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<br /> �'�y' �, -I J ___ _
<br /> ,.L' •
<br /> ;��_�_.L��� ' ' .93; iip�,�
<br /> THi8 ASSIaNMENT O�RENTS RID�A it macf�and ox�aut�,t this �9TH day of �UEM9ER ��p 93 ,and la
<br /> • inoapa�t�d Into and sh�il b�dNm�d to�m�nd�od suppt�msnt th�Mort9tp�or DNd of T�ust,h�r�imit�r r�i�rr�d to�s th�
<br /> _ _ __ "8�ou�ity ImtrunNnt",of tM �art►�daU glwn by th�und�rslgn�d, h�nin�fter r�t�rnd to as th� "Borrow�P'. to sraur�
<br /> 8orrow�r'��nd�btadn�ss,h�nln�it��r�t�rad to as th��'Not�",to HOME �EDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN AS90CIATION OF
<br /> • aRAND ISLAND,h�reinaft�r r�f�rnd to as tM"L�nd�r",o!th�wrra d�t�and aov�rinp th�prop�ny duorib�d In tht 8�cu�lty
<br /> �-, � Instru+rnnt and loaat�d at:
<br /> - 1309 W. STH. GRRNO ISLAND. NEBRASKA 68801
<br /> ,; �
<br /> ' , �.� (Prop�rty Addn�sl
<br /> ; ��� � _ w�T►�esser►�: `
<br /> .. ,—,.�,,.;.���_r.__r.
<br /> __ ��,,�ty� 1NHEREAS, Borrow�r and �ender hava apreed that Any rentd And protita�ttrlbutable to the property shouid constitut�
<br /> additlonal s+ourity to the L�nd�r tor the poym�nt of tti�Nots;
<br /> 4——� � '.�,' NOW,THEREFORE,it i�aqreed that the Seourity Instrum�nt th�ll bearnended hereby and deemed to i�alud�the tollowl�p
<br /> - �-�°�...°.. ...-� provisions: -
<br /> � ��rl�a�"/I��lSl�i��
<br />- '�� T��Y.�� � 1, eaipnmen�,of Rents and Lender Rentai Col�ectfan Riphts.Borrower hereby absolutely and unconditiona�ly aoafpns ali
<br /> � ��� � K;�.•.�;�.:;;';;'� rente, issues and profits of the property to Beneficiary. Lender shaU have the ripht, power and authorlty durinp the
<br /> -:,,,_ ��^+�����+'ris► continuance of the 3ecuNty inatrument to coUect the rents,isauea and protits of the property and of pny perwnal property
<br /> '���� ` '� loc:�tsd thereon with or wlthout takinp posse��lon of the propeny affected hereby. Lender, owever, hereby consents to
<br /> .- -,:.�.p._.. ,.,�.:..�.5^� - h
<br /> ytw�h � Y �a gonower's colteation and retention of such rents,Issues and profita as they accrue and become payable,so lonp aa Borrower
<br /> r.`"-��',����'...� `� .,'� Ia not,at auah time,tn default with reapect to payment of any indebtedneas eecured hereby,or in the parformance of any
<br /> `� •` • ` apr�ement herounder.
<br /> � . . ,:�.•.. _. .
<br /> • ,�;•..!':':,;;.- ' 2. Qonointment of Receiver. It any event of defau�t in respect to the Security instrument ahali have xcurred and be
<br /> `';.;�.'.�:�r•,. ;; aontinuinp, Le�der, as a matter ot right and without notfce to Borrower or anyone ciaiming under Borrower,and without
<br /> .:'� '�t: ,..,,.,;,_....;t�... . °
<br /> ;�,;,..,,,�1.:.......::::�.�,,,, ,:� reqard to the value of the truat estate or the interest of the 8orrower therein,shall have the ripht to apply to any court havi�y °
<br /> t,,i,, . �,. ;t Juriadiotlon to appoint a�eceiver of the property.
<br /> d •;!�•.; .,,,, �.•.',.
<br /> � #,;�:;,��j���..;;::�,.:,;. .. �= 3. Riaht to Poasesaton.In oa&e of dqiault in the payment of the sald principa�Note or interest,o�any pa�t thereof,as it
<br />_ ;',.,:•,� ��. ,� ' ' '�• ehail matur�,or in the oase of fallure to keep or pertorm any of the aovenants o�aprcemonts contalned in the Seourity Instru-
<br /> . �,�',:;.::r-,;.����:k�,,:
<br /> i�";` • ,,:..,,• ment, then the Lender, fts suacessors or asslpns, shall be and ia hereby authorized and empowered to take immediate
<br /> , � :'•�� '� posaesalon of the said premisea therein described�nd to colieat the rants ther�from,a�d to appiy the procseds thereof to the
<br /> ' �; payment of the Note.
<br /> :•.;:-.; ,
<br /> 4. Aooilcstlon of Rents.lesues end Profits.AI�rente aoliaated by Lender or the receiver shail be apptied first to payment
<br /> -- --% --'_---`— of the coets of manapsment of the p�operEy and aoileation of renta,inciuciinq,but noi iimii�d tu,rnctliver'a fuua,prqmiwiia�i�
<br /> , recelwr's bonds and neaonable attorney's feea,and then to the suma secured by the Security Instrum�nt.L�nd�r and th�
<br /> .� naelv�r shali be Ilabl�to account oniy for those rents actually receiwd.
<br /> 6. Construetlon ot Provlalans.Each of the provlsions contained in this Assipnment of Rente Ridsr and the Secu►ily instru•
<br /> �•�"��`�'` ' � m�nt thali, unl�ia otherwlse speclficalty required, be con�trwd in accordance with NebrASkA I�w,�nd In ths �wnt any
<br /> provitlon h�rNn or th�raln contalned ehali be dete�mtned by a court of comp�tent jurisdictton to be un�nforc��blo,th��irr�
<br /> �hail b�conttru�d as thouph auch unenforce�bte provi�fon w�r� not �part hereof or thsraot.
<br /> _ 8. Eifeat of Rider.Exc�pt as epeclftcal�y modifled by or incansietent with thls Assfpnment oi Re�te Rlder or by�ny oth�r
<br /> ' applic�bls ridsr,atl of the terma and provlaiona contained►n the Security Instrumsnt�hali continue in fuil torc�and�ff�ct.
<br /> �
<br /> �, � ' IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, Borrower has exeauted this Asaignment of Rents Hider an the date flrst noted above. '
<br /> � �,__��.-�' f.��`727��._ -
<br /> eo«qwe,
<br /> ' : ROBERT L, h1GmAST�R '
<br /> , , �'. �-��ef .:.
<br /> ,,�:.
<br /> � : ' .. . m. CHRISTINE mC�1ASTER
<br /> ��,,d5;'•.'. STATE OF NEBRASKA) _
<br /> . .�... � � (ss:
<br /> �.i 4;J�: .: '�:;%, COUNTY OF HALL ) `
<br /> �3:� �� On this�,2IE!_day ot IVOUEm�ER �9 93 before me,the underslyned,a Notary Public duiy commissfon�d and
<br /> � . , ,;,,r;,•���.;,;,',,. quaiifled for eaid county,peraona�ly came ROBERT L. mCmASTER AND m. CHRISTINE mCmASTER, HUSBAND
<br /> � ' � =��: ' AND WIFE
<br /> �h. ,to be the Identicai person(s)whose name(s)islare subscribed
<br /> �"` ► '. • to the foreyoinfl instrument.and helshelthey acknowiedpe the executfon thereot to be hfslhe voluntary act nnd deed. _
<br /> ,"� -
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarlai Seat at GRAND ISLNND, NE8RA5KA .
<br /> r
<br /> ` � in s d t at
<br /> ' ���iF:t. � �n.
<br /> _ �, t�'�. ',t;.,:.;_v:`:� N ary blic
<br /> -- � , -- My Commission �� Z
<br /> - Ms a�o c�ha ���y,
<br /> _ T
<br /> _.ID= — = I�I ���;'1�♦ -
<br /> __ ,� �r �
<br /> -- ,� �, �T6 -
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