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<br /> --- ut,wa�.rw�:cue�ak�luriw::;.�t�gsyessrat ot cls:'lFes..-s-ey l�e�Mt�dlr l•+c�+.�+•�d,.«w exoeea 3.0 9i d
<br /> tMe pri�cipN�a�ord d tbe Mole�t tbe N�e af tbe decluatiu�af de�a�lt,a�d re�o�uWe�ttor�ey�'tea srp mftted
<br /> by lawi Ibl to a1f w��ec�rod by lh{�Se�w�ity Iwidru�oe�tt�d lcl�a�sxoen W tbe perso�ar peno�s k��lly eautkd
<br /> W if.
<br /> 22. Reco�vey��ce. Upon p•rymrnt of all xums r,crurcd by thix Securily In+trument. Lerxirr shall reyucst 7ivtitce tc►
<br /> aconvcy thc Property and shall surrcnder this Security Inswmcnt and al1 nates cviJencing dcbt securcd by thi� Securiry
<br /> Inauument to'Ituua. 'itu�ccc shatt rcconvey �he Prapeny wichaui warrancy,u�d withcwt ctarQe w ttrc perum or persaas
<br /> -----------, kLa11y cntltlLd to It. �uch�rsan ar Q:rons shaf!pa;;any�trccxdation cc�t�. _
<br /> 23. SuAstltute 71�ustee. Lcndcr,at its o�tion,m�y from time to time rcmove'Itustec and appoint a wcccxsor trusta to
<br /> w�y 7Fu�tee nppointod hereunder by an instrument rccoulM in the county in which thi�Sc�cu�ity Instrument is rceoided.
<br /> -- Without conveyunce of the Pmperty,the succecsor wstee shaU succeed to all the titl�,puwer und dutics conferral upon
<br /> 7turtec herein and by applicabic law.
<br /> 24. ReqweKt for NWiae. Bcxrower reyucsts that copies uf the nwices of defautt and sale be sent to Bortower s uddress
<br /> — which is thc Praperty Address.
<br /> 25. Riden� to this Security Instrumertt. If one or mom riders nre executed by Borrower and rccarded together wlih
<br /> �his Security Instrument,the covenants and ugreements af es�ch such rider shall be incorpc�rrte�i into nnd shall anxnd wid
<br /> supplement the covenants and�greemenW of this Securiry Inztrument as if the rider(s)were u put of this Secudty Insuument.
<br /> (Check applicable box(os)J
<br /> � � ` �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> � �Graduatcd P�yment Rider �Planned Unit ilevelopment Rider �Riweekty Puyment Rider
<br /> ,:.,
<br />•.,.
<br /> �Bulloon Rider �Rate Improvement Ridcr Second Home Rider
<br /> �i;. ❑X Othcr(s>[specify] ASSIGNMIENT OF AENTS
<br /> BY SIGNING BELUW.Borrower accepts and agrees to the tertns and coven:rnts cantainod in this Security lnurument
<br /> and in any rider(s)executed by Borrawer and recwded with it.
<br /> Witnesses: ^
<br />-.- " — � 71X�'�!" •^. �X C!W�"r .__—/SCAI�
<br /> � '' DANIEL B. DORAN •aorrawer
<br /> ,;,��� ,:;��- 396-?8-639Q
<br /> „�..,,,,, �, ;,�, Sceial Sccurity Numher
<br /> �wS°�:k�'.� .!,-
<br /> 'f .?��'•'�'�,',���, f c3'l�'Q/i'�� �\�'j�-�V tseal)
<br /> -"":� ��r.J��-�r�-+�'�''}'" SLI.�,AN L. DORAN •B�xrower
<br /> •^�I i' i�I].,'_Y.". ''.'
<br /> - '�i�� �f" :� �`� Social Security Number 14?-74-7187
<br /> ,,+ _�.,,,,;.;�::,: .�;.� HALL.
<br /> �'�""'``"":"`,a`"'. STAT6OFNEBRASKA. County sc•
<br /> '� .'•' t:f—.t:•••',Y,'•+:'. '
<br /> ,�; ����a�, , Oo tbis 19TH duy�f NOVEP'IBER 1993 ,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br />_ ,' ��,;�;��;y;;;;�; �;. duly commissioned and yualified for said county,personail��rame DANIEI. B. DORAN AND SUSAN L. DORAN,
<br />- �;'c�s r•ti�,�. �'}<" HUSBAND AND WIFE .to me knowo to bc thc
<br />_ '��'�"-�'»� `'.� � id I persons(s)whose name(s)am subscribed tothe foregning instrument and acknowled the e eculian thereof to
<br />" - =`:L�:::o;r�,= 11iEIR voluntary act und dced. C�
<br /> _ � . 'a`�::•' •''� s my hand and natarial seal at GRAI�p I ANO Ra�CA in said county,the
<br />_ :W.�;�'`.:�� , � ��� '
<br /> �'`; `: My�C� expi
<br />-.,� � �� � Notuy PuWk
<br /> . •, '�. ..'""-- TOTRUS��'��'�'
<br />=��,'' "•��•f •�' 'll�e und sj the holdcr of thr notc or notes securcd by this Dccd of Trust. Said note or notes,together with all
<br /> —�-�^�b•: other indebtc by this Dced of'Iiust,h•rve been paid in full. You arc hemby dirccicd to canccl said note or notes
<br /> ' and this Deed of�e;t ich are dclivered hercby, and to reconvcy,wi�hout warranty, all the estate now held by you under
<br /> :��ri'f�:.��`•" this DeeG of'Itust to person or persons legatiy entitled thento.
<br />= Date: —
<br /> I�'{��' �,�� Porm 3o2�t 9l90 r�xrgr n.�Jn�wgrsl
<br /> �.,�,.
<br /> �:� .
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<br /> —�kF��J,S'.. ...i]`-- rc. �Y.ZYUriL•_Sii.r�� !• l'Z '�Fi. - ��Y�T��___.
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