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<br /> TQClBTHER WITH dl the improvemcntti nuw or herrytter era�od un thc pn�peny,�nd�II r.acemellR'7plfe�t�.�nd
<br /> fixture+ t��w nn c�reaftrr r prrt uf the {uoperty All repl�en�ciu. uiwl saWltiunc stwll �Iro bc u�verixl by ihir 5o�w�ily
<br /> Itutnin�cnt. A{I ut'the fi�rcQuing i�nfcrrod���in thir Sav�i►y Inµrun�nt�u�ik'I'r�►pehy.'
<br /> �—------ sOfiR(�W£R COVL[YANTS ifwt Burrowcr i+►iawfuiiy.rla�xt uf ttw�te t��cby «mvcy.J at�d t�ttk rl�ht ta�c�t►i:ttxt
<br /> convcy the Propeny suxf �hat ihc PropcAy is unrncurnbcnxl,rxcept (or c�KUmt+rarxr. uf rcr�►n1. R�mr►wrr w��u�tr and wiq
<br /> Jekncl gc�xr�liy thc tiUe to thc Property ru�in.t xll d�1ms suwl�knwnJ�,whJrct to�ny r�xun�rwxr�of nr��rJ.
<br />-�- -- — THI5 S�CUR[TY INSTRUNiENT cv�mt+ii�es unif��n�i�rwc�untti tiu n+tiunul u�c u�xl�xm•unifunn�Ywcrumt. wllh limitc�l
<br /> � varlwionc by jurisdictia�to ci�nuilute u uni(orni security i►ut�unxnt cuvcring rc�l pn�xrty.
<br /> :Y'=- _� UNIFnRM CnV�NANTS. &xr��wer wxi Lci�dcr�r�vc►quu�ux!yg��Y� ti►Iluws:
<br /> t. �y�nune or���� a,�a re��: �p•y�•+� •� t..�� cn.��. l��m�wer .hail pr�mi�iy puy wlwn due the
<br /> - - principal c�f�nci intere.rt un the:dcbt evideix�ai by thc Nnte :uxl:►nY P�P+Y��x��t;uxl Iwe�Fwrge.Jue mxlcr the Nac.
<br /> — 2. FutKic[ot Tax�snd Inwrance. Subject t�� applic�i+lc law ur a�a written w:�iver hy L.eixle�. B�muwer +�haU pay tu
<br /> �—��� Lendcr on the day monthly payments�rc due und�r thc Notc,until the N�ue iti p•rid in full.u wm('Fundi 1 fi►r.1•r)yc�+rty t�xes
<br />� and asscssments which may an�in priority over this.S�xud[y ImtNnxnt a.�a lien un ihe Pn�xrty: (bl yurly Ica.+clx�ld payments
<br /> __�. _ -_ __-� or gnwnd rents an the Pmperty. if any:(cl yearly hazwrd or prop�:Ry inwrmc�premium�;W)yc�rly Il�xxi inwmncc prcmiums,
<br />� if any:(c1 yearly mortgage inwr�nce prcmiums, if any;urxl(tl�ny +um�puyrbic by Burc��wcr to l.cnder, in:kr�ird•rnce with
<br /> the provisions of parngraph 8,in lieu�f the p:+yment of mongage inwr.uxe premium�. Thcse item.•rr�culle�i"Etcn►w Items.'
<br /> I.ender may, at any time,collect and Ix►Id Fundr in �n:�nwunt not to exceed the maximum •rr�xwnt a Iender fi�r a fexlerrlly
<br /> rclated mangage Ic►an may require for Barrower's c�crow acccwnt undcr thc fodcr.�l Rcul E�rrte Sctdenrnt Pnx�ciure� Act of
<br /> - _- -_ 1974 as amended from time to time. !?U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"►, unles,an�xher I•rw that��+lie� to the Futxix
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any time,mllcct and hold Funds in an arrxxtnt nnt to excccd the le�..cr umiwnt.
<br />�. � t.cndcr may cstimatc tlic amount at'Funds due on the basis af current d3tu nnd reasunrble estimates af cxpcnditu�rs of fWurc
<br /> Escraw Items or otherwise in accardaruc with applica6le law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose dep�sits u�e inxureci hy a fale�ul �gency. inurunxntulity, or entity
<br /> �''=�s''�,� (jncluding L.ender,if Lender is such an imtitution)or in any Fcderal Homc Lc�•rn Bank. l,cndcr+hsll apply the FunJs to pay thc
<br /> ,, Eccrow Items.Lender may nat charge Barrower for holding and:►pplying the Fund�,annually arwlyting the escrow n�rount,or
<br /> ;.w verifying the Escrow Items, un(ess Lcnder pay�BoROwcr interc�t on thc FunJ�and applicable law permits Lendcr tv makc such
<br /> :.,,_, , a charge. However, l.ender may mquirc Borrower to pay a unc-timc chargc fiir an indepencient rcal est�+te t:u rcp�min�r�crvicc
<br /> , f `_ usnd by Lender in con�uxtion with this lo:►n, unle�s�pplicablo luw provide� otherwi`e. Unlesti an agrc�emene is n�di: or
<br />_ .'� applicable law rcquircti interest to t+e paid, Lendcr shall not bc requircd to pay B�rrower any intet+�st or eamings on ttk Fund�.
<br /> Borrower and Lendcr aiay agrcc in writing, however,that interest sh�ll t►c paid on thc Fund,. l.endrr shall give to Borrowcr. _
<br /> , " *� ; � without charge, an annual acwuntinF af the Funds, showing cralits and dchits to thc Fund�and the purpase for which esich -
<br /> -- �. ��,,..�t_,��� debit to the F�nds was madp. The Fund�arP rle�l�n,�,i ac,rlcii►ional�eeurity for alI�ums ticxured by this Seeurity Instrument.
<br /> �•- �,y,;';•,�..��..•, If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amountti permitted to be held by applicable law,Lcnder shall account tn Bnrmwer
<br /> ;�v.�r•�;i�•,:,n. t�.
<br /> � �, for the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremeru� of applicable law. if the amount af the Fundc hetd by Lender at any
<br /> � ��� � � � ' • ?�" time is not sufficicnt to a the Bscrow Item�when due.Lender mn �a rx�tif Borrower in writin� a�xi,in such casc Borrower
<br /> :'�i��;::.tiu w.,r. .. ,�:. p�y )'• Y b•
<br /> ` � `"�°''��" shall to Lender the amount nere�sa to mnke u the deficienc Boaower shall make u ihe deficienr in no more than
<br /> ti, *t .:�� p�Y rY P Y• P y
<br />_ . •�;;,:;_ - � twelvc manthly payments,at Lendcr's u�le discretian.
<br />_ ���".`���••• Upon payment in full of all ,ums .ecurui by this Securiry In�trunxnt. I.ender �h�ll prompNy refund to Borrower uny
<br /> '�� `�''.• •` `�`.'�'' '�' Funds held b Lender.If,under sra ra h 21,l.ender�hall ac uire or sell the Pro n l.endcr, rior to the uc ui sition or sate __
<br /> Y P' S P 9 P� Y• P q --
<br />" of the Property, �hall apply any Fund�held by[.erxicrat the time nf acquisition or�ale a�a credit aguinst the sums�ecured by �
<br />_� .�H,,,�,.,:., ,,,�,�,,,,� this S�urity Instrument.
<br /> � •"�•�" °'''• • , ' 3.Application of Puyments. Unle,ti•rpplicablc law pr��videti��therw�ix,all p:►ymen[ti received by Lender under p•rragr�ph.r
<br /> �'S���r;,._ '
<br /> _�r�,�,�. .: I and 2 shal(be applied: first,to any prepayment charge� due under the Nutc;tiecoixl, ta amounts payable under paragraph 2:
<br /> "�':��:�,�'='�"'� third.to interest due:founh,to principal duc;and lati�,to any late rhargcs due under the Note.
<br /> `�r'=�" �°"� "'� 4.Charges; Liens. Borrowc�shall p•ry all taxe�,a�sesxmemti, rharges. finc.aixf impersitiom aUribut:�blc to the Property
<br /> �. ��'M�Y which may attuin priority��vcr this Security Inst�umcnt, �nd Ira,chold pryment, ur gruund rent., if any. Borrower sh:ill pay
<br /> ''��```''`�•� `� ' ' these obli etiom in the manner ravid��d in ara ra h?,�.r if nut riJ in th•rt manncr.Bormwcr sh•rll �•them on tin�e dirccd
<br /> S P P' F P p' p�. Y
<br /> '° '' ° ' to the perscm owcd paymcnt. &►rmwcr tihall promptly furni.h t��LrnJrr all nuticc.nf unx�untti to hc paid uruicr thi.puragraph.
<br /> :�.;.s.��:-.' _:
<br /> "'""�" �'�� • If Bc�rrowcr m•rkc�thcw payn�entti dircctly.&rrruwer +lull pr��mptly turni,h tu Lencicr ruxipt�evidencing thc p•ryments.
<br /> ? :�?.l " ' Borrowcr sh•rll promptly ditirhargc any licn w-hich hr.pri�xity o�•cr thi.S�rurity In+trunxnt unfc.:;9nrra�ecr: ta)a�rccti in -
<br /> 'W ;.,•r+,�;�, '
<br /> •�,�: writing to thc paymcnt of thc obl igution securcd by thr licn in a manncr arceptaMr tu Lcixlrr;tb►wntcus in good faith thc licn
<br /> . �;• by, or defcnds against enforecmcnt uf thc lirn in, legrl prcx�tiding. w•hirt� in the Lcndrr'� apinian op�:rate tci prevent the
<br /> �� �:;n._
<br /> •y i�.�.,. cnforrement of the lien; ��r(c��ccurc.from the hi�ld�r of thc lirn an agrcrmrn[,ati.factuq• tu[.cnJrr .utx�rJinating the lien to
<br /> ����.it� this Sccuriry (nstrumcnt. if Lcndcr detcm»nr,th�t any pan�if thr Pru�xny i.whj►rt t��a lirn whirh may attain priority ovcr
<br /> =��-�'-=�'=�'��.`:::�����- this Sccuriry Imtrument, Lender may givr Eiurr��W-cr a ixu icc idcntifying thr t icn. &�rr.�ucr .Ball .:wti.tl•thc lien ur take one or -�
<br /> _ more of the actions set fanh•rbove within !0 d•r�•���f thc gi��ing of notirr.
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