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' �' •. � •�r%*... ....��;:. .r� ;�,,,�.. . . • �_-__ . <br /> ,C -'F a�.�� . . . <br /> ` .� ��...�.�� _. <br /> -----e �93�110166 <br /> �riads thu[Leixier rcyuin:s. Tir insurwxc carricr purviJing thr inau�wke±hatt bc chc�scn by E3csrn�wer stthJ�N to L�nrM+rk <br /> ay�roval whkh shull not bc unrcawnably withheld, If&xmwer fAik tn m�int�in c��vera�e drKrihed utavr.Ln�r rtwy,+u <br /> lxnder i aptian,��btuin roveru�;e w pnxrct Lc�xkr+ri�;htx in thc Praperty in uccunlance with p•rru�ruph 7. <br /> • Ali inxurw�ee{x�licie+wui rcnewul�shull tm arceptable to Lender wrf+hall itxlu�k a+tun�rd nHxtgagr cluuµ. Leixlrr <br /> --— — �hull h:�ve ttx right h�huld thc Fwli�:icti und renck�al�. li'Lcndcr myuirr�,Barruu•cr.hull prumpUy�ivr tu t,cn�l�r:dl rrcript� <br /> ' of pnid premiums und renew•rl axircr. In ttx evcnt uf loti.,Surruwer �hull give prwnpt�wtire 10 ttk mtiunuke carrier urui <br /> _ , =—� l.enrkr. Lencicr may mukr pnwf of I��n�if MH mu�k pr��nptly by B�xruwer. <br /> ',f -:�'"'4;"—" U�lic�i l.c�uk:r.��d Bu�YOUCr�Nhcrwix-agrc�it► waitin�.Iu,us:ut�c pukc�d,shatl bc applicd w restorrtinn or rcpair ciC - <br /> , the Prc�perty datnageJ. if the re+turatiun or mp:►ir i�rci�n��mically tcu.ihlc und l.enikr± +ecu�ity is iH,t Ie��ned. If thr <br /> �••a .:.t;t, � ; ',, mtitor�tiun iw repair is rwt MorxNnicuUy feu�ihlc or LcnJcr. security W�wIJ l+c Ic..cncJ,tix intiur,ux:c �x�kccd.shull tx <br /> --- --- --- — applied to the rums ,ecu►tid by thiz Security lnstrumcnt. whc�her or n�x thco duc. with uny cxce.. paid tu k3orc�iw•cr. If <br /> �yaa._�.:� B�rrowcr et�ndonx the Praperty, csr da:s not unswer within 3l1 drys u�xxicc from Lcndcr tbut the inxur•rncc curricr har: <br /> -- oFfrred to.cttic a rlaim,t►xxn Lendrr may collect thc in+urancc p�cxccd+. Lendcr muy aK thc pnx�ed`ti�npair ur rc,torc <br /> �� th�s P�operty��r t��pay sunt��curcd by this 5ecurity In�trument,whether w nut then dw:. 7'he�0-ciay pc�ial will lx:gin ahan <br /> -__'�'�� - -- y,...� th��wtirr i,givrn. <br /> _ ���,� Unlr`�I.endcr und Bortuwer iuhcrwirc:agrec in writinb, any applicatiun of pnxecd.tu pri�kipal +hall not extend or <br /> = ,; ,,,•_ �,,,,; po+tponc the duc date of the monthly paym�:nts�ferred to in parugraphti 1 anJ 2 or changc the umuuut af the�yment,. If <br /> - under p:uagraph 2l [Ik Propen}�i��cquired by Lender. Barcow�r's right to any innurance M�licie. and pnxecds resulting <br /> fran dwnagc tc�thc Pro�x:rty priar to tlx�acyui+ition shull paxs to Le�xicr w the extent of the sum�.�xurc�l by thiti Securiry <br /> �_—�'"s�;ly.r�.�.�;�►<, Instmment immediately priortuthe ucqui�ltion. <br /> •.i.f .:(;;'1•,,; '�;,� , 6. (}ccup�ncy. Preservatian, Mpintenunce and Protectbn ot the Propertv; Iturrow�er'a l.own Applkutiva: <br /> • ,����;':i�,f:;°',;.e'.�..;; LeacehuWy. Borrawer�hull occupy.etiwblitih.anJ usr thr Propeny ati Borrower;principul re.idunrr aithin,ixry du��s aUer <br /> . - .. . . . �::�:t the ezecuti�H�uf this Security In.trum�:rtt:u►d�huU cuntinuc to uccupy the Proprny a.Be�rruwur;prinripal re.idencc ti�r ut <br /> , y leust onc ycar aRer thc date nf cxcup:►n�y. unle�, Lender rnh��+�i�c agrcr+ in writinu, which cun+ent �hall not tx <br />; ��4 � . � . '',` ., unreas�n•rbly withhrld,or unle�.extenuutin�circumytancrx exi.t whirh•rrc ixyunJ Burruwrr�a�urul. Burrower�ht�ll not <br /> ° ` � , destruy,damage ar impair the Propcny,alluw the Property W Jctc:riorate,or cominit watitc un thc Prop�ny. Borcuwcr�hull <br /> � � • Ix in defuult if any forFeitur�artiun or pracc�eding,whethcr rivil or r�iminul, i.begun thut in LenJcr:g�xxi fuith judsm�:nt <br /> , could result in forfcitum of the Pmperty or othcrwisc materially impair thr lirn rnated by thi. Srrurity In,trumcnt or <br />'r ;:,j:�:�.,• �. ' ;� Lender;security intercst. Borruwrr muy cun.uch u defuult und rcimtute,as provided in paragraph 1 R,by cuuying tfx�actiun <br /> ' �;:��;:,:•� ���t or pnxeeding to be dirmis,ed with a ruling that, in LenJer:g�xxl tuith Jetem�innti�m,prerludc.ti�rtciturc of the Borrower� <br />_- "..;:;;ti'•.,�:.::'.��; :,�rti'`' intrrc.t in the Propeny or iKher muterial i�upairment i�f the licn rrcaeed ny chi+ S�curity lntitrument or Lenderti `rcurity <br /> - �.,.,;+,;r•r.• ;.^ .::;,:•:•. intcretit. Borrowcr sh•rll alsu tk in Jrfuult il' Borrnwcr. Juring thr luan applicutiun prcxc», g:wr m:�tcrially talx ur <br /> '� 'J"'+" ••i���'�' inuccurate infiim�ation or.tatements to Lendcr l��r failed to nwide Lender with an matrri•rl infonnationl in connection K•ith — <br /> �,```,:•'::- P Y <br /> - �° ��•�� • thc luan evidcnred by thr Not�, inrluding, but nut limitcd h�. rrprcXntution. conccrning Born�wrr. cxcupuncy ��f thc -. <br /> . ._ ;f�{:,�_:!�':';re1�•_-� Property uc a principal re.idence. 11'thi.Security In�trwnent i��wi a lcuKhold.Borruwer,hall romply with ull the pruvi�ion. _ <br /> _ 'T n,__.��. <br /> ��������'� � of the Ieu�e. If Borr<�wcr a�quim+fer tide to the Pm�xny.the Iea.rhold unJ thc fce tiUe,hall not mergc unlc�,Lrnd�r vgme. <br /> .'��.�,.�;i;'' , to thc mcrgcr in writing. <br /> {.�:i�',.��•�-; • 7. Protertion oF Lendrr'y NlRhtx M the Propertv. It Borrowrr fail, to �xrtimn the covcnants and ugnement+ <br /> .�.��t;��' . .: " comained in this Securiry Intit�umrnt, ur therc i.a Irg:►I pnxceding Ihcit mciy .ignificuntly affect Lender� rightti in the <br />' . �o�ny�.u�n,,,a nr�:����n� �n n:mkruptcy,prubate,tiir rondemn:rcion or furfeiturr or tu entiircc luw�ur re�:ulutions),then <br />• �f.�;.' • Lender m�y do•rnd pay for whutrvrr i.nccc..ury tu prutect the valur��I the Pru�xrty and L�ndcr�riglit,in the Pm�xrt�. <br /> ;:4:���;•, Lender's urtiam muy inrlude paying uny,urn.ururrd hy a lirn v�hirh hn.priority uvrr thiti Security ln�trument,ap�xaring ; <br /> �':;� : .: in court.puying naumable anumey.'fre.und entr�ing un thr Pra�rt�•u�mu�,e repuir+. Although Lender m:►y tuha •rction <br /> � ;. undcr this para�raph 7,Lendcr d�w.nut ha��c ta du tio. -.: <br /> ,�. . � '�' Any amounts di�hurscd hy l.rnder undcr thi+raru�ruph 7,h:dl tkromc:iddition:d dcht of Bi�rruarr.rrurrJ by thi+ �. <br /> _ • �. Sccurity lnstrument. Unle�s Aorrower and L�nd�r agrcc t�►u�hcrtcrn»uf paymrnt.the.c um��unt,,hall fxcir interr+t tiom thc - <br /> '�� � ; d;etc of dishunement at th�Note rate and shull tx pa�•�iM�.��•ith intc�c.t,upun nutirr frum Lcndcr to Hott��wcr rcyuu.tirtg - <br /> . N,.�,:�•: ' . <br /> : ., ,. • ' puymcnt. _ <br /> ;',',�, 8. Murt�ake Insurance. If Lcnder requinS m��n=a�:r in.ur.uicr:i.a cunditian uf mal�ing thr Inan urumd hy thiti -- <br /> �� Sccurity Instrumrnt. B�,rruwcr ,hall pa�•th�prrmium+mquirrd t��muintain the nwngag� in,ur:mrr in ritcct. It'. ti�r any _ <br /> `:,�;��" y` rcawn, thc murtgag� in�uranr� cuvcrapc r.quircd hy Lrndr� l:tp•c, ur rrax, tu Ik in rffrrt. Ru�rua•rr .hull puy thv <br /> � , . prcmium. requinJ tu uhtain ruvcrru�c ,ub.tantiall�• cquir:drnt tc� th� mnngn�r intiuranrc prcriuu.l} in rffcct. at u cotit <br /> " wbsPrntially eyui�•alrnt to the co,t to Burn.wer uf thc m��nguge in.ur:mre pre�•iuu•Iv in rftcct. frum an alt�mate nwngugo = <br /> :��,'•��,., inwrcr upproved b�•Lendrr. !f',uh,tanti:lUy�yuit�;�l�tll�11�Mg:�ge insuranrc r�n•era�r i��wt a�•ailahlr.Burru��rr,hall pa}•tu - <br /> �. , . Le�xi�r r•rch munth a�um�yual Iu unr-t�cclf�h u�'Qtr�r:u•1�nuttt�:igc iitwranrr p��mium Iking paid by Bur�uwrr whcn tl�r _ <br /> -- :'`"� in+urance cuvcrage lap.�:d or cca+ed tu Ix in rftrrt. l.ender�cill�k•ccpt.u,e and rctuin tlir,r pa�mrnt.a�a lu..t��urve in liru `' <br /> :`..,::�, �'.:.`�:- . of mortguge in.uranre. La.. n.rrvc puym�nt� may na Icmgrr hr requircd.:►t �hr uptiun ul'Lvnder. if murtgage inwranr� <br /> � .���``, cuvcragc(in thr�nu,unt and tiir du�xri�xl that l.cndrr rcyuirr>I rruvided h� an in,urtr appr��vrd by Lrndcr agam tkcom.:� - <br /> t' "��' `' �, ' • :1V:ItI�fflC�It(I Iti OMlainrd.BurniNrr,le�ll i thr runium,re uirrci u�maintain num�i�� in+urarttc in clfrrt.or tu rovidc u ` <br /> ��r� P�>" P ' N b�b' P � <br />�, � .�. loti,�tscrve.until thr nyuircnunt ti�r mong.i�c imur:�ncc arrorJanrr ��ith any�rrittrn a�rcement txtwrrn Borrowrr <br />- �[' y �-•' ,� und Lendcr��r a IiwMc law•. _- <br /> �,.';' . PP� <br /> ti;_ - .. 9. Inspection. Lcndcr ur it�agrnt ma� mal�r rca,unablr rmric,u�xm :u�d in,�xrti�,m�,f thr 1'roprn}•. Lrndcr�hall - <br /> _�j:: _.�N,�:.;:.�. - givc Burn�wrr m�tirc ut thr timr ot'ar prinr tc�an in.�xrtiun.�xcify in�rra�nnaMr cau.c ti,r thc im�xctiun. _ <br /> �" �r:Y�, ,: ".. 10. Condemnation. Th�prixcrd���f ane aKarJ or cluim tix Jamng..,dircrt�u.anki�u�� cunnrrti�,n with eny . <br /> !��� a'�:w . .. <br /> ., „ tiinilcl•rmd��-tanniQll�¢�ttcddi�llxt"�IF't)R111\til'R111F.�7'..l'nrt.rint'� Y�4U q�,�e�?���n�a�cr�� <br /> . ..;v .�,.., �.mx�.r,.IW.:�.►omM.�rn ■ • <br /> � T;+���� To�I�kr t:7r 1dNMh�i,1P9(tlKl L YA!(BNFT111 11.11 --� <br /> ._:3' _.. <br /> � <br /> .'� �.4'Y N' ' <br /> ^�- _�i+�'.�..- .'__—.r_"_'- . � <br /> ."' <br /> , __..��..- ���.�.. - <br /> '�__ a�z.i=-_i..;`..-�-- .. . ....u.. .. `�•. _ <br /> � _,,�. . .. . _.��tS_a�.IC: , . <br /> � - :v:.,'�.•�1� . �f �_.�,.�:211a��_-- ' . <br /> . i� .S._,.!•4� "Y..!.a'�Y ` �r� ``�fta :h �l'�N_•_�,3.n.i' '_ <br /> YYJ�. ��. __ __ _. _ _ J� .*•..•. '�� __ _ _ ._ . . _ . <br /> . r++�+i.'. : ... . ... . . � . ' , e �', , <br /> __ -_ _-ir?n#S%• - ,� ' �.. "V-���.t.y , . .. , <br /> �.'a:.�C..:.� • ' ' ' • � <br /> .:�� ., . .. <br />'A� , , .. .i .. , . <br /> .-tfm7 .• . F��".. - - ..':�..-��'ie- .�. . <br /> ,S�;t�i�'.�.ql�... -•;.. ' . . . . -,_s: '..jt�y...�2.�.-.. � : •. .. <br /> r. �, ..c_ � <br /> _ ..�l���j.�.�J,.�`' :�:. . 4� r��v=�.'�•..�..t: �:i i `..,�:_J!i. �� �� .._. .� <br /> %� r �-�.� •� , ;5' +,�`� <br /> _� ,� _ �t..� . . . ,.�... +ytr . •..-.�.�1.' .y{.L. , <br /> r ���s=,,_.,,.�. , . .:� .; u <br /> .ir:ca�.eviy,�}�Si¢L'�'�.l:iraBT'.�' :N;', ,�' <br /> �iaBOS�i� L_,<_- r�f'�f'�n41�GS�wNn�-1MYS�1`�M,/� ���0. . <br /> t• '�:' :.y .+.�. <br /> - '1:ia"��iw:�'i�1��K,7+ ;;• ±__- , � � i ,w tl�:' ..�� <br /> -:�`��cacx_�9��s�-{jL�° ;-. �.! r•. <br /> -_.:..�:�3Fkr�'�'3��rf��T.d;�� - � , . �L '' q <br /> �'-'�_--" y '.�y',�.�� <br /> :sm�'s:r...,..u. � L 1� r i'i:7+ + I'. <br /> •Si '�r>.i���' . Y'.ti�nl�_.�'tw�ilor!��... "� <br /> . —_ _ '�Y..�t, _ _ _ ._ ._... _ _ . _ _. . <br />