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, ` v;_q • , <br /> . �_ k ...�._ . <br /> +: .... . � � ,.`--- <br /> - 'f .reyea,,rn,: � -- --- <br /> � ,: . . .. i.r.�....w...., . _ . _ <br /> �_�-��_-��,.�_,,� 110173 <br /> -- --_——� �iWiJrmnu�iiNi ar�NIKr�ukin�{��f uny puh uf thc Prc���ty.ur fur��n cyuncc in licu of condemnutic►n.urr I�erchy nxsiµncd a+xl <br /> _� - - __ _ �..�--- .iwll tx paid to Lendc�. _ <br /> _��„�,�� In tl►e event e�f u aWal tukin�t ut' the F'ro{nrty. thr pnwerd++hull he uppiied m tix� �ums hecured hy thix Securlty <br /> - Irnlrwnent, whcllxr ur mK lhen due,with unv cxceti� {�►id tu HaROw�r. In ihe cvrnt ol'u punirl taking of'Ihr PruFxrty in <br /> - whKh thc fuir murkct vuluc of thc NroExhy intmr�liutcly txfare thr tuking i�cyuul tu i�r grcutcr�han thr;►m�wnt of'thc�umc <br /> . .`{. . ,; ��curcd hy thi�Srrur.ty in.iru�rnnt innucdiutr{y tkG�re thc tal�ing,unlc�� Hurrua•er aud Lendcr��ihcrwi.r u�rre in writing. <br /> ;: �he.unu srcurcd by thi.tiecurhy In�trumm�t.hull tk rrduced hy ihe umuunt oi thc pr�xred+multiplietl hy Ihe tidlowin� - <br /> . :-.. '•�`''N�. !'�;��iun: lul the tutul umuunt ul'�hc�um.Kcurcd imntcdiu�cly tufurr tlk tuking.JiviJcd hy Ibl Ihr tu�r murkct vuluc ot'thr <br /> - . •'� • �u�l�in�. Au• balanr�.Lall Ik �aiJ tu Surrowcr. In thc rvcnt ��f n parti�d tnkin� ot�tlx � <br /> ,�„.�.. d trl h�i�r� th� } f <br /> t'rc�wrty immc �u y b <br /> � Nn�{xny in whicb thc (uir nu►rkct vuluc of thc Pro{kny imm�Jiutcly txti�m�hc tu{:in�i.Ictix thun thr unu►unt ot thc wm. <br /> - - �.;�^.,:`�. �' �' .acurcd immcdiutrly lxforc the tuking. unlr.� Bnrn►wer and LcnJer uthcrwik ugree in writin�or unle.�u��pliruhlc luw <br /> - ""`�'" ' ��thcrwiM pr�wi�k�,�hc pnxccv+hhull tx upplicd tu thc wmr�.ecurcd by�hi,Security In�trument whethcr ur iiut�tk�um�urc <br /> .�._._ . <br /> '�woae:d,�� Iflffl t�UC. <br /> — . t.. �,,ti :,.�� - If thc Pro�xny i,uhandoncd by 13oRUwcr,ur if.uticr�tiuticc hy La�dcr to 8u�ruwrr thut thc r�Nidcmnur��ffcr.ui mukc <br />� �` ?�,+��� ;nn•rwurd or KtUr u claim fi�r dumii�c..Horroa•cr ii�ilti to rc.Ewn�l ta I.cndc�K•ithin 3(1 duy.aFtcr thr Jutc thc nuticc i,givcn. <br /> "����� • � � Lcnckr is aulhuriicJ to rollcct und upply tBr pnk�rd�,at it� aption,cithcr to m�tcir.�tion ur mpair ol'thc}�ro�xrty or t���hc <br /> =t.._ '✓,y�M� <br /> +um..ecumd by this Security In�trument.whether ur nut then due. <br /> ':5��:,.;a,;r,��;< ' Unlc.ti l.cnder und Bom�wcr othrrwi.c u�!rcc in writing,any upplirution o(pnk��ds to principal hhall not cxtcnd or <br /> �' ` �..,,.�;�,,k�,_,;o <br /> -- ±_-.,,•.= pint�nc thc dur daro of thc ntonthly paymcnt�rcfrrred to in parugrrphs 1 und 2 or chungc thc umaunt of wch paymrnts. <br /> 4 .._._.�-�--=��, !(, geNrnw•rr Nat RrtrA�ed= FnrbeArance Bv Lender Nut s� Wylvea Extemion of the timr for puyment or <br /> �.;.: `'�`�ar`�'= ,� ` � mndifiratii►n of umortiwtion uf the+um,,erunJ hy thi+Security Intitrument�r,�nted by Lendcr u�uny+uccc>+u� in int��«t ° <br /> �}` nsa �(qpm�wer shall nc�t o�x�rut� to rcicusc thc liubility uf thc oriKinal Borri�wcr or B��aowcr:wrrc.+on�n imcrc�t. Lendcr <br /> +'".�. s;M'"" <br /> • `'� ?.�-�'°•�•'' �hall n��h�: rcyuimd to c��mmencc pnxeedingx uguin.t uny �ucce+�or in intc�ti�t or refu.e to extend timc tiir puyment or <br /> ,,:'�'`'I�`"'�i'`''��' othenvise modify umorti•r.,uion of the sum.Kcun:J by thi�Securiry Inztrume�t hy reuum�if any demand mude by tAr urigiuui - <br /> �� "-�`' ''" ��% � Barrowcr or B��rrowcr's,uccrswr�in intcvcst. A�y tortxurutnr hy Lencicr in cxcrci,in�!uny�ight or rem�dy tihall not bc r <br /> .2�.::•.•.....:�_,.�. ;. <br /> • .; • •���- �•_�� waiver of or prcrlude the exerciw of�ny right nr remedy. <br /> .�.�_,:�,,.;�..,x; ,•� 12. tiucces.sora s�nd Accigns Baund;Joint and Severs�l l.iAbility:C'asiRners. The cuvcnunt.und ugrcementti of thi. __ <br /> ���:° '��"'�•i' �� Security Intitrument�hull bind und benrfit the.urcey.on:md u�+igns of Lcndcr•rnd Burrower,subject ta the pmvi.ian+of <br /> ' ��� parusruph 17.Borrower's covenants und ugreement+ �hull he joint and neverul.Any Borrower wh�� co-.igny thi. Serurity <br /> '���'�`~:- �`. Inurument but dcxx nat execute thc Note: luf ix co•tiigning this Security In+trument cxily to ini�rtgagr,grant and ccx►vey thut <br /> � . ��^�+,y�};�.t�,j Horrower's intcrest in the Propeny under thc term�of this Securiry(n.rtrument: (b)i,not perwnully ohligatcd�i�pay the tiums <br /> ��"' .1�' xecurcd b thix Securit Instrumenr,und lc)agrcrs thut Lender nnd any other Borrower may ugree tu extend.maiify,forhear <br />- ir:.��. .� �'..�; Y y , <br /> �;� ;,(,_�,�:.�,.•,.. ��;„.. or muke uny accommodaticxi+ with reburd to the terms uf thi+Security Instrument or the Note without thut Borrower; <br /> .`•::.• , ; � consent. <br /> :;,. .,' <br /> '� '"; -�." '�"'•" 13. l.oan Charge�. If thc luun �ccured by thi.Scrurity ln�trumrnt i� .ubjcct to a luw whirh Kt+muximum loan <br /> �'�.':,.�i!�;lE4ir� <br /> - '4,�,,^,�--.�,.,;W;•- chacgc�.and thai lau;i�,tinall�intespretcd�r thnt�h�•int��re.t ��r other lo•rn chargex collec�ed or tu tk collected in canncetion <br /> ,�,:�.�,.,_ :.,••. ,. , with the loun exceed the�x:rtnitted limit+,then: (al any,ucb loan rhurgc shall be reduced by the amount nece�sary to reduee <br /> ;.:.•.;.,., •. � [he charge to the�xm�itted limit:and(b1 auy,um�ulm•rdy r��tlected from Bnrrower which exceeded pennitted limitti will lx <br /> ' � refunded to Borrower. Lender muy cha��c[o muke this refund by rcducing the principat owed undcr th�N�»c ur by muking u <br /> ' •��'''z' ' direct payment to Born�wer. If a rzfund 2ducex principal,the nJuction will tx treated ux u puniul prepuyment wuhout uny <br /> � � •�:•�• prep•ryment churge under the Notc. <br /> , ':.'';. ":. 14. NoUers. Any notic�to Burrow�cr provided for in thi�Scrurity Intitrument,hidl lx given hy drlivering it or by <br /> . . y,.... <br /> ,';;,;,.,;�,;_ ,� mailing it hy first cla.�mail unless upplicablc law myuircti u+r��t'imother method.The notice shull t►e dir�wted to the Pmperty <br /> i�'; •, � � Address or uny othcr aJdre.� Burrnwrr dr,ignatcti hy noticc to Lender. Any natice to Lendcr shull lx given by tirst rlu.s <br /> _ .��r, ��,;;, � . mail to Lendcr's nddrc�s stuted hrrcin ur any othrr addre..Lrndcr dc.ign:►tos by noticc t��Borrower. Any nutire provided for _ <br />`� _,, •..; ,.: : in this Sccuriry ln.trument�hidl hc deemed to havr txcn giv�n to Horrowcr ur Lender when givrn us providcJ in thix <br /> � . . .;;.�.ZK�'•,;.;.��� � parugraplt. <br /> . '�,s 4 .`'J, ;+,:,'.1,4��,y,�*,, I5. GoverninR Law�:tie�•erabiNty. Thi. Scc�uity ln.trumeni .h:dl bc govcrned hy fcderul luw and thc law ot'the <br /> ' �'';,�,�,.,.::• . ,,. : juritidiction in which thc Property i,lucuted. In the rvrnt tha�t any pruvi+ion or clnutic oi'thiti Securiry In�trumem or ihe Note <br /> •� ;. ,,�,,,.,,,,,;,.. .,�_: cuntlicts with applicablc law. such conflict xhidl nat uCl'crt othcr pmvi,iun,uf thi�Sccuriry Inxtrument o�thc Notc which can <br /> ` ' �'�. . �,t, ,}; , bc given effect without the cimflictin� provision. Ti�thi.rnd thc provi,ion� ��f thi,Security Intitrument and the Note ure <br /> • � declarcd to bc sevrrnble. <br /> , ��,�;,��?"t.''"": 16. Borrower's Cop,v. Hnrccnvcr shatl be�iv�n one ronti�rmed cupy af thc Nute and uf'thiti Scrurity Imt�ument. <br /> � �•�'`''•''� � 17. Transfer of the Property or A Rrne8cial Intcrest in Burrower. I1'all ur�mp pan uf thc Property or any interc+t in _ <br /> •�� ' it is tiold or tramfcrccd(or if a txnctirial intcrc+t in Aorrow•cr i�x�ld��r tr,m�tcrrcd nnd Borrowrr is not u natural penan) <br /> � �:- • without Lendcr+prior written coment,l.endcr it+uptiun.rcyuire immediute puymcnt in full af all sum.serured by <br /> = �'�,:,�4•• thix Security Instcument. However,thi+option�hal�nut lx exerei.ed hy Lendrr it'�xercise�hihited by federal!uw u.�af <br />_ ;:�;.?.,,��,,•.•; the dxte of this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> X '• � If Lender exerci,es this option.Lendcr.hall givc Borro�var nutice i�!'�crrler.►tion. Thc notire.hall provide a Fxriod of <br /> j•�{�'•r� � <br /> .� 2�,1��'_..r ` not tess than 30 days from the date the notice i�delivrmd or m��i IrJ within which H��rrowrr�nu�t pay all xum.sceured by thi. <br /> .� ' �L:,/ �..�`1;.�I.. <br /> �, ,tip?; Security Inxtrument. lf Bnrrawer fuil,ca pay the�r +um. pric�r ro tlx �xpiruticm of thi. perioct, Lender muy invoke any <br /> r;,, <br /> �'';�,������;T�,q: remediespermitted bythi�Srcurity Instrument wi[hi�ut ti�rthrrnutice ordrmandun Bi�rrawnr. _ <br /> _,�;- , ����=� , I& Burrower s Right to Reinxtute. If Borr���•cr mret.ccrt:►in ronditium. Bi�rrawrr �hall havr thr right te► h,wc <br /> u,, ' �"��`"•;• �"4 enforcement of this Security Instrument di.rontinucd at uny time prior tu thr rarlirr of: 1:�)S day,(��r such other periixt as <br /> �".";;.;:.;� . <br /> -::�.4� •� ' Singk Family--Funnk�lre/kYeddk 11ue U11FOR�11:`ti1RC\IE\'f..l'niforni Corcnant. 9/90 �/a+Kr a�,/n p,�gc�i <br /> A-: �� �,.,. <br /> �.�r:. <br /> � <br /> . ?lF:ti��.�� ,e... �. ,• . .�^-miw�+w�a.w.�.'.r.�+�n..�r+-.' 5,���r� �ra� 'ji�•�'.. . .. . .... � _ ` <br /> = ._,.o__...�Y,yv��r � ' �'.�''F'..�< �, � �' <br /> � °'�err-.x � ' _ .. �:u.:;,w:aa �ac,r�rrr: .. , _ <br /> � • <br /> ° ----�'�.ww�.=3��._��ti•�I�,:�aA;,ri�f:xri 2� ,,dd�ti•tx::tc�.�c.,;r�i._' _�S�Ar <br /> - � - <br /> -- _ _ - - - 3 ; . ♦ - -- - _ <br /> � !i Kll4 ', ..�\ '��P[�������x,IT+M T . . .. . <br /> .. - - • MW ��_—��+� S Y� . if_ ' '. _ <br /> '�__- ..::. - ._ . . ' � '- 1'�1tl�f�1A14FY^Rl�'F1 <br /> L�Lr��t✓'I.SY.V� .. . . . . ., .. . %�YY.�_yL+Fi:\ �iA.�_ . n. .. � . . ' . . <br /> :i.�i:t_w:+bi:..':'t, ... ..' - . .:f-:�'.±�..t•..s�.i,Y:.�i ,-rv �. �«v.C.: ..s,�. .-.1Y. . <br /> - �.:::.-:.. .�.: .Y- . :. f,•.. .' � I re. =�a. , �, , , <br /> q .;; '. �,�`w r �t_�... �r?" �. `,� .,; ' <br /> '^.3:i'�3�.y�};;• �t + <br /> r��+, ..*i�.'� � <br /> �f.':` _ ' �s�:'r'.T��c.: . . . ,. !�4,z.a <br />