_ .. . : :,__ _ _ .._ _ - - -_
<br /> _ � _ . _, _
<br /> _.:;.. .._ --y
<br /> �,,,_ . .
<br /> — - - _— ---.` .- � g�= iio4i5 �
<br /> . . . �.� . . . . � �: . - :
<br /> ����. ���,���,�������� - � .
<br /> .� appovai.r�Cfi sb.0 mc br ooroa�omety M►i�ecia. ff aono�er fa`�S t�m�tain ooa►er�e aarn'boa above,t.�r mar.at .
<br /> Lader�s pption,obnin _ w polecE t.eader!ri�ts in,die Pki geto ty a►�ooae�+nae�rith pagap6 7. .
<br /> . All insur�noe poUc�es�teaeM►als ahaA be aooepnble m imder am�ba11�ciode a snod�d maf�ge clause. �eodet '
<br /> st�ll have dfe�ight to hotd�e policies md tceewala If I.eockr r�equimes.Barower als�t prampttg gire w I.erider alt eecFipts : < .
<br /> - af p�id p�emiaa�s aod iene�vai notic�es. In�e eveat of doss.Bts:oMrar st�l give prompt aotioe td tht ms�tr�ni�t arrier and
<br /> . . La�der, Ltede'may�pcoof of losi if aot m�de P'�P�y�Y�� : � �
<br /> • Udess Leader amd 9amwer ot6eiwise ap�ve ia wruin�mwumoe p�aceeds shai�be appl3ed w�a re�it of:
<br /> d�e Pkaperty�.i�t6e r�ian�br tepair is ecaoomically�te�'6ie a�W I.esrder�secmity is not.kssaxd: If tbe
<br /> . restontian ar�epair is nat ecanomially fe�'bie a I�der�sec�uity woald be t�sajcd,.the insicrsooe praoeeds shall be
<br /> apptied tn the sutns so�viced by this Sa:ariry Iasui�v+haLa or not�Tun doe.with any exce�priA to Boaower. If
<br /> Barower al�dwu the Ptopaty;ar does not�nswa witbin 30 days a mtice fmm L�der tfjat tde iatu�aoce carrier hzs
<br /> o�ercd to satle a c19un.tLai I.eoder may cdbct th�in�nooe p�viceeds. l,a�der may use the prooeed4 m zepair or n,ao�e
<br /> the Ptoperty or w pay sums sxv�d hY this Secu�itY In�u�me.whethx ar mt thm due..7be 30�day penad wi�!begin what
<br /> the notioe is�vea •
<br /> Unkss I�endar aod Barowa othaiwke agnee�wririns,aay applic�doo of p�viceais ta paKipal sball mc es�ead ar
<br /> postpane d�e dne due of the a,00d,ty paymeaa�efened w ia p�rapaphc 1 aed 2 or c6�nge d,e�mo�mt of thc p4ymau� If
<br /> unaer puag�ph 21 me Ptopeecy is acquhoa by Lender,Bonower's rigfit co�yansu�oce policies aoa pcocoea:�rsutmig..
<br /> fraa damage w the Piopeicy p�iex to tl�e acqaisu�on slall pacc to l.eader to the e�ctent of the s�ms securod by this Savrity
<br /> Instnunent immedi�uly priar w d�e acqaisiuoa
<br /> 6. .Oec�pa■c� P�+dervalios, Msi�tes�woe s�d Pruteetb� d tbe Prapat�; Borrowes's i.an App6t�tio�,
<br /> �ds. Borrovr�shal!_��►,esmblis6.aod ase the Ptoperty as Basowrer�s praw,tipat.residdke vyithu!siuY d�ys�Gr. '
<br /> �,'t�te e�aliipn of this Secvriry IasCnu�►t md shali coqtnroe tu oocapy d�e Pt�olieity as Soaoave�'s principat hsidaK:e fae at
<br /> �` ieast.ai�:yar af�er d�e� date a��acrup�tscy,_us�less Lender atLeiv�ise agzees ia writi� �tuch catseat sb�U mt be
<br /> � u�ceasaoabiy withi�dd.ccseL�s�ua6ng cu�umstaaces exist wbich a�e�Hauci�er'�cautroL Borrowcr s�il not
<br /> . destraY.d�n�ge or impa�F t��aty,allow tbe Pmperty to de�eriaat�a�t was�eea tbe Ptopaty. Barower sball
<br /> ' • be in default if aay���i�a;�pro�eedireg,ahether cive�a criminal.is begt�th�t'i�Lender�s good faith j�WSma�t
<br /> coaid ravlt in forfeitrue of the:�erty or dt�erwise m�ttrially iinpair the liea�d:�;ti�is Sepuity 6uumaent-ar
<br /> Lender§securiry interes� Botrowtct�ray qm sucb a default and reinstate.as pmvided ie�.�t 18,by causing ihe aMioa
<br /> ar prnceeding to be dismissed with ai�tling d�at,in Lenders good faitb determinauon,�Cvdeintte of the Bamwer's
<br /> imeeest in the Propaty or other material impairment of t�e lien cnated by tlris`Security lnsuup�ent or�.ende�'s security.
<br /> in� Boimvver slnU also 6e.in defwlt if Barower,during the loaa appIicatian process. gave ma�trially falu or
<br /> inaccurate infamation or statements ta Lender(c��ed w provide L.ender c�rit6 anyr material infonna6unf na.4vrmection with
<br /> the foan evidenced by the Note, inctuding,t��t Gmited ta.npmsentadoas conceming Bormwer§axvpancy of the
<br /> P�operty as a principal�trsiderne. lf tttis� ��nment is o�:3 3�asehold,Boimwer shall camply with all tlte provisions
<br /> of the kase. If$arsower acqi�ires feeriSiero�i�us�etty,tUe t�d and the fa titte shail not merge unl,ess Leoder agroes
<br /> to the mecger in wriring: ' , ..:::`, `.,. . ` ,• , .
<br /> 7. Protoctioa af.k.eadar's Ri�,es��'iic�Property. If Borrowe��.s riv perform.the covea�t.s�.a3 agroements
<br /> cantained io this Secut�:(nsdurneo�.:+�.t8ete is a tegal Pco�din8 tt�at my�.yi�nifica�►ttg�ffect I.t►a�ers•i�gEu�s•in the
<br /> Prape�ty(sac�as a proceed'mg in�y,probate,for conde�a��►c�r��.�ar to e�iaws orie�::arions).d�a►
<br /> L.endtc ma:k i!o aad p�y,for wltatevec is�ece�sary to protect thc vatue of Cfs��ty at�t.�et's righcs dat the Propetty.�.�. ---
<br /> Lender's arxnons may�Iude PaYinS any sums secured by a lien wiuch has�iair��qver this Security Iasm�ri;�t,appearing�
<br /> in couit,paying�an�&te auomeys'fees and entering on the Property to m��paus.Aithougfi lxnder tir'�.�take action
<br /> under this paragrapb 7.Leader does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amau�ts�sbursed by Lender�mder this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Brnmwe'r s�curod by ihis
<br /> Security Inswment Unless Borinwer and Ixnder agree to other terms of paymen�these amounu sha!!bear intezest fm�n the
<br /> date of disbu'rsemtnt at the Note ratc ar�d sha11 be payable,with intercs�upon norive from Londer to Borrower►�equesting
<br /> paymen�
<br /> 8. Mort�,sge Ia�rraooe. If Lender tequited mortgage insurance as a condition of makis�g the loan secuied by this
<br /> Security Inswment,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain tfbe•�nortgage insurance in ei��. If,for any
<br /> i�eason. the mortgage i�suqance covcrage required by l.ender lapses or ceas�s za be in effect. Bom�v.��aU pay the
<br /> premiurrs required to obtain covera�.e substantially equivalent to the moKg��:'insurance r.r.e�cavsly ici e��t,at a cost
<br /> . substaruislJ�u equivale,r,t to the cost r.m 8orrower of the mo�tgage insurance pr2-;a�:sly in effax t"i�aisi aa a'�.'imate mort,�agc
<br /> insunti�ti�ed b��(�n3#e'r. If sui�.�tially equivalent mortgage insurance cc��.r�:;t�e is noc ar ai1;�sDe.�r�u.�er shall pa,+.;�,
<br /> �.ender eac:f r,ioctis�,��equat to one-twelfth of t�e�rearly moctgage iasnr�c±+c���:emium beir,g�aid�,��55�er when dsc
<br /> insurance covcm�ge���or ceaFed to be in effax. f:,�:�'3er will accept.use ar.u�r�tain these payments as��iss c�serve in lieu
<br /> of mortgage insut�..,.�;oss reserve paymenu�r��rs�longer be require�l.at the option of l.ender.if rt�.c"�age inswance
<br /> coversge.(��,tde anicu,,�and for the period that Le�xr requires)��rvided by an insurer approved by Lender again berwr.�r •
<br /> availabl�i3a�.as�.Borrower shall p�y the premiu�ns requir��o maintain mo�tgage insurance in�ffect.,or to provi�ct
<br /> lass rese.v�.:mcuil dr�r�inment for mortgage insc:ca�.�ce ends�im ss cordance witD any written ag�emede ti�keen Hamwer .
<br /> . and Lender oc apgf.ir�le G3w. ' ' '
<br /> 9 •tes�iectio�� l:r�der or iu agent may make it�asanabie e:�tries upc�':tn�inspections of the Pre��►r.�, l.ender shall
<br /> give Bomawer notice at tfie time of or prior to an inspection apecify'�reas�sv3��i�t cause for the inspection. •
<br /> 10.•Condeme�tbu. 7he proceeds of any award or claim fc+r�nagas.dimct or consequential.in eora�ection with any
<br /> Sin�le F�mity--FaMk MsHitef�ie 1�x Uh1F+b1tM IAiS77t1iMENi—llnitartn Coven�nts !f!� (pagt 3 oJ6 pagea)
<br /> . orsutssnw�rnm.�re■ :
<br /> . TeQrsC�I�T�/A116tb7l41131
<br /> _--���.�
<br /> ----_-,_."-;,��"'�.4� -=F-`: — _.R��..=.;�. --. .. _ .y,_. �,.."��. .;--v. . . .
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