eoe.olbac 8;�;�t�i�ic�P�P�m� .
<br /> pestiades�nd beci�ietdea. votat�'1e solve�.a�ateri��is coerrait�ing aabestos u['f�ald'eb3�;ud radio�c6ve.Tr�teri�ls., As
<br /> ased m i6is paragt,�Z9,"Euvimnma�ql Law"rtKans feder�l laws wd lavq���?t�ie luris�iction whae.tM Aopetty is loqted
<br /> ' tbrt:el,aieto�`�f'aYaeav�o�e�P�a�io�►- . -:�,�,::� .. - �__
<br /> gpN-UNIFORM COYENANIS. Bamwa aM Lender fuRtxr covepant aad agroe as follows: �
<br /> tt:°�ooekraliar,Reskdies IRader�dl�ive aotioe tu aarrower prbr to acKleraHos toilowU�Bortower'a
<br /> 6reaci ds��oordu�t ot s�eeese�t is tl�b Seairity I�strasiat(but�ot prlor to sccderxioe o�der�pL 17
<br /> uks�appliar6l!'Iaw.provides otber�rise). 7'6e notice srall specify: (a)Oie detaatN,(b)tlie actian reqaeed to aQC the
<br /> dd�rlt;(t)s dtte,ibt kss tM�3�dsTa ttom t�e date tbe notioe k�s to Borra�rer,69 wLicti fhe detaWt mYSt be
<br /> a�rei„,#,�rl(�)tid tailrrr to arre f�e defs�k oe or 6der+e tie d�te speai�ri i�ttie iodoe ma�reaWt is aader�af
<br /> tie�s.�6�dds Sec�rk�Ia�tron�lt asd salea€19fdt.pmperty. '17re sotice�t�rtrer iaforte Eo�ot
<br /> t�e r1�rt;tv reLstate after sooderation and tbe r1aNt t��.s�art x�rn to�.t�e no��stenoe d s de�igd�Qr.
<br /> a�y ot�er ddase:d BorroRer to saakntioa�tnd s�te. Y!�6e det�i��N eure��i�6eforc t6e date apcc�� .
<br /> , tts�aatioe,l�ead�a!Ita opt€��e�Y m�atre-fr�e�ediate pnyment in tuti��sums secared 6y N�is Se�rttgl�stre�:.: .::
<br /> . wttlio�t fortlkr��d and ms9 i�vdce.tl�e�uwer of sale aad 9eF�a"tr remedies permitt�#���ppP�ral►ie.tau$�',�_ .
<br /> � I.esdee s6all be.'�lilled to cdlect �11 txpeases incarred in pursning tlre remedies provtded in C�oes;�ar�t''Z�3;.: : ,
<br /> iadudi�,6ut not Ilmikd t0.reasonable attoreeys'fees and aasts of titk evWence. � , � � . � ,
<br /> If tbe pmver ot sale is involcM,lYusta sh�ll record a notice ot detaWt te each cauntJ in whicl�auig.pact m�'u�e
<br /> propesty is located and s6a11 mail oopies ol such notice in the maaner prescri'bed by applka6k taw to�5i�+r,�'�d tfl
<br /> tie d6er persoac prescn'bed 6y apptkabk T�vri.•Atte�the ti�ne rcqaired by applicabk la�v,'Iirustee s��iqk�ablic
<br /> , ' eotke of aak to t6e personv and Is t6e mann��+escribed by applicabk law 7Yusteti witdont des�d d�r Be�Yb�+oer,
<br /> �sell tUe Propertq at pablic auction to thp�i�est bidder at the time and plaoe and under t6e terea�deti���n�
<br /> tUe�u.�ire d ask in oee or morc p�reds and ie s�ny c►Mer 7Yusta dNermines.'i�ustee may posipane sale a!�a�mry :
<br /> paroe��i�pf�e Property by publk�ouncemeat at the tim��,nd place ot any previousiy scbedakd sak. 1.�.�i'�ifs
<br /> desipee�y Pur�e the Prop�4y at any sak. . .
<br /> Upoo rectt�t qp.pvyment ot the prke biQ,7lrustee shatl deliver to tl�e purchaser'Ilrastee's d�yl conveyiag the
<br /> Propert9 The r�edl�Gs in tbe 71rw.�tee's deed shall be prlma facie ev��f the truth of the stataor�nts nade t6e�etm.� •
<br /> 71rYStee sbaU apply the proceeds of the sak in the following order: (ai tr,a17 costs and expeases of ex?�acising t6e,pa�ser. �
<br /> . �
<br /> , ��., _
<br /> . i ' , � ' .
<br /> ' Pon3�2s !V!� �1�ErReSnjbyagts) � -
<br />