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<br /> applicublc luw rtuy speclfy for reinstatemcnt)bcf�m sale of thc Prc>perty pursuunt to any puwer of tiwlc cunt�ined in this
<br /> _ -- Secadty Insuument:ot tb!csstr,of a Judgmcnt cnforcing this Security Inxtn►ment. Thc,�e c�nditian►we tiwt Bamwcr: la) `
<br /> pays L.ender all sums which then would bc due undcr this Security Iostcument wnd the Nate� if no u�:celers►Qwi hyd
<br /> - occurred;lb)cures any default of any other covenanGti ur pgreementti;(c)pay►all expenses incurrcd in enforcin�thi�Security
<br /> _ �� Instn�ment.including,bat not lEmited ro,reysanable attomcys'fees; and (a) takex sur.h uction ac Lcndcr m�y reawrwbty L
<br /> j_, m.�ui��n nssurc that the lien oi this Security tn.trument,Lcndcr's rightti in the Property and&xrowrrk ot►ligatic�n tu puy tbc
<br /> .n`� sums securcd by this Security lnstniment shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinuutement by BoROwer, this Security
<br /> j,; In�teument and the obligutions secumd hercby shall rcmain fully effcrtive ac if no acceler�tion hyd uccuRCd. Huwever,tt�ix
<br /> `.�.� nght to r�i�istutc:�hal!aot apply in thr caxx of.u�cicratiun undcr p;uasraph f 7. �
<br /> ,s,� 19. Sak of Note; Ctwa�e ot Loan Servicer. The Nae ur a part�al interect in the Nwc ltogcther with this Sccurity
<br /> ��` lnstNment)may be sold one or more times wiehout prior notice to Barcower. A sale may re�uU in a ctwnbe in the entity
<br /> ��� ; � ;�- (known es thc"Loan Servicer')that collccts manthly paymcnts due under the Note;u�d this Sccuriry Instrument. Thcrc alw
<br /> — may t+e one or morc changes of the l.oun Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Note. If them i,u chrnge nf the Lcwn Scrvicer.
<br /> — Barrower will be given written natice of the change in accordance with paragraph t4�bave and applirublc law. Ttu:naice
<br /> _ _ - •��..� will stute the nnnie and address uf the new Loan Servicer and th�:address w which payments should be made. 7'he naice will
<br /> ��r�,,;,K;;,�;�,;p;�,�q,y also comain any other infortnation rc�yuired by upplicuble luw.
<br /> �I�-,
<br /> 20. Hus�rdous Substances. Borrower shaU not cause��r pertnit the presence.uu;,ditiposal,storuge,or releasc��f any
<br /> _� ,;,�+ Hs�zurdous Substances on or in the Propcn�•. Borrower shall not do,nor ullow:►nyone clse to do,anything•rffccting thc
<br /> �_-;4`t: '�, .•��, � PropenY that is in viol;�tion c►f any Environmentat Law. �hc preceding two sentences shall not apply to thc prescnce,ux,or
<br /> =�=- storage on the Property of small yuantities of Hazarck�us Sut+c.uu►ces that are generally recogni�ed to be appropriate to ncxmal c
<br /> °..�. ��; �',�,r�,•.� res�dennal uses and to mai�tcnance of the Property.
<br /> ° ,j ,Cx1s��ryh��'t,�' _ Botrower shall prom}►tly give Lender written notic<<�f any in���ti�tatiun,claim.:iemand,luwsuit or Whcr action by any
<br /> ',!z'i��;;�k.°,�?!v:��� ��� ovemmental cx m ulat agenc or rivate iut in�•o1�in�the and an Hacarduus Substance or Environment�l
<br /> , r, E F �' Y P P Y b ��rtY y
<br /> � r.,��,``� ' Law of which Botrow•er has actual knowledge. If BE�ower learns, or is notified by any governmrutul ix regutatury �
<br /> , �,:., . .
<br /> authority,that Any remo�•al or other rcmcdiation of any Hazardous Substance afftt�ti�c the Propeny is neceswry. Borrawcr
<br /> `' � �� '� shall promptly�uke ull necessary remedial actions in ac��rdance with Environmental Lavv.
<br /> " `�r;r� ..�.,°..•�.�:�; As used in this paragruph 20,"Hazacdous Substances"are those subst�nces dc6�d as Wxic or h:u.ardous sub�tances by —
<br /> ',,;�:��,: . .��"'� Environmental Luw and the fotlowing subst:uicex: gasoline,kerosene,other flammabk o+'toxic petruleum prcxiucts, tuxir
<br /> ' " pesticides and herbicides, valatile solvents, materialti contuining a+bextos or farmalJrt*y�k.uxi�.xj�oactive materialx. As --
<br /> �..:�"< �` • used in this puragraph 20,"Enviranmcntal Law"means federul Iaws aad laws of the juri.ui�tion wtiere►he Propeny ix located
<br /> . „ � tbs►t mlute to hcalth.safety or enviranmentsl prcucction.
<br /> ;'<<-7`'r��'�. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borraw�er and Lender further covenant and;tcrcti as follows:
<br /> . ;,�t;�;,.,:,. :• . 21. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender shall giti•e notice to Borrower priur to accelerAtfon following Borrower's
<br />:r,-.',' _�'c"�'na.� ��. '
<br /> •�Fs�f(, . : breach of'Any covenant or agreement in this Security InsRrument lbut not prior to acceleratbn under paraRraph 17
<br /> ' : �� � unkss Appli�able luw provides otherK•ivel. The notice shall specif�: IA)the defaulh. (b>the action required to cure the
<br />`'-�: �• :��r�.---�'�—�`—•�----1 d�is�!!;te!s date.aot lrss t4lan 34�eJ�!'ror!e s!!t datp the notice is gi�•en to Barrower.by which the deiyult must be
<br /> r;�' ..;ayr,,..,,,. �.. ..
<br /> �;;i,„t,,,.r _ curedt and(d)that failure to cure the default oa or before the date specitied iw the notice may result in acceleration ot
<br /> the sums secured by thts Security Instrument and s�3e oP the Pruperty. The notice shall turther inform Borrower of
<br /> • �"�� �' � the right to reinstate atter acceleration and the right ta brin�v court action to�.ceert the non-existence uf�default or
<br /> . . Any other defense of Borrow•er to accekration and sate. If the dePault is not cured un ur 6efore the dite specified in �
<br /> ` � the notice.Le�der s�t its option mav require immediate payment in tull oPall sums sccured b�ti�is tiecurit}�Instrument
<br /> , �, i without furthe�demand s�nd ms�y in�oke the power of ssde xnd any other rrmedies permitted by •rpplkaWe Ivw. —
<br /> t . � Lender shpll be entitled to collect all expenses incu�red in pursuinR the remedies provided in thts p�rakraph 21. _
<br /> includin�.but not Iimited to.�es�conable attorneys'fees and cocts of title e��iden��e.
<br /> � Ii the pow•er of�le is im•oked.7lrustee shall record u noticr of defnult In each county in whkh an,r•plrt of the �`_�
<br /> � _ .�,d.,�.,;...'.....:...�. , ,- ,
<br />.�,� � Property is locuted and shall maU copies of such notice in the manner preuribed by s�pptics�ble I�w to 13urrower und to __
<br /> � the other per.ums prescribed by applics�ble tuK�. A�ter the time reyuired bv appticable law.Trustrr sh�ll Rir•e publk
<br /> I notice of wle to the persons s�nd in the manner prescribed by s�pplicable Irw. 1Yustee.wtth�wt dems�nd on Borrower, �''-
<br />.`" i shall sell the Property s�t public auction to the hi�tirst bidder at the time•rnd ptace und under the terms detiiRn�ted in �'"'�
<br /> . � , � the notke of sale in one or mnre p•rrcels und in an��order Trustee determiaes. 71'ustee ms���postpunr wl�of�II ur�ny ,,w.,
<br /> ' � parcel oP the Propert�•bv public annuuncemrnt at the time Wnd ptuce of an��{xeciously scheduled sulr. l.ender or itti ��-•
<br /> '•�� � � � dcsignee may purchase the Property at s�np sale. �:�
<br />_ � Upun receipt of pa�•ment of the price bid.7�ustee shall deli�•er tu the purchasrr Trustee's deed comeyinR the
<br />•<';;.• � Properiv. The recitals ln the Trustee'c deed sh•rll be primu fucie ecidrme of the truth of the statements mlde therein. �'~
<br /> -;: ��;,�; 71�ustee shalf appiy the proreeds oP the wte in the fallowinR urder: lal to ull conts and expenyes of exercising the puw�er �t^=
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