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� � sg i � ss � s <br /> (c) All applicable laws and reg�dations, including, wilhoul limitation, the Atnericans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq. (and all <br /> regulatians prornulyated ihereiirider)and all zoninp and building laws and reg�.ilations relating to the Property by virtue of any federal,state or municipal <br /> authority with jurisdiction over ihe Properly, presently are and shall be observed and complied with in all rnaterial respecis, and all ri,qhis, licenses. <br /> permits. a�d certificates of occupancy(including 6ut no1 limited to zoning variances, special exceptions for nonconforming uses, and final inspection <br /> approvals), whelher temporary or pernk�r�ent, whicfi are maierial to ihe iise and occupancy of tFie Property, presently are and shall be obtained, <br /> preserved and,where necessary,renewed; <br /> (d) Grantor has the rig!�1 and is duly aiilhorized to execute and perfonn its Obliqations under ihis Deed of Trus1 and ihese actioris do not and shall not <br /> conflict with tl+e provisions of any statute,regulation,ordinance,rule of law,c�antrart nr olher agreemeni which iY�ay be binding on Grantor at arry time; <br /> (e) No action or preceediny is or shall be p:;nding ar tl aeatened which r7nyF�t materially aifect the Property;and <br /> (f) Grantor f ias nv�vio!�-it�r1 and sl�aA not viola±e any��t�b!te,requlalion,�rdi�iance.rule oi IaUi,conlracl or other agreement(inch�diny,but noi limited to, <br /> lhose,yo�ierning Nazard���y Ivtateriai,)l,vhicfi mi,yi+i!T?aieriaily affer.i?!ie Pro��e�iy or�er!der's righ?s or inlerest in ihe Property pursiiani to!his Deed oi <br /> Trust. <br /> 3. PRIOR DEEDS OF TRUST. Granior represeMs and warrants that ihcre are no prior deeds of tnist affecting any part of the Property except as set forih <br /> on Sched�ile 8 attached to ihis Deed of Trust,v�hich Grantor agrees to pay and perforrn in a timely manner. If there are any prior deeds of lrusl ihen <br /> Urantor agrees to pay a!I arTaunls uwed,and perfonn all obligations required,under such deeds of trust and the indebtedness secured thereby and further <br /> agrees that sj defaull under any prior deed ot trust shall be a default under thiis Deed of Trust and shall entitle Lender lo all rights and remedies contained <br /> herein or iii if!e Obligations to which I_ender woiild be entitled in the event ot any other default. <br /> 4. TRANSFERS OF THF PROPERTY (JR BENEFICIAL INTERESTS IN GRANTORS OR BORROWERS. In the event of a sale, conveyance, lease, <br /> rontracl !o�deed or lransier lo any person of all or any part of lhe reai property described in Schedule A,or any interest iherein,or of all or any beneficial <br /> i!iteresl in!3orroUier rr C,rar�tor (if Horrower or(arantor is not a nati�ral person or persons but is a corporation,limited liability company,partnership,trust,or <br /> Cll{!Pr�E C72I 8r'11fV�.�P��t�B� Illay,�!ita optior+d�cl�re ihe o�_itstanding rrincipal balance of the Obligaiions plus accrued irnerest thereon immediately due and <br /> p;,yas�ie l�t L F�idr�r's Yc yii+�s!,C�r=���1or or E?orrc�we�,a�II��r,ase inay be,sliall furnish a cornpleie statement selting forth all of its stockholders,members,or <br /> parV�Frr�.as.���i;r�pri ite,•�iic,?I�ie exteiit cii�tie�i �espadivc,ovdriersl�ip ir!lere�sts. <br /> 5. ASSIG�lMEMT OF FiFNTS. In r.onside�ation of tfie Obligatior�s, wliich are seaired by ihis Deed of Trust, Granior absolutely assigns to Lender all <br /> (;r,intor's f�si.�tn, r+ght, title. interest, claim and denk�nd now owned or fiereailer acyuired in all existing and future leases of ihe Property (including <br /> extens�ons,renewals and subl�ases).all agreeir�enis for use and oc,ciipancy ol ihe Property(all such leases and agreemenis whether written or oral,are <br /> hereatter referred lo as ihe "Leases"), and all guaranties of lessees' perforrnance under the �eases, together with the immediate and conlinuing right to <br /> coliect and receive all of the renis,income,receipT�,reve+ii ies,issues,profits and other income of any nature now or hereafter due(including any income of <br /> ,,r.y nat�ue oo�!iir�g diie during any redemption period) under the L.eases or irom or arising out of ihe Property including minimum rents,additional rents, <br /> perr,entage renis, parking or comn�n area mainleriance roritributioris, tax and insurance contributions, deficiency renis, liquidated damages following <br /> de(aiiN in ar�y le:�se. all proceecls payabie iinder any policy of in,urance c,rovering loss of rents resiilting from untenantability caused by destruction or <br /> daniage �o tlie P�operiy, all pror.eeds payable as a resull caf a lessee's exercise of an oplion to purchase ihe Property, all proceeds derived from the <br /> tc-nninatirm or re�e;lion nf any LP�se in a hankrupicy or other insolvency proce�ding,and all proceeds from any rigMs and claims of any kind which Grantor <br /> may I,av�a,�.ii!�s1:�ny�F:s,�e i�nrler tlie L�ases or ar�y occupanls of the Property(all of the above are hereafter collectively referred to as ihe"Renls"). This <br /> as;ieartti�enl is s�ibjf>ct lo tlie r+c�t�t,power ar�d anihority given to tl�e�ender to roilect and apply ihe Rents. This assignmern is recorded in accordance with <br /> applicable statc>Ir+w iLe lien creaied by tl?i;assiqnn�ent is inierided to 6e specitic, perfected, and choale upon ihe recording o(Uiis Deed ot Trusi,all as <br /> Frrovided by applicable state law as amen�ed frorn�irtie fo time. As long as there is rro default under the Obligations or ihis Ueed of TYust, Lender granis <br /> Grantar a re���orable lic,ense+o cellect all Renis frorn the Leases when diie and to use such proceeds in Grantor's business operalions. However, Lender <br /> rrk�y at any time require Urantor to deposit all Rents into an acco�int maintained by Grantor or Lender at Lender's institution. Upon default in the payrnerd <br /> o(,or in ihe perfomk�nce of,any of iiie Obligations.Lender may at its option take possession of the Property and have,hold,manage,lease and operate the <br /> Property on terrns and for a period of time ihal Lender deems proper. Lender may proceed to collect and receive all Rents from the property,and Lender <br /> rt�all t�ave(ull�ower 10 make alteralions,renavations,repairs or replacerrxants to Ihe Properly as Lender may deem proper. Lender may apply all Rents in <br /> Lender's sole discretion to paymetit o( Ilie dbligations or lo ihe paymen� ot the cost of such alterations, renovations, repairs and replacements and any <br /> expenses incident to taking and retainir+g possession et tPie Properly periodicaAy and ihe nk�naqement and operation of the Property. Lender rnay keep the <br /> property proper!y insured and may discharge any taxes, charqes,dairns,assessnx;nls and olher liens which rnay accrue. The expense and cost of These <br /> actions nk3y be paid froiT�th� Renis received, and any unpaid amoures shali be acJded to the principal ot the Obligations. Tliese amounts, �ogether with <br /> other costs,shall becmm�p:�rt of ihe Obligaticns seci.ired by�his Deed of Trust <br /> 6. USE AND MAINTENANCE O� PROPENTY. Graritor shall i�l<a all aciio��s a�id iru�ke any repairs needed to rlk�intain the Property in good condition. <br /> Grantor sliall not commii or permit any waste to be corrrrnitlr-.d witl� respeci to the Froperry. Grantor shall use ihe Properiy solely in compliance with <br /> applicable law and insurance policies. Grantor shall r�at make any alteratior�s, additions or irr�roverr�enis to ihe Property without Lender's priur written <br /> consent. 1Nithoiat limiting tlie toregoing,all alleratians,additions and irriprov�menis made to the Property shiall be subject to ihe L�eneficial interest belonging <br /> to Lender,shall riot be reirwved wiihout Lender's prior written consent,and shall be rnade at Crantor's sole expense. <br /> 7. LOSS OR DAMAGE. Granlor shall bear ihe entire risk of any loss,lheft,desiruction or dariiage(cumulalively"Loss or Damage")to ihe Properly or any <br /> partion lhereo(from any cause whatsoever In ihe evern of any Loss or Damage,Grantor shall,at the option of Lender, repair the aftected Property to its <br /> previous conditinn or pay or rau;e to be paid to Lender the decrease in the fair rnarket value of the affected Property. <br /> E3. IMSUHAWCF. llie I'ioperty��fill k�e kept insnred for its tull insurable value(replacement cosl)against all hazards including loss or damage caused by <br /> f!ood, e:�rU?C�f18ICE?, (C�Cllsado .±iid 1irc+, itieit or allier casiaalty Io ihe exient required by Lender. Grantor may obtain insurance on the Property from such <br /> compai�ie.=,as are acceK�labie te Lender in�is sole discretion. The insurarice pol�cies shall require the insurance company to provide Lender with at least <br /> 34 d-���s='writter� notice he(ore sucli policies are altered or cancelled in any manner. The insurance policies shall name Lender as a loss <br /> pa}+ee arid nio'.��;ie tf��.�t r�o act ar czn?issian of Carantor or any i�iher txzrson shcall caifect tlie rigM of Lender ta be paid the insurance proceeds pertaining to the <br /> �;� cr da�ns�qe of�I�e Proper�y In tF!e event cararitor!ails to acqiiire or rnainta�n insurance,l.ender(after providing notice as may be required by law)may <br /> in rt�. discrr.ticn procure approprial� ir�surance coverage upon the Pmperty and tl�e insurance cosi shall be an advance payable and bearing interest as <br /> d�;cribed �r i!!r.� "RFIMBUF�SEAAENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED 13Y LFNDFR" paragraph and seciired hereby. Grantor shall fumish Lender with <br /> evidence c�f insuraricE� indicating tt�e required c.roverage. Lender nk�y act as attorney in-fact for Grantor in making and settling claims under insurance <br /> policies,rancelling any�licy or endorsing Granlar's nan�:on any draft or negoliable insirument drawn by any insurer. All such insurance policies shall be <br /> imrr�diately assiyned,pledged and delivered to Lender as turlher securily lor the Obligations. In the evenl of loss,Grantor shall immedialely give Lender <br /> writlen nol�ce aiid Lender is authorized to irk�ke proo( oi loss. Each insurance company is directed to make payrnents directly to Lender inslead of 10 <br /> lender and Granior. l_�nder shall have Ihe riqht, at its sole opiion. to apply such rrionies loward the Obligations or toward the cost of rebuilding and <br /> resiori�+g tF�e F'ropF.rty A+�y ai7ieinits nk�y at!_ender's optioii be applied in the inverse order of the due dates thereof. <br /> 9. ZC�N�NG AND PRIV�Z'E COVFNANTS. Grantor sliall not initiate or consent to any change in the zoninc�provisions or private covenants affecting the <br /> use of 1P�e Properly withoi�l te+ider's pfior wriUc:n consent. If Grantor's �.ise of the Property becurnes a noncon(orming use under any zoning provision, <br /> C�raiitor sl���I!not cause at�perr��it such use to be discoriliraaed or abandoned without the prior wriiten consent of Lender. Grantor will immediately provide <br /> Lender u�itl!written notic;.r�of ar�y propos:ed cl��nGes[o ihe zoninq provisions or private covenants atfecting the Property. <br /> 10. CONUEMNATION. Uran.tor shall innnediately provide Lender witl+ written notice of any actual or threatened condemnation or eminent domain <br /> proceedinG E:ert�ining lo the Pro�rly. All monies payable to Grantor froni such condemnatiun or taking are hereby assigned to Lender and shall be applied <br /> lirst to ihe p.ayment o( Lendf:r's allorneys' fees, legal expenses and other costs(including appraisal fees)in connection with the condemnation or eminent <br /> dornain proceedin,ys:_�nd Ihen,at ihe option of�ender,to iFie payment of the Obliqations or ihie restoration or repair o(tlie Property. <br /> h���otn F?�,, �?i9-r <br /> . �_ <br />