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<br /> - -- ��lPs!sasonat ot tl:e eate�t the Nw�e at tYe deduatlon ot deG�uit,�ad re�onRbk�uoraeys'ft«a�permitted
<br /> by bNt(b)b dl wau�ecund by t6b Secudty Irtrumw�k aoa(c)any sta�s to tbe penon ac penw�I�atty cnn�td
<br /> — ��?2„ Recrwvey�aoe. Upon p�Ynxnt of aU swns�xcurod by this Securiry In�wment,I.endcr shall reyuest'Ii'uxtee to
<br /> reconvey the Propeny +uid sha1� surrender this Secudty Instrumer►t and ail notes evidencin�debt secured by this Secudty
<br /> insuument to"Iluustee. 7tasta chall reconvey the Pr�operty without w+urantY and without cfuu�e to tho penwn a pe[aotw
<br /> _- ---_� le�ally ent�tled ro tt Suth person or persons shall pay any recocdation costs.
<br /> - �� g�b�Utute'llruttee. Leader.at its opcion,rru�y from time to time rertwve ltusta�nd appaint s succcssar wstee to
<br /> � - - - — �ny TNSue ppp�,j�iizti heteundcr by an instrument nocorded in the county in which thic Security instrurnent ia rccorded.
<br /> ---------- Without conveyance of the Property.the succeasor trustee shall succsed to�II tha dtle.Power+uiJ duUes canfcrtrd u�san -
<br /> Thutee heain and by applicable law.
<br /> — — y�. RequRSt tor Notka. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of defiult and sale be sent to Borrower's addcess
<br /> — which is the E"nopertY Address.
<br /> 2S, Wdets to thi�Secnrtty Initrumen� If one or more dders are cxecuted by Bornower and rceorded together with
<br /> ��� � this Security Instrument,the cavenants and agceement�of each such rid�r shall be incorporated into and shull amend and
<br /> supplement the covenanta and egrcement�of this Securicy Inswment as if the ridadx3 were a part of this Security InstnimenG
<br /> [Check stppliceble box(es)]
<br /> _,����-�� �Adjustai�le Itata Rider �Condaminium Ridor �1-4 Famlly Rider
<br /> . * �(3raduated F'ayment Rider �Planncd Untt Development Rider �Biweckly Payment Rider
<br /> �',
<br />-= ������,�� �Balloon Ridcr �Rate lmprovement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> � _
<br /> ��"� -�
<br /> a" �Other(s)[SPec�fYl
<br /> -r .•:'., ,`• ':
<br /> ;�5;:., , ,
<br />_.. BY y[CiNINO BELOW,Borrower accepts and ag��i`the temu and covenanta contained in this Security lnsmunent
<br /> �� ,`1�i ��;t. �, � and i�an rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded
<br /> {�`AK�r, - .,
<br /> .'� t� .����r*''�, Witness: Witness:
<br /> , .H.-�j'�rt.-�-
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<br />•� v . ,f'„" ' � (Seal) � �a�-r"a-�o�.• (Seat)
<br /> OBORGB HOHiiI ER � -B«r°w�r NJIlICY ONpI6L6R 'B01ON"�
<br /> (Senl) (�)
<br /> 1 . -Bartowu "�Ctrow�
<br /> . � '- STATE OF NEBRASKA. Counry ss:
<br /> , • ..• H11LL
<br /> �- •.•�:,��•�. -+a�t' 23rd November, 1993 . .1�efa+c me,tho undersigned,a Nwary Publk
<br />_ �� ;�_ On this day of
<br /> : 1 duly commissioned and qualified foc said county,personally came pp}pRGE R H08fiI8L�it 11�D Nlll1�11 ��
<br />, • HUSBI�lID lU1D fiIFB .tawe wa t
<br /> , � ' fdenpcal person�(s) whore name(s)are subscrit�ed to the foregoing inst�unwnt and ackaowled�ed tl�b eueutb��hb�ea[lo
<br /> be votuntary act and dced. '_;
<br /> •.•-• ,.. , Witness� �.aidm�tiv_±�__;
<br /> �1rnd and notarial seal ut D I SL1111D ��� -
<br /> . date aforcsaid. ,�,4�_
<br /> '�•� '�' ��" My Commitision expires: ' -
<br /> �`�l • ���':��'• .�: 1 N��ra�lU ROB )1 L REED ��r� .... � :
<br /> 'D''°"i??` �; � p��u.RiALfiEfD REQUESTFORRECONVBYANCB
<br /> � �•� ' ♦�.lu'r?A.17°1
<br /> - � ° �fi undersig�ed is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Dea1 of 7Yust. Said note•a►woas.�togethllr with�II
<br /> ' � �-�•� uther indebtcdness securcd by this Decd of 7Yust,have been patd in full. You are horeby diKCted to coa¢el dald not�oe notes
<br /> and this Decd of'[tust,which are deltvercd hereby,and to reconvey,without warranty.all'th�estate•now•hold b�r-you under
<br /> � ' -� . . ; thir Deed of 71vst to the person or persons legully entidcd thereto.
<br /> �..�^ .
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