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- �--,r-wi-, ^�i61y.- .. . - ��_ <br /> • . .� �.•.� �.�,�y, '.�, � . -..-. <br /> � <br /> . .. ' �-- ------ .. <br /> � <br /> - _ _� IL11 <br /> ---�-- 93•110293 <br /> uf uak��nd the sak,includinK the{wyment ut the 71ru►t��ek t�s�Gtuplly in�urred,ar�t to exceed � p °�� <br /> tie priacip�i smouni ui ii�r ndr�tt li�r tio�ot the dcrl�t'athtn oi defKetll���sl rNaFOns�blr atturneyx �'eeA�x p�e�mttted <br /> by I�wi Ib)to wil wmx secured by this Security Instrumeet:And ISl Any eYCe�x tn the person ar per.wuK k�Wlly entftkd <br /> to It. <br /> - - 22. ReconveyAnce. Upon puyment of atl +ums tiecured by thi� Security inttn�mcnt, l.endcr shuU requc,t Ttuxtcc to <br /> ��' rccanvcy the Prupeny and shull tiurcender this Sccuriry ins�rument and all nc►tcs evidencing dcht securcd by this Sccurity <br /> -- � Instrument ta'flvntcc. 1lvstec shull reconvcy thc Praperty without waaitimy and withaut churge to thc person or porwns <br /> �"��,�,,r----� Iegalty endded to It. Such person or pennns tihall pay any rccordation cotitc. � <br /> 23. Substitutr irusYi�. Lcndcr,at its option,�uuy froiu tima to timr ram��ve'li�ustcc und appaint a tiuccescar�ru�tec tu � <br /> 'f�--ti�•�-___��;,,,�;,� any 'iivatee ap�aintcd her�undcr by an instrununt rccorded in the c��unty in WMch this Security lnstrument is recurded. <br /> __' ' .,7:h;h,: W i t h o u t c o nv e y a nc e of thr P�a p en y,ihe tiuccessor en,sc��e shull succred [a a1t �he �ieiu,pawer und duties c�mtcrred uiwn <br /> -"—'��'��''r� 7tustee heretn and by upplic�blc law. <br /> _,,� � - -�-—� Z4. Request tor Notices. Borrawe�requcsts that copios uf�hc+natices af dc+fauft and cale tx sent to Borruwerk uddres� <br /> ,?.:r: ,%�,.,�., which is thc Propeny Address. <br /> �w.,s,�,�., <br /> �=��:r�=�.,j,;�:. 2S. Riders to t6is Security Instrumen� if'one or marc ridrrti iirc axecutr�i by Burruwer and rra>rded togcther w t _ <br /> �i.���:.:_.:u:;:;a-� this Security Instrument,the a�v�nants and a�!recmcnt�of cach such ridcr�ht�ll hc incoryx�rateJ imu and ,haq umcnd and <br /> � "'�".���'�,�'�*: supplement the covenants und agreemrnt,of this 5ecurity Instrument us if tho ridc�rt+)were u purt of thix Securiq�Inztrument. <br /> , , •{.�,.,. • • (Check applicablc box(cs>J <br /> — '�:;,�1j f;,��,•;, <br /> _-v3 xJr..4 J�,� `*�Y,. <br /> , �;,,.�:;.,,.,.. ,.;_.:. ❑X Adjustablc Ratc Ridcr �('ondnminium Rider 1-4 Fumily Ridcr <br /> . � ..�:r'.to:3;• <br />.. ( a.;i.�:�•,rr,�.. :,: <br /> '� �,�'+,` �-'°- � �(}raduated Payment ltider CI Plaaned Unit fk`velnpntt;n4Ridrr �Biweekly Paym�nt Rider <br /> �1'�":;;;c(.�:::;I ' <br /> ..•. , t'.!t . <br /> 4:�• ?�:`��;�• �� BAllc�on Rider Rate Impravem�nf Rider �Second Home Ridcr <br /> �'� .. ❑ � <br /> ��"'`�'""' �.'� I �X Othcr+ s ecif ASSIGNmENT OF R�NTS <br /> FM';t:�,��,�, ; ,:�':u (:11•P YI <br /> • ... ,:. s�i,,'. <br /> "'��.';4 = f . <br /> , :;�`'''�����•.�''��!�`"•,'�" BY S[CiNINO BELOW,Borcower uccept�und ugrees to the terms und covenunts contAined in this Security Instrument <br /> n;ar����rhf��,'%K..�.?�"_;wr and in any ridcr(ti)cxecuted by Borrawer and recorded with it. <br /> ' 's ..� :.I <br /> _ . `�`6kr,i- .,.., <br /> °_�r.. f�'r��f„!�'� , `S'�ti.:; �V1lI1P,YSCS: <br /> � .r�r �,. <br /> i� ' ; . �QIJLM l • � ' `�' �► \(� (Seal) <br /> "r' °' ' ' - � ROBERT L. mCmASTER <br /> •BormWC� <br /> ' Sociul Srcurity Numbcr 5[]6-98-fl456 <br />:_ , ' . �+vlA [ l:Gt�/'an"�- ^'1 r(�y��A� (Sl'�I 1 <br /> - M. RISTINE (YICIYIASTE •a��m�wcr , <br />- .-..' . S�xiul Sccurity Numbcr �afi-A�+_R[,5� <br /> .�„ , . <br /> — ' STA7'E OF NEBItASKA. HALL Ccwnry ti�: <br />■^F •r■;Ai►'•ri•���,vr.. _ <br /> ���� � On thi� �gTH ���>'���� NQUEM11BER 1993 .t►�ti�rr mc,thc undrr,igncd,a Nu�ury Public <br />