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<br /> pyn�nt�m�y no lon�er be rap►ired, at the aption of L�endcr,if n�on�a�e inwrance oover�e(in the unaunt'ud for the perlod
<br /> th�Lende� roquira)prcvlcf�d by m irourar�ppruved by I.ender a�in becaneR av�ilable snd i:obained. Borruwer�hrl p�Y
<br /> K�►.-�tEur-�r.�guin�ta srrsiatt:n c,asttr.,�e lt�ttr�!^e 4n eMnct,�ca pmvide a low raurve.wKit the r�equieemeot for moit�t
<br /> inuranoe a�d�In acoondmoe witb ioy writun a�rea�nt between Barowa and L+rnder or�ppiicabla 4w.
<br /> �.lo�ctba. Lender a iu�an nuy mdce roa�o�uible entrla upon md lrup�e��tione of the Propaty. La�kr�WI jive
<br /> �rower notice at the time ntor pbr w an inipoction specifyin�t+e�so�uble cwre for the insQection.
<br /> 1�.Cq�de�pnNbe.The ptoccedi of�ny awud or cltim for danu�a,dlroct or consoquenti�l. in oonnectinn with any
<br /> oondema�tlon or other Wdn�of �oy ptrt of the Property.or for oonveyatwe In Iku af wademn�tion.aro haeby a�i�ned�ad
<br /> --- -__ -__ _ itwlt bc paid to Lcnder. _
<br /> In the event of a toul taking of the Pruperty,the procoak sludl be+�pplied to 1he sums saured by thi�Socurity In�wment�
<br /> " whether or rat thGn due,witb any exoac p�id to Borrower. In thc cvent of a p�irtial taking of the P�qxrty in which the fair
<br /> rnt►icet vdue of the Prqxrty iauuediately beforo the ta�ing ic equal to or�rcatu th�n the amount of the wms�cured by thi�
<br /> — Sxurity Insuume�t imnxdiatdy beFon the talc�ng.unless Bortuwer and l�der c�thetwise agra in writln�.the su�socurai by
<br /> thls Seauity Instn►ment stiall be roducod by the anwunt of the proceeds multiplied by the following frxtion: (a) the wwl
<br /> --- - - -- - amo�mt of the wms socurod imr�xdiately befon the taking,dividad by(b) the fair market vdue of thc Froperty tmmediotefy
<br /> - before ihe uking. My b�lara sAtll 6e paid to Bortnwe�. In the event of a pacti�t tWcing of the Property in whlch the fdr
<br /> m�rket value of the Propeny immediately before the tafcjng is less thu►tlx arrauM of the sums securod Immodtntely beforo the
<br /> tal�ng.unless Borrower and l.ender otherwlse agree in writing or unless applicable taw otherwlsc provida. tbe pm000dt siull
<br /> _ bt spplit�l to the Fuma xecurod by this Secudty It►ctrument whether or not the sums are Uxn due. _
<br /> - If the Property ls abandaied by Borrower.or if.after tatia by Lender to Borrower that the c�ondemnor oftecc to nulce an
<br /> y� awacd or settle a claim for duraaga. Borrower fails to respot� to Lender wlthin 30 daya after the d�te the rwtioe is given,
<br />���'� l.a�dcr is authorizod to collect ard�pply the proceeds.at[ts option.either to rcstontion or rqwir of the Property or to the wrns --
<br /> sa�rod by this Security Instrument,whether or aot then due.
<br />.�� � Unless[.n�ler ud Bortower otherwise agroe in writing, any application of procoods to principal shall rat exteM or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refen�xi to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the unount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Somower Not Rdas�d;Focbrnrance By I,ender Not a WaiWer.Eatension af the time for payment or modification
<br /> f ,�,;, of amortiration af tAe sums saured by this Security Instiumeni granted by Lender to�ny suacescor in interest of Borrower slwll
<br /> not operate to rclease tbc liability af the original Borrower or Borcower's sucxessors in interest.I.enckr shall not be roquirod to
<br />- '=-� , I conu»p�a procxtdings against any suc.cessor in interest or nfuse to extend time for payment or aherwise modify Ar�wctluuian
<br /> � � of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reacon of any dertwnd made by the originil Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> ,'�;• .':n;aE'1 successors in interest. My forb�euu�ce by Lender in exercfsing eny right or remedy shall rat be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> • - ' ���°�a � exeocise of any rfght or remedy.
<br /> . �,;.:;�!.^,���:�^� ,, i2. Suoces�ors and Fisi�as S.wnd;iwai ,uN3 Sevri�t LiabSity: �a-si�cr. The cavcrsu�s �nc! agr�mc�is af ttsis
<br /> "�.�. :
<br /> . +'.�•x:�;�">��•����?> • Securiry Instrument shall bird and benefit the successors and assigns of l.rnder and Borrowcr. subJact to the provisions of
<br /> �, '�Ldc�:,�$._ t�ic�.:
<br /> , �, �• • y��..-w�. p�agraph 17. Barcower's coven�nts and agreement� sha!! be}oint ancf several. Any Bonower who casigns this Security
<br /> .'`;' ��i`��°"��'''�'`"�y instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mortgage.grant and convey that
<br />_ � '��'�'`� �'�'�'����� Borrower's interest in the Prciperty under the terms of this Secudty Instrument; (b)is not personally obligatad to pay the suras
<br /> •�'`•_�'•,,.''��'i � socurod by this Security Instrumcnk and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,farbear or
<br /> �• , � �•. � , ttwfce any accommodations with reaud ro the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Hocrower's consent.
<br /> ' . . ` 13.Loan Clwrges.If the lo�n secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which scts maximum loan charges.
<br /> � ,,�;,w�;;,F�, �� and that law is finally interpreted co tlut the interest or other loan ch�rges collected or to be coil�cted in connectian with the
<br /> -�y loan excced the permitted lirniis,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amonnt nocessary to reduce the chuge
<br /> ,�`� . •����:•�', • • to the permitted limir. and(b)any sums already collected from Borcower which exceeded pertnitte�d limits will be refunded to
<br /> • ' � � � � Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owecf under the Nate or by making a direct
<br />° . , . p � plyment to Borrower. If a retund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a parti�l prepayment without any -
<br /> . .,. .,,... ,. .�. prepaymcnt chnrge undcr the N�tc.
<br /> � __.. 14.Nottces.Any notice ta Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> �r, . ,�;;,, � it by first class mail unless appl icable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Addrcss _
<br /> � " ar any other address Borrower designates by notice to I.en�icr. Any noticc to L.endcr shall be given by first clacs mail to
<br /> t� - Lender's address stated herein c�r u►y other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> ,:,,:�. ' �.....,.,..,. .• Sxurity Instrument shall be dcerned to have been given to Borrower or Lender whcn Fiven as provided in this paragraph.
<br />- • 1c ' • 15.Governing I.aw; Sevenbility. This Securiry Instrument shali be governed by feder�l law and the Iaw of the
<br /> ,. . . LhYtr��:w�m
<br />"��� '�;� jurisdiction in which the Property ts located. In the event that any provision or clause of this S�xurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> �- � conflicts with applicable law,su eh mnflict shail not affect cxher provisions of this Sccurity Instrument or the Note which can be �
<br /> ;;�'";: ;,�r�� � given effect without the rnnflict ing provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are dxlarcd =
<br /> v,,:, ",."� '.� . to be severable.
<br /> ���� ��"'0t 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one canformed cupy of the Note and of this Security Insttument.
<br /> •;��.:�•• .
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