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<br />_ �th�t l.aKie�roqufro�. The iiaunnce c�nria pawidiiy ths im�unu�a�iu�li ee chaMn by Fionower wbj�ct w i�i
<br /> �qxuv�l wh�h shall not be uoro�w�t�bly wid�held. If 8arrowcr f�ii�ta mai�in covery{o dsscdbed�bove,La�der nwy.u
<br /> l.a�drrY opllan.oblafn roverase+w prolact[.en�lorti d�h1s fn the Hqxny In�ccoid�not with pNn�rsptt 7.
<br /> All inwnu�ce palkk�And renewsl�sh�ll h�r�ocepUbk ta l.cnder rnd�hall inclwk�ua��du�d mo�i�a�e clause. La�der
<br /> �1udt hrve the ri�fu ea huW�he pollcio�and�enew�i�. if Lertder taquia�. flarower�hall pramptlY Yive�o[.�encbr dl nocei�
<br /> af p�id p�aniums�nd renewal natica. in the event of 1+�,Bamwer afWl �lve prompt notice to the inaur�nce carrk�and
<br /> _.� - -- - - � Lrnder. Lender may make proof of loss if not made prompdy by Bormwer.
<br /> Unlc�[.ender�nd Bortower otherwise�r+ee in wrltinQ.inwrarKr procaEc �ll be applied to reRtaatlon a�ep�lr of
<br /> Ux Propeny d�m�ged. if the rc�torntfon ar rcp�ir is ecaKxnic�lly feasible �ud Le�derk �ecutity i� not kuenod. If the
<br /> rcsaxation or repair i: not ecaaomically feulble or l.enderl��ocurity woul�be leueeed, the insur�nce pmceods �II be
<br /> appliod ro the sum�socurod by thix Securiry lmtrumeot, whethe�or not then duo,with any excesi�paid to Bomnwer. If
<br /> Borrower�bandons thc Pmperty.or daes not answcr within 30 day�a nacico firom Lender that the InsutuKx carrkr has
<br /> offercd to�ettie�clatm,the�Ixnder m�y collxt the imwrance proceaie. L..end�r may use the prooxda to rc�r or resta+e
<br /> - the Property or to pay cumc cocurcd by thic Securlry Inctrument.whetfKr or not�hen duo. The 30-day period w p bo�in when
<br /> ihe�wtice i�given.
<br /> Unless Lender u�d Borrower cMhecwjse ag�ee in writing,any applicuivn of poceods to princlpal shall not extend or
<br /> — poxtpone the duo date of the monthly paymcntc nfemed to in pwagnaphs I Ynd 2 a change the amount of the payments. lf
<br /> under pa�agcaph 21 the t'roperty i►acqui�ed by Leoder, BorrowerY dght to�ny insurmce policies and pmceeds �esulting
<br /> _-� from damage to the Proprrty prlor to the scyuisidon shnll pnss to Lender to thc extent of the+�umF�ecurod by thi+e Secwity �
<br /> In�d�unertt immedjately prior to the scquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupaacy� Preservatioa, Mainteaance and Protect{on o�tbe Property; Borrower's La�n Applkat�o�:
<br /> _ ��-r L+easedotda Borrower shali accupy.estnblish,wnd use the E'roperty as Bomowerl� principal residence wlthin sixty days afler �
<br /> - --- the execution of this Security I�suvment and chAll continue to occupy tho P�operty as Hormwer�s prineipal rcsidence for at
<br /> _= leust one year afler the dwtc of accupancy, unlcss Lender ottierwlse agms in writ�ng, which consent shall nat be
<br /> unmasonably withhe�d.or unless extenuAt�ng cic+cumstarsces exist which w�e beyand Borrower�control. Borrower sh�ll not
<br /> 'a;�• destroy.damage or impair the Property.allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Aorrower shall
<br /> be in default if any fodeiture act�on or procading,wh�ther civil or crimintl.is begun that in L.rnder?s good faith judgmant
<br /> �`�:',�� could result in forfeiture of the Rnperty or otherwlse mAterially impair the lien crcated by this Security Instrument oc
<br /> _ Lendert security interect. Borrower may cu�e auch a default and rcinstste.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the xtion
<br /> ,� oc proceeding W be dismissod with a tuling thQt.in Lender`s�ood faith determinAtion.prccludes forfeiture of the Borrower's
<br /> - interes[ in the Pnoperty or other material impairment of the lien cceated by this Security Instrument or I.onder's securiry
<br /> intec+est. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower. during the loan �ppiication process. gave materiAlly false or
<br /> ,., .
<br /> inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed to provide L.ender with ony material infortnation)in connection with
<br /> '" ` the loui evidenced by the Note, including. but not timiud to. reQrcsentatians conceming Bomower�s occupancy of the
<br /> � . "� Property us a principal c+esidence. If this Security[nstniment is on a teacetwtd.Borrower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> � , �,;. ,, of the lease. If Borraaer acquircs fee titlo to the Propeny,the leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless L.cndcr agrees
<br /> rt�'. ` to the merger in writing.
<br /> �.� .,:. 7. Protection ot Lender's Rights in tha Property. If Bornower fails to perForm the covenants and agrcemcnts
<br /> ,:,•.�:5..�� .����}{'yt
<br /> _,_:>i ��;,'�';�,�t��,, contained in this Security Instrument, or thcre !s a Icgul procecding that may significantly affect Lender� rights in the
<br /> -�;4�`• �,,,: �,.,,;�,,:.�.:r:- Propeny(such us a proceeding in bankruptcy,pcobate,for condemnatian or fodeitua or to enforce Iaws or regulatio�s),then
<br /> �!!��°'5�;�.;� Lender muy do and pay for whutever is necess:uy to Qratect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> •�'-��^�+,��-.:�*�.'•;- Lenderk actions may include paying any sums secur�ed by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing
<br /> '�� �=�ay*' " � • •� •�' Itl COUtt,paying reasonable attomc;�s'fces and entering on the Properry to make repai�.Although Lender may take action
<br /> •r,�+'�-�A,�;�,;: under this pnra�rnph 7,Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> `�,�'�.-•:"-�..�.�.�,.
<br />_$`. ,' ,. �_ ,�. , Any amounts disbuixd by Lcnder under thiti paragr.�ph 7 shall becomc additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> ^�� " ��-� � � ��`•"' ' Security lnstrument. Unless Borrower and Lender ugree to other terms of puyrncnt,these umounts shull bcur interest from the
<br /> �:,. �:ti�;.,��,. ' _
<br /> +o'' �.r��.•�� �. ••-w date of disbursement at the Note ratn and shall be puyuble,with intercst.upon naicc from L.cnder to Borrower requcsting @"
<br /> #'. 11i,:�:;,•°r�•,.,,-s�. , . payment. "".
<br />-`�'� "�`"`""�"" S. Mortgage Insnrance. !f Lender mquired mortgage insurnnce a,a condilion of muking the loun secured by this �{-
<br /> "'' �"� ._ . . ' '�� Security Instrument, Borrawer shall pay the prcmiums reyuired to maintain the rnortgagc insur;►nce in effect. If, for any
<br /> • _,. - reuson, the mortguge insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceaus to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the
<br /> �• ' ��� �� %' ` premiums required to obtain coverrge substantially equivulent ro the mortgase insurance previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> ��� '``� �'���^�'��• � substantinll e uivalent ro the cost to Borrower uf the mort a e in�urance nviousl m effect,from an altemate mort a e
<br /> . � .:,:.3.• . - ' Y 9 R'S P Y � S 8
<br /> ' ';;�,; ' �' insurer upproved by Lender. If substuntially eyuivalent mortgage inxurance cuveru�e is not avsilable,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> ' Lender each month n su�n equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgoge insurancc premium being paid by Barrower when the
<br /> �►M:'.', � . ' ,e._
<br /> '�,.,•• h•��.,y�� insur.uice coverase lupsed or censed to be in effect, Lender will accept,uu;md rctain thetie payments ns a loss reserve in lieu —
<br /> - �.�.,�•. .�;,�, of mortga�e insurnnce. Loss reserve puyments may no longer be mquired, s►t ihe option of Lender,if mortgage insurance –
<br />__ ; ';,c,�,��•_.��.. coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requircs)provided by un insurer approved by Lender agnin becomes
<br /> .Y r..'f�4.�. _
<br /> �,tyw,.� uvailable and is o6tnined,Borrower shuU puy the prcmiums rcquired to m:�intain mc�ngage imur,mre in effect,or to provide a -
<br /> los.mserve,until the reyuirement for mortgage insurance end�in uccordnnce with any wrinen ng�ement between Borrower �`
<br /> -^�'-�r'� =• and Lcnder or applicable I�w.
<br /> ��:;,�.�,r�.;,ay,�,__ ' 9. i�spc�tion. Lender or its agent may make rea,onable entries upon and in�pcctions of the Property. Lender shall --
<br /> �;� �.��:� givc Borcower notice at thc timc of or prior to an inspection sperifying rcasonut�e cau+c for the inspection.
<br /> `�x;;,,:E � 10. Condemnatton. The proceeds of any award or claim fur dumuges, dimet or conseyuentiul,in connection with any
<br /> � :, .•.;_.• _.
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