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�-_– w...c __ , z>�.- -. <br /> 2�' ���- <br /> . �...� R "' , • _ <br /> ��hKr.. li.�: <br /> �•�.� ! Y: <br /> . , .�'ri�W.3;• <br /> l �►►4. _ _. . .. .. ___–.'�_ <br /> � � __ . - .. . _.___ _. _ <br /> 1 <br /> � .' -- __._�___._�� 9�_ <br /> uos�2 <br /> p�yments nwy�x+li+nycn c�rca�uircxl,rt ihe��tf�m of l.enikr, if nw�ngwyc insuru�kc cuverrge (in thc unr►unt�xi or thc periai <br /> th�u LctKier rcquircKl pmvldod by nn inxurcr���nn•a!by l.c�xlcr ugrin baomcc av�ilwMe�nci I�oMuincJ. Horrowcr xlwll pry <br /> �— - - the prcmiumx roquirod to munirin nx�riYagc{u.a�u��In ctY�t,or t��p�avidc a toac n�crtc.�atli thc e�ryuiermrnt fi,r�rnxt�a�c <br /> - ituwrarxe ernls in�rordiuxc with uny writtcn agrucmenc hc�wccn W�rniwrr nrxf lx��lcr ur applic�blr luw. <br /> 9. In�pect4►n. l.cixlcr ur it� �gcnt nwy m�kr ruunnyblc enlrich up�m u�xl ins{�alions uf thc Pruprny. IwmJcr sh�t) �ivc <br /> `i -_--- &�rruwe��xNice c�t the tln�e of or prior tu un in�p�titiun s{xxifyin'rc:�awble ruu�c:ti�r tlu intiperliun. <br /> --- - 1Q. ('undemnNtbn. 1'hc pnxoaix of any uwarJ ar clwim fi�r Junwgc.. dintit or conwyucatiul. in cunn�:rtion with any <br /> - �#""'�'�"'�''"°� rnnclemnatinn or other lukinr e,f any pxrt n1'the Pn�xny, i�r ti►r c�►nveyuike in lieu ul'c�axtemn�tiun. ,�rc FkreMy a�signcxi wu,t <br /> — slwll t+c paid a�Le�xicr. <br /> ':o;: In the event uf u tut�►1 tuking of thc I'ropeny.thc prcxoodx shall tk uppli��l t��the wnu w�uml by thi� S�;curiry Imttument. <br /> whetbcr ur�xu thcn due, with uny excerr p:iid tu Bormwer. In U�c cvcnt uf a�nial tuking uf the Pro��ty in whirh u�� fuir <br /> - ��� nwrket vuluc nf thc Property immodfatcly bcforr thc tuking is cyuul �o�►�grc:�tcr than thc umuunt of thc�um� s�tiur��i by�his <br /> Security In�trument immaliutely befi�ra the takinF, unl�� &�rmwer a�x1[.endcr otherwix�ugree in wri[ing, the sum�xecurc�i by <br /> ___ —_- -- - --- --- this Scrurity In�trument �hall hc r�duccd My �hc amcwnt of thc prcxetxl� muttipli�x! by the fi�UuwinF fr•rction: (u) thc totul <br /> um��unt of thc�ums accur��d inuix�di;aely t+efure the tuking,dividod by (bl thc [uir nwrkct valuc uf the Pruperty imnwJiutcly <br /> � — before thc taking. Any hulanre shall be paid to &�rr�iwer. In thc evcnt of a paniul taking uf thc Prupcny in which the fair <br /> market value of thc Property immediately beforc the t;►king is less thun the um��unt of the aum�k�urcai immcdiutcly tx�fur�the <br /> =� taking, unlcss Bc�rruwer urui I.ende�athenvise agr��c in writing or unless uppliruble law �xherwixe:pn�vides,the procc�als tihnll <br /> -��------ __ be applied to the sums secumd by this Security Instrument �vhether or not�he wmc are then due:. <br />_: r If the Property is ab�►ndoned by Borrowcr,or if,aftcr noticc hy Lendcr to Borri�wcr�h�t thc candemtu�r offcrs to mukc an <br /> awurJ ur xttic a claitn fin Juuwgcw, B�rrruw-er fui{. ��� r�h{xnkl tu l.rikler withiu 30 Jay,uttcr the date thc noticc is�;ivcn. - <br /> l.ender is authnrizod to callect ancl•rpply the pmcn�ds,ut its option,either to re�torution or repuir of�he Propeny ar to the wms <br /> i.. ' securod by this Security In�trunxnt,whcther or rku then due. - <br /> Unless Lender and Borcowcr othcrwise •rgrce in writing, any application of prcicct�d� ti� principal shull nut rxterul nr - <br /> ,�`,, , postponc thc due datc of thc monthly paymcnts�cfcrn�d to in par.�g�phti 1 •rr►d 2 or chungc thr •rmiwnt of such puymcnt�. <br /> �`� ' I1.Borrower Not Released: Forbearunce By I.cnder Nat u WAivcr. Extrmion of thc timc for pay�ment��r m�xiifirutinn - <br /> '�;., - <br /> � � v af amortization of the sums secured by this Security In�trument grunted by Lender to•rny snc�tiswr in intere�t af&irn�wer�hull <br /> not operate to release the llability of the original &irruwer or&�ra�wer'ti intercst.l.ender shall r�t he reyuireci to <br /> comme�Ke proceedings against any succeswr in interest o�rcfuse to cxte�xi timc fiir p:►ymcnt ar otherwise mrniify amurtiiuti��n <br />- - ��a,;;� � of the sum� secured by this Security Instrument hy rcason of any denusnd made by the ��riginal Bnrrower ��r &nrnwcr'� - <br /> successors in intere�t. Any forbearance by Lxnder in exercising•rny right or remafy shall aot be a waiver af or preclude the = <br /> - - � ,, - czcrci�of any r'sght ar rcmcdy. <br /> 1 4�!r,,�r-���:� 12. Snccessors and A.�.signs Bound; Joint and Several I.iabllity; Co-s►l�ners. The cuvcnuntti c►nci agrr�nunt,uf thiti <br /> `'��' �,-'" Security Instniment shaU bind nnd benefit the succesu�rs and ussignx of L.rnder unJ &�rrower. subject tu tl�c provision.��f <br /> '� ��.,... <br /> " '�` � paragraph 17. &irmwer's covenants urxi agreements�hall be juint and sevcral. Any &rrroW-er whu cc�-.r•igns thiti Sccurity <br /> .�"''�r,, <br /> �`.`�'�^ •"`"L Instrument but does not execute the Note: ta1 is rn-si@ning thi�Serurity Intitrumem�mly tu martguge,g�ant uod convcy that <br /> �%`'•�1 i;:`�� � - <br /> z:_���._,:•„•:. .• Barrower's interest in thc Property under the term���f this Security Instrumenr,tb1 i.not pr:��nnaUy o6ligatui to pay thr sums <br /> `A���it'•'.F`��'��''���'� secured by ihis Security Instrunxnt;und 1c)agrcex thut Lendcr und any��thcr&�rruwcr may ugrcc to cxtcnd,mixiify, fi�rbear or <br /> `'`�'��'r"��" �" m•rke any•rccommcxlations with regard tii thr tenm uf thiti Securiry [mtrunknt ur the Notr without that &�rruwer's coment. <br /> '�L°+xA:''r y�" 13.I.oan Chat�;�c. if thc laan srcurcd by tlii,Sccuriry[ntitrumcnt i..ubjrrt tu a lae•which��t� maximum loan charges, <br /> _ �tti.;•�.':*._:,.a ,f►;�„ - <br /> -- ••w;: •'.�,„�,F::��,L•: and that law iti tinally intcrprcicd xo thut thr intrmst or i�thcr luan chargc.rullcctrd or to bc rnllatcai in wnnution with the _. <br /> .- ,.,�,.. �. ).. ,�; <br />� i � '= : lo�n cxcced thc perniittcd limit.,thcn: (a)uny,urh loan char�c�hull hc reducrd by dic amount ncu++•rry t�i rcducc thc chargc — <br /> •;,,;; <br /> � �,r�;ti�„�.�...� tn thc permitt�xl limit: unct(b) any tiunn ulrrady calt���cci 1'r�im &rrrcia�cr whinc�xrecded permitt��l litnitti will tx�rcfuncied to =. <br /> • ,r��`�'��'�`� ' Borrower. l.ender muy ch�xc to n�►kr thi. refu�d hy rcducing thc principid aw•ed under thc Notc or hy making a dircct �- <br />- �:� Y.k::-•�-•o � <br /> �;f �w�,,���;.•- paymcnt to Bc�rrowcr. If a rcfund rrducc. principal, thc rcduction will hc tmatcd a+ u partiul prcpaymcnt without uny - <br /> '�; �; . ;,, � �` prepayment charge under thc Notc. <br /> � �' '��t'• • `�j'= 14.Notic�. Any nuticc to Burrow�r pruvidcd fnr in thi�Securiry Intitrument+hall hc given by dclivcring it or by mailing _ <br /> ': `►,•i�j;:�,.� -' it by fir�t clusti mail unlesti applicahlc law reyuirr+u��of uni�ther mrth�xl.Thc nulirr�hall he directed to the Property Addretiti � <br /> ., �'�?�'�''," � ., or any other addrexs Bnrrower detiignates by notire to l.ender. Any nuticr to Lender tihull be git�en by tir�t cl•r.�s mai! tu -- <br />: '� `''�� ' � L,ender's address ,tated hcrcin or any ��thcr aJJre,� Lendcr designates by nutire a� B��rrawer. Any naticc providcd ti�r in this = <br /> �� ' '�rt'�"'�""� Securit instrumcnt shull hc decmed tu have been �ven t�� &>rn��vcr ur Lrndrr w�hrn �i�•rn u� rovid�d in thi. aru•ru h. <br /> ' r.�.�� . Y S� b P P' b P <br /> , ;��;`!".:';� 15.Govcrnin� I.uN•: Sc�•erability. Thi, Sccuriry Inxtrumcnt �hull hr govcrncJ hy fcdcral law and thc law of thc <br /> a•�:.. — <br /> .��...'"��,.s <br /> jurisdictlon in whirh the Prciperty is Icxut��l. In thc event thut uny pnwi,iun ur rlau,c ul'thf� Scrurity In�trumem��r the Natr "' <br /> ---' Y.. . rnnflicts with applicable law, �uch contlirt�hall nnt affat ather provision,��f thi,Serurity In.trument c�r the N��te whinc�an he _ <br /> _� ,�.``"; Siven effect without the wntlicting pro��ision.Tn thi�end the pnwi�iam nf this Security Instrument urxi the Note am dcclared =_ <br /> -- - —�.,+�r�,�'!�:: to be sevcrable. = <br /> — � � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower.hall lx givcn onc runtiirnud copy nf thc Notc and nf thi.Src�urity Inatrumcnt. �' <br /> .._ � Fam 3028 9180 <br /> ,� . � �� ap�4 0�8 <br /> ���ti �,� � _ <br /> ` .:,�.� - <br /> - -= � :_ <br /> -__ <br /> ..: <br /> _ - --- - - -- - � <br /> . . _ 7rr.. -- -- - ._._ �.,T. <br /> FC.... ...;�."._-'._`._-r--.a.+.-�+r--�---- _ .�--... . �.� � � . `. -- r.q' - . <br /> — _' .u�.4T.'.a�_��. � _ - '.. '�j . S�'•\lI� ft� '- <br /> . -:,:,d�sd�l-YY•,-3�_ks�: �u� , - P.,�- t +. • . - <br /> - -a'}t.4�� , IN���:te�llxr�rq fxF:"u�....... <br />. . __. �, --. — - . --_ —� . <br /> --•-" -`- ... <br /> :t's`tl"�C".-:. - t- - LM �v - 1�� ���;.'r..,._.�.c.�•. <br /> _ . . . , <br /> _ -- ...���.`..�•._ . .. ... . _1 �-"� .. .. .���:�`P <br /> �,�•.ty,,,�':;".�`C .. ... ........ . �..R..,�� �rr'.. `ti.�4.-.y..._.t � . - <br /> .�q�'��+�►.,��:�� ._. '_ ` . . 3•`,,.3 � � . .i'��!e?i...'�.....:'. . , � <br /> .��',,4 / ✓ � [ <br /> r - - �--�2rWl.i+' ,_.. ._. _.. ,. ,. •r.:� r�vYtM'Aiz ... .:t�.-'. , . <br /> j.+. .F >./NVS�J�� JieL� <br /> -_ - __ -- _ �•• LuWwr�ri.lAl���."_j__�L'i-1���� ` ' ,.fVL1M4L`..,f.... . <br /> �,.�usz��T ja'`"+�. e r.y. ...�,;.��_ .�;� , c - � � .. <br /> ..,�,.. ...._a.r�u � "br.�s , ., . ..> • ,t� k:/2w. . '�:«R*�;. . - -.. , . <br />