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<br /> �------ cortd-.rnnnticm ar�1her�rking�f any Qart of the Ptopaiy.or for conveyuncc in lieu of condemnAtion,ue hec�eby acii�ned and
<br /> rhall be prid to I.erulct.
<br /> !n the cvent af w total txicin� of the Propeny, the praeeda shall be applied to the sums xecured by this Secur�ty
<br /> In.rtruenent,whethrr ur niit then duc.with wny excex� puid to Borrower. In the cvcnt of u puctinl taking of the Praperty in
<br /> which the fuir m�rket vuluu uf thc Properxy immedfatcly befarc thc taking ic equul to or greater than the amount of thc sums
<br /> � __ �ocurcd by�his Secudty In�trument im►r�diut�ty beforc the tuking,unless Rorrower s�nd Lender otherwise agree In wdting,
<br /> �: tix sum� tiecured by thiti S��curity In,tn►ment Fhall be reduced by the umount of the praceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> _''�'�^"""'""""""��' fraction: (u)the rotat umaunt of the sums aecurcd immecliately hefurc tl�e tuking,divicied by(b)t1u:fuir m:u'ket value of the
<br /> •�� Fn►perty immediutely bePore the taking. Any balunce shall be paid to Bcxrowcr. In tIx event af u partial taking of the
<br /> '�`-"p—��� Prapeny in which ttw fuir m��rket valuc af the Property immcdiatcly befare thr tuking js less than thc amount of the sums
<br /> � -- sccurr.d immcdiutely bcforc the taking, unless Borcower und Lendcr otherwise ugrcc in writing or unless uppticable law
<br /> _ _ otherwlsc provides.thc procads shull be applied to the xums secumd by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are
<br /> .— then due.
<br /> ��rr-�:r.�--c�:�a If tix Property i�abundoned by Harrower,or if.�fter notice by Lender ta Borruwer thut the condemnor offers co make
<br /> — -----g an awsud or settle u claim for dumuges,Borrower fuils to retipond to Lender within 30 duys ufter the Jute d�e notice is given,
<br /> - -- Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,ut its option,either to rcstorati�n ar repnir of the Property or to the
<br /> ���� ,;��!°`'�''-`'��'' sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Uniess Lender and Borrawer otherwise ugree in wciting,m�y applics�tion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> � postpone the due date af thu monthly payments ra-feRed ta in parugcuphs 1 nnd 2 or change the amounc af such puyments.
<br /> - ` ''�'�` -" 11. Borrowe� Not Relrused; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> ' ' �Asl�•'����j..�f��� � modiflcution af amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to uny successor in interest
<br /> �'F�;�•ti;'�•�°=`+���." of Borrower shall not operate to releace the lixhiliry of the original Borrower or Borrower's successars in interest.I.ender
<br /> ' �'��� shall not be required to cammrnce proceedings aguinst uny�uccessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> �.. otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Inrtrument by reavon of any demand made by the original
<br /> �, �'���'��• Horrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any farbearunce by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy shall not be u
<br /> � �� ������;���.�• :1: waiver of ar preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> '�''��' `" ' "'%%r:��"'"''� '� 12. Successors and A�.signs Bound;Joint and Several l.tability;Casigners. The covenunts and agreements af this
<br /> ' . � ' ' Security Instrument shull bind and benefit the tiucce.son and a�sign�of Lender and 8orrower,subject to the provisions of
<br /> '- ', �`•' ��-�i r'�- °�•^ � �� parugraph 17. Horrower's covenants and agreements shall he juint und severnl. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br />". � -- • Instrument but does not execute the Nate: ta)is co•signing this Security Instrument only to mortsage,grAnt und convey that
<br />` � . Borrower's interest in the Property undcr the tem�x of this Security Instrument; (b)i�not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Security instrument:and(c1 agrees thut Lender und any other BoROwer muy agrec to extend.mcxiify,forbeur
<br /> �, or make any accommodations with r�gard to the terms of this Security instrument or the Note without that BoROwe�'s
<br /> ,�,� �•:s,��.�_—__� _. consent.
<br /> - ---- --.;�;•; Y3. Lva�+�i�a��cr+. �f II12 IJdii Sa'.Ci1tCa ny ta�� sr���cy :n:irumcnt i�. suhject to a law which �t� maximnm loan
<br /> s ":,�:: ,• • chnrgeti,:►nd thut lt�w�is finally intcrpreted so thut the interest or other loan churFex collected ar to be collected in connection
<br /> � •• , ,y� with the loan exceed the pc:rmitted limitx,then: (a1 any such loan churge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> ' . the charge to the permitted limit;and(h)any surnti alrcaJy collected from Borrower ahich exreeded permitted limits will be
<br /> refunded to Borrowcr. Lender may choosc to makc this ref'und by rcduring thc principal owed under thc Notc or by making u
<br /> ' direct payment to Borrowcr. If u refund redutts prinripul.the reduction will Ne trruted u�u partial prepuyment without any
<br /> prepayment chargc under the Notc.
<br /> 14. Noticex. Any notire to Borrowcr pn�vid�d f�x in thi. Srcurity In�trumrnt .hull tre givrn by delivcrinb it or by
<br /> mailing it by fint clusx miiil unle+.upplirabir ta�c r�yuire+u,c of anutlur methcxi.The noticc+hull Ix directrd to the Property
<br /> Addre+�or an�•other addreti. Burrower de�ignute+by notica u�Lendcc Anp notice tu Lrnsler shntl lx given My tint cla.,
<br /> �r�• m•ril to LenJer:addre��.t:�tcd hcrrin ur uny uthrr addrr,.I.rndrr Jc�i�;natrti by nuticr tn Borrc�wer. An��nntice provideJ tiir
<br /> ;., in this Srcurity In.trument .hull Ix JcemrJ t�� hucc h�cn �ivrn t�� fiurrowcr or Lend�r whcn givcn u� provided in thi�
<br /> `, . Paragraph.
<br /> IS. Go��erntn(; I.�K�: tic�•erubUfty. Thi. Sccurity Imtrumcnt �haU tx �uvrrneJ by fcderal law anJ the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Pra�xrty i.lcxated. In thr rvent that any pruvi,ion or rlautic i�f thi�Srcurity In.trument or the Nate
<br /> � conflicts with applicablc laa�.wrh runtlirt tihall n�x:►t'tcct uthcr provitiiunti uf thi,Sccurity In,trumrnt or the Notc which c•rn
<br />; � be given effect witlu�ut thr cunflicting provi.ion. 7'ii thi. end thr provi,ion.of thi.Security In.trument und thr Note urc
<br /> � declared to tx�evcrnblc.
<br /> �� • 16. Borrower's Copy. Borri�w•cr�hall Ix�iven une cunfunrnd rupy af thr N�u�and of thiti Seruriq•Instrument.
<br /> 17. 7'ransPer of the Propert��or u Benefiriul Interest in Rorrow•er. If aIl ur:�ny purt ut'thc Propcny or any interest in
<br /> it is sold or transfrrrcd(��r if u Ikurtici:d intrr��t in Bom�wcr i.wld��r tran.tcrrc�l:uid Borriiwcr i�not u naturul person)
<br /> „., without Lcndcr+priur writtcn con�cnt.I.rndrr rnay.:u ik uption.rcyuire innncdiatr paymcnt in 1'ull of ull sums secured by
<br /> .� ` ���'� thir Security�In�trument. Howrvcr,thi�aption tihall rnx hr ex¢rri�ed h}•L.cnJcr if rxerci+e is pruhibitcd by federal law us of
<br /> ' ` M� the date of this Security Instrumcnt.
<br />:• r � ; �,.}„y'�• If Lender exercius thi.uptiun,Lendrr.hul)givr Rurruw•rr nutire of acrelrratiun. Thr notirc tihall pravide a period of
<br />� �'1,' ' j=. . not less than 3U duy.fmm thr date thr notice i+aielivcnd or mailcJ a ithin which Burra��•rr mu.t p:q•ull.um,sewred by this
<br /> 'S' � , Security Instrument. lf Borrc�wrt faih ti� pay thc.c �um� priur tu Ihe rxpirutiun uf thix �xricxi, Lcnder may invokc uny
<br />-�- remedies permitled by thix Security In.irument a•i�hi�ut f'urthrr naticr ur drrnand un Harruwer.
<br /> _���. � ' 18. Burrower's RiRht to Reimtate. If Borri���cr mcet� rrrtuin c<mditium, Borruwer �hall have the right to have
<br /> • �, enforcement of this Se:curit��Instrumrnt Jiscimtinucd at•rny time pri�u ro the carlicr at: (al S day�(or such other txriod as
<br /> _ � Singlr Family••Fnnnie N�e4Ycddk'•f�c C\IFUR�f 1\tiTRI'11F.rT•-Unffortn Cmenantc 9/90 f/xrge 4 uJ6 pugesl
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