�� . .
<br /> -�o:r'v �r,.,;_ '�•.'""�-- • '_ --
<br /> � . . u��r"-`5� ��- .. � . ....,e.;fr:{ ..
<br /> -��..t,.. u
<br /> + ..T..a..�woiwWM� �
<br /> � �.Yll 1�' ' ._ _ ._' _ .._
<br /> ..:::7 f_=L�.:_,...._._,.:._.� . .
<br /> ----- ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER 93. �(��
<br /> _ F .t,.... : t p YMrTrwur9iadat•RwCaW)
<br /> — --_ � T!!!'�!lD�l�'!'A!!!!M771 RIDit D�tMM �9 TH ��� NOVEMBER _ -I! 9� `_
<br /> -_——__----_– „a u�noo�onc.a wwo.�w rnu aa.�m.a a w.a.�e N�p�e.r�h�Monvw.a�a otrnu�.a e�,�r+cr a.e c�•"�•nWCr uw�.��a
<br /> �—v�� • �M wot d�u�iwa b1�tM wdr�l�d(tM"�arowa")w Mcun loc�orva'�AdJwabM It�t�Not�(tht"Nou'7 to y . �
<br /> _ --:''`�"F: �Q ttM"I.wd�„)ot tM wM dw rd oowd�t�P��r d�aibd 4 th��cwkY Iwtnu�t Md loe�ad at:
<br /> � :..,�. :���w . 13Q9 W. 5TH, GRAND ISLANO, NEBRASKA 68801
<br /> " :u�.
<br /> '" ��i� . iPtoysrty Addtt,:ty ---
<br /> _ `�fic'."..��;;,:,,:��`:: TW row eortU� N�������MKa 1a■r IMww nb�ai .y �tW `
<br /> �;��_i:: .� .• �arn�n.riN�ot��Yo IW u W��r�t�r Ut�nst n1e ca ew��t u�r o�t tl�aM
<br /> ;�•y�r_� �-Ja:LVu �bo tY��YY���M tlr ralw�e�te l�rt py�. —
<br /> _�`-•�.--,-.�'"'..c.., ,-•. --
<br /> �uvi�J"�G��i.�::�'�.?' ' —_
<br /> _;;����'�.�. ADDl7'IONAL COVENANTS.In�ddidoa to the caventats�ad tirenneau m�de in th�S�cuNcy Iruuumart,Borrowa aod Leader --
<br />:-:�r�{.� 'l��"�' Autber covaunt�nd�ree a foUow�:
<br /> i�iRdiirs�3''ah;.;r�
<br /> � �L��„�`�+.:,.�,,,=.."� A. INTERFB?RATE AND MONTHLY PAY�V��HANGE9
<br /> �"��� � —�I�:� 7be Note provlda for w iNdal intorwt nte of 4b.S�cdon 4 ot the Noce provida for chaa�a in the iatarat nte wd tLe
<br /> _- ,. �,.:.. ;.
<br /> �;°; .: . ;+; montblY P�Y���a�foUow�:
<br />••..q.'.,.. � �'�i;'��;;.,. tY ,>.,..'�ti`.
<br /> . ' j........::::.•,,.:'•�� /, //V7'BRBST RATE AND AlONTNLY PAYMBNT CHANO�S G
<br /> `' (A) (��e l�tM
<br /> :�',... .�:, �'.;,�..,;�:�;.:;��.r: : ��,' r�Y r � y AUGUST —
<br /> i f ,' s` `�� The inte�at rau 1 will mR ch e on the flrat ds of ,I9 95 .and on that day evay
<br /> '� �• 12 month�thereafter.Hach date on which my laterest rate could chsnae�s c�lled�"Ctuu;e IMte." ��,�::;
<br /> . ' S,.,;• � ',•{�
<br /> . 1. �;::' �::�.,�.�;�:',�.':,..:rr (Y) TMe t�dac ��_
<br />'` • � �,� •.�.; •��. � &�inainR with the firat Chw�e Dato,my intuat rate wUl be based on an Index.The"Index"ii the wakty�ver�e yieid on Uniced Stata .�_.
<br /> Trpaury ucurltla�djustai to�cauant mRtudty ot I yeu,as made av�il�ble by the Falerd Raerve Bard.The most reaat tada fi�ure �u.
<br /> �vailtble�a of the d�te 43 days belore ach Chanje Date is caUed the"Current Index."
<br /> If the Index is no loa�er awil�bie,the Note Holder wlll chaox+�new index whkh is bued upon compvabk inforiwdon.1'he Nou _-
<br />. Roldec will�ive me nodce ot thi:chola. _
<br /> - _---:�-_--_._--
<br /> (Cl c.kw�.+taotCr..tM TWO AND ONE-HALF �
<br /> Betore each Chta�e Due.the Note Hotder wiU calcuiRte my new i�dcceit rote by addSttII ?'!^!'n• ! •�
<br /> pointi! 2•5 �lY)to the Curtent Index and roundina to the neuat I/ith of iM�.�ubjece cn the Umiu�ated in Secdoa I�D)below. �.'`.
<br /> 'lhls rounded atnount will be my new Mtarat rate unUl the next Chanye Data �.�
<br /> The Note Holder will then determine the amount ot the monthiy payment that would be sutflcient to repay in full the princip�l I am _
<br /> apectd to owe on thtt Chan�e D�te In substRnNdly equtl Wyments by the matudty date at my new interat rate.The rault of this caleulstlon "
<br /> will be the new amount ot my monthly p�yment. L� -
<br /> tDf Lrls o�t�tnwt R�1e(�u�u 6.75 !`:-�;.
<br /> .; Z•,�TUe interat nte I un raquirad to pay at the tlrat Chan�e Date will not be �re�ter thu► 9i o[..1� tMait �Y�;
<br /> � 5 S�.Theteafter,my interat rate will never be increased or dccrewed on�ny sin�le Ch�nye Date by more thtn I WU
<br /> � 2•� trom the rateof intere�t I tu�ve been payinp for the precedin�twelv<months�.�Sminimum interat rate on thi:loan will never be �
<br /> 't � ��n z•75 tiY Rnd the mazimum interpt r�te wiil never be Yrenter than �i. + �•
<br /> �-,_y�
<br /> t
<br /> , (�) Fltective Drte ot Ch��ta
<br /> My new intereat rate wID become eftective on each Cna.tiQe Data I will pay the nmaunt of my new monthly payment bealnninA on tho first �, �,
<br /> 1� � monthly payment date after the Chlui4e Date untll tlx amount of my monthty payment chanQa a�aln. ��.`t�
<br /> � (E) Notia ot CY���a �
<br /> The Note Holder wiq mdl or ddiver ro me a notice before tach Chanae Date.7'he noHce w1U advise me of: �+�"
<br /> �.._
<br /> � (i) the new interest nte on my lou�as of the Change Date; `��`�
<br /> ' w,:..._ . (II) the unount of my monthly payment followin�the Change DAte;
<br /> �``•�'� ' � � (it1) tny utditional muteri whlch the Note Holder is required to disclose;And ;_'�=
<br /> ���., I �' ..d• � (tv) the tddras of the associadon you could contact reQudina�tny quarions tbont the adjustment noHa.
<br /> � �_
<br /> � _JH" •j�i'' `, " I a�__.
<br /> t'. �.. :►%."���. I�:y[:-
<br /> i. CHARGESi I.IENS
<br /> �. � ' � Uniform Coventnt 4 of the Secudty Irutroment i:unended to rud as foltows; �`�`
<br /> �..:
<br /> �. ;
<br /> -�:' �, CY�;IJer,Honower shaU pay all taxa,wa�menu,and otber chuyes,flna,and impositions attributkble to the Property which may � .
<br /> � �_ nttain a priority over th(s Saurity Instrument,and leasehold payments of�round renu.itany,in the manner provided under para�r�ph 2 hereot '
<br /> — . ° a.if not W�id in�uch manncr,by Borrower makinQ payment,when due.diratly to the pRyee thercof.Borrower shall promptly fumish Lender
<br /> ,.• + �II notloa ot amounu due under thie pu�r�ph,�nd in the event Borrower shall make payment direcdy,Horcower�hW prompqy turrtish to -
<br /> � � " Lender reoeipts evidenctnj iuch paymenti. Borrower s6d1 promptly dischtrQe any lien which hu priority over this Socurlty Instrument; ;,. ,:
<br /> � ' ' - however.Borrower ihalt noc be required to dtscharae u►y such lien so lon4�s Borrower:(�)shdl a�ra in writin�to the p�yment of the �;__;-
<br /> __ �� n i .,,.: obl{y�don secured by�uch Iim in the mtnner Rccept�bte to Lender,(b)thtll in Qoad faith contat such llen by,or defend a�nirut et�forcement of !' `�
<br /> Y�
<br /> ��"� ";;r�{;•:; ;•: . wch tia►in,kaal proceodin�which in the opiNon of Lender operate to pr¢vent the enforcement of the lien or for[eiture of the Proper.�or any
<br /> - 'n�'�' -� �" pRrt t}Kreoh,or(c)�hW fecure trom the holder of mch lien an a�rament In a form wHsfurory to Lender�ubordinatini such 8en to thls
<br /> ..-,`-k. '
<br /> =�: ^:�r: ` Securiry Inttrommt. �'-�'
<br /> If L,ender determina that all or any pact of the Property li subJect to a lien whieh msy�ttain a pdority over this Seeudry instntment, �
<br /> �_e.._.._V u.�� ..f.�.... ..t�f..wlnw•�r tw�►A�IuNr �4'�
<br /> -,�• .y I.lRIOlI Itltll�tve liorcowa a notia idendiyin�sucn iirn.Fxircdwci iiiwii wu,�y.a....�.....:..�...........�.....,..«.._.....«..-.._....___._ �,,;
<br /> ` �rtct�in em a.ys or etu avtn�of tne aodce. �•
<br /> _., " ,� G N011� �^'� '.
<br /> Unlfonn Covtnuit 14 of the Security Intuument fi unended to rad�followr. :"
<br /> � 14. NMke.Bxapt for any nodce required under tppUabte l�w to be�iven in another m�nner,(�)�ny noUce to Borrowec provided for in thi� ,�,�
<br /> 4 Security tn�trument shdl be�ivm by delivain=it a by mdltng it by fint cl�ss mail to Borcowet at the Property Addras or at such othe�addraa �t��
<br /> � u Borrowa m�y dai{o�u by notta to Lender�u provided herein,u�d(b)�ny notice to Lender ahall be�tven by dnt clw mdl to Lsnder's �:�
<br /> �ddrat�tatcd hadn or to iuch other addras u Lmda may deelan�te by notice to Borrower u provtded hereia.Any notia provided for in thii Y
<br /> �:� Security Itutrn�ant�h�ll be deerned to lwve b�m�iven to Bonower or Lender when Qiven in the mmner dpi�natcd herdn. ��,
<br /> ��.. r:
<br /> _
<br />