_.1i,• _�Z,' I ffr;I` �.�AfI+�S�.�YA� , Y'Nf�J��,,. �,• . e � � . +� .{ia�M�,' e�.
<br /> �' -� �4��` ''` 1:4�„� ,�ierk....:.e-... Gu..w �1��� �.f1-. 'YV1.
<br /> �. ..fri � :e�;� .'t: _ _y iii�t ' ..... ..�y..��_.;74C�.i,-•-�-�-.--•-'_ -.
<br /> -•i���!"��L�'15l'o'.�T..•crrnr.v.i..
<br /> . �1 . ��T��' .
<br /> - F. .. •:A�e�+W`!___
<br /> 1 . _—
<br /> ' j, . . - ... ;I� .. '.�� .Yw.+w'�titt.. �_� __ ...�_..� �
<br /> � �. ����
<br /> I --
<br /> �. i . , •
<br /> �. 1
<br /> ' 4�
<br /> ,� �h�ll M+1w oaaqAr�d,rnd e� cootinulnR� b�n�tial�ey� a� a �atc�r o[ rlght •n4 riehouc aocln to i�u�cor
<br /> � � or �pyaR� alq�q�uq WWeT Scu�tor� �nd vithout w�aed to tl►� v�lw o[ ths tRU�t eruto or t1u� �ntrr��t ot
<br /> eh� Tru�tax ehnx��+1,, �wll hw�tlr sl�ht eo �pP1Y eo my caurt h�vinR .1ucl�dlctioll to appotat s eee�iwr
<br /> �----- _-- !"� oi eh� P�oD���Y.
<br /> �� � 10. ir�n��'aR ol Prov�cty. If all ot �ny part o[ CM proprrty or aay leter�rt o[ TrwCOr thur�lo 1�
<br /> �^��` �old, er�nwtlmnd or Lurth�r �neu�Mrad vithout th� ��pt��• or veltten can��nR a/ l�nMlfelary. ��n�ltef�ry
<br /> y��}� � a�y, at lt�.�q�1 optton� d�clau all �� ��cund by thi• D��d ot Tru�t ta bo to�dt�tely dw �nd p�Y�bl�
<br /> 1 ` "�a�R' and pROa�rd•tv t1M r�Mdi�• awtiabl� to !t �d�r tir d�hult provl�lon� contrtnwl h�retn.
<br /> �`:a'' � ot en tollavin� �wnt• �Aall b� dao�d �n �v+nt op d�[�ult h�r�und�es
<br /> .=,� . ... ',,,� 11� avanG! ge wr.uie. Mr
<br /> , r'' �'� ,���.� I (+) Trwtor �hall havo Ewllod w make puyac+nt ot eny lnnt�lln+enc ot tetar��c. �---
<br /> {I' ' � pRl�pl.A�1 or pslncipal �nA Lnurnt or anY otMr �un� Neured h�r�by vh�n dwi
<br /> "—'�-- �y (b) Th�r� ha� c►ceurred � bsa�ch ot os d�f�ult und�r �ny ten. cov�nant. aOe�wnt,
<br /> cond�tton. prwloion� repr��entatian os warraaty cantai�rd !n eNi� O��d oL Tru�t. tht =-
<br /> .-,t�'' � � aqt� oc any othec loan in�cr�nt �eeurad h�rrbqp
<br /> r • (a) Thora ha� 6rm a defaulc by tiw Tru�tor in eha p�ysent o[ any peioe or subr�qusnt
<br /> �---?�j„ ,'` 11tn.os�ncimbsann in r��pect to �ll or any p�rt of ehe prop�rtyi
<br /> > ' (d) Trustor ehall file a voluntary P4tition !a 6�nkruptcy or �holl be �d�udlc�ted _ �
<br /> V'.�;��: �'"r�f' ''' b�fikrupt or insolvent, or �hall n�ke �n a��iRn�enc for the benelit ot ereditor� ip se�peat —
<br /> �����FA:�-t.�,±�;. ,, . to ehe Propnrtyj or ai action to anforc� any lien or mc�mbrance or �ud4aa+c■ �Qainse th� �
<br />'..'ti.r"'i�c ic:�,�;,�;,i;...�-.�"-. '� prop�rty 1• caeMncad. ---
<br /> :u7�.. �
<br />:';'�1�^'��.� '`.. ��.;''� 12. Mcel�ration Upon Detault. In th+ event ot aay default. s�n�iiciarq wy d�clare �11 lndtbt�d- �_
<br /> + r �' na�n aecured heceby to bQ dus and p+�yable. and tho saw shsll thereupoa becma dur and peyabl� vlthout �--
<br /> .;>. �`� Y '''�; �� Pre�entarnt, dew�d. prot�at or notice of aay kiad. Thar�after, Bamficiary sayt ��_
<br /> t., G: iv.. -•- '
<br /> ,.r,; ��:.,&y;� (a) oiiher in paraon or by egent, vith or viehout ErinRing aay actSon or proceodinQ�
<br /> or by tecelver appointed by e couct and vithout regsrd to the adaquacy of any �ocuritq, �n:�-•
<br /> ;'=�� ��s �... ent�r upon �nd take poiowi�lan of the proparty, or a►y past thereot. !n !te own nar or in ����
<br /> , •.•<> ��5, the nasa of the Tsuatae, and do any acte whieh it dee�e necee�ery and d��irable ta pca�erve �__
<br /> 'r==- • •• the valur. msrketability or renta6111ty ot the propesty, or psrttfinreot or Satacaet thereio, _
<br /> � •'•���"'� increa�� the incaae thesafcon or protecc the �eaurity hereof and, without taking pouearioa �"�°-= _.
<br /> `1.�L _4,f41 ,� '..�.
<br /> af tha property. �ue fas or othen+ieQ collect ehe rents, Soauae end profice th�raof. lacluding .�. °+��
<br /> ,,, ' ,+. �?---�".�
<br /> _ �,��7_:,;,, those past due and uapsid, and apply ehe eaue, leae eoate and expanee• oi oper�tion and collection, �r.,;�_�
<br /> �:�:3;TA; � includSag attornay feae, upon anY indebtedneu �eeured heraby, all !n wch ordar w� BenePieiary -_
<br /> .�,.��,
<br /> ',��y;�• � ..';`•, my detes�►ine. 1fia entering upan and takin8 poeeesaion of the trost eetate� the coll�ction of
<br /> . ..: n4:1,% . t, • ¢ .' .
<br /> �� • • auch renta, ieeuer and protite and application thereof a� •foreuid ehall not cure or vaive any �i�u�.��`
<br /> �; �,��,,: ,.�.. ..
<br /> _ ;.�..,,,.,' 'r,.•. . default or notice of dafault here�dar or inwlidate any �ct and ia reaponse to euch dafault or �_
<br /> . f , �_---:?. �' puseuont to euch notica of detwlt aad. notwithatanding tha contieuence !n possa�eloa ot tha _—�
<br /> .t�,',r,�c'•; psoperty or the collectioa, raceipt aod �pplic�tion of renta, inue� or profita� 7ruetae ot �;.,c,��_ _
<br /> �` � Bene£icias maY be entitled to exerciee ener ri ht provided for !a an of tha loan lnatru�ente ��;°'""°"'"'
<br /> Y Y S y �3ci�:;°.;:',
<br /> ,,,. �,��.�„�. . or by l�w upor► oeeurr�nco oi aay event oE d�f�ult, inclwiiug th� ri�ht ta axarciac thc paucs at -- ----
<br />� ii�;�.••. :` �aiQ; �:;��,�• ::
<br /> . �,r� .;: � �
<br /> • . (b) co�ence an action to forecloee thie Deed of Truot a� s aortgaga. appoint a receivar. �'-�s•"
<br /> . or opecificslly Qnforce any ot eha cownante hereof; __
<br /> ' (c) deliver to Tcuetee a vritten declaratlon of detault and deoand for eale, and a vritten _ _
<br /> notice of de[aul[ and election eo cauee Truetor's lntereet !n the peoperty to be eold. vhieh ���;�
<br /> notica Truetea shall cauee to be duly filed for tacord !n thQ official rocord� of thu county in ��_„�
<br /> . vhich tho proporty !o located. _-___-
<br /> 13. Forecloeure by Paver o[ Sale. Should Boneficlary elect to Forecloee by ezercise of the pover of --°�--
<br /> . . _ �al� heeein contai�d. Bene[!clasy ehall notify Truotee and thall depoeit vith Truetee thie Dead of Teuet
<br /> -� -- m�d ehe note and �uch rQCeipt• uttd evidence of e�cpenditures made and eecured horeby ae iruetea m�y requtre.
<br /> ' j.�. and upon raquest of the BeneFiciasy, the Truetee •hall flle for rncord, in the Raqist�r oF Deed� oftice in �'T`
<br /> :{ a���,_-
<br /> the County vhare the property !e loceted, a notice of def�ult. settiog forth the ne�e of the Truetor, tho q��-.
<br /> , �= Book and Page or pocuneot No, of thia Dned of Truet ae recorded in �ald ReRistoe af DeQde offlce, the l�gal � »-
<br /> � � description of thu above-deecribed real eseaee and that a breach of an obligetion. for vhich •a!d real ��
<br /> estate vas convoyed aa �ecurity. hae occurred, �nd eettinq forth tha nature of �uch bteach and cha Truecee'o � -
<br /> ,,,�' electim to eell tha real se�eca to eatisfy ehe obligacion; and efter the lapee of not leee tbrn on� (1) �.�+�-�'$'-
<br /> oonth. the TrueteQ ehall Rive vritten aotice o[ che cim and place of �ale �hich may be betaeeo 9:00 a.o. ���'�`".�
<br /> +��� pnd S p.�. at the premleee. or at the Courthouee in ehe Coimty vhocein euch property !e locate�'. de�crlbing , •-
<br /> ehe property to be eold by ite LeRal daecription. seid notice [o be publtehed !n a navap�per of genaral ��
<br /> � � cireulation in the Cou�ty vherei� auch psoperty ta located. onca a week [or five (S) comecut3ve veeka. the ��-,==- •
<br /> � leat publication to be at leaet ten (10) day�t, but not oare then thirty (30) dnye, prior to the �ale; end - -
<br /> the Truetee •hall chen eell eaid property ac ehe time and pluce deeiqnated in the notice. in the mnner pro- �,:j��
<br /> vidad by law in effece at ehe tise o[ filinR said notice, ac puhlie auction to the higheet bidder For ce�h •r�='f;;i�
<br /> -. � and sholl dQliwr to �uch purch��er a deQd to Nw propercy eold. canei�tent vith the lav in Qf[Qet at tha �,^��(�'�r_
<br /> �� t ioe. �:;".".:.:��,::
<br /> _,. f�
<br /> � Upan receipt of pay�ent of the priee bid, Teustee ahall deliver to the purchaser, Truetee'e deed coa- �r��`;'r�.
<br /> veying the propQrty sold. kecStale Ln the Tru�tee'e deed shall be priwa facte evidence oE the trutA of the
<br /> ' etatementa made theretn. irustee shnll apply the proceeds of the ealc in the follovinR orders (a) to s1I
<br /> :�'. r�aeonaDle coete and expenxes of tho eale. lncludlnR 6ut nor. 1imlted to� Truecee'a feea oE not more then � .
<br /> �. x of tha Qros� ea1Q prLce. reasmable ettorney feee and coets of title evfdence; (b) to all ��f��,,`, .
<br /> suos eecured by this Deed of truet; nnd (c) the exceae, if any, to the pereon or peraono leg�lly entit lad �:S-.;
<br /> thereto. My porron. lnrludtnR Beneflcier•. my purch�ar sald ro erC ac eeld eele. � i�: �.
<br /> , 5 P P Y ft,:.•:• '
<br /> • Tho porson conductinp thr eale ieuy, for any cauee ho or ehe deemx expedlont, pontpono tha sale from ttme 1 '��
<br /> to time unctl it ehall bn cunpleted nnd, in evQry euch case, notLce of postponement ehsll bo given by public I ' ,
<br /> declarutten thoreof by durh prrsan at the tlme end plece IHYG appotnted for th� +ale; provided, !f the eele
<br /> . !s poetponad far longer than rno (11 day beyond the dute daxt�tnated ih the notice o[ Rsle. notico thareot
<br /> shall he givrn ln chr xee� ennn�r as the orlRinal notice of eale. i ,
<br /> IG. Remedtee Nut Exclueive. Trustee and EeneEtclury, and each uf them, vhall be entitled to enforce �
<br /> ' pawent and performance of un�• tnde6tcdn��aq ur ublikettun gerurQd li.�reby and [o exerelae all rlqhte and
<br /> pouer� undcr thie tkcd of Trust �r un.i��r nnt• luan ln�trumen[ or other a�receene or any luv�: nov or hore- �
<br /> �fter enforced. notvithstanding sanu or ull o[ th.r indebt.dnes,+ and obllRrtlona eecured lierebt• whlch awy nw
<br /> ' or hareafter be otherviee se�ured, �+hotnrr ev morcRaRe, aeea o� rrus[, plrage, tten, e�+tF2nmenr or othervlAe.
<br /> Neither the acceptance oE thie Deed uf T�uet iwr tts enforrement, �hothor bv .ourt nctlun ur purauant !o the
<br /> • pwer u[ snle ur other po�era herein rontainrd, whall prrtudica ur in an�• *ianner affrct TruFtee'a or Bene-
<br /> fic.ary'g riRht to realtze up.m ��r enfnrce arv uther ��•�•uritv nuw ur hr n•nft�r hrld Av Trustee or Heneficlary,
<br /> i[ beAng �Rreed that Trueten Hnd Beneftctury, und .ach of t:�en, Khall bv enttclod ro .nforce thte Deed af
<br /> Tr••^' �:! .:ther e�c,..:tv � ��rraafter lu�ld bv ene nenettetarv vr TruRtpe In auch oeder and menner ua
<br /> � • • they, ot elther of them, m�v in ti�ir abaulut. dtwrrrtton det�ra+lne. Xo rrmrda• nerein :unterrvd upai .•r rr-
<br /> eerved to Truetcc or Bmeftetnrv ts lntended to h�• rx.•lustve oE .mv othvr resedv heretn ur b�• lav provtd�•d
<br /> or pe�ittrd. but euch �hall be ���ulative and �hatl hr !n a�Jltt�+n co .•vrry nthec remed�• ►;Lvan hereimder ��r
<br /> new ar hereafter axlxtln�: u� lav ur ln rquttv or bv �tatut.•. Evrr�• p�va•r �+r r.•eedv �,lv.n bv am• of [h� loan
<br /> in�trumenta tu fruytee or Rrn��flrtarv ur co vhich elthrr .+C thrn rtuv be othrrwtvr rntltl.•J �^av bc .•xer.•t+ed,
<br /> concurrentiv or lndependen[lv, fcom tloe to time and as often as mav he Jrvc�J .•npedlNnt bv Pruscce er Bene-
<br /> , _Zr
<br /> I
<br /> � L, _ �
<br /> --i_. .__.. _---�---�
<br />