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<br />_ � --.-- epp!lcet+k I�w m�y�+eclfy for n:inctatemenq befooe c�le of the Property pur�wuu to Ar►y powcr of�utk cantrfned ln this
<br /> Sec�ulty Imuument;or(b)entry of a JudQn�ent enforcinQ this SecuNty insuument. 7'hnse corxlitinna nre that tsorrower. (a) -
<br /> p�yr Lende��11 Rums which then would be duo under this Security Instrument �nd the Note as if no Acceleration hAd
<br /> cecumed;(b)curts au►y default of u�y othet covenunts or aRreements;(c)pays rll expensex incurted in enforcing this Secudty
<br /> -°,•���,.,ry�� Inarument. inrluding.but �ot fimited[a, rcason�bic attomcyx'fees;and (d)takes such ictian as I.ender m�y reason�bly i
<br /> --_ --_-= rcyuire to u��uro ttwt the lien of this Sxurlty In:�mment,Lendcr�dghts in thc Propetty and Borrowcrk�bligation to pay the
<br /> --���$��� :ums srcurod by this Secudty Instrument ch�ll continu� unch�nged. Upon rcinst�tement by Bomower, this Sewrity
<br /> `` !n•tn+ment�nd the�1+ligeti�nc cecur+eA M:aby Rhail rcmain futly effadve as if no accelemtion had accurnd. Howover,thia �_
<br /> �w rtsht to rtin�lNe ehsll not aPp1Y in the case af acceleration under pAtag�ph 17.
<br /> _. 19. S�le at Notei Ch�n�e ot l.o�n Servicer. The Note cx A partiai intercst in the Note(togethcr with tNis Security
<br /> -- -�-� Inxtcumentl may bc sold one or more times withaut prlar notice ta Borrowc�. A sale muy result in a change in the entity
<br /> �S°�� (�nown a�the"I.oan Sen+lcer")that caliects monthly paycnonts due under the Note and this Security lnstrument. 'Chere also
<br /> �"�� rruy be one or moro changes of the Lonn Servicer unrclated to a sale of the Nae. If there is a ch�nge of the L.oan Servicer.
<br /> ` - r�, �- �— Borrower wiil be given w�itten notice of the chnnge in acrocdance with paragrnph 14 ubove and appiicubk law. The notjce
<br /> --��`-�'�� wtll stau the name u►d addrcss af the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments should be m�de. 'llie nwice will �__
<br /> - -� also contain Any othcr informanon required by npplicable law.
<br /> "�""""`��""`_"==�-' 1A. HAZardou9 SubstYnca. Horrower shall not cause or permit the prcsence,use,disposel,storage,or rclease of pny
<br /> ' Hazurdous SubstAncos on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the
<br />�—`-- ! • Prapeny ttwt is in violadon of any Environmentul Law. The pr+eceding two sentences shull not apply to the prcsence,use,or
<br /> .�fL�;q^_'.:-�`'•4�.:,CT,••. � —
<br /> _� �aq��; . storage on the Propeny uf amati quandties af Hauadoas Snbstances that are generatly recognizrd to be appropriate to normal _
<br /> _ residentiat uses and to maintenAnce of the Propeny. _.
<br /> ���,t'�,:'.. Bo�mwe�shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,cluim�demand,lawsuit or aher artion by any
<br /> i govcmmental or rcgulatory ugency ur privuta party involving the Property nnd nny Hazardous Substanrc or Environmental -:_
<br /> -•.;p.._.,.�, .�. Law of which Borrower hus actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notiCed by any fiovernmental or regutatory �"_"
<br /> `�-'���+��'-���"' � authority,that any remov�tl or ather remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Aroperty is necessary.Borrower -
<br /> �" �� � shull promptly take all necessary remediul uctions in accordance with Environmentul Lnw. -r
<br /> • ��..: ,
<br /> ��t.y_�rm„�;; As used In this puragraph 20."Huzardous Substnnces"�ue those substances defined as toxic or ha•r.urdous substances by -tl
<br /> t���+ Enviranmental Luw and the following substnnces: gusoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic peuoleum products, toxic
<br /> .,%r;:� ...., ..:jr� .': �..__.,
<br /> „ �p�t:�.�`'',;�' ' � pesticides and hetbicides, volatile solvents,materiuls containing asbestos or fotmuldehyde. and radioactive muterials. As �.• ,
<br /> - 1 .;F L�1;:•t;;�,..�,. : , used in this parngrAph 20,"Emironmental Law°means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Praperty is Iocated -
<br /> �, ��`�v:;:.�s, ,�:::.�,',,, , that rclate to health,safety or environmenta!protection. _•�.
<br />" ,° ' • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer and l.endcr further covenant and agree ns follows: pi�,
<br /> •c., i4�:%i,.�:��.r��•-.:.'.�.. i
<br /> . n�`'�� '"'��t �'�r' ' 21. Acceleration;Remed(es. Lender shall give notice to Bor�ower prior to s�cceleration tollowlag Burraw•er's =
<br /> ... . ,.+;:;,�,1'� .:.,� __..
<br /> �� �'�' •��`��� breach oi any covenant or�greement in tbis Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleratbn under paragraph 17
<br /> . ., . tl
<br /> :. : ;,.,.,.
<br /> :,:
<br /> � _'!�t��;g„�r'�l L,�_; uniess applicable law provides otherwtse). The notice s4all specify: (a)the default;(b)the Action required ta cure the ==�
<br /> t�`;;<< ; �u�:,' ,''; I default;(c)a date�not k�thAn 30 dAys from the date the notice is given to Tsorrnwer,by which ii�e deis�uii musi i,r --
<br /> '.••,�_ • cured;and ld)thut fuilure to cure the default on or before the date specitied in the notice may result in Acceleration of
<br /> ?'"�������•'". �� the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shAll further i�form Borrower of
<br /> :a�•;:•.
<br /> ''�,;�;._;;,,�,�s�;.�.� the right to reinstnte ARer acceleration and the right to bring a court s�ction to assert the nomexistence of s�default or __
<br /> . � any ather dePense of Borrower to accelerytion and sale. If the defAUlt is not cured on or before the dAte specified in
<br /> . . „ •. the notice,Lender at its option may require immedf�te payment in full of s�ll sums secured by this Securlty Instroment =
<br /> . ' • . •�i ;• w(thout further demand and may im•oke the powe� of s�le A�d any� other remedies permitted by Applkable taw. �-
<br /> f � � Lender shall be entitled to cullect aU expenses incurred in puryuin�the remedies provided in this p�rAgraph 21. �"` �
<br /> ;�•.,,:,�...,�. . .
<br /> :t.:'.''• � Including,but nnt limited to,reasonable Attorneys'fees and costs of titte evidence. -
<br /> .;?�f,;'�;�: ' IP the power of sple is invoked,7lrustee shall record a notice of default M each county in which any ps�rt of the �"-
<br /> ��;� � •r,r.,�. �•��.: Property is locpted and shAll mwil copi�of such notice in the manner prescribed by Applicable law to Borrower und to �-�'
<br /> -Rl�f •a��.:'�:• the other persons prescribed by appllcAble I�w. Aner the time required by applicable lAw.'Irustee sB�ll give public ��
<br /> *:.• �� notice of sale to the persons�nd in the manner prescribe�l b3•applicabte luw•. 1Yustre.wlthout dernand an Borrower, ��
<br />`:r�`� •;�;`��'-�''. . sh�ll seli the Property At public puctiun to the hi�hest bidder at the time and place und undrr the terms designAted In �
<br /> �n+
<br /> • .�K�. ,'� � the noHce of sale in one or more parcels�nd in any order 7lrustee determineti. 7lrustee ms�y postpooe sale oP all or yny ;
<br /> •- + �� ~• pArcel of the Property by public announrement At the time s�nd pixce of any previou�ly scheduled srle. I.ender or its �
<br />- �::;�i�us:• ..»;.- designec may purchase the Propert�•at any wle. �i:::-
<br />?"`'� � " Upon receipt of payment of the p�ice bid.7Yustee shali delh•er to thr purchaser lrustee's deed conveying the
<br /> ..'-_r, :
<br /> - . P�operty. The recitals in the'iYustee's deed shull be prima facle evidenre uf the truth�f the statements m:ede therein. �.
<br /> � �';,
<br /> � 'lirustee shell upply the pruceeds of the sale in the folluwing order: (a)to all costc�nd expeases of exercising the power �. -
<br /> _�1;. ����Sa. , ... --
<br /> ��.C:.�l� 1. _'_
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