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<br /> applieobk I�w msty �pa:ify for rclnr�tatoment)before s�le of the Propeny pursuw�t to�ny power uf sale conWned in thia
<br /> � Socurity Inatrumenr,or(b)enay of a judgment enfix�:ing ti�ix Sexwity G�st�m���it. 'nwc�conditiariz uc ttuti Sars�ower: (�? --
<br /> p�ys Lendet all sums which then would be due under this Security Instnunent zend tlK Note ar if no �ccelenulon had
<br /> occurted;(b�cures any defiult of ony other covennnts or ag[eemcnts;�c)pays ail ezpenses incurted in cnforciog thi�Security
<br /> Instrun►e�t, includln�,but not limlted to.ressonAble attomeys'fac; wid (d)t�kea such action as Lender may rcaaonsbiy
<br /> -;`— ra�uirc to x�surc tiwt tl�c licu uf Ihis S�urity ioatrument,Lcndcr�dght�In thc Property snd 8orrawer�s obNgation to pay the _
<br /> wms securod by thi� Security Instrument shall caninue unchanged. Upon rci�sutement by Borrower. this Security
<br /> �;,_� - lnstrument snd the obligations secured t�reby�all rcm�in fully effective as if no�eceleraGa�had occurted. However,thic
<br /> '- - - ---=-- - rlQhi to reinat�te sl�lt not apply in thc case of accelersti�n unckr paregraph 17. �_
<br /> 1!. Sak o�Nofe; Chaa�e of I.o�n Servker. 'i7ic Nde w a pjuaal interest in the Note(togeUur with�his Security
<br /> - Insuumer�t)may be sold onc or tn�xc times without prior n�tice to Borrower. A s:►le may rcsult in a chAnge in the entity
<br /> ---- = -- (known as the"Lou�Sorvicer')itiat collects monthly paymcnts due unckr the Nae and thls Security Insuument. Therc also
<br /> —��''°"� may be c�ne ar mate changes of the Wan Servlcer unrelated ta u rale of thc Note. lf therc is a chunge of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> _ Borrower will be given written notica of the chs�nge in accordence with pangraph i4 above and appUcable law. The notice
<br /> --�`—'°y"�'°`�"° w111 r�twwta iho n�ma u�d address of the new Loan Servlcer and the addrcss to which payments should be mada. The notice will
<br /> ---- ��-;� �lso contwin any ather infamatlon required by applicable lnw. _
<br /> 20. Hasudous Substaaca. Barower shall not cause or permit the poesence.use,disposal.storaga,or artease of any
<br /> Hazu4ous Sulntances o�or in the Propeny. Bo�rower shaU�ot do.nor ullow anyone else ta do,anything affect�ng the
<br /> _- �x,�}�„�:..��� Prope�ty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply ro the presence.use,or
<br /> - °`��-� stornge on the Property of smxU quxntities of Nuardous Subswnces that are Rcnerally moynized to be appropriate to norm�l
<br /> - i �b”�`��' ��1 rcsidential usss and tu maintcnance of the Property. -
<br /> 'Mji � _
<br />= �� �. r Borrower shall promptiy give Lender written notfce of any investigation,claim.demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> � � ;;;,1 govemmental or regulatary agency or private paity invalving the Property and any Hazurdous Subscance or Environmental
<br /> ��sr�n;�::;���".'�:�t� I,aw of which Botrower has actuai know�edge�. If Borrawer leams.or is nutiGed by auy governn�ental or regulatory --
<br /> �����;��.,,.,t��,{,�:;.', authority.thnt any removal or other remediation of any Hazard4us Substunce affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower _
<br /> .-:;. , , shall promptly tal:e aU necessary mmedial actions in accordance with Environmentul Law.
<br /> ?�;� • ,,. As useci in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are th4se substances defined as taxic or hazurdous substances by
<br /> . `�:,�T�x,'�4'•`��,;�,. Environmental Law and the foilowing substances: gasoline,kerosene,other llammable or toxic peuoleum products,[oxic
<br /> `'' ' •' pesticides and hei�bicides,volatile solvents, materials contuining asbestos or formuldehyde, and radioactive materiais. AS
<br /> -_..��°�Y-�'�.`:.•'�;�:•.� used in this paragraph 20,"Envlronmental Law"means fNderal laws and laws af the jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br /> ,�,..
<br /> �;;;;��:'�' •• that relate tu hexith,safety or environmantal protection.
<br /> k., •; . •' NON-UNIFORM COVENANI'S. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foflows:
<br /> '��� �•,� 21. Accekratian; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratiaa tollowiag Borrower's
<br /> "" �'���� . breach qf Any covenant or agreement in thtc Security Inslrument(but not prfor to accekration under pa�agrnph 17 =
<br /> ��� � � � � y� = unless Applicable IAw provWes otderwise). The notice shall apecify: (s�)the default;(b)the action required to cure tt�e
<br /> ���W`� default;(c)a date,riot kss than 30 davs from the date the notice is given to Borrower�by whkh the defi�ult must be
<br /> `'�•'" '�'" � � '' "' cured;and(d)that fwilure to cure the defwult on or before the date specitkd in the notke may nsult in acce:iratbn ot
<br /> � • the sums secured by this Security Instrument and s�le ot the Property. The notke shAll further inform Borrower nf
<br /> '. the right to reinstate after ucceieratlon and the ripht to b�ing a court actbn to assert the Qon-existence of a detault or
<br /> • � any othe�defense ot Borrower to accelers�tia�aad sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in
<br /> � • ' the notice,I.ender at its uptbn may require immediate payment in f1�11 oi ail sums secured by this Securit�•Instrument
<br /> ' without furt6er demand and muy invoke the power of sate and any other remedies permitted by �pplicable I�w. �
<br /> • Lendor shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�G the remedies provWed tn tbis pars�gryph 21. —
<br /> � ineluding,but not limited to.re�sonabie�ttorneys'fees and costg of title e�•idence.
<br /> ' , If the power ot sale is invaked,Trustee shytl record u�otke uf defAUlt in each county in whkh any pArt of the
<br /> �Iw� :�- � °�•=� Property is laa►ted and shaq mai!copies of wch notice in the mynner prescc(bed by s�pplicAble law tu Borrower And tu --
<br /> Fi;�, :•��'_..: .; � .-,�::' the Mher persona prescribed by applicable law. After the time required by opplics�ble law.'I�ustee shati give pubik
<br /> nutice of sale to the penonF stnd in the manner prescribed by�pplicable law•. Trustee,without dem�nd on Borruwer,
<br />��•�' ' �u����-�•••��� �:�' sht�ll sel!the Propsriy at public auction to the hi�hest bidde�at the time�►nd place and under the terms designated in
<br />-�' : • ' ��';:,�s the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in s�ny order 7Yustee determines. 'Irustee may postpone wle at all or any
<br /> . • parcel of the Property by public�nnouncement at the time And place of nny previousl,v scheduled sale. Lender or it4
<br />_. ' �:_:+;".,;:";:. ' ';"."°' desi�nee may purch�se the Property at uny sale.
<br /> ' ' _ � Upon receipt of pavment of the price bid,'llrustee shall deliver to the purchaser 'I�ustee's deed com�eying the
<br /> ` Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima facle evidence of the truth uf the st�tements made therein. _
<br />.�; .��� 'Ilrustee shall appfy the praceeds ot the sale in the followin�order: (a)to all costs s�nd exprnses oP exercising the power "
<br /> �."
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