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��-.,.- __ _ <br /> .. �. .. <br /> I ° �X, �.��� <br /> ,� • . �..„a;` �c,� . .;,�•.�.. . <br /> ;,� - "2+fi�� ` _...:r�iaia._ <br /> .,,,�,:., <br /> }I --• -- <br /> { � <br /> � <br /> 't''• � � CQIPSOi� c <br /> .i�.. . <br /> '�; p,esn cr r�usr Q 1U8781 <br /> '��; (f�n �►d ilntl�Mata) M�"� <br /> � • lhi� O��d ot Tcu�t !� �ad� thi�_ �7tMaq ot N�vamb+_r . 19�J1_• �y +ud •�,.r■e�a• C <br /> - ��� , h.r•snaxa: s�t�rr�e eo o "Truaeoc." <br /> 4,: ' - <br /> - �,.�; ' vho.•..1iina aeau.. s. 2204 9auth Bl+�i�e c _ Arrend ���ti -...--• <br /> - �� '"�l� Attota�y at Lav. h�e�in�it�r r�tarr�d eo �u TrwtN vhou �ilie� addr��� i� <br /> t <br /> A�i�°4.ti� s�.�'� aod TIR aVBR1.AND M�TIONw DANK OT GRA11D I6IANPr h�r�ln�ft�r r�[�er�d to�� "��wtial�;Y�.' +1��1l.0/ �ddrws — <br />__. ,, ':' !� P. 0. los 1696� 4r�nd I�laad. N�Dra�s 68E02. � - <br /> r��R'• <br /> ; � " y Yos valwblp em�id�r+�cim� Trwtor irrRVx�bly Qranu, le�a�f�r�. convey� �nd ���i�.to.Trwcu. in erwt. <br /> . ���wK'�i vith powr oi ul�� for tM b��rlit aa4��curitq of E�n�ticlarY� und�r u�d �ubj�ct to tAt t�� and caaditioa� <br /> 1`��•.;x�� ol thi� D�ad ot Tcwt. ths Iollaria� dueeiMd prop�rey. locae�d l0 1�a11 Couaty, NRbsuka. eo-wits <br />�.�.r- . <br /> _ -;'�``'�..�... _ the Citv O� QliAa T � � r�oLnt� Nahrnalrs� <br /> -- eaa: <br /> v��.�'�-er��W y� �.R __. <br /> :=��.3• f�. _. <br />--��_°_'_ :..... _ ��:� <br /> �.,�2 :'� n�i'..: '`. "i_'_ <br /> -_.,_.,'Q',�'' , <br /> - - ,, •� eoQ�th�r vied all bulldinQs� i�PTOVS�ent�. fixtur��� �tn�t�. all�y�� p�e�+��ayh ��ARIItBrit�� sighta, privilagaw <br /> �i.`is�.°�.J,tk,• md appwet�amc�� lacatad thse�aa os ia aaY vay p�rt�lniog ttNr�to. and eh4 r�nt�► is�wt�. Protie�� r�wr�iaao ---- <br /> � ��_.���`_ , , rnd ehe rnainden thereoi. iacludiaa �11 utich per�on�l psop�rty th�t l�.attsahtd�en ths iwprov��ant• �o s� co <br /> � �: r conctitute a fixaue. �11 oi vhiah. includin8 raPlu�n+nt� �r►d �dditionn th�swto. er� h�sabq d�clasd to be a � <br /> =� � p�rc ot th Ye�l a�tat� convsyed in eswt haroDy. !t beina �QS�sA th�t •11 oP thR fn��of,a� �h�].1 b� lMS�laait�s _ <br /> -__ �.�.:���� sai�rr�d to a� ths"Yrop�rtq." _ }-.� <br /> 4"r <br /> �'__ <br />--���='r.t�+ � POR THE PULtpOSE OP SBCURII7Ct .rx._- <br /> ti�', '� _ <br /> �• .>,; (a) tfis pay�at oi p�rsoaal Lndabtada��� ovin6 froa Trustox to a�nstici�rq. u �vida�c�d �•-= <br /> �°�:• '' ` by a Pra�la�ory Not� of �v�n d�ta hera+lth in tho ori�in�l prinaip�l wam►t ot 6L <br /> ;°t ,r•: <br />��-,?.p„`,'• '• • ��������.���.�� <br /> _ . ;;,`��. � � E�,,�een T �ueand 6 no�100 ----- - (8 i��,n_nn-np )i �:�: <br /> ::� ,;:: > • . —-- <br /> ..=" � ;';�i.�- . (D) th� p�y�tt of lat�re�t�t tt� r�t• or r�tu provid4d lo th�afore-d��cribed aot� _�__ <br />;;,;c,� .1�.,.�.���_, . ��� md tha p�y�eat oi hoth psincipal and lnt�r��t m aay n►d •11 rtnaval�, �odificstim� and _ <br /> 'r�,, �.:e-!� ��ct�o�ioa� oY �uch aots�{ i.. <br /> f '� ��f <br /> •.�'' �"x�.. . (c) the pRy�nt of priacipal aod iat�r��t oa +u�y futue� advmca �s uq b� avid�nc�d <br /> - - ` '" by prmi��ory note� atatiag ehey �re wcus�d by thie Deed of. Trwti piovided� hovrwr. <br /> cy'-_ ��b - <br /> -- _=- - th�i tife toLal princ3pnl ltfdebt��lnwws, noe inaluding �uti �8an►ced to psot4ct tha �swritq _ <br /> � z:�� or 1aC�st�t acerued. �hall not exeead t1+� suw oi P1EtB@11 ThCq88Ad S 110�1�-°�� <br /> ' ° � ���� �� �� ��� � ...������ ($�S_OAA_0� )i <br /> � � ��__.__��______���� �+r.-; <br />_ �:� U T(d) eM p�rParo�nce of each�gr�eaant and covenanG of Tsuotor harala cootsin�di and �- <br /> " (e) ths p�YMnt of +ny �m or �uos of ooasy whLch oay be hereaftes paid or advanced bq <br /> Beaetici�ry wd�r tha terar of ehi� De�d of Truat. eageGher vith l�tara�t at the hlQh��t r�t• -- <br />;,k;,. . . �� prrnrided ia che notee ■ecurad hor�by. _.� <br /> _� �,r4 :� To protect the �acuricy of thie Deed of Yruat. T�uator hareby covan�nt• and agraa� a� lollow: <br />-J'^a �•" 1. Paysent oi Indebtndnaes. To pay vhan due. ehe principol of. and the intase�t on. tbe R'':' <br /> 1ad�Etedne�■ evidencad by tha noa. charQa9. iQO■ and all othar �uws w providad !n the loan laetrutwnt�. �,�� <br /> 2. Ticle. Truetor is the avnar of tM proparty and hao the sight aad authority to cxeauta thio �'."� <br />'-� � Desd oi Trust !a r�sp�ct to eh� prop�rty. <br /> '�~ 3, Taxee m►d Aa�eoe�ento. To pay. ahen due. �11 taxae. epacisl �seesamente and all othst chaTg�� �— <br /> - ;,...:. •,t��::�;Ei�:• : � ogala�t the property. 6efore che eane bacoee deldnquent. and, in eha event Barteficiary shali so requira. �,,,,," <br /> ''"-;�;,�;','�r;,,�;�;,i;,"�� to add to ehe payoants requised mder ehe nata wcueQd hereby. such arount eo muY b� �ufiloimt to an- — <br /> -� .' �`�; able Bea�Elei�sy to puy euch tsxu, asaepamea�s or other chareas as tlwy becooe due. _ <br /> i, .•.�. . — <br />�.� •"• ,' �� 4, Ineurance. To keep ehe lmproveo�nts nav or hereaftar located an the r�al e�tate da�crib�d <br /> ••,s;,,t„-,.,'•tit��,' her�in laeured ag�inst ds�mage by fire aod euch other hasnda e� Hanefici�ry �ay require. !a auount■ — <br /> • - � ,��;.;� �ti; ' �nd compenier aenept�ble to 8af�eLiciory. afd vith lose peynble to Ben�glelary. In c�se of lo�� und�r _ . <br />'�,. .' . `,'".�i�'���..... <br /> �ueh polieies. Den�ficiatq ie authasixed to adjust. collect and cosproml�e. !n its di�csation, all �: <br /> ,.,i>��:i"�^' clai�s therounder and, �e ia sole optiun, ir ruthorised to either appty the proc�eds ta ehe re�cora- — <br /> • � ,"'•4`+'. � tion of tha propurty or upon tha indebtadne�s sacured hesoby. but pay�aaea requlrad by th� note �M31 _ <br /> ,_ �:� • ' � coatlnuo until th+ �use �acured haxebp are paid in tu11. �: <br />_ � �. � ,•,Y��r�. .. S. Rapair IMintenaace �nd Uso. To prosptly sepair. taetore os rebuild any buildiags or laprow- �,"' <br /> .;�.t�j>,°,��.• nente aov or hereafter on tfie propertyi to keep tlK property in good condition and repals. vithout aaste <br /> �ti< <;f�}ti�: �.,•. and free feo� mechenics or other 1Lena not expreaely eubordinated to tM lien hereof; to not make, euffer <br /> � ' �,!!'�;�,'. or peroit any nulaance to eaSeC nor to disinieh or iapair the value of the property by any �ct or o�inion ��� <br /> �_.- <br /> � ` to actt �d to cooply vith all reQuiras�nts of lav vith raop�ct to the proper�y. ��' <br /> 6. Condemnation. In the event the property. or any part thereoE. aAall ba taken by eminent domin. <br /> � ��' � • Beaeficiary is entitled to eolleec and receive •11 cospeneation vhich may be paid for any property taken <br /> •"�''.. or for damgee to property not takan. and Beneficiasy elull apply such coopeneotion. at ite option, <br /> '�' . � i her to a reduction of rhe indabtednes� eecured heseby or to repait and restore ehe property eo takQn. �• <br /> a t ,. <br /> � 7, Performance by eene�ictary. Beneficiaty may. but ehall huv� no obligation to. do any ut which <br /> �'�� Ttu�toc hae agreed but failed to do, and BenaPiciery mey also do any act it deese necessery to protect � <br /> �60 lien thereoE. Trustor agrae� to repay. upan demend, any auae so expendad by Beneficiary for the � <br /> above purpose�, end any ew so eupendad by Be�ficiary ehall be �dded to the lndebtednesa secured hereby � <br /> and beeo�e �ecured by the lten hereof. Beneficiasy �hall not lacur �ny peraon�l liabilicy bec�we of i. <br /> F <br /> aeything it aay do or antt to do herQUnder. , <br /> _ - ��.,_a_�a e...oe <br /> � � � 8. Iaeveetione. Beneficfary, or ita agen[�, repreeencacivaa v� .o��:a. a�� :�......____ i= _..__. _. <br /> �t �ny re�aonable tiea upon or in any psrt of the propercy Eor the purpoae af inspeccing the weme and <br /> ' for the purpoae of perfornaing eny ot tt� acto it ir authori:ed to perfon undar the eerm of anv lo�n <br /> inatrreat� exacuted by Truetor. <br /> ' �, 9. Ae�ignReet of p�nte. Aeneficiary si�oll hevQ tM right, pottcr and authority during the con- � <br /> '' ' tlauance of tMis Deed oE'Cruet to collecc •he rente, Leeuee and protics oc che pruyrcty and of any <br /> person�l property loceted cherem vich ur �ict�ouc caieing pubaraeion af chc pr.a;rrt:• s«�^-�e�! fi�r�Fy� <br /> and truator h�reby abnolutely end unconditionally a�eipne all such rentn, laeues and proEite to <br /> BeaeEiei�ry. Eeneficiary. however, hereby connente to Teustor'� collectiun and retention of auch <br /> rents� tesues and profi�e �e they �ccrue and becone pay�ble, eo long en Trustor !e not. at such tise, <br /> ' !n defa�lt vith reep�ct ta payment of any �dlb[Cdll@66 secured herebv. or in the Perforwnce .f any <br /> a�Tesaet hecander. IE any ewnt of default describQd hereaEter in ruepect to thid Deed oE Truet . <br /> , � -1- <br /> k <br /> I <br /> , _��___ ._�... _ . _ -- - --__ ..�..-r_-_ . - - <br />