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<br /> . ' 9�-� s�.asos �
<br /> au�horis�d to ��ttl� or oa�praesis� clai�u► und�r said pQlici�s a:td
<br /> � th� proa��d� th�r�o! �hall b� p+ai� Lo t�� B�n�lioiasy who say apply
<br /> th� ss� ar �ny part �b�r�ot on th� ind�bt�da��s •�ur�d h�rsbg► or
<br /> taward the r�aonstruction or rep�ir of �aid buiLdinqa a�.d l.agrovs-
<br /> �ntr or ra].�aa� �taw to th� Trustor= (e) to pay aay� 1iMt�., claim
<br /> or clurq� against th� Property whioh aii.ght tak� pr�cadettae ov�er tbe
<br /> liea h�r�of; (f� �o pay on deaeind all legal ax�ar��ew,,, t,itle
<br /> - aearah�s, a�pprai��l or Attor�ay'• fe�es rearon�ibly incoxr�d or gaid
<br /> by Beneticiary to aoll�at the Note or #orec:lose or prot�ct, �hs li�n
<br /> of t�ii• Daed of Trust; (q) that ia ths ev�nt Tru�tor� st�nl3 fail to
<br /> coaiply with the proviaions of (a} throuqh (�) abov�, th� 8snofioi-
<br /> ary may exp�nd suah fuads aad take suah action as is n.�ssary to
<br /> remedy �uoh fa3.lure and all awns paid by the Banaficiar� pursua�nt
<br /> hereto with interest at the rats hereina�t�r p�tovid�at shall
<br /> aonaLitut� a lien upon tho Property, shall be sacured by thiR Deed
<br /> of Trust, and shall be inmaediately due azid r�epa►ya�ble ta the
<br /> Beneficfary; (h) not to �ell the Property or uny porti.on thsraof
<br /> _� without the approvaZ of tha Beaefioiary iu w�.�il:�.uc�f iiu�i irs the
<br /> evant of any •�le herain prohibited, then the �nti.ze indebtednes�
<br /> � seaured by thia Deed o# Truet ahall, at th� option of the �a�fiai-
<br /> ary, becoms due and payabiej (i) that if the Property or sny pazt
<br /> or parael thereof ehall be taken or damnged under the eower of
<br /> e�piaent domain, the award for any Property ao teken or daa►aqed
<br /> (inaludinq severa�nae damagas to the remaining premises) ahnll be
<br /> paid to the Benefiaiary and applied ia full or in patct at the
<br /> option of the Beneficiary ia reduction of th� indebtednes� hereby
<br /> seauredf (j) that the Henefiaiary shall have the righ� to iaspaat
<br /> the Property at such reaoonable times aa the Beneficiary may deaire
<br /> to determine Trustor's aompliance with the aovanants aoataiaed in
<br /> this Deed of Trust; (k) that the Beneficiary may releaee from the
<br /> "= lien hereof any part or paraeI. of the ProperLy witf�ivr�4 s�yuirizg
<br /> nny aonsideration therefor, and (1) that Truator is lawfully seixed
<br /> of eaid premiaes and Property in fee simple, that the same are free
<br />�= from all lieas and encumbrances except as may otberwise be speaifi-
<br /> � aally noted herein or wai.ved in writing by the Benefiaiary; that
<br /> _-- Trustor will exeaute or prooure any further neae�sary asauranaea of
<br />��1� title and does hereby �,rarrant qenerally the title to sa►id Property
<br />�-� forever defend the eame against the claims and demands of all
<br /> -- persone whomsoever, and that Trustor'� separate estate, whether
<br />"�� vested, aontingen� or in expectancy, is hereby eonveyed and Truator
<br />"_ry� does hereby expressly waive, release a].1 rights and benefits of any
<br /> homestead, dower, aurtesy, appraisement, exemption and stay lawo of
<br />�-���� this state. It is aqreed that the interest provided for in
<br /> __- subsection (g) above ahall be at the same rate as apecified in the
<br />.,•s Note seaured hereby on the prfnaipal thereof after default and
<br /> maturity.
<br /> �f; SECONDs In the event Trustor, without the prior written �J
<br /> -- consent of Henefiaiary ahall sell, transfer or convey or c�ntraat
<br />.-��� to aell, transfer or aonvey the Pzoperty, or any part thezeof or
<br /> any interest therefn, the en�ire balance of the �i.ndebtedness hereby
<br />:�';.' aeaured sha11 beaome and be immediately due and payable at the
<br /> :�:,-�
<br /> option of Senefiaiary; provided, however, Ben�fiaiary may waive
<br /> _
<br /> E:
<br /> .. . � \� ._.^'/`T+' 1i'F�T,`� c y,' 1 � l � 4 'i�
<br /> _— .�a. i .. . .. .�r�� '..'riiriiN'3Y/GiiScLYfiiW�� ' + iL�a }e_,fSil3rr._,r•[.• ��wl:�N
<br /> _——�af�Zr 4 .. . , .,..� .' . .. .t^��y,k i�.. �''�i y- .,o;...i.. ...,e. ." _ . —. j M. .. � '.
<br /> M. ,_ii�: ..:rd e�.iKi,ir..a: _ ��tftwa- �l� �'.�.C�w•..rrt.`1�119�.-
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