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<br /> __ -� � appUcsblc I�w may specify for rcinstatement)beforc snle of�he PropertY purcuAnt lo anY Power of wlc r.ontained in�hi�
<br /> _.—_ � Socutiry lnstrumenl;or lb)mtry of�judgmcnt enforcing Ihis Saurity Inswment. Thoce conditions arc tlwt B�nrrower. (al
<br /> _ poye Leader aU sums which tbm would be duc under this Security Insnumrnt wu! �hc Nae ws if no eccelcration hsd
<br /> - = accumed;(b)cures any default of any other covenants oe agrcemcnts;lc)pays all ezpenses incurred in cnfor�cing�his Security
<br /> -�=������ Insttun►ent,including. but not limited ta,reasut�able enomeys'fees: and(d) wkea such uction as I.ender may rc�o�wbly
<br /> _ - - � • roquirc W arsurc that 1he Uen of Ihis Secudry lnswment.Lende�'s right�ia thc Property and Borrowerb obligation to pay ti�e
<br /> — eum� secured by Ihis Security Insaumcnt sMll continue unchanged. Upon reinstntement by Barower. thls SecuritY
<br /> Inslrument and�he obligutlons cecuced hereby shali rrmain fully eif'eclive as if no acceleratian had accurt�ed. However,this r
<br /> - ,. ri�ht to rcinslate st�ll not apply in the case of acceleratlon under pazagreph 17.
<br /> �� 19. Sak d Note;C6sa�e ot L,oaa SerYker. The Note or u p�utial interest in the Ndc(together with this Security
<br /> L..� InsWment)may be sold one or more t�mes without prior notice a Borcawer. A sule may result in a chunge in Ihe entity
<br /> ,, �known as 1he'Loan Servlcer")ihat collects monthly pnyments due u�der the Note and this Security I�trument. There also
<br /> ,,s:�.=:�;��� � mny be one or more changes of the 4oan Servicer unrela�ed to a sale of the Note. If there is u change of the Loan Servicet,
<br /> _ -.-�,;,,� r, Borrower wil!be given written aotice of the change in accordance with paragrnPh 14 ubove and applicable law. 7tie notice �,
<br /> ;r.,�-•.•� will suue the name and addresa of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be mada. The notice will _
<br /> __,,;,_„�:�_;, � aiso contain any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> _ __-_�-_--,�..,� 2p� }���Subrtauces. Borrower shall not cause or peimit the presence,use,dispos�l,storage.or release ot uny
<br /> _- _ -- -
<br /> ��. �
<br /> .__ Hazardous Substances on or fn the Propeny. Borrower shell not do,nor allow anyone else to do. anything uffecung e
<br /> -,��5'L s� prope�ty that is in vfolation of any Environmenu►I I.aw. 71ie preceding two sentences sholl not apply to the presence,use. or _
<br /> - ---= storage on the Prope�tY af�nall quantities of He�ardous Subswr�ces d�at are genemlly recognized to be�PPropriate io nortn�l --
<br /> -�,,,,�:;'�,,� residentlal uses and a maiatenance of the Property.
<br /> �--•:;<n.� Bo�rower sh�ll p�amptly give Leader written notice of any invesdgation.claim,demand.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> .._:�u;-�.'':.,, g r�ag ory Y P� P�Y 8 P� Y Y �
<br /> ...Y_u� .. ovemmental or ulat agenc or vats involvjn the Pro rt anJ an Hazardous Substance or Emironment --
<br /> "�-°�"�',:�• Luw of whioh Barow�r has actual 1a►owtedge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatary
<br /> _..�-`�'-%��' �� authority,that any removal or other r+emediation of any Hazardoua Subswnce affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower
<br /> ,�,�;,Y.":� '- ahall promptly talce all necessary remedial act�ons in uccordance with EnvironmeMal Law. _
<br /> " ��`��='�x° ^ As used in this paragrnph 20."Hazardous Substences"are those substances defined as toaic ar hau�rdous subsiences by
<br /> �"�"^ �� Enviro�ur�ntal Law and the following substunces: gasoline,kerusene,ather flammable or toxic peaoleum products,toxic
<br /> •:..a.�:.
<br /> � ""=u%� - pesticidos and he�bicides,voladle solvents, matedals containin�i+sbestos or formaldehyde,nnd radiaactive maten s. -.
<br /> _�`*�:.L • used in thls paragtaPh 20."Envi�onmental Law"meons federal laws and laws of the jurfsdicdon where the Property is locuted -
<br /> ��"'� ' that relate to heal�h,safety or environmentel protection. __
<br /> "�s�� ' ��.a NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender furthcr covenant and agree us follows: -
<br /> �'R�''.�'` :-� ` 21, pcceteradon; Remedies. Lender slwll give not(ce to Borrower prior to accelerallon followiag Borrower's _
<br /> ;`�'' �:':�4;_� breach oP aay covenaat or agreemeut in t6is Secu�ity lnstrument(bul not p�ior to Acceleratbn under paraQrAph 17
<br /> - __ !'-- ���� �w vide.v otAerwisel. Tde notice sb�ll specify: (A)the defaull;(bl the Aelion required to cure t6e
<br /> _..-..:�::-. ¢A!lceblt pr�
<br /> _ - ��J deipult;(c)a date,not less thon 30 days from the date the nollce is given to Ibrrower.by which the dei�uli mmfi b�
<br /> V`?-s�',��.�-.�-V��, ,� ' . cured;and(d)that failure to cure the defAUlt on or betore the date specified in the notice may result ia Acceler�den of
<br /> c= ��"'• , Ihe su�secured by this Security Instrument and sale ot the 1'roperty. The notice shall furthrr inform Bon�ower of
<br />-=j��� � Ihe�Igbt to reinstate aRer acceleration And the right lo bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a dePault or _
<br /> .�:;: �-�'•,'�' ' ' ! any ather defense of Borrower to occekrAtbn and sale. If the deFault is not cured on or before Ihe dpte specifled b '
<br /> ._� �$� , �.
<br /> �' , .
<br /> the notiee,I.ender At its option may require immediate paymeat in iull of All suins secured by this Secur ty�kable I�w.
<br />-��� . � without further demand aod rtwy favoke the power oi sale and any other remedies permitted by app .�
<br />;�?'� '•'s3•tii'�r. Lender sdall be entlqed to rnllect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided ia 16is por�raph 2l, °'
<br />_ . ,�-;;.�,., •
<br /> .;;;• including,but nM limited to�reasonable attorneys'fees And cosls oP titk evidence. _
<br /> ��'� , ��� �'Y4�'''•'-� If the power of sale is invoked.7lrustee shall record�notice of dePault in each county in ehich s+ny part of tbe
<br />�..Y, t���'t(i).r •.
<br />. . ,� . �.�, property is IocAted and shall mail copiels of such notice in lhe mannrr prescribcd by applicmble�Arr to Burrower And to _
<br /> 4
<br /> °�` �`'�` Ihe other persons prescribed by applicable IAw. A�er the time required by�pplicabie law,7lrustee shall give publk _
<br /> -��, �"�51�'"� notice oP sale to the persons and in the mnnner prescribed by applicable low. 7Yuslee.wilhout demand on Borrower. -�
<br /> �..` _.�.,�,, •
<br /> _:.i�:,�^'�._`�" sl�all seD the Property At public auction to the highest bidder at the time nnd place and under the terms designated la _
<br /> ' �� � the notke of sale in one or more pArcels and in any order Trustee determines. 7Fuslee mAy postpone sale oP all ur any
<br /> _ `�`�_�:,_:.,,, ,•. ;. _.
<br /> -• - ��'�_'{'�'.�'`•t,� , parcei of the P�operly by public announcement at the tipie and place of pny previouely scheduled�le. l.cnderor Its
<br /> ._,--„�o, . �,. ,r,'���.,. .
<br /> "-�� g�,d ; ti(;�;•,2 designee mxy purchase the PropeMy at any sale. -
<br /> . �.t,' .
<br /> - .;kr,�e"'; : ' . , Upon receipt of payment of Ihe price bid.'IFustee shal!deliver to the purchaser'il�ustee's deed convey ng t
<br /> -- ��•,�v' , Properly. The recitAls in the'I�uslee's deed shall be prima facie evidepce of Ihe truth oP the stntemenls made therein.
<br />_ •��� �•��;; . 'Ilrustee shall Apply the proceeds oP Ihe sale in the followln8 order: (a)Io all cost�and expenses ot exercising the power _
<br /> ,�r"��:�.'_ .:i�°ri: � —
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