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<br /> — -- -- � candertN�Ativa ur utiiar ukin�o�any pan of the Property,ur for convoyance�lieu vf condemnwion,are hercby turi�ned and
<br /> rlull be prid to I.rr�lcr.
<br /> In the event uf �intMl t+�kin�of the Propecty.the proceeds ahall bo applied to the sums sa;und by this Securlty
<br /> In+irumrnt,whr�hrr�.r n�� �hcn duc, wlth nny cxcess paid to Borrawer. ln the event of a partial taking of the Property in
<br /> which ttw 1'uir tnw�kcl vdur uf'thc Pnrpeny immedintely bcfan the taking js equal to or grcater than the tunount of the sums
<br /> xecurni by�hi�Swu�i�y Ins�runknt immediately beforc the taking.unless Barrower end Lender otherwise Agrce in writing,
<br /> - �-_.---�--,-=-_..� tl�r �uiuM wruml hy ehl�tircurily In+tn�ment shall be roduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplied by the following
<br /> -�- t'rw�dun: 1+►I lho I�NrI �m�wnt ot�the�um�cxurcd immediately before the taking,divided by(b)the fair market value of the
<br /> �qy immedlutrly N.tur� IiM trkin�. Any twloncc shaii be paid [o Sorrowcr. In the event of a part(al tyieu�g of the
<br /> -- Pn�{xtly in whkt�the frlr rnrdcrt v�luc uf the Propeny immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums
<br /> - xecunrl immcdiwlrly lxfurc tl� t�king,unless Barower and Lender atherwlse agrea tn wrlting or unless appllcable law
<br /> ��ihc�rwtr�s pn►vfJeM,�I�pnxnwir rl�ll bo�pplied to the�ums secured by this Securlry Instrument whether or not the sumc are
<br /> — tlKn duc.
<br /> _ -- — If titr F'n►petly I� NfM1111I111�p1I I1y HORAWCf,or if.after notice by Lender to Sorrower that the condcmnor offers to mekc
<br /> un uw�rci ur,►�ttle�cl�lm ti�r drmr�ec,Born�wer fails to nspond to Lender within 30 dayF aft�r the datc the notice is given,
<br /> Lenckr ix wuth�Kii�Yi tu cnikxl+►nd apply the praceeds,at its optian,either to restoratian ar c+epair of the Property or to the
<br /> -- — rumx�cun�d hy thlM Sctiurity In�irument,whether or not then duc.
<br /> Unlr��l.cixkr u�xl���rc��wcr iNherwixe uLrce in writing,any application of proceeds to principal ahall nat extend or
<br /> _- poxtpnnc thc ciue dute uf thr monthly puymcnts mferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Aarrower NW Rekiuedt Furbe�anre By Lender Not a Ws�iver. Extension of thc time for payment or
<br /> maiiticution of wmcxtix��iun uf ihe.umw�rcurcd by thfx Secarity Instrument granted by Lender to eny successor ln intenst
<br /> --� uf Burcuwrr�hwU ou� u�xrulr�u reku+�itk liubility of the odginal Borrawcr ar Borrower`s successors in int�rest. Lender
<br /> " shull not t+c rcyuircJ �n cumnknre pr�xcediny�u�ain�t uny successor in interest or refuse w extend time for payment or
<br />~',� utherwitie madify umc�nii�►tiai ol'the xumK�urcd by thia Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orlginal
<br /> Borruwer or Burruwcr��uccexu�r�In fmcru�t. Any fixbearancc by Lendar in exercising eny dght or rcmedy shall not be a
<br /> waiver of or prccludr the cxerclrr uf any ri�ht nr rrmedy.
<br /> �' l2. Suc�Y�wrr�nd A+u�(Kn�ikwndt Julnf wnd Severul Liability;Co•aigners. The covenants and agreements of this
<br />..•-:� Security 1►wtrument zhull t►i�xl:�nd br�xflt tlx�uccesxc�n and assi�of Lender and Borrower,subJxt to the proviaians of
<br />�' � purt�gruph 17. Hormwcrk coveiwniw uad��remixnt�xhull b�:joint and several. Any Borrower who co•signs this Seeurity
<br /> instru►nrnt hut doex tuN ex�YUte tlx NiNC: lul i�rasiyning this Security lnstmment only to mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> Borrowcr4 intcrext in the Pr��xny unJcr the tcrmx of thi�►Secudty Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> •°•�: �ecured by thi+:Security Inttrun�ent:•rnd(c)uymea that Lrnder and any other Borrower may agrce to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> •�:' o�make uny uccc�mmodrtic�nx with r+rYuni tu �hr tarmx of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's
<br /> .�� ron�cnt.
<br /> • - 13. I.orn C1uey�a. If thc liwn Mcurcd t+y �hf���wunty Instrument is subject to a law which sets max�mum ioan
<br /> , � churges,und thut luw i z finully intcr�xctrJ�u�hul the intcrc+t or ather lo�n charges collected or to be collected In connection
<br /> with the I��un rxrecd the penniuc�l liniit.,then: lul uny.uch lu�n rharge shalt be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> •� the charge tn tlk�xmi iucJ lindt;u�xl t h1 uny�un�.ulrcwly culkrted from Borrower which exceeded permitted limiu wiq be
<br />_ ' � �', nefuaded to Born�wer. l.ender may ch�w�x tu makc thih rrfund by rcducing the principal owed under the Note or by muking a
<br /> ' M ••• dircrt u ment ti�I���rruwer. li��rclunJ reduccw �ri�ui i�l,�hr reJuction wiQ be tre.s►ted as a artial re a ment wlthout an
<br />_- ' �;,;�:.� P Y � I P P P P Y Y
<br />'i �ts�.i r�1�;:� .-':' ptepuyment rhur�tc un�.crthe Nutc.
<br /> - y�-,p;i,�.,�-�r�:;;;A::� 14. NutkeN. Any iH»ice tu ti��rruwrr pruviJe�l t�n•iii thl� Security Instrument shall be given by delivering lt or by
<br /> �, ';�,•:::.�.:tw. �� mailing it by tir+t clu�� mail unk..a�K+licubl.I,�a rcyuirc.u+�uf un�xher method.The notice shall be directed to the Property
<br /> � �,
<br /> t�q'��,,.a,,�. Aiktm�x ur any utlur uJJre,� lfurruw�r de.i}nut�.hy i�utice �u I.r�xkr. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class
<br /> - muil to l.ender:ucldn�+NUted herrhi��r any�Nlirr wklrr�r l.��nJer�k�iEtnatez by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br />� �?' • � in thiz Srcurity Inarun�ent �hull Ix�kcnkd tu buvr Ikcn kiven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> "'r"' ,:�.• �. •' pur,�graph.
<br />,�. . ,.�n+�-7x44�,:':' �S. Guverniak I.Aw: tirver�Wlity: 'I hh ticcurUy lu��rwn.nt shuU be govemed by federal luw and the law of the
<br /> ' ,,.-�? � �� juritidiction in which th�!'n��ny i*t�k med. In thr evrut Ihat wry provi.iun or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> • ��:•:��^S'�'•�`�-� . ccmflicts wUh upplicublc luw,,uch c�a►tlic�.hall n�d adlcrt�Hh�rpruvi�ionH of ihis Security Instrumentor the Note which csn
<br /> ,�,� .�
<br /> bc�ivcn effert without th�: runtlictinu provi�uNi. 7i�this end ihc provisionx of thix Securiry Instrument and thc Note are
<br /> - e h deelsucKl to t►e�.�vrr•rble.
<br /> :�%;K��::' '• ;�`� 16. Snrruwrr'x Cupy. Hunuwcr,hull Ix gwcu ui��unf�emed cupy ot'thr Notc und of this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> =-`'� "�'� "" � 17. 7Y�wnsfrr uf t be Pruprrty�M w Hrnellc{wl Intrrr+l In i{urruwer. If ull or any part of the Propeny or any interest in
<br />_ `.r�"'•'�•�� ^ " " it is ,oIJ ur tramt�:rce�f lur if u Ikncli�iul int�re.t in I�uriuµ�•r i+ .uld or trlinsfrmed:►nd Borrower is not a natural person)
<br /> �� A�,-�eii��:.. withuut I.cnJcrw prior written r�Miwnt, l.rn�tei muy.+u i�.�q�u�ai, r�yuirc immcdiatc puyment in full of all sums secured by
<br /> --w:;,`,- ti�r,. ;,�• this Sccurity Imtrunxnt Huw•eve�•,�hi.�qni�x�.hull n�a Fx r�rrri,rd hy Lrnder if rxercise is prohibited by federal law as of
<br />`_ ,- . .��,,�;;;r_,`_,� the dutc cif this Security In.trumrnt.
<br /> ;� ;�,,�,�:.r (f l.ender ex�rci�c�Ihi�upti�Ni,l.�nder�hrll givr li��uuw ri n���irr uf acrrlerution. The notice shall provide a period of
<br /> -�..° r�ot le�s thun 3o Juyx fr�Hn thr dutc dK�wtic�i.drti�cr.J ur�nailcJ w•ithin whirh Harcower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> -;."� ..;.`�.:;�: . . .Security In.trument. If Hurruwer Cuil. tu ��uy thrK �unn priur tu thc rxpirution of thiti period, Lender may invoke any
<br /> -.}�t.:�,:
<br /> s���.. �;;,,-.,..��:;, .. nemedic.pertnittrJ by thi.ti�tiurity In+trwucn�witlunn lui Uki n�dir•�ui .kincuiJ un[iurrowrr.
<br />— �,�;;,-;;�___t 18. Borrower'� RIRht W Reln�t�te. If Run��w•.r nk.•n cri�uin conditiun,, Borcower shall have the right to have
<br /> ,..•.. .
<br /> en(onement of'thi.Security In.trunkm di.runtinurd a►uny unk�n iar �u thr rurlicr ut: ta)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> .. : «:,,:..�.;,: ,.
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