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..�..... . _ -�„* ,r . .. <br /> r,. ._, i , , . ,:..�. ''' - � <br /> �F <br /> .::.- _ _ -- - <br /> '� -- •—� - -- <br /> . .._ �-��� <br /> � 9 . 110i'73 <br /> , periods tlurt l.endar rcyuirec. 71x inxurwuc cptrier providin�the insu�a��ce bhull be clx�hcn'b�&�rr��wcr xubject w I.cnderk _ <br /> - approvat which Khull rwt be unreuwnably withhcld. ff Burn�wcr faila to muintuin ccrvcrugc dcKribed ahove,Lernlrr may.w! <br /> Leade�!s option,obtuin cuveruge m prc�ect Lenderb right�;in the Propeny in�cc�xdwxe with EwrAgnph 7. <br /> � All Insurunce policies�►nd rcnewals xhull t+e�co�tublc tu Lendcr wxi shall includc��tand�rd mun�t+�ge cluutie. l.cnder <br /> ;�_�� Rhall have the right ta hc�ld the puliciex wnd rcnewuls. If L.ender rcyuires,&�rrower�halt pnHnMly�{ive t<�Lrnder all receiptx <br /> — nf paid prcmiumx and rcnew:�l noticex. In the event oF inrs,bcxrawer�►hull�{ive premept�K�ticc w tlx;iu,ur+ux:e carricr nnd <br /> �.._ Lendcr. I.endcr may make�xa�f of loss if not made pnan{xiy by Baimwer. <br /> '" Unle�+I.cnder and&xrower ahervvise uR���c in wnting,in�ur.►ncr pr�kerd+,hull be upplicd to rc.ruxution or rcpair uf <br /> .%� � the Propeny dumaged, if the rcxtcxution ar repafr is economiru�ly feusfbic unJ tamler� �ccurny i+n�x ir+�e�x�i. fi'ihc �- <br /> ''`--- --_= rcztorutfon or rcpair is not economicully feutiibl�or l.enderk +ecurity would be Iesxen�d,the imurw�ce procecds shult be _ <br /> applicd to the sumti xcured by this Sccurity I�strument, whethcr or not tBen duc, with uny cxcess paid ai Borrowcr. If <br /> Borrowcr abundons thc Pruperty, or dae,not answcr within �U dnys a notice from L.ender ihut the inaun+ncc cwrier har <br /> �� offered tn tietNe u cluim,then L.ender muy callect ihe intiur,u�ce proceeds. Lender muy u,e ihe praceedz ro repair ar re�torc <br /> ��'s'���'9� tt�e Propeny or ta pay sum.secured by this Securicy Instrument,whether ar nat then dua The a(�diy periad will begin when <br /> -�""�°="��+�.L� lhe nMice iti given. _, - <br /> _ ��_a�,� Unless l.ender und Barowcr atherwise agrec in writing,any:►pplicution of proccedx to principal shull not extend cx <br /> postpone thc Juc dute of thc monthly paymentti nfermd ta in parrgrrphs 1 und 2 or change ttx�wnount of tlx paymcntx. !f <br /> under puragraph 2l the Property is�cyuired by Lender, Borroweri right to any inxur.+nce pnlieie�and pn�ceed.r• rc�ulting <br /> " from damuge to the Prapeny priar ro the acqufs+ition shull p�.tis to Lender to tbe extent of thc sums +ecuired by this Security <br /> - —;=�"=--_- --- Instnrment immcdiatcly ptior to thc acquixition. - <br /> 6. Occupancy� Preservation. MAintens►nce and Protection of the Prope�ty: BorroN�er'F I.oAn Applkation; <br /> ��i .� i.easehold�. Borrower�hall occupy,etit:�blish,und use the Propeny as Bortowerk principal residence wlthin sixty days after _ <br /> • �i�r,q�.y,�a,.„�.r tlw execution of this Security lntitrument and shall continue to occupy thc Propeny as Borrower+principal rcsidence for at �___ <br /> ; • ,,.� least one year afte� the date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvitie ugrces in writing, which consent shvll not be �.* <br /> `��� ��' unreasanably withheld,or unless extenuating cimumstances exist which am beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shal)not <br /> �,','•, '; ,:�,,.•,., destroy,damage or impair thr Prnperty.ullaw thc Propeny to deteriorate,or commit wustc on the Property. Bortuwer shall r <br /> e���'�T• -• � -� .-.• be in default if uny forteitun:action or proreeding,whether civil or criminol, is begun that in Lender's Faxl faith judFment <br /> ' ;�f�'�*'��`'��: could result in forfeiture of the Piroperty or�thenvise muterially impuir the lien crcated by this Security Instrument or <br /> _..�i.:;.�,;;�.µ. ,.,,;. Lende�:s securiry intere.t. B��rmwer may curc such u drfault and reinstute,as provided in paragruph 1 R,by causing the action �._. <br /> or proceeding to be dismir�sed with a niling that, in Lrnder's goad faith dctertninution,precluder forfeiturc of the Barower's <br /> „��;::,*,,.:i�,�.,.,.,.;�, interest in ihe Pmpecty or other material impaimient of the tien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security <br /> '� � ' �.���•" interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrowcr, during thr loan upplication prorc�s, �uvc materially fulse or �ti- <br /> t 'x'�'� � inaccurate information or.latements to Lender(orfailed to pmvide Lender with any materiul infortnation>in connertion with <br /> ''��'.�' �` `Y�� the loan evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to, reprehentutions concerning Bocrower's occupancy of the �`= <br /> i�•..,� __.. <br /> : _;��r,�,b.s;�.;:,,._,,_,_;� Property as a principnl resideoce. If thiti Security In.trument is oa n leutiehold,BoRaw•er shulf comply with all the provisions _... <br /> - . . ' � of tho leutie. If Borrower acquims fec titie to the i'rupeny,iho icurehoid und ihc icr tiUr.i�aii�ot rnerge���c�,Lcndcr sgree+ <br /> . to thc mcrge�in writing. <br /> �. • • 7. Protectbn of I.ender's RiRhts in thc Pruperty. If Borcower failti to perform :ic covenunts and a�rcements <br /> �;ir�� � � � � '` contuined in this Securiry Intitrument, or there is u legul prceeeding thut may �igmficantly aftect Ixndcr's ri�htz in ttu: <br /> � � Piroperty(�uch a+a proceedin�in b•rnkruptry,probute,f'or condemnation or fortciture o�to enforce I.�ws or regulations►,thcn <br /> :�'1 Lender muy do:u�d pay fcH' whatever iti necestiap•to prc�tert the value of the Property und Lender's rights in tt►r Pmpeny. �.� <br /> • .'�'.35, Lender's uctionx may include p•rying any�umti�ccured by a licn whic6 hu.pciority over�hir Security Imtrumeat,uppeuring <br /> . � . in coun,paying nuu�nublr attomey�'ter,and entering an the Pmprny u�muke rep.�in.Althou�h Lender may tuke action <br /> '' , '. • undCr thix paragraph 7.Lcndcr dcx.noc havr to do,o. <br />,u,.,; � . .,.,ti,.. Any umount�ditibuncJ by Lendcr undrr thi� par:,graph 7 .hnll lxromc adJitiomil debt of Borcower securcd by thiti ___ <br /> _.r,;. �,�;�:,�•';�;�, � ��, Security�ment. Unles,Borruw•rr and Lendrragr¢e to�ither terniti ot'p:rymcnt,the�e umount+shull bcar intere�t from thr <br /> r .;,,y,t,,•., date of disbur.;emcnt at thc Notu ratc and�hall lx pay�Me.with intcrest,uFxm noticc from Lcndcr to Borrower rcyucsting �•�- <br /> ,.-,,;' • puymcnt. <br /> r�::•;�, •• � ', S. MurtgaRe Insurance. If LenJcr Ryuired murt�agr imurancc a.a conJitiun of muking thc loan.ecucid by thix <br /> '�'i•; � � - '': Security lnsi�ument, Borrow•er,hull pay tlir pr�mium. rcyuircd t�� mnintuin the monga�r imuranre in cffect. If,for nny -- <br /> � • reuson, the mortgage insururnc co��rrugr �cyuired hy Lrndrr IapK. or rcatie� tu tk in et'fect. Borro�ver zhall pay thc �'_ <br /> • . � . pr+emiums rcyuimd to obtuin rovcrage wNtitunti•rlly eyuivalrnt ta the mort�agr in.urancc pr�viou+ly in effect, at u co,t �_�;_ <br /> ' subrtantially eyuivrlrnt to the co.t tu Burruwer of thr mortgagr insurance in effrct,from an altemate mortguge _ <br /> � imurer upproved by Lender. If�uNtitantially ryuivul�nt mortgagr i�»uranrc ru��cra�r i.not available.Borrower shall p•ry ti� - <br />= � ''.' Lender cuch month a�um eyua!to onc•twctt'th uCthc yrurly mortg:�gr imuranrc premium tk:ing paid by Borrower when tlx <br /> _ �'=,�;. ` i;i�•'.: �. - <br /> ... .•�':"�;`� inxurunce�overagc lapxd or rr.��cd ta Ix in rTtcct. Lendrr will acccpt,uu and rctuin thc,c paymcnt�a.u loss re�erve in licu _ <br /> ` � ���'�� of mott a c imurunce. Los,m�eRC a ment. ma no lon•cr tm re uired,at thr o tion uf Lendcr,if mon a e insurance <br /> °`;7",:�.. 'r::''•:� S'S' p'Y >' b' 4 P F F <br /> = �` ' S�•��^, coveruge(in the amcwnt und ti�r the perial thut Lendrr reyuire�l pr��vided by an insurer appruveJ by Lendcr again ikcame. — <br /> x. ' _� ,; availuble and iti obtained.Bonowcr�hull pay thr prrmium.Ryuired ro maintuin mortgage insurancr in et'fect.or to proviJe u �,�: <br /> ' "� loss reserve,until ihe reguirement for mortgagc in+uruncc end�in uccord:mce with s�ny w�rittrn agreement Netween 8orrower �_� ' <br /> '� �� �S',�, ' and Lender or:►pplicablr luw. = <br /> �,z ''�;;,: ":• � 9. inFpe¢tion. Lender or it.ugrnt may rnahr ruaunaMr rmries u}wn und in��xrtionti of thc Property. Lender shull __ <br />-�% "q'�`��i`,'. , pive Borrowet notice ut the tim�of or prior t��an in+Fxrtiun�Exrit'ying rca,onahlr ruuk ti�r thr impc:ction. ��° <br /> �--• ' �ai�.;r!:�. 10. Condemnation. The pnxrrJ.ol'uny aw••rrd or claim for dumuge+.dir�rt or connecrion with:uiy "�� <br />--� '�'" "j':%r:�, ' Sinpk F.unfly-•Fannk�1Lt4Yedrlle 11rc CM1IF(1R�t ItitiTR('�1F:tiT--l�nit�,m�Cmcnunt, 9190 I�.ce.�,9n�wrru F�:. <br /> r.�• : �,." .. <br /> �.� ';,,: ::=:;y::;, ara trus Iww�Fmr.�.c■ <br /> - f.t���f�i�_, To QMt CYI.1�YDS96WB3 O YAX 81bT91•I I71 � . <br /> r� <br /> x . <br /> �-=��. --- -— <br /> � — ------^^_'_..-- .—._—•rr,-a,,,,-- - _ .-.�.-.,.--•�—'7T7,�,•7-�A7'...-.—� <br /> __ __ '_-ar:�'� _ . m_"u�t'gvs�al�.' .� - - .�v��Y��• ��y�. ._. ' <br /> _— __ — . .i:.:�,:y y,��"� . <br /> .�.ra•��.�_.�r:r,-. . <br /> �.�.sr.7�:::i�Y.i.'.?.�:r:�_'eStGi`��' .:s.+ .t:l+_�`�Y���f1a.:: ' .i�_'IE�Yf:�L[.k�..,v.�.�.nl_:.' _•i!_y_, <br /> . <br /> —__ —.-- _ _-.__ ______ ______ '' __—_ —_ _ -_ - _ <br /> _-- >_� , . ._ .. . ._ . _ ______ _.___. _ ._. .. ..-. . ___ . . � _ . ... _. 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