<br /> :�.�-- `-�' �w_; �. ,�. T�-t..:���:_
<br /> ;,'
<br /> : - - - - -
<br /> ...�..�___ _.._._,.,.J . .
<br /> S. flmed ar Pruperty lnw��nce. Borrower shull Iceep the fmprovcmcnt► now cx��ir�or he�O�ro�o� an tho
<br /> Pnspeny inwrrd a��inzt losx hy firc, twz�trds incltulal within thc Icrm "extcixluJ rovcragc" w�J�ny�Nlxr ha�r�s. inriudin�
<br /> -- - tMc3de ur floodin�, fcx which Lender reqairr•im�+rHn��r 7'hi�.inwrmxc.hrfl Me nwfntui�xx!in tik unxwnts wK1 for the pe�iadc
<br /> thrt 4r,ndcr rcquicrx.Thc insuru�kc curricr pr�wiJin�ttk imuraixr•hull f+c rhusen My F3orruwcr�uhject to I.enJcr'r�uppruval
<br /> abich ch�ll nut br unrwMHU�bIy withheld. If&�rruwrr fuil. tu nuintuin cuvcr•rgr Jexritxd Ybove. LenJcr nu�y, ut l.cixkr's
<br /> ��t i��n.��blrM�nv�r�gc to protect IAndcr's ri�ht�in tix Propcny in u�rur��xc with p�rugr�h 7.
<br /> _ — All inwrrncc p��licies�►wi renow�ix �twll bc u��eptAble to LAnJcr uixl �1�11 i�klude a�wr�rd nxirtg�yc rtuuse. I.cndcr
<br /> �tu+111wvc thc right to twW tt�policics and renew�l�.!f Lcndcr rc�quires,Borrowcr shall promptly givc to l.c�xicr all roceipts nf
<br /> -= ryid prcmiums and renewal rKxices. In the cvent of los,.&xrowcr�fu�ll givc prunyx�wti��lu ti�insurwxr uuri��uxl Ix�xler. -
<br /> -- Le�der may make pmof of loxs if nat myde promptiy by 8omnwer.
<br /> Unle+s Lender and Borrower otherwise agrce in wrltins, insurmce proceeds sh�ll be applied to restoration or rcpair of the
<br /> Pn�perty clwnagod,if the restor�ticx�ur rcpair ix economically fe�sible and Lender's saurity is nat lessened. If the rcstaration or
<br /> _.- reps�ir is not econnmically Peasible or I.ender's security would be Iessened. the insurunce pmceeds shall t+e apptied to the swiu
<br /> s;ocured by this Security (nstrumcnt, whether or n�x then due, with any exccss paid to EaROwcr. If Bormwer�b;uxbns tix
<br /> _` �`�-�� IRopeny,ar daes not answer within 30 days a notice from Lernkr that tlx� insuruncr c�a�Tier has nfferal to settle s�clvim. then
<br /> I.ender may callect tbe insurance proceeds. l.snder may use the proceeds to rcp:iir or restore the Property or to pay suttu
<br />= securcd by thix Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-d•ry periad will beBin when the twtice is given.
<br /> --- Unless l.ctxkr and Barmwer utherwise� agroe in writing. any application af praceeds to principal sh�ll not cxtend or
<br /> _ po�tpone the due date of the monthly payments rcferrod to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changc the ar►wunt of the payments. If
<br /> '�f — under paragraph 2l the Praperty is xquired by Lender. Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from -
<br /> dur�gc ta thc Property priar to thc xquisition shall p�:s ta Lender to the cxtent of the sums securod by this Security Instrument -
<br /> imnnediately priar ta the acquisition.
<br /> 6.OavpaMCy.Pr+ecervatlon�11�intenance s►nd Protection of the Property;Borrower•s I.oraa Applicatian;Leaseholds.
<br /> Bornwcr shall accupy,establish,atxi use the Praperty ati Borcower's principal re�idenre�vithin sixty days uRer the execution of
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall conlinue tu occupy the Property as Barrower'�principal residen��e for ut Ieust one year after
<br /> � the d�te �f occupuncy,unless l.ender aherwise agroec in writing,which coment sh;�ll not be unreasonably wlthheld. or unless =
<br /> • extenuating circumstwkes exist which are beyond Bc�rmwer's contml. Borcow•er shall not destroy, dumage or impair the --
<br /> - Property, allow the Property to deterioratc, or commit waste an the Propeny. Borrower shall be in default if uny forfciture
<br /> s�ction or prtn-eeding,whethec civil or criminal,is t►egun that in Lender s good faith judgment ccwld result in fo�teiture of the
<br /> �. Propeny or ott�erwise materially impair the licn crcated by this Security Iostnrment or L.ernicr's security interest.Bonower may
<br /> - cure wch a default and reinstate,ac pro�•ided in p:►ragraph l8,by causing the acticxi or praceodiag to be dismissed with a ruling -
<br />�;� that,in Lender's good faith detertnination, prccludcs farfciwre of the Borrower's interest in the Property or othcr rrwterial
<br /> .�''.�,i,? impairtnent of the lien creatod by this Security lnstrument nr Lender'�security interest. Borrawer shall ulw be in default if
<br /> t_r..�:,.'�:';r';',;.`- Borrowcr,during the loan c�pplication procctis,g•rvc matcriully f�lse or it�accuratc infarmation or uatements to Lender(or failed
<br /> �lt.,..
<br /> 5, ~!.�;a.::• .� � to pmvide L.ende�with any mate�ial inforn�tion)in connection with the loan evidencod by the Note. including, but not limited
<br /> ,�;.,.�. _
<br /> ��;:,�;_'' ,_' to, rcpresentations concerning Bonowe�s occupancy of the Property as a principal re�idence. if this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> - Ie;��ehold, Born�wer tihall comply with all the pro��isi�ms of thc leasc. If Bortower acquires fee tide to the Propcny, the
<br /> `^�'����' .'�'. �:` �: IeascholJ anJ the fix�tide shnll not mcrgc unlcss Lcnder agrces to thc m�:rcer in a•riting. _
<br /> ;;�?'.:• ..
<br />- pW�,�t'•;tc:,r�• • 7.Protectlon ot I.ender•�:Rights tn the Property.If Borrower fail�to perforn�thc wvenunt.r anJ igrocments contained in
<br /> �'YY1��,,,�Ny�.(.. ��� �..
<br />. �r�^�`�t• �-�, thiti Security Instrument. or there is u Iegal prexeeding that ttuy signifirantly a((rct L.endcr'ti rights in the Propeny (wch as a =
<br /> i_s....YGI L
<br /> t�?�t,.y°..�rr,�-• proceoding in bankruptcy, probute, for cancicmnution or fixfeiture or to enforce luw�or regul�tions), then Lender may do and _
<br /> , ",:'r.;"�-"> �`;.�;�;_� p�y for wh•rtever iti necc+�ary t��protect the vrluc of the Propcny and Lendcr'+ri�:ht� in thc Property. I.ender's actions may e
<br />- �:�'i`'i'1:•�•':�,- ' ,
<br /> �.�,;,�;��J„��,,,.- - includc paying any sums krural by a licn which I�as prii�rity uvcr thiti Security Instrununt, uppcaring in caurl. paying -
<br /> ,,.�'..•.,1.:r7yp� .� reason•rblc attomeys'fce�und entering on the Propeny to r�wke repair+. Although L.enJer may wke action under this p;vagraph
<br /> .�.,.�.r�•� :.. ,� 7, L.enJe�dcx:s not havc to do xi. _
<br />�.5���•� ,.*�y,;.�;�; ,;,_, Any amountx disiwr�ed by Lendc� uneier thiti paragraph 7 ,hall heconu •rdditionul debt ot &�rn►wer ,ecured by this
<br />_. .�;,,�;y .�•..
<br /> f"°' � '�'"''*� Securiry Instrument. Unlcti.Bo�r�iwer arxi Lencier•rgrc�to uther temn of payment, thcse amounts ,hull bear interest from the
<br /> ��,;;.. .
<br /> ' ,"�'!`"�`'�"'. • d�tc of disbursement at thc Note rate arni tih•rll be a ablc, with interc�t, u n naticc from L.cndrr to Borcower re uestin
<br /> .a,� . p'Y P� 9 B
<br /> . 'y'c�-..:. , . :
<br /> . 'i�: . .;��i�c PaYmcnt.
<br /> . ��`�i;:�;' 8. lllortRpge Insurance.It'Lendcr reyuir��i mortFage inwranre u�a�unditinn of making the Ioan secured by thi+Security �-.
<br /> -�:,� �t'��;k; Instmment. BoROwer shall pay thc premiums rryuired t�� maintain the mc>rtgage in.rurance in effect. If, for any rca+on, the
<br /> " �'�'''"` mortgage insurance coverage reyuimd hy [.ender I�p►e+or ce•rses to he in cffect,Borruwer shall pay the premium� requirod to
<br /> :svt�::.;:.
<br /> _" :R:��,`•; � . obtain coverage substantiully eyuivalent to thr mortgage in,uranre previously in et'fi�ct,at a rost�ubstantiully cyuivulent tu the
<br /> • � 1•� cost ro Bonowcr of the mortguge imurance previuusly in cffcrt, from an altem•rtc nwrtg•rgc insurer approvcd by Lender. U
<br /> :��— ':e:�:.:_�.�.,,
<br /> �,t��•;�';;•;; substantially equivulent mortgage intiurrnre ruveragr i. nnt availablc. BoRawcr.hall pay ta L,ender each month a.um equal to
<br /> . one-twclfth of thc ycarly nwngagc in�urancc prcmium bcing paid by&ttrov�•cr whrn thr insurancc ec�vcragc lapticci or cc:►scd to r
<br /> �_ ���� r be ineffect. Lendcr will accept. usc und retuin thrsc payments us a loss nxrvc in licu of mortgage insurancc. L.o.s rescrve �,�..
<br />� Fam 3028 9190 '
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