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<br /> 93. i10308
<br /> applicable law may cpecffy for rcincutement)before wle of thc Property purewmt tu�ny puw�r uf uile cuntai�wd In�hi�
<br /> —`-`T—- --°�- --� � Secudty Instrumeut;ur tb)en af a ju�Qtttcnt tnforcinII tlti�St�udty ln�ltutnen�. 7laura caxllUma rro that&xtuwer (�)
<br /> pays I.cndcr alt sums whlch�n woald be due under thi� Sccurity lnruument u�d tho Nate � if nu �cebr�Nkx� hw1
<br /> accurnd;(b)cures pny default of�ny other covenants or a�reementr;(c)pwy��II expen�r Incurtnd{n enfixcin�thiw Saurily
<br /> Instrument, inclnding,but not limited to,reason�ble�ucxneyr'feer,�nd(d)wke�cuuh +�;Nun�r Lxmkr m+�y �c+w►nwhly
<br /> �requIra to assure that the lien of thic Secudty Insttument,l.enderk ri�hts in the Pn�crty ond H�xn�wrrti uhUyrtfon w�y tt�
<br /> ----- sun�s secund by this Security Instcument �11 cantinuo unchrnQod. Up�x� rcln�tutamenl by Bartt�wer, thir 5rcurity
<br /> - Inswment and the obUgations sccured hercby shell rctrwin fully cffadvc�x if n��w.calo�lion had�xcun�l. Nuwavcr,�his
<br /> =-_��-- -` ��� riQdt to reinstate shaU not apply in the case af xrclerption undcr piu�o���+ph 17.
<br /> _-:�—�� !9. 5sk ot Nrtei Clian�e ot I.a�m Ssrvtar. The Nate c�r a piuti�l intercst in tha Ncfte Itogrther x�ltfi thls 4ecarity
<br /> - _--_ Instcumeny may be sold one or moa timr,s wlthaut prior noticc to Barruwer. A erl�s muy rcsult in N rlwnYc In the entfly
<br /> _.._.__�,�`= (known as the"Loan Scrviccr")that coltecac monthly paymente due under the Note rnd thix Sccurity Inrtrumenl. Thrrc�IM�
<br /> -- ----• - may bc one ar more chanses of the Loan Servicer unrelAtcd to a ra�le of'the Ncxc. If tharc iY�chwngc uf�hc Luwn Scrvicer,
<br /> -� ---�+�� Borrowcr wiU be given written notice of�hc chenge in xcotdance with p�uugraph 14�Ixwc wul applicublc law. Tt�:�t+Nice
<br />_ __��_�_ . .__ will statc the name and address of the ncw Loan Scrvicer and the addrcr�s w whfch p+►ymantx rhouW be�. Tho nntice will
<br /> also contain any other information requlred by applicAble luw.
<br /> 20. Ha��rdous Subctanaa. Borrawer shall not cause or permit tho pre►ence,ur�c,dispi�;ul,�t�uruge,or rcica+r uf rny
<br /> Hazurdous Substances on or in the Property. Bunawer shull not do, nor all��w Anyono elue ti�d�. unything�ffectlnY�
<br /> -�= Property that is in violation of any Environmentul Law. 'fhe preceding two nentances shul!nut upply to the pre�ence,u�e,i►r
<br /> -_� storage on the Property of smail quantit�es uf H�ardous Sub.wncci thut urc Yunnrully rcco�{nizcd tu txs�ppn�priwk w n�xm�l
<br /> - residendal uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> "" Borrowcr shall prompdy gtve L.ender written noticc af uny investigntion,cluim,ckrmund,luwsuit or at�r u�tl�x�by uny
<br />- govemmental ar regalatory agency or private purty involving the PropeRy and uny Nu2unkxis Sub+tuncr nr�nvin►mnentul
<br /> � �� Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bomower Ie�uns, or iti notifi�d by •rny governmcntul or rcgulukxy
<br /> suthority,that any removal or other rcmediation of any Hururdous Subswnce uffecting the Nroperty i�noccxwry,Bornower
<br /> .�. ,.`.` shall promptly take all necessary remedial actionc in accordunce with�nvironmental I.uw.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Subsinnces"are those sub.r•tanreti dofinad uz h�xic cx hui.unioux subswn�:cx by
<br /> � � Environmental Law and the following substances: gusolino,kerosene,�ther tlummuble ur toxic petmicum pmductx,wxic
<br /> � �� pesticides and herbicides, voladle solven4s. materials containing usbostos�x fortnuldahyde, und rudi�x�tivc nrotcrialti. A+
<br /> . used in this paragruph 20,"Environmental Luw"means federul luws and law�►of tha jurixdiction wherc thc Property iz la:�►ted
<br /> `" a„� •` that nelate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ''• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und L.endcr funher covcnunt und ugRC ati followr:
<br /> ti� °p�"�c.� . 21. Acceleration;Remedies. I.ender xlwll give notice to Borrower pelor to�cceleratlan fdbwtag Borrower•x
<br /> i Y•�;� � � breACh af any caveaant or agreement in thts Securlty Instrumeat(but rat prlor W wccekrat{on unde�pwrsg�ph 17
<br />: unlese applicAble law provWes otherwise). The notice shall�pecity: (a)tlw defwult;(bl the�ctton requlnd tn cure the
<br /> - •;�y�a;�.t:y�;,,yl•• , det�uii;(c)x daie,noi ira�iiian 31i duya from fhe dAfe tiie nuii�r,ee iar Kirrn iu 8urruN•er,by whkb ii�r det+wii a�usi br
<br /> ,i :. - • . . cured;and(d)that tailure to cure the defautt on or before the date specitled ie the notice may result In�releratlon ot
<br /> • t6e sum.q aecured by this Security Instrument and snle of the Property. 7'he notke xhwll tWrther tnform Borrower of
<br /> �"��'`' � "`" � the right to reinstate ntter acceleratbn and the right to brtng a court�ctbn to w�se�t the nontxl�tence af�de[adt or
<br /> ,.,�._ .. :;��r:, � ' !t
<br /> ;;`�, eay other de[ense ot Borrower to ncceleratton and sale. If the default tv not cured on ur before thc date specltied in
<br /> �,:�t�.<....:,..:�,.. the notice,I.ender at its optbn mAy rcquire immedl�te p�yment(n full of�11 sutnx�ecurrd by thircrc SecuMty IaetruaAent
<br /> '�,j�, . ,,., . , without further demand and may invoke the power of srle And any other remedies permitted by appUrabk 1aw
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect cll ezpenses incurnd in pu�xuinR the remedirr provided in this prra�rap6 2t.
<br /> � �ir�;�.�'�•".���. includiag,but�ot limited to,reA.;oruible Attorney�'[ces s�nd cost�of title cvtdence.
<br /> _, ' „�.,�^�� y• `� Ii the power of sale is invoked,'ilrustee sh�ll record�notice of def�ult in e�ch cuunty in whk6 any port ot the
<br /> .,�.,,,,,,.,,,, "'�'" Property ls lacated and sh�ll maN capies of sucb noUce in the munnec pnxcriba�d by�ppik�bk I�w tn iwrrower�nd to
<br /> �` ,�':_"�^.:�•.'r`,�'�i^, the other isons rescribed b a Iic�ble IAw ARer the tim� uircd b � ticable lyw.'1'ruster shrll ive Wk
<br /> ,G,.,�,�.�¢_��. Pe P Y PP �'MM Y PP R P�
<br /> notice of ssle to the persons And in the manner prescdbed by ypplirxMc luw. 'ilruxtce,without demw�d un Borrower.
<br /> " :; „�� �^ '" shAU sell the Pro rt At ublic auctfon to the hi hest bidder s�t the time�nd I�cr wid under the terms
<br />, :���.. - • Pe Y p R P de�clRaated ie
<br /> . , ,.': �•�.• ' .� , the notice of sale in one or more pamels and in any order Trustee determtn�w. 11ru�t�r nwy postponcr sak of di or�ny
<br /> � y, . ',�. p�rcel of the Property by public Anaouncement pt the timr s►nd pl�ce ut�ny prevtoucly echedukd wde. I.ender ar itr
<br /> '"'`'"'` `"� designee may purchsue the Pr
<br />- •. r. •. , opertp At any sale.
<br />� �;ri,:, ' Upon receipt of payment of the pdce bid,lYustee slwll deliver to the purrtu��r 7'rustec'a deed conveying the
<br /> r.�. _ ":, Properiy. The recitals ln the 1lrustce s deed shall be prtma tACic evidence of the truth of the stwtements mrde thereln.
<br /> •�ti� ' _ .. '[Yustee shaU apply the proceeds of tde aole in the following order: (�)to�11 cnstx und expeayes ot exerckio�the power
<br /> .' . ,..�, ,
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