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<br /> � _:.:_�._:� 91--108860
<br /> - � � perioda{hut Lender reyui w. Th� incuru�xe riurier pmvidin�thG inr:(�r'•u►ce r�hall bc chu.cn My Bom�wer.ubJect tu Lrnder+
<br /> _ , approva)which chAll na�unn�u•or►ubly.withhFla., �i�F4W���Ai��,'W muintain cove�ugr de�rio�J ulwve,L.en�r mvy,at
<br /> Lender��ion,abtuin Covernge to prweel I.c�xk�ti ri8hk,�n��1q Pn1iPFny in nccunlunce with puragrnph 7.
<br /> All inrur+u�ce fxd�cie�+�xl nnewuln rhull ba ucceQlNh,p,01-eIK�f���hall include a.tandurd murtgage clause. Lender
<br /> .'��.� Khs►11 h�►vc tlu righl w huld the{x►Ii�IF����wAls. It l.c �,n.'ilU�f�S,s�'R""•�r.hull pr��niptly givc w l.rnder ull ntieipt.
<br /> _ -__.=___—v
<br /> , of paid ipremiumc wul rc�wu��i«�• �n the event ot la t wer+hull Yivr prompt naice w�hc:insu�unre cwrler vmi
<br /> �� � L.endcr. LenJrr m•ry mukc pruut'uf lo.+if not mu�le pr�mtn�'Y•hY tW'mwer.
<br /> -�_--- -- �
<br /> �■ Unle+%Le�xier wW W►rrowc�ahcrwix uga�in wriur�b,,in,ur;►nce prac:ecds tihull iM applieJ t��rc.tnrntion or rep:iir of �
<br /> , � �he prapeqy dumagal, if the rcst�xuliun ar repui� is cco!�►ic►�lly feurihle unJ Lcnde�+ �'�urity is nut le+srncd. If ihc
<br /> ____ n:,to�tion or repair iti nal economicully feusibl� or (.�p���+ecurity wnuld be Ie�.kneJ.the insurunce proceeJ� �hAll be
<br /> -�--p�::y� applie})tu tlx: suma u:cured by �hih Serurity IostnunFnt,.N�tglhe�or na Ihen duc, with any exce+, paid to Borrower. If
<br /> --�9=-�:--�r,•�'. gorrqwc�obanJan.s the PropeAy..ar daew not answe�witl�ln,;�day,s u notice from Lender thot thc in�urunce carrier h�.+
<br /> - ��.� :� �-,_
<br /> offe�+i to tiettle u cluim,then Lender may callect tlxs imum�e p�q�-;4'��a• Lender muy u+e the pr�x�d.ta repair ar rc.tore
<br /> the F+irapeAy a�to pay cum�secured by this Security In�ittun!};t16,wh►,�he,�or not Ihen dua. The 3U�day perial will be�in when
<br /> - �" thc nptice iti given.
<br /> -��� Unless Lender und�Qrrower alh�nvi�e :►grce in w�lli�p�,uny �pplication ot praeeds to princip�l shall not extend ar
<br /> ��'°��''r`� po�tpone�hc due dute at'the monihlv paymeMr refern�l�u►p parvB�:�Ph� � sud�or change the umount of�he payments. If ____
<br /> _---�%a'�.'-,;j,� u n d�r paragrup h 2 1 t he P m p e t l y i 5 a c q u i re d b y l.e p d p�, B o m�w e r.ri g h t t o a n y insurun�e p olicies und prcxeeds rewUing ---
<br /> "' "—"r""-'`'' frotn dumoge to�hc Property p�i4r.tu�ho acHuiSitiqp,ti ha�f pacs�o L�nder�o the extent of the sums secured by thia S e curiry
<br /> -•_�� Inptru�nent immediutely pdor,to Ihe�cqui�+iliuq., pa-row�er's Loan Applicatton; -
<br /> ;�= 6. OccupAncy,. P�eservAttoqr..Mnin��pA�R A��,.Proteclion oP the P�opeMv:
<br /> °- °- - l.eascholda Borrawcr shull occupy,euuhlitih.and uag Ih�Pr4perty a�Borrowe�+pnncip:d re.idence wi�hin sixty days aiter
<br /> ,.�.:_'s�_`' �` the execution of thic;Securiry 1n:�trumGnl and shn�l yanli}�qg lo occupY th�F'ropeny s�r Horr�wer's princip�l re+iJence for at
<br /> '�'���• leuht one yeur uF�er the date of occup�ncy, un���x I.end�t Q�h��i� �8�+ in writing, w•hich cw►sene ,huU not be
<br /> ---==�� unrea�anably withheld,or unle�.+extenuq�iqg circN�c,Sancg+ex.sst which ure beyond Barn�wer�r��ntn�l. Borrower.hull not
<br /> '%�."-,.:--,�;u . destroy,dums► e or impuir the Propeny,ullpw thq Pmpgny to deteriorate,or commit H•u+�e on thc Propeny. Borrower shall -
<br /> '��=:,���-?", be in defnult i�any fort'elturc ucti�n or pro�eeding,,wh�{her civil or criminul,i,begun tBat in l.ender's•good fuith judgment
<br /> ,�...,,i.tt��-
<br /> - -'��... ,�t:, . could rewult in forfciture of tha Prvpeny ar uth�rv+i:� materiully imprir thr lien creuled by this Security Instrument or
<br /> -�.r,•�.': u�c ee u�fuult mid remstute,u,provided in pamgruph 18,by cau�ing the action
<br /> -- Lender's sccurily intercwt, Borr�w�r mpy cur�,,� h '
<br /> j�= °=`�� or raceedin lo be di�;miti�ed with ruli hu{,in Lrnder; ood fuiih Je�crminu�ion, rcclude.forfeiture uf the Burcower: _�
<br /> ��..s.•;. P � �
<br /> - "'� - interest in ihu Propeny or nth�r mu1�qA �mppirment of the�lien created by this Security ln�uumenl ar Lender:securiry
<br />.._, ,;�,�':,,;,;,,�,_ interetit. Borrowcr sh�ll ulsa ti�: in,dcfuult..if Borrower, during the Icwn applicutian process. 6uve mu�crially fulse or
<br /> `.��;: � `� inaccurale infqrmutiAq Qr stuteqt�pls ta�,epd��lar fuiled to provide Lender with s�tty muterial informutionl in connerlion with
<br />_- -_-„�.�e.��,:. , the I�an evidenced by tti� Na�,.inc�u�1i4N,,�t nut limited �o.reprctientution.concemin@ Horrower± �xcupancy of�he
<br /> � .,��;�:;.,, --- �+p- Prapeny ur u principui ia.idi;tx:e. It'ihih�cru7.�y lnr:trumen!is on F+ IP���hoW.Bwrower xhall cumply with ull the provision+
<br /> �e uf Ihe Icatic. If Borrawer acyuirch fee tiUq,ln ihc Propehy.[he kusehold und Ihe f'ee title�ull not mcrgc unlc��c Lendcr ugrees
<br />_�. �'��;�'
<br />-T:�a�.�` �o thc mer e�in writing. ___
<br />.°�,�n.�� .'°'�, 7. �roec�tiun,at I,end�r's ��gh�1�Pn,�he Pruperty. If Borruwer fuil. to perform ttie wvenunts und ugrcemen�s
<br />-�..; �i�'+e•�� ., ' ' contuined in thih Sccud�y Inr:Srutn�4t•,or,thqtG is u legul pmc�eding�hut may si�emiic:�ntly +Jfcct Lender's right� in rhe
<br /> +� ,� . Propeny�.uch�is u pra:eedinR in papk�uq��:�;.(n'ub�«•fpr condemnulion ur forteuure or to enf�r�e laws or reguluuansl.�hen
<br /> �'� .''"� Lender muy�l�und�rry far,wha�el�4r i�neceesarv co protect thc vuluc uf th� t'ropeny and Lrnder� rights in the Prupcny.
<br /> '_��`���:: Len der's uc t i o n�m a y i n•�u i 1�p a y f p p,��n y.u m.�e c u re d b y u l i e n which huti priori�y over this Seruriry Instrument,uppeunng =
<br />-`°� •�.. � in coun,puying reuwnu�l�nuqmsy+ fcc+und en�ering on�he f'n►pr:ny to make rcpain. Althuukh LenJcr muy ta ke ucliun �,n;
<br />�-:�� � �� under�hiH parnsruph?,Lc1�dF�doa�not huv�lo do zo. --_
<br />_Y:;;,� „ , Any mnounle+di�Y�urtiK!1 by l.cndcr under this pu�ugruph 7 shull brcom�uJditiunul debt oi'Barrower,ecureJ hy this —
<br />- . . ��_, :�:� Security Inhtcument. UnIC��Bu�ruwcr unJ LrnJer aEree lu uther i�rm�ol'p.�ymcnt,the+c umouni�+hull beur interest irom the
<br /> " ��as.�.�� Jute of disbunem�:nt •r�lhc Note ralc unJ.hull t�e puyahle.with inierctit,u�xm nuticc from Lrnder to Borrower reyuetiiin�t �
<br /> -- - '. ...x�. . p�ynx�t. -�_.
<br />�:�'� . S. �l��r,tRugR �nSN�unce. It'L�ndrr reyuired mongage in�urunce u.a cundi�i�m��f mukin�the loun+ccurcd by Ihi� _
<br /> •"'� Security.ln:�truntsnt..,�nvwer shull pay thc prcmiumti r�yuiRd lu mainlnin the mong.�ge in,urancc in efl'ert. IL for uny
<br />: ''"•. �`AS�: . rcu�un, th�,m�►rt�agw in.ur•rncc covcrugc rcyuircd hy Lrndcr lup+cs or rcaw. to Ix in ct�icct. Bonowrr sh�ll puy thc `
<br />_ =t.'. ' premium� requin:d tu.ubtuin c��vrrn�e �ub+wmially equivalent a� tlx mun�age in.uruncr previi�usly in etifert. at a ru.t r
<br /> ��`.`-�:�.'-'='" ' . substsu►tinllv uquiv}depl l�������tit 10 Bi►rrow�r uf�he murlgu�;r in�uruncc previou,ly in cllecl.from nn altemute muri�ugr
<br />.--�Y::e , '� intiurer� rnvcd by,l.�:�xic:r. If rub.wntiully cyuivulcnt mongu�:c in.uranrr ruveragr i�nut uvailablc.Biirru��•cr�hull pay to �' .
<br /> �"�.'. _r ��.. , Lcnd�r e�h ipnpth��1�um�:qu►d tu�inc-twcltih uf[hc yri�rly mungaEc in,ur:�ncr prrmium Ix:inE paid My Borrowrr whrn�hr =_
<br />-- .,.�';,•-
<br />--- - �� ',. insur�m�;e rovor,►ti�;lap�:d��r ceu,rd to tk h�efferi. Lendrr will uccept.u,c;ind rei:�in U�rti.paym�nt.u+u lo+,reurve in licu ��-:
<br /> - `".-`.' ;•.:��, .. •' :� of mi►h :� e, inti41'411t�:t. Lo+r rc.crvc puyment� ntuy n�� longrr Ik r�yuired.cu �hr ��ption i►f l.endcr. if motl gu�e imuruncc ��
<br /> .`':' f:���;. coversiuc 1 n t�l�,:�mix«tt swd tiir Ihr�x�'iuJ thut Lr�xlrr reyuireti�pr���•idrd hy:m in.ur�r:�ppruved hy Lenckr uguin Ixcomc, --
<br />-- .,f��'... ,, � . --
<br /> -_ :,�. • � uvuili�bltt and,ir�+l��ciined. Bor�o�ver tihall puy�hr premiwn.required�o maim:iim m�rig.�gr in,urancr in cffcct.or to pruvid�a
<br />_ . . I���ti rekne.umil the rcyuircmrnt for mon�ugr in.uruncr rnJs in inrurdunrr��iih uny ��•ritten,igi�cment brtwccn Burrower �
<br /> .. Uflt��.CflI�CCOr:lhr�ll'U�l�l'�il\4. �-__.
<br /> 9. fwspecti�nn. LrnJcr or il�a�rm muy mukc r�a,un:�hl�cntric� upun:�nJ in,perti�m.ol'Ihr Pro�irny. Lrndcr�hall {.
<br /> �;iv�,��Yrowcr n��lic�:al Ihc�imr i�f i�r prior�o:�n ins(xctiun��xcil'yin�!rc:uunaMr rau•r li�r th�in��xrtiun. f.
<br /> .. i or rlaim liir dama�r..dir�rt ur r��n,ryu.niial.in cunnrruun�viih iiny ��i
<br /> �. 10.. Condemn�tiun. Thc pr�xrcd�ot am :n�.�r� �. �;
<br /> ' timEl.l•rmd�•-Funnk�WMFreddic�fuc l'\IF'u1t�11\ti'1'ltt�blF.�1 I mi�n�n l���rnani. 4i411 i�r,��r±„/���y�p,•�� i�".�
<br /> �ara�IdlnHminr�.l�mw.he � ,
<br /> . ' InIMk11 all 1�14MI:i:N1!Id'1:1� 1�.1\�i16•7�611 fl
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