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1 � •� <br /> .V. :.+Yi7'_WY4.+ �M'� <br /> _ _— �_� � •�':�—�--�-+�r—�--'�c �: - �- <br /> . '� ^ �a. <br /> - J� v. .-- _ <br /> . �. _ <br /> i:,_ . <br /> i�.�I�.IIq�4� <br /> " J .. ._._ __W_. . <br /> Y. <br />. i . � - ..��. - - _—_.. . <br /> � J. <br /> � .,.;.� 9Y_, l o8sso <br /> . �-,'�l. _— _ <br /> -- ---- ecx�demnutian or+�hcr�akin�of uny puh ol'�he 1'ropcAp.�K iW'currveyurke in liru ul ewukmnwiw�,aR i►rmby uKSiY�x�l wwl <br /> �twll bc paid ta Lcndar. <br /> - — In the evcM uf u tdul takinµ uf Ux� Pro{xny. �h� pnwce.i� �hull t+c u�Brd to thr +um� xrua�.l hy thi+. S�YUri�y <br /> - ---- Ins��umcm.whcthcr�x nw then dur,wi�h uny�xce�, �u+id�u Hurn►wer. In�hr cvenl ol'u puniul�uking uf the 1'n��xny in <br /> --==�:.� whirh Ihr falr markct vrluc uf the Rx►peny imm��limely Ixli�n Ihr�uMing i,��yual tu ur Fnut�r th:m Ihr anN�um uf ihe sum. <br /> — R- scr:ured by this Sccuriiy Inwrunxnl iim�xJiutely hcli�n thc laking,unlr��Borri�wcr unJ Lrndr�u�herwi.c u�nw in wri�ing, <br /> --- � ihe�uma sa:ured by thh Securily In.trunxnl+twl!t+c n•JureJ by tlx unHwnt of�t�pnx�wd.muUiplird hy ihe foUowing <br /> -:��'—=�^�—=�A ir�tiun: lw�he tutal umuunt uf Uw tium,srcurcd immn.iiatrly hefum�he iulin�►.divided hy Ibl Uk t'uir m•rrkcl valur of'thr � -- <br /> =_= prnperty immediately b�fore Qx�wking. Any t►•rluncc ahull tk p;►id w Born�wcr. In �hc cvent uf u panial iuking ot'�hc <br />- , Propeny in which�he fair murket vulur��f thc Propeny imincdiutcly Ixfi�R�h�tuwing is Ic.•th�n�he umoum ul'�he.umv <br /> � =" tsecurcd immediutely hforc�he toking,unle+� Born�wrr uixl l.eixlcr athrnvlK u�:ne in wrilin�t ur unle+. upplicuhle Ia�w• <br /> �=s�` ` othcrwi�pruvides,the pruceeds xtwll be+�pplied�o�hr xumY�unJ by this Securiiy Imtnmtient wikthee ur nw Ux:sum�ure <br /> �"' "``°� thcndue. � <br /> � -' � If Ihc:PmpeAy is abandwx'd by Bam�wcr.ur if,uftcr m�tirc by Lcnder�o Barn�wcr thut�hc c�Hidrmnor�,tfen to muke <br /> _ - -=--=.::��� nn awurd or senle u cluim Pur Jwnugrs.Borrow•cr fails w re+pund w Lender within zll Ja�•.uftcr thc J•rte th��Ndicc i.givcn. ___ <br /> - Lender ia autharized to callect und upply the pr���' i�,option.�ither to ne+wrution or np:►ir uf�hc f'rt►p�ny or w�hc <br /> -- -°� ' Y sums sei:urcJ by this Security Inshumet►t,whethc�ur nut then due. �_ <br /> �r:� Unless Lender ond Bom�wer othenvi+r a�n�in wri�ing,uny upplicu�iun ��f prureeJ+ w princi�l tihatl not rxtend ur <br /> pcx�tpone the due date of the manthly paymentti mtcrted u�in paragraphs 1 anJ 2 or ch•rngc thc anwunt ai'tiuch payment�. <br /> � I��''��� 11. Rorrowe� Not Released; Morbearance By Lende� Not A Waiver. Exten�iun af ihe dmc for puymcnt ur <br /> W r'Ci <br /> `;;�.-.�,, modifcation of amortization of the nums s��ured by thi�Securiry Intimiment�runleJ by LenJer to uny.uccesyor m mtrm�t <br /> ,�_, __� -_-:v�=s..-.i� of Bomnwer nhall nat opemte to release the Iiabilily oF�he orig�oal Borrower or H�xruwer's succetisorx in inrere+t. Lenckr <br /> �. ,;�� shall na be required�o commence proc��edings ugam.t uny �+uccetiwr in intem.t ur rrfu.r �o extenJ tirne ti+r payment or <br /> '°°-'.;:�� '��' otherwise madify amohizatian af the sums uxured by Ihi+Sccurity In�trumrnt by rcuwn uf uny demand made by the ari�inul <br /> ;:�?`��t'�"� �'� Borrower or Borrower�succegwrs in interrst. Any furbe�runre by Leixicr in exercixing uny ri�ht or remedy�hull rwt br a <br /> . ."""" waiver oF or preclude the eaercitie of•rny right ur nmedy. e� <br /> �..°�:t;G-.:T::� , <br /> ,d�d"�'=� 12. Successot's aad�ssigna Bound:Jdnt and Several Li�bility:Co-sigae�s. The covenunt+und ugr��ment.u9 thi� <br /> "," •:� ,��.,,� , <br /> "-� :•:"���� Security Instrument shaU bind and benefit the +ucre.son und azsign,uf Lendcr and Bum�wer.�uhject to�hc provi�ion+ot <br /> _.-�.:;,;;'•. <br /> --- ,�� �, . paragraph 17, Borrower's�nvenantx und ugnement+ shull be joint and several. Any Burroa�er who ca-+i�!n+this Secunty <br /> -��� �"� �" In,trument but daes not exe�ute the Noce: (u)i+co-signing thi+Security In�trument onl�•io mortguge.grunt unJ�unvey ihut <br /> --- .,.�,�;;�4`�•� Borrower's interrst in ihe Property under ihc�erm�of thix Security Im[rumenr, 1 b)i+not perumully obli�uteJ tu pay�he�umx <br /> `:w't�T��: secured by this Security Instn�mcnr und Ic)ugree+thut l.cndcr und any uther Borrower muy agrce to extend.mudify,forlx;u� a��: <br /> =�';� ' or m�ike any accommoda�iunx with rcgard �a the tenn, of this Secunty lnstrument or the Nae wi�h��ut that BorrowerE <br /> ------�:�r . COIISCq[. <br /> - �_�-�-'c== 13, l.sxta L'4ssrges. !f the 1!u��t ��'��Rd by thi. Security Inwument ix subjecl to a law which +ets muximum loan <br /> `����` ��}� ;�; chur es und thut luw ix finully inte r�ted su thut the intere.t or other loan rhurges collected or to be collcr�ed in connec�ian <br /> --.���`��-'; :.,,';;�;�.,, with�the loun exeeed Ihe permitted 11mi�s,then: lul uny+uch I�an charge shull lx reduced by the;unuunl nerc�sury to reduce � <br /> , r °��- � -- <br /> J! , .�,,�;�,; ", the churge to the pemtitted limil:und lbl uny+umti utrcaJy collccted t'rom 6arower which exceeckd pemiiucd limih will be -- <br />_���� . n:funded to Borrower, Lender muy chootic[o make Ihi+retund by reducing�he principal uwed under the Note or by muking u <br /> �r ����`.5;, ��°� direct payment to Borrower. !f a refund rrdur�h prinr�pa�.ih�reJuction will t�treAtc�i ati A purtial prcpaymcnt without uny - <br />�_�'� ;: prepayment churge undcr tlie Note. __. <br />�a `��"� • 14. Notices. Any nrnire to Barrowc�pr�►vided for in this Secu�ry In,trument �hnll be given by delivering it ur by _ <br /> '-- • "�'""�� � ` � muiling it by fint cluxs muil unlexs upplicuble luw r�yuirc.utir of•rnothcr mclh�xl.'I'he nuticr+hall be dirccicJ to thc Pwperly <br />- '����` ` � � Address or any other uddresx Borrower dr.iEnutr�by notice�o Lender. Any noticr to LrnJer tihull Ix giv�n by first clu.s <br /> „�._°. <br /> _ y ._ moil to Lender ti nddress s�atrd herrin or uny otlkr uddre�.Lender dr�ignu�eti by notic�tu Bom►wrr. Any notice provided far iu <br /> _ ' • � � in thiw Sccurity Insuumcnt tihull tx Jccmed to havr Fn�n givcn u� Borcower or Lrnder when givcn u+pn�vided in Ihis <br /> : ` ' 4�`� °• p:►ragrnph. - <br /> 1S. Governing Law; Severabillty. Thi, Srcurity In.trumrnt .h:+ll be ��werncd by fedra►I luw und ihr law of tix� � <br /> :'!:�,�'� S���� �� urisdiction in which�he Propeny is kxated. In the event�hu�uny provi.ion or cluu�e of thi�Security Intitrument or thr Note _ <br /> :- ar- <br /> -.,,+ :� '��, .. conflicts with npplicuNc law.,uch conllict ,hull n�n ut'fect u�hcr pmviciom of thi.Srcuriry Instn�mrm ur the Nnte which c•rn __: <br /> �<<;�; ��'i`' be given effec� without the contlic�ing proviyion. Tii this end the provivinn. ati thi.Securiry Instrument cinJ�he Note ure <br />-= ��� �' �'' ' declored to be.everuMr. <br />--= •��;�'t;;; • . . 16. Rorrower's Copy. Borruwcr�hull br givcn oue cunformcd copy of thc Nate:�nd i�f Ihi.Security In,lrumenl. <br /> ��.f`� � " S«:+r;:w , 17, '11�nsPer d'Ihe Property or a Reneficinl lntere.r•t in Norrowrr. If all�x any part of thc Property or uny intcrest in <br />-'...;�;i ,» � � it i4 xold or transfNrn�l (or if u henrticiul interc�t in Borrow�cr is tinld ur tmnstemd ��nd Born►wer i,not i� nuturul penonl __ <br /> ,,ti��:,�,y �;�` •-': . without Lendrr's prior wriaen con.cnt,Lendrr muy,ut itti��ption,rryuirc inimcdiulc pirymem in fuU of all sum,tiecurcJ My <br /> . 6 this Security Instrumeoi. Howcvcr,this nption.hall nnt bc exerciseJ by Lender if exercise i,prohibited by t'edcrnl luw r.oF _ <br />' ': � L�^;=�'•'���!'';'� ;, the date of this Scruriry Instrument. <br /> ::iY���,:,��.,•, If Lender excrcik.thi.uption.l.endcr shull�!ive B�,rrowcr nutice of ucrrleratiun. Thc nutirc,hull pruviJe a peri�xl of <br /> �`s�� �A' n�t less thun 30 duy�fnim thc Jatr�hc ix�ticc i,delivrrcQ or mailed within which Burr���vrr mu+t pa�••�sccurcd by this -� <br /> . .". • Security In�trument. It'Borrowrr 1'uilti io p:+y thc+c sunix prinr lu thr expiru�iun ul' �hi. Exri�xl. L.rndcr muy imukc any �v-, <br /> V remcdicx�xroiitled by Ihiti Security In+�rumcnt N�ithout furthrr nulirr or dem�md an Hurruu•rr. �:. <br /> �� �i�" .,..,. 18. l3urrower's Itight to Reinstute. I1'Rnrru��•rr mcc1� crnain r�mdition�. Rurrua•cr •hall h•rvr Ih� right to huvc �... <br /> • eni'orcement of this Security In.lrumem Jiuominuc.l at any timr prior u�th�uu�lirr ut: lul S day�I��r tiuch uthrr�xrial u� <br /> ' ,_ <br /> �:.. <br /> .� ; . � <br /> tiinpl.F'amdy••Funnk 11ur/Frrddie\twc l'ti1FQR\1 I�ti'fRl�IF.�'1'•-lh�durni c'u�cnrni. 4�Y11 ysiR�•a�•l��l�ta�'�� �, <br /> . �=�_. <br /> ,4;. . , �. <br /> •.1' . �. -� �.--. '-^' ' . �.. +.�. ..... . � • .. . . C:'. . xi:�'Mt+e*CY�.��_ .... ,i...... .. , .��a':J:;x`t�Ivi,f,9YT,��14!�,.: <br /> . - �. - ." '- _ . • . , . ,. <br /> �� . 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