_ i.�_. F.
<br /> -';.a
<br />�� --- `' _ � .: -
<br /> �"j „�i� ..a. �-
<br /> — ' , '.,,;•��^�dj' r��i;�.. -�= - _
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<br /> tlela�7. � �ieA�r o[ ehw�7 pur�w lacao�i�bat ear81��. Itoehla� h�r�ln d�11 b� em�AruM w pto�
<br /> h1�ltl� Ma.ttciuf [ro� wldns� Metnl.rnr lu�nae yafa.c 1'eweor eo eh. •xe.KC .w+b,aoxia� ia
<br /> MedetM br lav.
<br /> �,ti� R� � lo tfoeic�. Tswloe Mnbr n�uMR� � coPr ot �sq aoeic� ot Mt�ule a�A �� �i�
<br /> o! �d� �rnwNs �al1y to?ewtor st ely� Ndnl� wt loetM fo eM tle�t p�ea{e�Ph
<br /> �a���� 1'tW1t.
<br /> - ----- - = li. A4B9�t*!pr o[ 8uac� �o Teu�twe. Nadlclarr�r• Era t!M to tls�. by �reittlm.lu110twn�G
<br /> ���b �d ac�vl�dpd y Nwtici�ry. �ll�d to Tru�toe aav0 ncoed�d !a eb� CouuaY �+► ybl.ah tIM a�vp�r-
<br />'�---=� ey i• locae•d .ad by oeh�M■• co.piyfn�vieb eh. provt•laa■ o! eh� �pplic�b]� lNr ot e1M uat��o� �ewka.
<br /> -�T-- - - =°�= snb�tltuN a �uac��we or �une���or� co th� Tswtn n�..d h�r�la ue «stia�horouadec. �-
<br /> v�-°= 11. 9unc��wrs_sad I►��i��. Thl� Dud oi ieu�t �ppll�� to u�d lnun� ea tb� b�n�tic ot aaA 6l�ld� �11
<br /> _s��� p�r t i u M r�to. tMir h�ir�. leQat���� d�v3N��� p�r�on�l repre�eatatiw�� �uan���ors aad ar��n�• Th�
<br /> ae� "Mn�lici�ry" �h�ll sran etM a+a�r add hold�s o[ tt�s not�. �h�th�r os aae a�d a� b�n�[in l+��► h�r�1 n•
<br /> ___ . � 1B. 1l�w[lciucY�• Powrs• ilittwut at[�etit� eM liability of wy other perwa li�b�� !ox tb� pa7�a►t
<br /> -�_,� ct aqq obllgatiaa hrr�la��atia�d. aad vithout ati�ctiag ti►� li�n or ch�rae oi thlr Dud ot Ttu�b upon
<br /> - -_— aay portloq o! th� prop�req aot tMn or eh�r�tofor� r�l�u�d a� ��curiey for eh� full p�ywena ot �il, �mp�ld
<br /> -----•^';;�', � obliptf.au� H�a�Liclarq oay� fra� tloe to tiM and vittwot ttoeic�s
<br /> -- '.. . (+) reLaa� mq psrwn� �o liabla=
<br /> _ -_ �__�,-.. �
<br /> ,�-.�e-x�1�i� (b) �:tatd ehp �turity or alt�r any oE eh� t�rr of a� �uah obii�tio�n;
<br /> _�,^,},.,i..
<br /> __— (c) Bc�nt ot6�r ladul�ac��i
<br /> -----' (d) r�leu� ot n-comr�Y or c�w� to b� nl�uad or r�-conwysd at sny e1M aC
<br /> ,__,',='i� Mot�i¢SO1y'• opeion� anY P�rGal� portioo or sll o! eha prop�rtq;
<br /> _�__ - _ -°--°°___--�
<br /> r�a-..
<br /> -=i;�1°�3„i�:. (a) ta{u oe celw� aay oth�r or addltion�l. ucurity for aa9 oDliQatioa b�r� -
<br /> --_---_�t.-t, racloMd: or
<br /> ----�-i:r:,.;..
<br /> =zm�i`�:;��' , (#y �aka aarpoaitioo� os otA�s �sran��t� vitA debtos� in rel�tioo th�c�ta.
<br /> -=—`""""� lg� Cowra3�ag Lav. Th�a 1liied.oit Trwt �hall be Qowsnad bq tAe law of th� State o! N�bra�ka and, la
<br /> tiv�w±.�� h
<br /> ���,o�.� ths ava�t an� one 4t oar� oP en� provlaiope contaiaed lu ehi• Aead oF Sru�t. or tha note or any oth�r ��-
<br /> -''�:1�'}r�'•:? cusicy ia�ta�ene �{iwn ia coaa�ctl.au vith tM� trAae�ctioo ahall be for wy rawoa be hald to bs invalid. -
<br /> ����E�` ' illa4�1 or uwnlorc��bla� !a aay rnp�ct. auch iaodidity. dllegality mr �mat�forcaability �hdl aot a8i�et
<br /> '��"-L�"�� • any oth�r psovi�loas of tAis Dasd of Yru�t� bue the Aeed of Trwt ehall be ¢an�eruad +u �i �ueh inv�3lid�
<br /> -- ='-".:rJ,:.;� �' i11�Qa1, or a►£orcwbla provision had aea�t b��n aoataiasd h�seia os therein.
<br /> ,:�,:.x _' .-..
<br /> �`�".;!,'•'��;t�•� � 20. Eff�ct ot Yorba�unlae�. An� Porbeatance Oq-B�a�ficiary or TrurCS� io a�nrni�4ag aAy rlaht os
<br /> �l;T,p;�. . xaby her��mder. or othetvi�� aifordad bq appll�ablR lav. �hall not De a vaivar of os pr�clud� th� �ur-
<br /> - - •���� � ci�� ot aaq �ueh siaht or re�edy har�uad�z. Likwi�e. eha wiv�r by B�aeficiary ot T1vse�� of any detault
<br /> --_`_-:�•�i�.._�._ ' .
<br /> , t .-:,;r;� .-` • , oi th� Txu�tor �mdec ti�i.� Dead af Sruat altial2 aot ba dcr�ed to be a xeleer ot en9 �Mr or�iallar d�twlt
<br />-.��.�._�_:�.
<br /> �nbs�awnely occurriaa.
<br />__ "�='-��� p Zl. Ba^co[1VOYiACi by Tru�tae. Upvn vrittm r�qua�t of t6e boa�tici�ry �utlag ttu�t all �� sscus�d
<br /> '�r�n��-. h�r�by h�ve b�an pdd� and upoa �uesnndee of thi� D��d o! Tru�t and the aot� to tbe Truets� !or canc�llation
<br /> ���' ;,.i and r�t�atioo �d upon p�ysent by Trwtor of Srwu�'� f���. truYt�� �hall r�-coav�y to Tru�tor� or th�
<br /> ;�' par�oa or parson� l�gally Qatitled eMr�to� vithout varraaty. aay poction of ehe propartq ehan h�ld h�rr
<br /> "�:,'�'�°""' uad�r. 9ecitale iq such r�-convayanc� oi any �et�r� or fact� �hall b� conclwiv� pioof ot th� truthful-
<br /> na�� thar�ot. acaat��� in tM r�-conv�y�nc� �aq b� d��crib�d a� "th� pat�on or per�oa� l�a�lly �ntitl�d
<br /> t�� � th�nto."
<br /> �'-
<br /> - ��"�-�' � 22. Aec�vtanea by Trwtee. Trwtea ace�pt� thi• tru�e vha► thi� D��d o! Sruoe. duly ��cecuhd aad
<br /> — ��� ". ulaao�l�dged. i� vd� a pub7.ic r�cord a� providad by lav. -
<br /> ����n�' ' IN WPlNE88 YIIB�OP. Trwtor h�a oz�cut�d thi� D��d o! Tru�t on he daa fir�t ud �bova.
<br /> , � _
<br /> �..,� .
<br />_ .��.:;.'
<br /> ,��,,,�.,,,�. mea C. Heiaz II�
<br />:. ��' ';..
<br />.:;�'�.� ..
<br />- --���r - Concetta M. Heinz
<br /> -_�. � .,c:;�.
<br /> �.��t��`••:�.;>
<br /> — �: ..
<br /> :i�?=.r:,.x�'s, ``
<br /> ....- - -- -:`. `�'•
<br />_ !'�`,;,r� 'l;., SfAYB OP NBIAASRA )
<br /> �i:• ) u:
<br />_ci�"�' OF
<br /> .�,} ' .' ' comPrr Hell �
<br /> m rr
<br />:;_�'�W�, ' ' On thio �7 day oF /��✓�"���� , 194/' , before me. the underdgned. a No ary Public -
<br />-�i4'�' �:'t;•.s,�.' duiq ca�lo�ioned and qualified for �aid CountY. personally ca� 7'Sw.�s C' /,/�,w t,T t �.�e�f/��!✓,�.N�
<br />'�� ' •��',;�i��}" to e� kao�a to be CF� identical peroon(e) who�e nase(e) (!s/are) eub�cribed to the foregoing Deed of Trwt
<br /> ' ' aqd (h�/�he/thoy/it) acia�owledped the exacution thQraof to ba (hi�/her/their/!t�) voluatary act and daed. -
<br /> ��~ •� iiitne�s ay hand and Notnrial Saal at �iw..c� �..c� in eaid County, ehe d�te efore�aid.
<br /> - ,r //�PAQeL•'!/llAttu� �
<br /> Notary Pu 1 c �� �
<br /> - , \0_
<br /> �MfARi�M Y�h
<br /> .,, �Q INL71I1ti1MNICHC • Z
<br /> . �''�5 �:c�::�.,,_:�_ _. Vlc��� �W e....�a�x�� w c° � w
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