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. � 99 1116 r 6 <br /> 20ie�CLIRI�TY INTERFST�pNDER TH�E�UNpfORM�cOMtMER nIA�nCflp niercial Code (as adoptedl'in�ihe siaae where�tlbe refal property�sfll cated) <br /> covering�ll rIe lacernents ihe eofranld addi ons tf eret(the CI�riels')�nd Grar torrhereby grantsrLender�a seci�dy mterest n�su h ChattelsY The debtor�is <br /> any and _ p <br /> ihe Grantor described above This Deed of Tnist will be eftective as a financing statement filed as a fixture filing with respecl 10 all fixtures included wit m <br /> said prerT��Ies'and�I`>�'s�x���e�ft�ti e a aan(inar eng s tte�n�c�overing er y otheryp ermises and�maylbe f�dsnsany I the9appropriatesfiling�tor�recording <br /> Deed of <br /> c,(!ice A S���V�������F��foe anv,l��!tf�?(p��rP°`��'ralfP�red to in Iliise�d o���PYi.QThe securedlparty is ihe Lendea�de c�ibed abo e�fUpon deama d,SGrantor hall <br /> finannnq I 1Pi <br /> eem <br /> rrk�kP exec u�e ,zr�ci c1�=1'��i 11`'n��1�s��r<�ni�to L r�ler�nper e�ted�seci mry lirric�eesi�a inP cra�i�eis�d�i�po Gra�ntoCs fa lu e lo do so,L nder lis au honzed to <br /> r,�,;� a'.d U'�fw�F..� ��t � I <br /> ,;�r�;���.y s��,I, ��areernerd�s 1I�e a;�er.t�,f C����,t��;�� �ri`�ii��ie��wi hotrl tt Ea�sign�t ire ot�Gr�n or�r�G antor will�owever,at any tirne upon eq�est f Lender, <br /> Cam�,wrcial (odej�nritl� r�s��;�.:i ,n Ihe Cha. , Y � <br /> �iq,��i�r,h(ir+ar�cinq staten+ent�.. Gr�ntor�a�ill pay all iiling fees for tY�e f�liny of such financing siaternenis and for the refiling thereof at the times required,in <br /> ���������event�r�i a�n��defa�dl����nde�r Tt is�Deed of�Tnist�a�ll 1he right���itle ar�d ir Ic e��f�Gr�n�tor�i�n�an�d�o any and�all�of�hChai els i�s her by assgnedto <br /> in Ihe Y <br /> Lender, tayetiier with ihe bene(it of any dcposits or pay+��nts now or herea(ter made thereoi by Grantor or the predecessors or successors in tille o <br /> Grantor in?Jie-.F'roperty <br /> 2.i. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENDER. Lender, ai Lender's option,may expend funds (including aflorneys' iees and legal <br /> E:x�Mi��r�;)!o�rf�?1 i�ln n se I E=ider icir�aibe�Ik arroymisaexpe�ded by lender�Toqeihe�r wtt,i�ir�eresi thereor nat ihehlow�ereof he highe t�te descr bed n any <br /> shalf inn nediate y <br /> ObGq��ion r•r the Pii��l�e.�t�,.�����������bl���,e benetir,�I�'t+dF s t�G arried�here�i a li tl e�Obligations a e p�d after the begnbng of pu b licalon o ffn tice o f <br /> C)biiqetior:r-.hereiri s.a Y p<y� Y p <br /> =ale,as I�err:ir.provide I.or ir�thf:eve�rt l.ender shall,at iis sole op iion,pen�rt Urantar 10 � an art oi tlie Qbligations afler the beginning of publication o <br /> nc,�ice of s.j!�.,�s herein�F�n,Urantor shall pay on denk�nd all expenses incurred by the Trustee and Lender in connection with said publicatior, <br /> incl!iding reasonal�le atterneys'fees Io Ihe attorneys for ihe Trustee and tor the Lender,and a reasonable fee to the Trustee,and ihis Deed of Triist shall be <br /> security fcr<iil sucli expetises anJ tees <br /> 22IP qp�Po�CATION O cl'P�AYg h NPS�nt of he Trustee'�Pe esr cWrally en�cur�red not lot exceed the amoutnt which may be prov dedffor n t�he Deed o�Tru of <br /> secand,to p�yn�ni of the ohliqatiori secured by Ihe Deed nf Trust,third, to ihe paymern of junior deeds of trust, mortgages or other lienholders,and the <br /> ba!ance,i(any,to ihe person or persons legaliy enfitled therelo. <br /> 23. POWEo tlO�.e Obfq Ror�o�" Deed of1Tnh1.�lri�addit on��derr der(shall be enti led.�butrr�otrrequi edpto rper o n n niy�actio orle er ateh nyddocument <br /> pertaining <br /> required to be taken or executad by Urantor under ih�s C�eed of Tru�t L.ende�r's periarnkance of such action or executiori of such docwT�ents sFiall not <br /> relieve Grantor from any Oblin��tion or cure ai2y defaiiit inider tYiis f_leed ol Trusi. All pov�rers o(attorney described in this Deed of Trust are coupled with�n <br /> interest and are irrevocable. <br /> 24. SUBROGATIQN qF LENDER. Lender shall be subrc�gated to the riql�ts ol tlie hoider oi any previous lien, security interest or encurnbrance <br /> discharged wilh!uncls advanced by lender regardless ot whether these liens,seciirity inieresis or nther encumbrances have been released of record. <br /> and COLS E�C�ION'Y�S nd•Otf erhagenis 1(in�clndir g wlthout IGmitai on�paralegalPa clerks and�consultants) whether�orsnot Is achgat�io ney for�aqern isean <br /> employee of l.ender,wh+ch are inciirred by Lender in collecting any aiTrount diie or enforci�g any riqht or rernedy under this Deed of Trust,wheiher or not <br /> suii is brouy!it.inchidi+�q,bul not limited to,ail�ees and cosis incurred on appeal,in bankrupicy,and�or post judgment collection actions. <br /> ?6. FAHTIAL RELEASE. Lender rnay release its in!erest in a portion of tlie Pro rty by execuling and recording one or more Partial Deeds of <br /> fie�coi,�Pri!he F'woi�ertll:1�{xcen��assreqeired�underrP�r syraph 3£��o�r�s rna Yk�e ot ervuise�requ red��by law),�nor shallL ender�be obligated1lo relea e any�parl <br /> 't,il_re, p Y y <br /> e(Yhe Prc��:�er+y i�Gr i��t�r i��n(��fi�iv!{�in�ifie On�d of�nis�rthat is'nfot�IiE:�i�hit>ct ot tFiis�orr�r y Partia�Deed o Re onveyance ��in in effect with respecl o <br /> lhai pnrtion of!��,a�;roper?y, .,., <br /> 27, IUIOQI�l�CATION AND WAIVEP... Tlie niodificalior� or waiv�ar of arry of �rantor's Qbligaiions or Lender's rights under lhis Deed of Trust must be <br /> ,,,,,q�,�„�d�,�:;�.,ritinc�sicxnecl by Lend�r. L.ender nk'�y perforrn any of BorroN�er's or Grantor's Oblic�alions,delay or fail to exercise any of ils rights or accepl <br /> payiTx�r�t,froin Granior or anyone oUier tlian Grarnor withoul causu�g a waiver of ilios�Gbligations or rights. A waiver on one occasion shall not consiilute <br /> a waiver on any ottier occasion. Grantor's Obligations under ihis Qeed ot Trust shall not be affected if Lender amends,compromises,exchanges,fails to <br /> exerc;ise, i�npairs or releases any ol ihe Obligetions belonyirig to ar�y Carai�tor, Borrower or third party or any of i1s righTs against any Granlor, Borrower or <br /> third party or any oi tlie Properiy. Lender's failure ta insist upon sirici perform�nce ol any of ihe Obligations shall not be deemed a waiver and Lender shall <br /> tiave il+c ritahl at any Ii!i�;!here�fler lo insisi iipon s!rict perfornkance <br /> z8. SU��TITUTE TRIJSI"EE;TR�JSTEE llABILITY;CdMPENSATiON. hi case of the death,inabilily,refusal to act or absence of the Trusiee from the <br /> staie wliere 11�e re,al properiy is!oc=i�ed or in case fl�e iiolder oi the Ubligations shall desire!or any reason io remove the Truslee or any substitute trustee as <br /> �r�.ist�e here�mder�r!d Io�tppo'•r�t a iie��u Iriistee ir� Iiis place and;tead, the holder�of the Obliyahons is hereby granted full power to appoint in writing a <br /> c�ii,strti�te�n�r•t�e�or s'icl Tr!��=1ee,and the substitiite!n�stee sk�all,when appoirrted,become si.iccessor to all rights of Truslee hereunder and the same shall <br /> bPCOi>>e vF �<�c)?n hi+n for I!!c�purposFS ar!d nV.�i°�,is of th�:Ueed ef Tr+ist witli�II thP power.duties and obligations herein conferred on the Trustee. Trustee <br /> shall not L� liable for arry e!��r of l+�dgment or act dune by TYi�slee, or l�e otF�ennnse responsible or accountable under any circumstances whatsoever. <br /> Trustee sh»!I not kx' persor�ally liab�e �n c.�se of eniry by it or ar?yone aciing by virlue of the powers herein qranted i1 upon the Deed of Trust for debts <br /> contracted or liability or d�!r�nqes incurred in tfie manayement or operation of said premises. Trustee shall have the rigM to rely on any instrument, <br /> doanrmnt or signatiire :iutYiorizinq or supporting any action taken or proposed to be taken by it hereunder or helieved by rt in good faith to be genuine. <br /> ?n.islee shall be entitled to reimbursement(or expenses incurred by it in ihe perforrnance of its duties hereunder and to reasonable compensation tor such <br /> of its services hereunder shall be rendered. Grardor will, from time to tirr�e,pay compensation due Trustee hereunder and reimburse Trustee for and <br /> save and F!old it harrriless frorn and against any and all loss,cost,liability,damage and expense whaisoever inci.irred by it in ihe perfonnance of i1s duties. <br /> Ali moneys received by Trustee shall.until used or applied as herein provided,be held in trust for the purposes for which ihey were received,but need not <br /> be seqregated in any nk�nner frarn any other nw�reys (except to the extent req�aired by law) and Trustee shall be under no liability for interesi on any <br /> iTtoneys received by it Iiereunder. <br /> 29. SUCCESSOflS AND ASS!GNS. This Deed ot shall be bindi�ig upon and inure 10 the benefit of Granlor and Lender and their respective <br /> surcessors,�stees,rea>+�aers,ad!n++�is?r:alurs,�zrsonal relaresentalives.leqat�.�es and devisees. <br /> 30. NOTICES, Except as otherwise reqi.aired by law,any nolice or otlier connr�unication io be provided iander itiis Deed of Trus�shall be in writing and sent <br /> to ihe parlies at ttie addresses described in ihis Deed of Trust or such other address as the parties n�y designate in writing from time to tii�. Any such <br /> nntice so given and serit by first class mail,postage prepaid.shall be deen�d given the earlier of three(3)days after such nonce is sent or when received <br /> by the person to whom such notice is being given. <br /> 31. SEVERABILITY. Whenever possible, each provision of this Deed of Trusi shall be interpreted so as to be effeciive and valid under applicable state <br /> law. If any provision of ihis Deed o(?nist violates ihe law or is unenforceablP,ihe rest of ihe Deed of Trust shall continue to be valid and enforceable. <br /> 32, QPPLICARI..E LA1N, tt!is C?eed or T•usi^hall be governed hy the laws of the stale where ihe real properly is located. Unless applicable law provides <br /> ottienvise,e'�rr�ntor cons"rns tn the juricdicGon and venue of�ny coiirt selecied by Lender,in its sole discretion,located in that state. <br /> 33. MISCF-_��.A,N�OI.!'� Gr�nior ai�d i��r2der ac�ree!I�at tirn°is o(ihe essence. Grantor waives presentment,demand for payrr�nt,notice of dishonor and <br /> prntesl ex•:ept as required by law-. All reterences to Grariror in t!�is Deed of Tnist sh�ll include all persons signing below. If there is more than one Grantor, <br /> tlieir C)blic�=3liuns shall he joh;�ai�d sever�l. This Deed of fr�;s� represen!>Ihe complete integrated understandmg between Grantor and Lender pertaining to <br /> tlie tamis>?ni1 r,ondili�ns hierenL <br /> ;i4. NO THIRD PARTY HIGHTS. No person is or shall be a iFiird pariy beneiiciary of arry provision of this Deed of Trust. All provisions of ihis Deed of <br /> Trust in favor of �ender are intended solely(or tlie bene(it of Lender,and no third pariy shall be entitled to assume or expect that Lender will not waive or <br /> consent!o the n�dification oi ar!y provision of IPiis Deed of Trust,in Lender's sole discrellon. <br /> 35. PRESF..RV�iTiON OF LIABILITY AND FRIORITY. Withoiit affectin�Ihe li-�bility af Borrower,Grantor,or any guarantor of ihe Obligaiions,or any other <br /> person(except�+persun expressly released in writiny)1or ilie payrrient�nd perionrk�nce of ilie Obligations,and without affecling the rigMs of Lender with <br /> respect to any Properry not expressly rele:�sed ir�writiny,and�xrthoiit intpairi�iq in any way the priority of this Deed of Trust over ihe interest of any person <br /> acqu+red or firsi evidenc,�d by recordinp subsequent Io the recording ot ihis Deed of Trusi,Lender may,eilher bE:tore or aiter the rrk3turity of the ObligaUons, <br /> ;i,,,_!w��lu�;!no�ice or ce<<<�,,r:rele�,e ar,y G,c,!-son liablt:for p�vn�nr or perfo�rnance of all or any part of the Ubliqations;make any agreernent allenng the <br /> �P„��;o►p,�y��+�ri1 or perloii,xanr.e ol all or any parl o�liie Ubliq�hons;exercise or refrain from exercismg or waive any right or remedy that Lender may have <br /> �ir!:ler the Deed of!:accept additior+al seci�rity of any kind for any o(the Ubli,yatians;or release or otherwise deal with any real or personal property <br /> securnig the Obligaiions. Rny person acquiring ur recording evidenr,e o(any inlerest of any na[ure in 1he Property shall be deemed, by acquiring such <br />! interest or recording any evidence ihereof,to Iiave consented to all or any si.ich actions by Lender. � <br />