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<br /> -- _ .� -----�..� 93" is.a25s
<br /> -- -- AWKiMAIEkT OF RENTa RIDER
<br /> � • � 7H 18 ASSIONMENI'OF AENT8 RIDER 1�m�d�and�x�cubd thi� �9TH day of NDUEIhBER ��� 93 ,and Is
<br /> ' Incor�aaNd Into and�hatl b�dNm�d to am�nd�nd�upplPm�nt th�Mortpayo or Os�d of Trust,h�ninaft�r nNrnd ta a�ths
<br /> - -- �-�
<br /> M'� "S�aurity Instrummt",of th� sam�dat�piwn by th�und�nian�d, It�reinaftsr nf�r�sd to�a th�"Bor►ow�r , o wcurs
<br /> �� Borrow�r'�Indobt�dna�,hK�lnaft�r nhrnd to�s th���Not�",to HOME FEDEiiAL SAVINQS AND LOAN h9SOCIATION OF
<br /> tiRAND ISLAND.h�r�inatt�r nfKr�d to as th�"Und�r",of tM sam�d�t�and covainq th�prop�rty d�soribfd In th�S�aurity
<br /> - ��,.�,,., In�trurr�nt and IooatW at:
<br /> ,..,
<br /> (P�op�►ly Addr�sl s.
<br /> . t � WITNESSETH:
<br /> a;��r�,.%-�..� --
<br /> —+�-' ' ' WHEREAS.Borrowar and Lender hava apraed rhat any rents and profits attributabt�to ths propsrty should constitut�
<br /> --� '�"'��`��. addltiOM)NcurHy to th�L�nd�r for tM payrrNnt of ths Notr,
<br /> —� -- ,.,�,�, ��;•..:..,. .:. -_
<br /> _—���� NOW.THEREFORE,it ts apnsd that the Seaurlty Inatrument shall W amend�d h�nby and deemed to tnciude the foilow np
<br /> ��,,,�;,,�„�,,�,� provislons:
<br /> �' ���f`'�""�� 1. esignment of Rente and Lender RentaJ CoilectionRiahts.Bor�ower hereby abaolutaly And uncondition�liy aaaipns all
<br /> � �r .w..,.._�. ...,, .�'.
<br /> rents, issuea�nd profita of the property to Beneficlary. Lender shali have the ripht, power end authalty du�in� the
<br /> - -- �'�:�'." continuana ot the S�curity Inatrument to cotlect the rents,lasues and profits of the propeRy and of any personal property _
<br /> •�"S� ".;• " , located thereon with or without takl�p posaeaslon of the property affected hereby. Lender, however, hereby conaents to
<br /> ��?� ��'"� � Borrower's co11sc4ion and�etention of such rents,lasues�nd profita as they accrue and becomq payable,so lonp aa Borrower
<br /> ��•�~��=±� � .�� I s n o t,a t a u c h t i m o, i n d e f a u l t w i t h r e� t t o a m e n t o f a n i n d e b t�d n�e s s�curad h�reb y,or In ths p erformance of any
<br /> fi.,'•- '"', :.. a,;.� p� P Y Y --
<br />. � ayraement heround�r.
<br /> . 2. A000intment of Receiver.if any event of default In respect to the Security Instrument ahall have occurred and be
<br /> continuinq,Lender,as a matter of ri�ht and without notice to Borrower or snyone clalminp under Borrower,and without
<br /> ,. ''r.:-;�, repard to the v�lue ot the trust estate or the intereat of th�6orrower thstein,shall have tha riyht to apply to any court haviny
<br /> •� Jurladiatlon to appofnt a recefver of the property.
<br /> ' � " . 3. �ht to Posseselon.In case of defautt fn the payme�t of the sald p►i�cipai Note or interest,or any part thereot,es it
<br /> - shall mature.or in the case ot taiiure to keep or perform any of the covenants or aqreements coniained in the Security Instru-
<br />'_ �;a� .,t,�,,,,,,,,�r,;;_;� ment,then the Lender, its auccesaors or assipns, shail be and is hereby authorized and empowered to take immediate
<br />_ . . •• ' poasesalon oi the said premises tharefn described and to colioct the rents theretrom,end to apply the proceeds thereot to the
<br /> �• ° , paymmt of the Note.
<br /> ?.�,;�::�, ,:�. :_=�. +.' 4. Aoollcatlon of Rents,lssues and Profits.AII rents coltected by Lender or the receiver ahali be applied flrst to payment
<br /> . , of the coate of manaflement of the property and collection of renta,inciudinp,but not itmlted to,receiver's feea,premiums ori �
<br /> ;:}I receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees,and then to the sums aecured by thA Security Instrument.Lender and the
<br /> receive�shall be Ilable to account only for those rents act uaity received.
<br /> �'�� 5. Conetruatlon of Provisions.Each of the provistons contained in this Assignment of Rents Rider and the Security Instru•
<br />� ment shail,untess otherwiae specifical�y required, be conetrued In accordance with Nebraska law, and in the event any
<br /> t'�;� provision hereln or therein contai�ed sha�i be determined by a court of competent ju►isdfction to be unenforceabte,the si�me
<br /> _ . � shatl be construed as thouph such unenforceable provlalo�were not a part hereof or thereof.
<br /> '; �� 8. Effect of Rider.Except as apecificatiy moditied byor inconsistent with this Assiqnme�t ot Rents Rfderor by any other ,-,-
<br /> �i.• '�;���k+.��•-,,=>:;.�::;. , appticabie ridor�all of the terms and provlslons contalned in the Security Instrument shal!continue i�ful l force and effect. f
<br /> . ,-,� . . . • � ,
<br /> `�'�' ' ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed this Assiqnment of Rents Rider on the date tirst noted above. _
<br /> � � .'
<br /> ,. � }.,,, , �-
<br /> :� ;;.;, -��w.�,c"/ /�. uz,a.r -
<br /> �. ; o
<br /> " DANIEL B. DORAN Borrower
<br /> 1 • .,�m-•� �• ��1 �-
<br />�; ., —� �t,1�3 'xt,c✓ Ul . �\�L'�t-��— �:
<br /> " SU5AN L. OOfiAN eorrower =
<br /> ,
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA) �>:
<br />��_ �'� , (ss: i�
<br /> '� ��-,�. � COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> f� � ,
<br />�' � ��"� On this.19ItL_day of N�VEmBER ,19�_ before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public duly commissfomd and ._
<br /> _ ��� - . �T t�i;4 qu�tlfied tor eNd county,personally oame nARt 8 OORAN AND SLSAN L �RAN. HI iSAAND AND Wif E ��
<br />���,;,;. .
<br /> � ,to be the identicai person(s)whose neme(s)16lare subscribed
<br /> - .-�� to tha for�polnp instrument,and helshelthey acknowledpe the execution thereof to be hislhedth voluntary aCt and deed.
<br /> " . . . �`
<br /> - Wttnessmyhand and Notarlal Seai at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br /> � -.,,• � ..,. , .
<br /> ..j�;- In s t e da id.
<br /> ',:�..•T'';;1;'%, - �
<br /> 1. •�, :n.::. � � T�
<br /> �'d '+t�'=�,M N ary PubUc -
<br /> '� �:�:,a•_ My� ,�� s: -
<br /> r' Mr�ovo�� �'��� '
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<br />