<br /> r:� . - ----- � .. � — -
<br /> - -�a - _ __ -
<br /> � -. 1 -
<br /> ._ _ -- -.�-.J �3- iiOG�
<br /> 17.'x'r�'er of tlie ro��DeNeflcW IMereM la Doetowrr.�f�Il or�ny pert of tlw PrapettY or nny lntete�t in it
<br /> b wid or transfaned(or if�a b�eaefiCW interat in Bartawer i�wld or truisferrod�nd Bnrrower is nat a n�tural penon)witl�out
<br /> -_.- -- L!�xkr's z+►inr wriqa► oonsent. I.etider aLy, at its optbn. ra�ulco fraatedWe pyment in lull of dl wm� �ecured by thi� __
<br /> Sexuriry i�tcummt.However.thL optioa aiull not be e�nrci�ed by[.ender if exerrLe is prohibiud by tederd law rr ot tbe d�s
<br /> of IhL Socudty lnsttument.
<br /> If Le�der ae=+cices this option.Leoder s1Wl Qive Barawer notice of accelention. 'I'ho iation�iwllp�►vlde a perbd af not
<br /> less tliut 30 dnyi from thc date the rwtke is delivene�i ar maEled within which Borrower mu►t pay all wmc wcured by this
<br /> Socu�ity Inuruma►t.Tf Borro�+rer f�lls to pay tbae sums pdor w thc expiration af thl�palod,I.erder may invdce a�y t+emedles
<br /> ____ permittod by this Saurity Instrument without funher riotia or dert�and on Homnwer.
<br /> - �-- _-=_=_..: 18. Boerower'r Rigbt to Aeiwitat�e. If Borrowcr moetc ccrtuin canditions, Borrowcr shalt have thc ri�ht to have _ -
<br /> _ enforcemrau of this Socudty Instnunent disoontlnued�t any time prior w tAe earUer ot: (A)S d�ya (or such otltier penod iu
<br /> - _ — �pplic�blc uw may specify for reinstatea�eny beforc ale af the Prnperty purru�nt to any power of sale containod In this
<br /> -- _ _ Socurity Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgrnent enforcing thic Security It�stiumnt.Thase mnditionr are that Horrower:(a)p�ys
<br /> _..__ [,ender all wrtu which then would be duc wder this Secvdry Instcu��ud ihc Nate�s i[no acoeletation h�d occurnd:(b)
<br /> cures Any default of�ny other covenanta or agraments; (c)payc all expenses incumal ln enforcing this Socurity Instnunent.
<br /> including. but not limitod to.crasonable i►twmeys' foes; sud(d)takes such actlon as L.ender rtray rcasorwbly requirc to aswre
<br /> - °°- --- ` that the licn of U►is Security Iuurument.lxnder's rights!n the Property utid Borrower's obligation to pay the sums socurod by
<br /> - this Security I�irument shall oontinue anchangod. Upnn rcinsutement by Borrower. this Security Instniment nnd the
<br /> _ obligations secured hereby shnll remain fully effectjve as if no acceleration hsd oocumed.However, this r��ht to rcinstate slwll
<br /> notapp!y in the case of acalecution under puagraph i%.
<br /> � 19. Stle ot Note; Chao�e oi La�n Servicer. The Note or a partial intercst in the Notc(together with this Socur�ty
<br /> Instcumeny may be wld one or mon timec without jxior�x�tice to Bornower.A sale may rcsult In a change in the entlty(lux,wn
<br /> ,,,.;t.,— -------- �s the"Loan Servictr')that cotlxts monthlY payments due under the Nae and this Secu�ity lnstrument.Therc also may be one
<br /> _ . or more changes of thc L.aan Serviar unrelatod to a sale of the Nota If thcre is a ct�nge of the L.oan 5erviccr.Borrower wjl!bc
<br /> �,�c�. '; Biven wri[an naice of the change in aocord�nce with paragraph 14 abo��e and applic�bie 1aw.The notice witl state tt�e r�rt�c and - -
<br /> � • �ddras of the new Loan Servjcer and the addrcss to which payments should be m�de.The notia will�Iso oontain any other
<br />-.. •;��-. , � ,::..: inforttiation required hy appticable law.
<br /> ;;�i,p,r_;�,�. 20, i�zardaus Suhsts�aces. Borrower shell oot cause or pemut the presencc, usc, disposal, storage, or rcicase of any
<br /> i, �.;�;,���{�. Hazardous Substances an or in the Propeny. Horrower shall not da, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> -':�. . Property th�t is in violation of any Environmental Law. Thc precroding two scntences shall not apply to the presenct, use,or
<br />•. � i.�'�•'.,r � storage on the Property of small quantities of Huardous Subswnoes ttwt are generally rccognized to be appropriate to nomial
<br /> • � �'�"�,•� residential usesand to maintet�ance of the Properiy.
<br /> _ �:;;� �•�,,.
<br /> - ��' �,1,�;;� Borrower shall promptly give Ltnder written notice of any investigation,cleim. dernand. lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> = '���""'•-i'�' '-~-'• govemmentel a regulatory agency or private party involving che Propecty and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentnl Law �:
<br /> ;..'.';" '��y�;;�;.�:°�.
<br /> � of which Borrowcr has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notifiod by any governmcntal or regulatory authority. that ____
<br /> .�......:.,�::,...,._...��.
<br /> - .iw�,; any removal orother remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance afFxting the Property is nxescyry.Borrower stwll promptly t�ke
<br /> ��}..�:�'"',f�,.,,�. all necasary remedi�l xtions in sceor�dence with Environmental Law.
<br /> � ; • - •.�t+r�• As used in this patagraph 2U. "Huardous 5ubswnces' are those wbstances deGnat as toaic ur iwr�di,us subsiark�s by _
<br /> • " '� Environmental law and thc fallowtng substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, tox�c =
<br /> ' pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents.materials containing usbestos or forniatdshyde,and radioactive materials.As used in n;r:�
<br /> , � � this para�mph 10, 'Environmental Law' menns federal laws and laws of the jurisdirtion where the Property is located that -�--
<br /> '.'"�,� relate to health,safery or environmental protection.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further cavenant and agree ac follows:
<br /> , - . . 21. Accela�tlon;Remedies.[.ender shall give notice to Borrower prlur to acceleratlon following Borrowec's bre�ch _W.
<br /> � .. of any covenaat or agreement ln this Securlty Instrument (but not prlor to acceleratlon under paragraph 17 unless �-- -
<br /> opplicable law prnvides otL�erw(se).The notice sfuill specify: (a)the deiAUlt; tb)the action requlred to cure fhe default;
<br />- (c)A date,not less ttwn 30 days from the dute the notice is given to Borrow•er,by e�hkh the default must be cured;and
<br /> 'j�., , ,,; (d) that f�ilure to cure the default on or be[ore the date specifted in the nottce may result in acceleration of the sums
<br /> - �• ; secured by this Security Instrument �nd wle of the Pmperty. The not[ce tihall further Inform BorroN�er of the right to
<br /> f reinstate after Acceleratian and the right to luing a court AcNon to si.ssert the non�existence of a default or any uther
<br /> , ; '� defense of Borrow•er to acceters�tlon and sale.If the default Is not cured on or beforn the dute specified in the notke,
<br /> _ � .. L.ender. at Its optiun, mAy require ImmediAte par•ment in full oE all sums secured b�• this Security Instrument wlthout
<br />: , . „;; further demand and may Im•oke the po��cr of sale and any other remedi�permittcd by Appllcuble law.l.ender stwll be _
<br /> entitled to collect all expens�s incurred in punuin�the remedies provided in this p�rngrs�ph 2l.including.but not limited
<br /> to�reason�ble Attorneys'fees and costs rst title evidence.
<br /> if the pow�e�of sale is invoked. Trustee sh�ll rErurd a n�►tice of def�ult in uch countr• in which nn�� {wrt of the
<br /> � Property ts locoted and sha11 mAil coples of such notice in the mvnner pre.+c�ibed b� applica�le�aw�to Bnrrow�er and to
<br /> �� the other persons prescribed by applicable law•.A4er the time reyuired by appltcnble Iy�.Trvst�sh�ll kivr public notice
<br /> kti' of sale to the penons and in the manner pm+cribed b�•applicable law. Trustee,K�ithout demand on Borrow•er.slu�ll sell
<br /> -_; "t'�` ��- : the Prope�ty at public auctton to the hi�h�st bidder at the time and place and under the terms desi�nated in the notke of _
<br /> w.::.
<br /> ,:� a,, sale in one or mare parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Tructee mu��portpc►ne sule of all or any parcel ot the �;
<br />_ �'-;��R���.,,. Property by pubUc announcement at the time�nd pl�ce ut am� pre�•ioutilc xhedukd wle. IAndrr ur its deslgnee may ���->
<br />� � ;�;�::�'. Purchase the Property at uny sale.
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