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<br /> � 93-'i�.olos
<br /> _ TO N#K� �11D '�'0 �LD th� •ar ua�o tha said Tru����, his
<br /> •una��ror� �ad ���iqar� lorav�r, i�i �rnue��l 8uiv�VTsR and iiITB Pa�iQSR GS
<br /> gAL� h�r�by �xpr���ly qr�atsd un�o tih� ��id Trust��, hi• suaa��-
<br /> �or�, �nd ���ipa• tor Ch� pur��• o! ��aurinqt
<br /> (�) Th� p�y�nt o! trurtoc'r jtt�ti ind�bt�dn��• xo B�n�liaiary _
<br /> � � ��� _ � in tih� prinaiprl �wi �i Siqhti�n Thou��nd Dollar� ($18,000.00) fos
<br /> nwn�y borrow�d, Mi�h iat�r��ti th�r�on, sil ws �vidsnosd by arxd in
<br /> ■trl.ot aaanrdann• with th� L�s�u o! that c�rtafn promi�sory nots,
<br /> h�r�inalr�r oall�d Lh� "Not�", b�arinq �vea dat� hor�with made
<br /> payabl• to th� ord�r ot OMn�liai�ry, �x�aut�d by Roq�r 8. Sorsnsen.
<br /> �nd Jan�ti A. ilar�n��n, iainti t�nant� and not �s t�nant• in canoon,
<br /> wnd provi,dinq !or th� payMat o! •aid ind�bt�dn�ss in iastallnNnte,
<br /> �ub��ot to �aa�l�rstion o! �aturity on d�t+tult in the paym�nt of
<br /> •ny in�tallMnt ot prinoip�l or int�r��L or in the perfoz�anas of
<br /> any oov�n�nt, apr�Mnt ox. wasranty aonti�in�d in thi� Da�d of
<br /> Trust�
<br />- --- --- -- (b� Th� p�clor�nrt� oi �ach agr��nt, aov�nan� e�ad warranty
<br /> o! Tru�toz h�r�in contiain�d or ��t forth in tha Note or any
<br /> aqr�uNnt or in�truMnt �x�out�d by Tru�tor in conn�ctiaa witb the
<br /> � ind�bt�dn�s• h�r�by •�aur�d� and
<br /> ;� (o) Th� paym�nt o! any �um or rum� o� money with interost
<br />�� thsr�on ahioh may b� h�r�att�r paid ar sdvano�d under the terma of
<br /> this D�ed o! Tru�ti.
<br /> :y:� Trustor do�s !or hiaa�l!/h�r��l�! and !or Trustor's heirs, rspr��en-
<br /> - - tativs�, � v�nd���, �uao���or• �nd a��ign�, tbe owners of said
<br /> Propsrty, hereby �xpr�s�ly oov�nant, aqr�� and wasrant to aad with
<br /> the Trust�� and B�n�liaiary, and th�ir suca�ssars, vende�� and
<br /> . . � assiqns:
<br />- �y J.� .
<br /> ����,���p�r:�� FIRST: That the �rustor h�r�by aovenant� and aqreea, tfl the
<br /> � �� ' extent pessit�ed by law, as follow�� (s� to pay promptly when due
<br /> ���,� .ti , the principal and int�r�st and oth�r swa� of noney providad for in -
<br /> .y �.�-- the t7ote and in this D��d of Trwtf (b) to promptly pdy before
<br />- delinqueacy all tax�s, as����tn�nt■ and other chsrqe� itapased by law
<br /> .:,, ._. ` upon the Proper�y, the Tru�tior'r int�re�t therein, or upon this _
<br /> ��•, •'.�,"`''- � � Deed of Tru4t or the Notoj providod, howwer, tbat in the event of -
<br /> �r""�`��: -� any chanqe of the law provi.diag for the taxation o! deeds of trast �
<br /> ��::
<br /> .�,���� = r• or debts thereby •acur�d w as to affect thi� D�ed of Truat, the
<br /> �T� w�4k,. entire indebtedness s�cur�d her�by shall at the option of tha
<br /> ""'�'`.� Ben�ficiary b�aom� dn� and payabl�� (a) to k��p the above-deoari-
<br /> .:;�,L��::�. �� bed Property and the improvement• thereon in qoad aondition and =
<br /> :a�:�sa�;._ repair and not to aommit or •uffer wart� th�r�of, aad except as -
<br /> authorizad in any sch�dule annexfd her�to and forminq a part
<br /> :;� ":�: . . heroo!f (d) to maintain snd d�liv�r to 8�n��iaiary poliaie■ of °
<br /> �:�=�••�� insurance aqafnst suah hazards on th� building• and :uaprovsm�nt�
<br />-� now or hereafter locatad on or conrtituting w pwck of the Property
<br />._:�.� ,':Y=a�,�j � , a• the een�ficiary shall requira, in �uch oomp�ni.�■ and asount• and
<br /> { �,r,,, , with such loss payabl� alau��• a� �hall b� ■�►tf�f�atory to the
<br /> ���'` Ben�ficiAry= that in the �v�nt of lo�s, d�netioisry is expre�sly
<br /> �6t�jv...
<br /> .. _��t�rid���\�G�. __
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