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<br /> condemn�tion or other wkfnY of any part of thc Property,or for conveyance in lieu oF condemnatlon,rur heroby w�ni�ned a��d
<br /> - � -- -� ah�li bc paid ro Lander. �
<br /> In the cvent of a total tAking of the Property. the procecds shnll bc applied ta the .rums securcd by ihix Sexurlty
<br /> Inatrument,whether ar not then due,wlth any excecs puid ta BoROwer. In the event of u puniul tuking of the E'�MxRy In
<br /> which the fAir mwrket value of tiie Roperty immediutely 6eforc the tuking i,cyuul ta��r�rruter ihun thc umcwnt of Ihe�ums
<br /> _��_�"""� secur�d by this Security Inatrument irnmediately before the tuking,unleys Borrowcr and Lendcr athcrwise aFrce in writinp, _
<br /> — the sums secured by this Security Insaument shull be rcduced by the um�wnt of the praceeds multiplied by the fallawing
<br /> �;`:�� fractian; (a)the total amount of the sums secured immediately befor�ttx tuking.divided by Ib)tlx fuir murket v,�lue of tho
<br /> .�.�-��."•� Praperty immedintely before che iukiug. Any baluncc aLall i,c �;aid tu Rorrowcr. In thc cvcnt oP a p,ininl takin�� of the �_
<br /> � Propeny fn whlch the fuir market vulue of the Propeny immediutety beforc the tuking is Icxs thun the amoum of the sums
<br /> -�---a ---- secuced immediately before the tuking,unless Barrower and Lender wherwise ugree m writin�! or unlexs upplicablc law
<br /> - otherwis�provides,the proceeds shaU be upplied to the xuma uecured by this Serurity Instn�ment whether��r m�t the xumti+ro
<br /> thcn due.
<br /> �� ' �' If the Property is ubandoned by Borrower,or if,after noiica by[.ender ta Bom�wcr thut thc r�x�demnor offen to ma{cc
<br /> •s=�.�=r�;�� an award or settle a claim for damuges,Boaower fails to re+pond to Lendcr within 30 Juy�uftcr thc dutc thc n�ticc is given.
<br /> -,.....�.•-,«��-� Lender is authodud to collect and apply the pr�x�ds,;+t its aptian,eitfier to mstorution or repair nF the Property or to the
<br /> � --__ - sums secured by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then dut.
<br /> �� Unless l.ender and Borrower othenvtso agroe in w�iting,uny upplicution af proceed+to principul +hnll not eztend ar
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly puymenis referced to in paragruphs 1 and 2 or changc tho umount of+uch payments.
<br /> _ _ ��+�:5"��;� 11. Borrower Nat Rele�.sed; ForbeArance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extentiiun of thc time for payment o� _
<br /> ='=� �y �����'� modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Inctrument granted by l.ender to any successor in intemst
<br /> " ' � � K of Bocrower shall not operate to releasa the liubility of the original Borrower or Barrowvrk,uucessors in interest. Lender
<br /> ��.�� ::::`:..�t..
<br /> . ;,�k,.;.F; i,, . shall not ba required to commence praceedings against any succetixor in intereu or refutie to extend time far payment or
<br /> �;�r;',, otherwise modify nmactixation of the sums secured by this Sccu�ity Instrument by rea�on ot any dQmand madc by the uriginul
<br /> ��`.!��"� r ,* Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbeurancc b��Lender in exercising any nght or remedy shaU not be u
<br /> ��` � ' � �"`'"� , wuiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> '`•-'�y.y, •. ... :� �.;' '" 12. Successors and A�.signs Boundt Joint and Several Liability;Co-siRners. Thc covenanrs und agreemcntti af this _
<br /> �..�'x*':k.+`+'fs'`y ` ' Security Instrument shall bind and henefit the successon :u�d ussigns of Lender und Borcower,subject to the provixions af
<br /> . :�. „�,t_,; �+. paragraph 17. Borrower's covenams und ugrecmcnts shall be joint und severul.Any Borrower whu co-signs thiti Scrurity _
<br /> ;����� "';`;•''��.` ' Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry ln+trument only a>mcxtgc►ge,grant and convey that
<br /> �y;;:f%�*,•,i�-. ;... � Borrower's interest in the Propeny under the tcnns of this Sccurity In�trumenr, (b)is not penonully obligatcd to pay the sums
<br /> .".�� ° 1;v� � secured by thjs Securiry Instrument;and(c)ugree�that Lendcr und uny ather Bortawer muy ugma toextend,modify,farbear
<br />,,, :;�.'���� ". _ ' ,� or make any accommodations with rognrd to the tcrms af this Serurity Insuument or tho NaW withaut that Barn►wer's• _
<br /> - '�`�"�',`::-�.i: • consent. -
<br /> ,_. �.,,;�.
<br /> ..n
<br /> ;, .�<'" � • . 13. Loan Chargcs. If the loan �ecured by thiz Sccurity Inrtrument is subject to a law which sets maximum toan
<br /> - c.�.��:�4�.;,::. . ,
<br /> - � ch:ugr�,w,d ii�ai law'is f o�e!!y interpreicd sa that the imer�r�or o�her toan charges collected ar to 6e collected in connectian
<br /> -.;�f• with the loun exceed the permitted limitx,then: (al uny such loan charge,hall be reduced by tho amount necesYary to reduce
<br /> ' the charge to the permitted limit:and(b)any xum�ulready collected fram BoRUwer which wxceeded{xrmitted limits will bc
<br /> ;���.?.��� refunded to Burrowec Lender may choose to make thi�refund by reducing the principul uwed undcr the Nate or by making a
<br /> j�,�:�• .
<br /> ,:;;f:,�,�' direct payment to Borrowcr. If a refund reducas principal,the rcduction will hc trecHed u�u pani3l prepayment witfiout any
<br />_ >>;`';',,.,.- .f.,:,_:. prepayment charge under the Notr.
<br /> i�..�'s.:; 14. Notices. Any notice to Bnrtrnvrr proviJcJ Cor in thi+Sccurity In�trument .hull be:given by dclivcring it or by
<br /> � . mailing it by first class mail unlcss applicuble law n yuire�usr of anothcr methal.The notice shnq I�directed to the Property
<br /> � . ��'`� •� ����� � '' Address or uny other address Boaowcr drsignatcs hy noticc to Lendcr. An�� uuticr ro Lcnder�:h�ill lx given by fir�t dass
<br /> - ,:. ;. .w', .,�. :•. ,..
<br /> • mail to Lendcr's uddrcsx statcd hcrtin or anp othcr adJm�s Lendrr drsignatc�by notirc tn B��rcowcr. Any naicc pmvided fi�r
<br /> lc.�. ';1'.,• ..:; ,:- , _.
<br /> .,;:�:,;:;,;f.,��,,.,�i in this Security instn�ment shall be deumcd to have Ix�n given to Borrower or Lendcr wlwn given u� pruvided in this
<br /> _�•N `t����. 4 �,1:�•Y��.)
<br /> � � h � govrrned by federal luw und the law�of'the
<br />, r , � g15 Governing Low; Severubility: Thiz Securit� In.trumenc shall Ix
<br /> .,:r•�;l
<br /> :,�.:,:':� • jurisdiction in which the Piroperty ix 1«:nted. In the event that un��provixion or rluu�r�+f this Security Instrument or the ote
<br /> . �:;.-."�: ,� , conflicts with applicuble law,such ronflict shall not afferi othcr provisions nf thi,Srcurity lnstrumcnt or tlx Ncxe whinc�an _
<br /> . . +�: be given effect without the wntlicting pmvision. Ti�thi.end thr provitiic�nti of thi�Security fnatrument und tlx Note ure
<br />. j.'...J:. ..�'''-1�ti: declared ta be severable.
<br /> �� 16. Borrowe�'s Copy. Borcowcr shall lx:giv�n onc confonncd cupy uf thr Notc und uf thix Sccurit�•Inxtrurrknt.
<br /> ,rj��r;.,A, ��5:' 17. 7hansfer of'the Property or a Beneficiul Interest in Rorrower. If uU��r uny part of thu Pr��prrty ur an}�interexc in
<br />= ••.;;,,,;., .. ,, it is sold or transferred(or if u beneficial intere�t in Burrowcr i. �olJ ur tramfrrrrd and Borrowcr i+nut u natur:►I percon)
<br />- �;�` without Lender:s prior written cunsent.Lender may,at it�uptiun. reyuir� inunedintc payment in full of all.ums tiecureJ by
<br /> � - -w'"*'�-.;'Y' , this Sccurity Inwtrument. However,thix option sh:�ll not txt cxercised by Lcndcr if exet�isr ix prc�hibited by fed�rul law as of
<br /> ' "``"'�' '� the date of this Security Inxtrument. _
<br /> � " If Lender excrcises this option,l.ender chall gi��e Borro�wr notirc ut'urcrlrration. Th�nmi�:c xhull provide a peri�xt of
<br /> '�"`��"� � not Iess than 30 days from the dute th¢r.otice is cklivercJ or mailed Within��•hirh 13urrow�cr mutit p:ry all sumti,ecured by this
<br /> • << "���'�_•��' •• Security Instrument. If Borrower fui ls tn pay t hr�c xums pri��r ro t hc �xpiru tio n o f t h i, �r i o d.L enJer mu y invoke un y
<br /> ��" 'z�� �'� remedies pt rmitted by this Security Instrument with�wt furthcr notice or d�mand�m BoRUw�rr.
<br /> �,; •• „�.;;,��.T:�;'"' l8. Borrower's Right to Reiast�tte. If�Borrow�cr mcets cenain cunditiun+. B��rruu�cr shidl havr thc right to havc
<br /> +�"�°r;"'?«,-,;.5...�„ enforcement of this Security Instrument dircontinu�d at�ny time pri��r to thc rarlirr uf': ta)S Juys(or xuch other periad u.
<br /> ��... :ii.d1:::, ..h.....
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