<br /> ,�� • _ , _ ._ .-.��.w -
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<br /> - - � �pgiicable law m�y specify for roi�Watement)befarc s�le of ihe PropertY Punwnt to�n�wer�ia{e���in d�i�•
<br /> Secwlty�urt�au:�x lb)muy of a jud�rr�eat enforcin�Ws saunty insnument. Tiw�e conaitiom�re thst Barowcr: i�} ;
<br /> pMy� l.ender�II aurra which then would be dus unda tNs Secu�iry Inatnurant and the Note ar if no �ccele�ation h+�d�
<br /> occurred:(b1 cutes�ny def�ult of any alher coverumts a a�reemenu�;(c)pays tll expaua incumod fn e�fon:in�this Security,
<br /> _ Instrumcnt, includin�,but not limitod to. �+r�sorabk �nomeys'far,�nd(d)take� such+�ction as Lender msy�ra�an�bl,y
<br /> royul�s to�.isure tlut ihe lien af lhis Socuriry Instn�n�ent,l.endcrk ri�hts i�t the 1'rope�ty and Bom�werk ubligaticx�to paY tlws
<br /> wms secured by thi� Security Instnunent shalt �tinue unchangod. Upon rcinstatemcnt by Boeower, thi� Securitp
<br /> _:_,,,��_—� In�umrnent and�t�e oblieuioos securcd hcneby stWl rem�in fully eftective is if t�o rccelentlaa tud orcurrod. Howcvor.thit
<br /> � d�ht to rcinst�to sball na apply�n the rase of acceleruion under para�nph I7.
<br /> .:� 1!. Swle of Note;Cluu�e o�l.au� Servlcec The Note a a putial inteneu in the Nate(tagetFKr with thia SocuritY
<br /> - -"-- Insuumrnt),m�y be sold one or mcr+�times without prior noticr,to Hortuwer. A sale rtuy rcsWt ln a clwnga in thit entiAy
<br />-_� - -----__� ({ctawn as the"I.o�n Servicer")tlwt collects monthlY WYments dws under the Hok and this Secudty Insuumaiu. 91�tre,alSa
<br /> --_— may be one a mare chu�ges of the[.aan Serviccr unnelatod to a sak of the Note. If thcrc is�change of tM l.+oan Scrviccr.
<br /> �.�,r.�� Bortower will be given written notice af the change jn accorciance with puagraph 14 above and applicpbla�la�+r� 'I1�4 notiSa
<br /> _—.�+.2r��~:YeX'i' wiil state the nartx�rd�ddr�ess of the new Lan Servicer and the addcrss w which payments stauld be mndai 77ta arxiaa wiil
<br /> =s�� dw cont�in Any oct�r information required by applic�bk law.
<br /> — - - — 2p. Hwrdous Substaaca. Borrower shall not cAUSe or pecmit the prcseoce.use,disposal.s�oraga.or nlearo c�E'�ny
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Pmperty. Borrower sh�ll not do,nor allow anyaie else ta do,�nything affectiqa.fh4
<br /> � ` s Property that is in viol�tlon of any EnvironmenW l.aw. The preceding two sentenccs sFudl reot apply to tiw pr�Feocc�uRC,w
<br /> ° - - -==-=_— uarage on the Pt�operty of small quantities of HazaMous Subswnces that are gener+lly rccogniud to be a�n�ri�tta�to ncxmat�
<br /> _ —=-=°� residential uses and to maintenance af the P�operty.
<br /> �;�� �.,,;,;; goaower sh�ll promptiy give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim.demu�d,lnwsuit or othut acurm:by any•
<br /> � ."����,;,'-::,::-_+ govemmenwf or regulatory agcnc}r or private party involving thc Property and any Hnzardous Substence or Fnyit„r►mnnrpl
<br /> �;',�,�•�;f.�..:.��,. Law of which Borrower t�s actual knowledge. lf Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmantul or reguT�tay
<br /> �uthority.that any rcmoval or aher rcmediation of any Huardous Substance affecting the Ropetty is necessuy.Borrower
<br /> + �`' � � •� . t shall promptly Wlce all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> i •:..: ,. : _,,.�-: As used in this pu�gnph 20."H�+zardous Substances"are those sub....u�ces defined u toxic or hazardous substuicn by
<br /> ���`�=* �` Envimnment�l I.aw and the follawin�sutastances: gasoline.kerosene.other flammable or tozic petroleum products,toxic
<br />� �;.' .��,, , �'r pesticides and herbiciJes, valatila solvents,materials conttining asbestos or farnualdehydc.and cadioactive m�teri�ls. As
<br /> . �. used In this puagraph 20. "Environmental Law"means fodn~d laws and laws of the jurisdictim wherc the Properry is locaud
<br /> .:�;,.-�'`.' • that relate to heatth.safety a environmentat protection.
<br />_ '�:•�:'��„:�._ .�- ,ri� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower m►d[.ende:further covenant and agrec as follaws:
<br /> - ' ` "� � .' i' 21. Accelentiou;Rea�edks. I.ender slwll give notice to Barcower prior to�tcekraNa fdbwiag Borrower•s
<br />- �'"��'`r•''"° ' ;�"�' bre�ch af aay coremnt or agrerment in this Security InstrumeM(but aot priar to�cceleratlo�under paragraph 17
<br /> �,=j�.�;=,._� �:• unkss applic�bk law provWes othenvLse). The notice sball specify: (a)the def.wlti Ib►the actloa rcquired to cure tbe
<br /> . • � dehult:lc)a date,not iess tiwn 30 days f'ran tiie dste the notice is g���en iu�rruKrr.br..�ni:-i�iiir�ia�i�=�u.st ise
<br /> � cured;aad(d)th�t tailure to cure the detault on or before the date speciiled ie the noticc�:may�esult in acceteration ot
<br /> • , the sums secured b3•this Security Inslrument ynd sale of the Properq: The aotice shaU further iniorm Borcower ot
<br /> the�ight to reinslate aRer accelention s�nd the right to brin�a court action to asscrt the non-existeace oi s�default or
<br /> any other defense of Borrower to accelerytbn and sak, if the default is not cured on ar betare the date sptctliM in
<br /> the natire.l.ende�at ils option ma�•require immediate paym[wt!n full ot'all sums secured by this Security Inst�umrnt
<br /> , , without�Purther demand and may invoke the pow•er o�sak and any other remedies permitted by applkabk law
<br /> . Lender shall be entitled to collect all expemes incurred in pursuing the �emedies provided in this p�ra�raph 21.
<br /> - including�but not limited to.rea.son�6le attorneys-'fees�nd rns�s of titk e�•idence.
<br /> -j_, ' If ttie power of sale is imoked.'frustee shull record a notice uP default in e�ch county in which s�ny part of the -
<br /> %�. ��' � Property is loc�ted s�nd shall mail copies of wch notice in the manner prercribed by applicable law tu Borrower nnd to
<br /> =�. , � the other persons prescribed by applks�ble I�w. ARrr the titne�equired by A(!�lIICAIIIL IAW.Trustee shal!gi�•e publk
<br /> F•. notice of sale to the penons�nd in the manner prescr[bed by applic�ble I�w Trustee. without dems�nd on Borrnwer,
<br /> shall sell the Property at public s�uctiun to thr highest bidder dt the time�nd plvice aad under the terms designated in
<br />- the notke otsale in one ur more p��cels s�nd in�m�order Truster determine�. 7lrwtee may pohtpone s�te of all or any ,
<br />_•• pArcel of the Property by publk�nnuuncement at the time and pluce of anv pre�•iously schedukd st�le. I.ender or Its
<br /> ��' . • desi�nte rtwy purch�.se the Proprrt�•�t�ny sale.
<br />'�'` � '� ��' Upon receipt ot paymrnt oP the price bid.7Yustee shall deliver to the purch�ser'I1�usteQ's dri.�d com•e�ing the
<br />��4� � ' Property. The recitals in the'IYustee's de��d�hall be prlmu�acie evidence of the truth ot the sts�temeot�made theretn.
<br />- - 11ru�tee shall s�ppl�•the procaeds of the sale in Ihe fulluwin�order: ta>to oll costs and expenses uf exerctsing the power
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