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'�' IGHT TU COMMENCE OR D�FEND LEGAL AGTIONS. Gr.aritor sliall i+nmediaiely provide Lender witli wrrtten notice of any actual or <br /> 11. LENbER� R , <br /> threatened adion,suit,or other proceeding atfectinc��he F�repe!ty Granior hereby appoitits L��ridPr as i1s attorriey iri-fact to coRiir�nce,iiiteNerie in,arid <br /> defend sucli actions,suits,or other legal proceedings arid to compromise or se-ttle any c.laim or corriroversy pertaining ihereto. Lender shall no1 be liable to <br /> Grantor for any action,error,i7ustake,oinission or delay perlaining to ihe actions described in ihis paragraph or any damages resultirig therefrom. Nothing <br /> conlained herein will prevent Lender from taking ihe adions described in If�is paragraph in its own name. <br /> 12. INDEMNIFICATION. Lender shaU nol assun�:or be responsible for the perfonrw�nce of�ny of Grantor's obligations with respect 10 the Property under <br /> any circurnstances. Grantor shall irnn�diately provide�ender with written notice o(and indenmity and hold Lender and its shareholders,directors,officers, <br /> employees and agenls harml�ss from all claims, darrk�ges, IiaUilities (including attnrneys' fees and legal expenses), causes of aclion, actions, suits and <br /> otl�er iecaa+p��oceedings(ri�inulalively"Clai�ns")pertaininy to 1he Property(including,but not Iimiied to,those involving Hazardous Materials). Grantor,upon <br /> 112e reqiie�+ol!.endel, shall hire leyal co!insel to de(end Lender from such Clainu,and pay the attorneys'fees,legal expenses and other costs incurred in <br /> cor�nec!io�� 1t�errwitt!. I�i iVie ziternai+ve, Ler!der shall be errtilled 10 employ its own legal counsel to defend such Claims at Grantor's cost. Grantor's <br /> �bl;qa�ior!���inciemn'�Y l.r.ix9er!!r+der t��is pae�3grapli shall survive tlie termination,release or foreclosure of ihis Deed of Trust. <br /> t3. TAXFS ANL?ASSI�SSMENTS. (=�ra»to! shall pay ali taxes and assessmenis relating to Property when due and imrnediately provide Lender evidence <br /> of paV�T?eni o� ^aine l'�on ilie req��est of lender, Granlor shall deposit witli Lender each month one-twelfth (1/12) of the estimated annual insurance <br /> premi+nn, !axes arid assessments pertaining to the Property. So long as ihere is no default, these amounts shall be applied to the paymenl of taxes, <br /> assessmenls and insiirarice as req�aired on Ihe Pmperly. In ihe event of detaidt,Lender shall have the right,at its sole option,to apply the funds so held lo <br /> pay any laxes or aqainsl Ihe Obligalions. Any funds applied may,at�ender's option,be applied in reverse order of ihe due date thereof. , <br /> 1q, INSPECTI4N OF PROPERTY, BOOKS, RECORDS AND REPORTS. Grantor shall allow Lender or its agenls to examine and inspect the Property <br /> ;,r„i E�x;,n,�i,� i�,>pect anc�make copies oi Grantor's books and records periairiing to ihe Property from time to time. Grantor shall provide any assistance <br /> requi!ed hw i ender tnr itic :e p!!rpuses. �il of the siqnatures�nd in!onrk�tioi�contained in Grantor's books and records shall be genuine,true,accuraie and <br /> c;on�plet��ri all res�c.ct... (:rariiur shall no�e ihr. existence of Lender's bene�icial interest in its books and records pertaining to the Property. Addilionally, <br /> �` -,r�ic�r�.t��,�i r��nnrt, +��z!�,riTi sra�istactory to Le!ider,si.act+irrfomkaiior+as Lender niay requesl regarding Grantor's financial condiiion or the Property. The <br /> in(��rm'aGC)i��i��+P bE tnr .uct�F.r�ri��is fi:�il rAller.t�;r:�i!tor's records al such liine,and sLall be rendered with such trequency as Lender may designate. All <br /> inir,rrr�atir�i!6 irnisYie.d t.y C;r;antor to�ender shall be h�iie,accurate and c,ort�pletn in ali respects,and si,yned by Grantor if Lender reyuests. <br /> 15. E57ARPEL GERTl�ICAI'ES. Wilhin ten(10)days afles any requesl by Lender.Granior shall deliver to Lender,or any intended transferee of Lender's <br /> ri,yPits witli respect to Uie Obligations, a siqned and acknowledged staterTient specifying(a) the oulstanding balance on 1he Obligations; and(b) whether <br /> Grantor pc�ssesses any claims,defenses,set ofis or counterclaims wilh r�spect to ihe Obhgations and,if so,the nature of such claims,defenses,set-offs or <br /> countercl�irns Graidor will be c:unchisively bound by arry representalion ihat Lender may iYiake to the intended transferee with respect to these niatters in , <br /> the event Ih:,t Grantor fails lu provide the requested statement in a tiiriely rnanner. <br /> 16. DE:FAUi_T. Gr1�it��r shall be in detault i.inde�this Deed oi Trust and the Trustee's power shall become operative in the event that Grantor.Borrower or <br /> ar�v g��:�ra!�tor of 1he OLI�galioiis: <br /> (a) fails�o pay��r+y Obliy;3tion to!_ender�vheri due; <br /> (h) fr�i!:� t�] �f'1lprfl!a!iy�)b!iqat�on or b'•eacties ar�y�^r�irranty r�r covenam to lender coritained in this Deed oi Trust or any other preseni or future <br /> agl'ee�rx�n1: <br /> (c) desiroys,loses or dairu�qes tlie Propeny in any nkaterial respect or,ubjects the Property to seizure,contiscation,or condernnation; <br /> (d) seeks to revoke,terminate or otF�erwise limit its liabilily under any yuaranly to Lsnder; <br /> (e) dies, becornes legally inco�r�etent, is dissolved or terrninated, becoiT�es insolvent, makes an assignrnent for 1he benefit of creditors, fails to pay <br /> debls as they becorne due,(iles a pelition under ihe federal bankriiplcy laws,has an involuntary petition in bankruptcy filed in which Grantor, Borrower <br /> or an,y guarantor is named,or has property taken under any writ or process oi court; <br /> (f) allows goods to be used,Iransported or stored on Ihe Properly,Ilie possessio��,transportation,or use o(which,is illegal; <br /> (q) allows any pany other than Grantor or Borrower to assun�e or uncierlake any Ubligation wiihout the writien consent of Lender,or <br /> (h) causes Lender to deem itself insecure due to a significant dedine in Ihe value oi the Property;or if Lender,in good faith,tor any reason,believes <br /> th�l tii�prospecl of paynu�ni or��er(orn�:3nce is impa+r-r_d <br /> 17, HIGHTS(aF�.ENf��R fJN DEFAUILT. If tF�ere is a default iander tlii;Deed of Tn�,t. Lender shall be entitled to exercise one or rnore of the following <br /> retipdie:;�r,�ih,��ii riot�ce„r den�and jer,cep�as reqi�ired hy law�: <br /> (Z) 1n ieci 3re Ihe(�bliq�linns i!tirr�dialely due and payable in fu�l; <br /> (b) !o�nilcrt tiiF o��tstandinra Obliqations wilh or without resoniny to judicial process; <br /> (cl to requ�re Urar�lor to deliver and +Tk�ke av�.�ilable to Lender any p�rsonal propehy or Chattels constiiuting the Property at a place reasonably <br /> convenient to Graritor and Lender: <br /> (d) lo enter upon and take possession of IhE: Properry without applying for or obtaining the appointmeM of a receiver and, at Lender's option, to <br /> appoi�it a receiver wiihout bond, without first brinqinp siait on the Obligations �nd witliout otherwise meeting any statutory conditions regarding <br /> rec,eivers,it beinq irit�nded Ihai Lender shall Iiave lhis coniractual ric�ht 1u appoint a receiver; <br /> (e) to���ni:4oy a n,anayn�t�age!�i ot the Properiy and let the sarrie,either in Trustee's own name,in the name o►Lender or in ihe name of Grantor,and <br /> rec�ive�tt!e ra�it;,inroir�s,issues and��rofits of ih�Properry and apply ihe san�:,after payn�nt of all necessary charges and expenses,on account of <br /> Il+e OI:!iia;�tiuns, s <br /> iO �, r�v;�!�y s+u•�;in ai�y(orrn or ma��r�f�r deen��d extx�dient by I_er!der!n prott.ct the security of this Deed of Trust or to cure any default other than <br /> payn�nt oi iniere�l nr prin�ipai r:q�flie Ohlic�atinns, <br /> (y) �o loredo,e ita�5 C�Fed�.�f Tr i,+iudici�!ly er nonji�dici-�lly and lo direct the sale ot lhe property ihrough exercise of the power of sale as referenced in <br /> paranr;�nh 20 hF.r�nf in cicccorclance witli applicabie law; <br /> {h) Ic, set-off Gr:�nror's Qbligalions ag�inst any arnounls owed Grantor by Lender induding, but no1 limited to, monies. instruments, and deposit <br /> accounis nkaintained wilh Lender or any ciirrenlly existing or futi.ire affiliate af Lender:and <br /> (i)to exercise all other riqhts available to Lender under any other written agreement or applicable law. , <br /> Lende�'s riyhts are ciimulative and irv3y be exercised topether, separalely, and in any order. In the event ihat Lender institutes an action seeking the <br /> recovery ot any o1 ihe Property by way of a prejudgn�:nt ren�dy in an action against Grantor, Grantor waives the posting of any bond which migM <br /> olherwise be re:q�nred. !._ender or Lender's designee may purchase the Property at any sale. Proceeds of any Trustee's sale hereunder shall be applied <br /> firs?, io the r..osls and exuenses uf exerr.ising tlie power of sale and of Ihe sale, indudin,q the payrnent of the Trustee's fees actually incurrpd and not to <br /> exr,eed tl�e anr�nnt wi�icti rnay he provided for in this Qeed oi Trusl,secund,to paynx:nt of the Obligafions secured hereby, third,to the payment of junior <br /> ?rus?dFeds,�Tx?rlq:iy�s,or uthr>r lienholders,and tlie any,to the�rson or persons legally entitled ihereto. The property or any part thereo(may <br /> he sr,id in nr��F;»rr,�l,cx ir�sucii parrels,rnaeiner or order as l_ender in its sole discrelion inay elect,and orie or rrwre exercises of the power herein granted , <br /> shali not ex�iru�u+sY�or exl�ai�sl ilie��wer un!ess tiie eniire��roperty is sold o��I�e obligations are paid in full. <br /> 18. TRUSTEE'S EX�RCISE OF POWER OF SALE ON QEFAULT: I(Lender elerts to sell Grantor's interest in the Properly by exercise of the power of <br /> sale herein cordained,Lender shall notify Trustee in Ihe manner then required by law. <br /> Upon receipi of such notice of Lender and at the direcTion oi Lender,Trustee shall cause to be recorded.published and delivered such notices oi default <br /> and nolices of sale as rr�ay ihen be required by law and by ihis Deed of Tnast. Truslee shall,only at ihe direction ot Lender and without demand on Grantor, <br /> afler such time as may ihen be required by law and after recordation of such notir,e of default and after notice of sale having been given as required by law, <br /> sell the Pruperty at tlie tiine and plar,e of sale fixed by it in such notice ot sale,eith�r as whole or in separate lots or parcels or items as Lender shall deem , <br /> expedient,and in such order as it n�y deternrne,at pubfic anc,tion?o ihe highest bidder lor casY�in lawful money of the United States payable at Ihe tirne of <br /> s.�l�, or as otherwise ir�y then be required by law. Trustee sliall deliver to siir,h purchaser or piircliasers thereof its good and suificient deed or deeds <br /> conveying th� proper�y sc� soid, but witheut any covenant or warranty, express or irnplied. The recitals in si.ich deed of any malters or facts shall be <br /> coru iiisive�,root of ihe tnitiaf�Aness?h<.areof Any person,including,v�itYiout limilation,Granior,Trustee or Lender,may purchase at such sale. Trustee may <br /> i�i�{i�-rtian��er provided b��I7w F;nstF�one sale o!ali ur any nortion of tlie Property. <br /> 19, ftE(�7UEfST FOR NOTICES: G,ranlor reqiiests tliat a copy of any notice of detault and a copy of any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to each person <br /> w�io is a parly lieretu at the�ddres;of siici�person set forih herein at Ihe sarne tirne and in ihe same manner required as ihough a separate request ihereof <br /> had been filed by eac{a such�rson. <br />� �.._..�.�� �_ <br />