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<br /> '�~�� �pplic+�bk IYw nuy �perify f�x rcin�t�tcnxnl)bctiHr ►�Ic of thc 1'rupcny pur�uwit ta�ny{wwcr uf ralr�wuNlnrd in thi•
<br /> --- Sr�urlly i�i►Gwi�iii:vi iGy eritry af a Jud�m�nt cnforcina thls Sccurity Inxtrumrnt. '!'hcr..c cost�llsltm��n!��h■�t�xn�w�rr (r)
<br /> --_— --_ p�y� I.ender All sumw which tiun wuuld be duc under thir SKUtlty In►trurnent nnd the Note �r if no �cceler�ttian h�d
<br /> — � � accurred;(b)curc�uny default af Any othc�covenw�tr cx agrcsmenir;(c)puyr Kll expensiea incumed in enforcinY thi�Scrudty
<br /> � � Inatrument, including, but na ilmited to. reaconable rttomeys'fce�; and td) twke► cuch action a�► L.cnder may rcwanably
<br /> �'�;;��"•;�-�'• rcquite to assuce that the Itcn of this Security Instroment,Lender!�rightx in thc Property and Bomowcrk obligetion to p�y the
<br /> ', sums sxurcd by thic Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. [Jpan reinrtatement by Borrower, this 5ecurlty
<br /> '� �r� ' Instn►ment and the obligations securcd hercby shall rcmain fully effective as If no accelerntion had occurrcd. However.this _
<br /> :.,y,�.............,_...�,. �.
<br /> .���.�.�� riYht w reinatxte�I�x1l uot appty In the case of acceteratton under paragraph !7.
<br /> ��'�'�"�"" 19. Sak o[Note;Chftnae ot Lo�n Servker. The Note or a partiat lnterest jn the Note itogether with this Security
<br /> �"S"'"��'' Tnstrument)may be sold one or morc times wlthout prior nattce to Borrower. A salc mny result in a change in the entity
<br /> .::.3�. n+d:�s�:�i,� .:
<br /> - , ,•.�? ��
<br /> p •.:.•� (known as the Loan Servlcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Nate und this Security Instrument. There also
<br /> _ _ �`_�ci;�:�a.'r.�:-� '. may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. lf there is a change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> ��'"� ' Borrower wlll be given written notice of the change in uccordance with paragraph 14 above ana applicable law. The notice
<br /> ,�,:;;`•:•:;::.,., . ...
<br /> };;r<<::�..:�<,�r,�,,,.;.;.:�:,::�
<br /> __ x,;,;;•.+.,�• -,..�•. , � will state the name and address of the new Loan Sen+icer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> "_. �� �• '+�' ° � ;;;; also contain any other infortnadon required by applicable law.
<br /> ,�'' ��,'•��`ir'��� �� , �.�,,��r• 20. Hats�rdous Substances. Horrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of uny __
<br /> �+� .�:��.. .;�.:�� Hazardous Substances on or in the Praperty. Borrower shatl not do, nor ullow anyone else to do,anythir�g affecting the _
<br />- __ ;��e,�Y1;;,u�;,;�v•'' Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding[wo sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or -�
<br /> —_�:T� -- � = storage on the Property af small quantities af Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal _
<br /> -��_�• ;;_.3:,,, residential uses and to inaintcnance of the Property.
<br /> .' • •. Borrower shaU promptly give Lender written natice of any investisation,dnim,demand,lawsuit ar other action by any —
<br /> ��.�, , ` govcmmcnta!or resulatory agency or privare party involving the Property nnd any Ha�ardous Subctance��Bnvironmental =_
<br /> � ` Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br />����. . �' .:,,f� authority.that any removal or ather remediation of a�ry Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> . shall pramptty takc all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. _
<br /> � , As used in this paragraph 20,"Haxardous Substances"are those substances de�ned as toxic or hazardous sabstances by
<br />'�•�,�'• , . '• Environmental Law and the follawing substances: gasoline,kerosaue,other flammable or taxic petroleum products, toxic
<br />� � pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents,materiuls containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As
<br /> . • used in this paragtaph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br /> ' a';�:��.���`%;� � that rclate to health,safery or environmental protection. —
<br /> "• _y`_:' :4 _
<br /> ��� �; .���� :��' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant und usree as follows: -
<br /> � ,�`''��"- : . �;'.;.r . 21. Acceleration;Remedies. Lender shaU give notice to Borrower prior to accelerAtion following Borrower's
<br /> :. �{.;:_•
<br /> �;'• � ��,� � breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragrAph 17
<br /> ".•_�.;L;:__�.ti;.11;a.�, • unless applicable law provides otherwise). The not�ce shall specify: (A)the dePault;(b)the action�equired tu cure tbe
<br /> ���.�:-;.,,�:--�--;-��-�;��-- defAUit;icj p date,rtot ie.ss than 30 dayx i'rom ioe datr inr nuiicr i�given¢o i3eiro�cr. by Rhlch thP�e!'snit must ls:.
<br /> • � ' '" �•�•1• cured;and(d)that failure to cure the default on or before ihe date specified in the nodce may result in Acceleration oi
<br /> . • the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and ssile of the Property. The notice shAU Purther inform Borrower of
<br /> •� the right to reinstate aRer acceleratiun and the right to bring a court action to assert the�on•existence of a defwult or
<br /> any other defense oP Borrower to Acceleration and sale. IP the default is��t cured un or before the date speci�ed in
<br /> ' the notice.I.ender at its option may require immediate pAyment in full of s�t!sums secured by this Secur(ty Instrument
<br />� without further demand And may invoke the power of sale �nd any other remedies permitted by �ppikAble I�w
<br /> : • Lender siwll be entitled to collect �II expense. incurred in pursuinR th� �emedi�providrd in thiy ps►r�Qraph 21.
<br /> � includinR,but m►t Iimited tu.reau�nable atturncyti'f��ti and c�t+of litle e�•idencr.
<br /> IF the puw�er of s�le is invuked.'[Yutitee shall rrcor�l a noticr uf defwult in es�nc�uunty in w�hich s�ny ps�rt�f thr —
<br /> - Property Is I�xated ynd xhs�ll muil cupirs of such notice in ihe manner pre.Kribed by s►ppiicable 1�►w to Bnrruwer�nd to
<br /> the uther persuns prrscrib�vl by�pplic�ble I�w: After the time reyuirrd bv�pplirs►ble IAw.7lruztee sh�tl ki�•r public --
<br /> � nntice of xulr to thr penons�nd in the munner prescribrd by upplic�ble laa: 7lrustre,withuut dem�nd un Su�row•er.
<br /> • shyll sell the Property�t public s�uctiun tu the hiRhrzt bidder lt thr time�nd pl�ce�nd under the terms desiRnntecl In
<br /> the notice uf sule in one ur mure purcels�nd in�nt�order 71ru�tee determine.r. Trustee may postpone wie of all or any �:-
<br /> j� • . parcel of the Pruperty by public annuuncrment�t the time ynd place utum•pre�•iou�ly scheduled sale. Lender or its °�
<br /> • • desiQnee m�y purcha�the Property�t�ny wle.
<br /> ;Y' ' Upon receipt of payment ot the price bid.7lrust�shull deliver t�►the purchaser Trustee's deed conreyinK the
<br /> Property. The recits�is in the 11ru+ter's derd sh�li be primu frcie e�•Idence uf the truth of the statements myde therein. -=
<br /> � 'Ilrustee shall�pply the proceeds of the wle in the follow•inR order. Iul tu all custs and expenses uf exercising the puwer ���
<br /> ��;.. . :a�. R ..
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