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�t.. . <br /> ��+ � i. , , •��-�-_- <br /> t��_. <br /> .. ,_r"___— <br /> ....i_�_�e..tiasei�- <br /> �_� � 93r�0��V <br /> cucdcrnnatian or ot1�e�tykin�of�ny p�ut oP tho Piroperty.or fa canveyw�ce in lieu t�t c:c�mnwlon.+u'e he►'eby ara'i�ned�nd <br /> -- aiwl{i�r{wW tu i.�:�w�r. <br /> In thc event of a total tylcing of the Froperty, the �race�ds ehxll,ba appl��{I Ro �hq:sumr securmd by thiti Serudty <br /> Inxuurnent. whethcr or not then due, with any cxce�.c pai td o Borrowti. In•tha evcnt pF o►�tial taking�f the Pmpeny[n <br /> whkh ihe fidr m�rkct v�lue of the Property iminediately before tha tuklnn iti oqnpl to nr grnvattt'than ttw�nuunt of thc xums <br /> - _ - ----—_ :;ccur�d by ihir:Scrurity Mr:uumcnt immcdii�taly t�futc the tukEng,unlati::Bocraw��a►��t t..wsN��:►u�hrrwi�a8n:r in writing, <br /> the sumr securcd by thf� 5ecurity Inswme�t shull be rcdu4od by tha umc►unt oP tha pmcr.edx,muhipll�d by the following <br /> frxtion: (u)the totul Amnu�t of thn sumY secured immuliutaly b�fc►re tha taking,diviciccl by(b).th�fair murket vulue of thr <br /> --�---�"—��'�' Propeny immed�utrly buti�re the takmg. Any balunce shalt ba paid to l3un•owr�. ia dw rv�ytt,Frf r N+utial t�i:ing uf tlk - <br /> — P�a�+erty in which[hc fair muket valuo of tha Propeny immediuteiy befun: tho ts�king is leix thut�,tha+uncwnt of ihe sum� <br /> secured immediately before the taking, unlc.. Borrower wx1 l.cnder�xherwis,�agrcc in writlqa,or unle.+s applicublc luw <br /> otherwiX provides,the proceais�twll tw appiied ro tha sum�secu�ed by this�Sccurity Inwumq�nt,w!lcthnr ar not thc:tiumx ure <br /> then duc. <br /> — — !f�he Property ir:ubundaned by Borrawer,or if,aftc�notice by Lendcr to f3nROwer thWt thti condemnor uffrn to mokc <br /> - un award or xale u cluim for damuges,Borrower fuils to respcx�d to Lender within�1 dnys aft�:r tho dace thc�naice is given. <br /> Lender is uutharixed tu rnlloct und a►pply the pr�x:ecds,ut its aptian,cithe�to re�tamtian or cepaic af�he P�v�ity ur to the <br /> wm�+ecured by thix Security Instrument,whether or not then dua. <br /> Unlexs Lendcr und Borrower otherwitie agrce in writing,any applicutiim of prciceeds to.principul ,hull not extend or <br /> __ —� postpone the duo date of iha munthly payments�+efcrred to in paragmphs l and«or�h�ngc tha amaunt of such payments. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Reles�sed: ForbeArAOce By Lender Not A Wpiver. Extensicm of the time far payment or <br /> ,.,,,.� -- madificAtion of amorti�.�tion of tha suma securcd by q�is Secudt}+[na,tntment gmntad by 4ander to any successor in intene�t <br /> of Borrower tihull not operatc to rcleatie�he liability of the originul Bqrrowc►or�omow�er's succe�.wrs in intares�.I.endcr <br /> � shnll rx�t t�mquired�o commenee proceaiines aguinu any succe�or in intaro�t or refuse to extend time for payment ar <br /> � otherwi�c madify amactizs�tion of the sum.u�.�ured by this Securitv Instroment hy re�►�rm of any demund made by the ariginul <br /> ' Borrower or Bortower:successors in interc•t. Any forf►eantnce by Lundar i,n�axe�eisiag any right or remedy shail not be u <br />_ ,.,.,' waiver of or preclude the exercise of any rigtht or remedy. <br /> l2.�and Assiq�n.913oundt Jdnt and S��•eral Liabilit;r;Co•signerx. 'ihe covenunts und agrcements af this <br /> f Security Intitrum4nt nhull bind i�nd benefit the tiuccexwrK und nssigpr:uf Le:nder und Borrower,subject to the provisions oF <br /> ' �� �:�::�'�'' paragrrph 17. Bom�►wer's covenunts und a�reement�:tihull t�e joint•cind severul.Any Boaower who co-si�ns thix Security <br /> - �, • - inurument but dciox not axecute the Notp; (a!•sigqing thix 5ecuriry Imttvment only to mortgage,grant und convey that <br /> • ��{s a� '� Borrower's inte�ruu in tho Pro rt unda�tha term�:at'thi�Scrudt Instrument; (b)is not nonall obli uted ta a the sums <br /> �;�, F� Y Y Pe•' Y G P Y <br /> ' . �;�'•a �•- �ecur�ed by thir:S�rurity In�rument;und(cl ag�¢c�thut I�ender and uny other Borrower may agrec to extend,modify,forbear <br /> -' �, � �i'�C'{., or make anN•ucccunmadutians with�mgwd„tn.tho temnr.��f this Security Imtrument ar the Nate without thut Sorrawer's <br /> .. f•��:�� consent. <br /> �+ � 5P.°,-KiF�:•• <br />. e� �.�' 13. I.oan �(:hargar. If th�loun nerund by this Securiry Instrum�nt iti whject w a luw w�hich xets muximum laun <br /> ,.�,,;;,.,-,�;.,,.:,,.;.._,,:, chargcs,and ihai l.:ti:!h ltnal!}�isticspn:tcd r.v ihat!he insem�:t or other lu;sn charge�co!lectec!or!o be co!lecte!�+n r�nnecti�u� <br /> . ,5:.�,. , with the laun exc�rd tho�xnnilted limits,dtcn: tu)uny wch lo•rn eh;�rge shall he reduced by thc umount necezwry to reduce <br /> ��-��•-���,�:, ^� the ch:trge to the pc:rtnittcd limit;and(b)uny wmti ulmudy ruUected from Botrou•�r w•hich exce.ded permitted limits will be <br /> `�^�'•'�'``�- mfunded to Burrower. Lcnder may choosr to makc this refund by rcducing tfic prinrip:d owed undcr the Notc ur by muking u <br /> _ .�.�.��� �.,_,." ,�. dircct payment to Bormwrr. If a r�fund reducez princip.d,the mducti�x►will be trrnted us a partial prepirymcnt wi[hout nny <br /> • . •-� prcpuyment charFe unJcr tl�c Notc. <br />' . 14. Notices. Any nutirc to Bom�wcr praviJrd tiir in this Srcurity� ln.trumrnt �h;�ll tx� given by dclivcring it ur by <br /> mailing it by fint cla.s mail unlr..applicablr law r�Nuire�u�e of unather meth�xt.The noticc.hall lx directed to the Pruperty <br /> �� �-� � "� AJdn:sti or any athrr addre.� Burruwrr dc�ignutr�by notirr to Lcndcr. Any nutirc tu LrnJcr,hall tx givcn by tint clu�ti <br /> �N•� .,. ... .y muil tci Lrndcr:addrr+.�t.ticJ hrr�in ur cmy uthrr addm�,Lcndcr dc.ieuatr,hy noticc tu E3orr��wr�. Any nntirr provided ti�r <br /> _ . . ' � in this Sccuriry Intitrument .hull txr decmed to huvc hccn given tu Horrowrr or Lender when given a+ provided in thir: <br /> -,;��. _ parag�aph. <br /> � , 15. Governin��:titwerability. Thiti Srcurity In,trunicnt .hall hc govrrnrd hy federul !aa• and the luw of the <br /> juri+diction in which thc Pru�x:ny iti lix:atrd. In thr�vrnt that any provi+iun��r cluuk uf thi+Sccuriry lntitrument or thc Natc <br /> �. . ., . conflich with upplicahlc law.tiuch contlirt,hall rn»aftcrt uthcr pruvi.iun,ot�this Scrurity In�trumrm ur thc Notc which cun _ <br /> ;;Y,..�..• be Fiven effcct withuut thc cimflicting pruvi+ion. Tii thi.rnd the pruvi.iim.��f thi+ Srrurity Intitrument anJ the Nate am <br />- declured ro bc�evrrnMc. <br /> .. - 16. Rurrow•er's Cop�•. Bi�rri�w•cr.hull Ix�i�•rn unr cunfimncd rop}��f thc Nutc and of thiti Scrurity Intitrumcnt. <br />� ' 17. '11rAnsfer uf the Propc�tv ur s�Beneficiul Intcrest fn Borrower. If all��r any part uf thc F�r���x:rt�•or any intrrr�t in <br /> it i�sold or transfcrrrd lor if u txmliriul intrrc.t in Bom�w•cr i.+uld��r and Burruwrr i.not a natural person) <br /> �'�-�• withi�ut Lender's prior wriuen con.rnt.Lrndrr it.optiim.rrquirr immrdi:ue p:ryment in fuU of all�um��ecur�J by <br /> • � • - this Security Instrument. Hi�wever.thi+uption shall not Ix excrci�ed hy Lendrr if cxrrri,c i,pruhibited by federul law u,nt� <br /> '' � '"� ' thedateof this Security Inztrumrnt. - <br /> , If Lender cxerciu�thi+option.Lendrr.hall�ivr Be�rcowcr n�iticr uf urrrleratiun. Thr noticr tihall pruvide u periai of <br /> �^� na Icss thun 3Q day.from thc datc thr n��ticr i+dcliven:d ur mailcd w•ithin which lirnruurr�nu.t p:�y all wm�tircund by thi, - <br /> ��•; �;'�.:.: • , Security Inxtrumrnt. II'Borruw•er 1:►ih to pay thr+r sum. priur t�� the �spiratinn uC thi� Exriixt. Lcndcr may inv�kr any - <br /> rcmedies pertnitteJ by thiti Scrurity Instn�ment w•ithout further nuticc i�r Jcmund on liorcuwrr, <br />-- _�. � ;ai, � 1& Bo�rower's Ri�;ht to Reinstate. II' Rorruw•rr mera ccrtain runditiun.. 13�,rruu�r .hall havr thr right t�i h:nr <br /> �'�' � enfor�ement of this Security In,trumcm di.rontinurd ut any timr pri�►r tu tlie��:ulicr��t` �al S d•r��ti�or�urh<iQter p�ri�x1 a� <br /> . .,fiiSisCJ�.Ma.,: <br /> -• ' � �� � timple F�m�Iy•-F'nnnie 111rr/Freddir�Iw f'XIFOR�I I�S7'Rl'�1F:\'f�-t'nd�mn Cu�rn�t, 9I9D �poR�•�•/n p,rei��� <br /> r. ,l.' �„�``�,,;^.;. , <br /> c,�..�., <br /> �Y:Y:1�`SI: _. <br /> . �•!`'.'�';� <br /> _-'��, _ __ . • '..... e.>,��. . .,. ... . . 'T.'..*"_ <br /> __ _ ..�' u i.� +. . : . <br /> -� y5- .�.. , ,.. . . . .. . :�- .�, � ;�"�'-:• •'•C... ,. _ .. <br /> �1..-?�. ,�� __.u...c��.. � ryaad_w'�LTi.':..sr1Lt.Te���_ ..� . - <br /> � _____ _"'•ha�'�w'Y�.. ._ .._ -'. __-__-_' �"__.•: ' ���f7eYE� ':�Y_. - ._t. <br /> .,4LM�.�L'.�1�1'��il .. . �. ., ... . � <br /> .. . . �....�._.__� -.. - .,-__.___"-______'"'_ _ ____-____-__ _--___ . .- __ . _. _._._ _. <br /> a -_--_-_°e�wf iu.e�� �- _ ' � . ,��`...p� ' 7 i. :t u'w. <br /> _ 'My� `y"y ,�w.°Ati�,' �, <br /> '�~'3> }�...�- .. '� �:h�: µu_i�i�� .-�•r, ;- ' .. � . - <br /> -- _r <br /> rJ��1 ' . - - , ��t��.��.N.. ..� . <br /> . . .i> +._a✓.tlr'> . <br />� � w ^It-�l.�.a. �:�.... 'r .- � :._ ���lytiil'�.'. '� . ' .. <br /> _..�:. ..r . • �. .. .; a. .' ,�'�'4� iC,..wlba' '�'•_i:. • <br /> _:.�C:r.w-t•..r.. {. .'1 �� �C Y' � . <br /> .+�1i. �. t . �- . ' �fir'Qe�f�vBMqrotitiaX'.A.-.i.'�:..�1'�'�� M 'iWr <br /> _ _1�."y�»�� ���R�ia'i.%-� , -. . _ .' . . . ' <br /> �A!e�y'�}���'�°' •,v • �y�...'^�' �`"�:i�c.'.s..t,: . <br /> `y' :�c,.. . <br /> ----- —_:�.���i..J�_ .. '. 'F F'� "s..w. ... <br /> __�=Y����rJii..�+L�:�?yt� �. • . . .. . <br /> — vs�a.�� � �� ��. ,� . •s:ei+t... ` �r...�: ' ' ' •���`•* . .. . <br /> --� - —_�--� +1r.,.?�ci .Yor..� ..�.._ . • '\. �,�.J +•°i�.:4�s�?y' �;�?r �•'1,"'..anY�' ._. <br />