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<br /> �ucls agt3oa to eceele*��e �¢, prior to �uch sal�, trao�t�r or
<br /> aonv�yanae or aoatract thar�tor, 8sn�fiaiary and the p�r�oa to whon�
<br /> th� prap�rty is to bo sold or tran�f�rrad r�aoh an agr��nt in
<br /> rrriting that the oredit of such per�oa is sati�fnatory to B�aetia3.-
<br /> � ary a�nd that th� iat�rest payabla on the sun�a �eaured by th�.s Daed
<br /> =����s.� ot Tru�t shall b� at �uch rat� a� Brneficiary shall rQqu�st.
<br /> ��t A+� further sacurity for the paym�nt of tb� Note and
<br /> ' ths indebtsdne�s thersby evidenced and the p�rformanae of all of
<br /> the terma aovenants aad aonditiona hereof, trustor aqrses that
<br /> Benefioiary shall and doer hereby have the riqht, pawer and
<br /> _.,� authority during the continuanae of this Deed of Truat to aollect
<br /> . the reats, issuee and profita of the Property and of anp personal
<br /> — property lxated �hereon with or without taking posseasion of the
<br /> property affeated thereby= and Truetor hereby absolutaly and
<br /> unconditioaally assign� all auch rante, issues a�nd pro�its to
<br /> Beaefiainry. Benef3.aiary, howaver, hereby oonsenta to Trustor's
<br /> aolleotion atnd retention of �uch rents, issues and pro�its au L•hey
<br />:;;� aaorue and beaome payable so long a� Trustor is aot at auah t3.n�e in
<br /> default with rnspect to payment of any indebtedneas aecured hereby
<br /> ``� or in tha performance of any agreement hereunder. Upon any such
<br /> default, Beneficiary may at any time, ej.ther in person, by aqent,
<br /> or by reaeiver to be appo3nted by a aourt, withnut notice and
<br /> without reqard to the adequaay of anp security for the indebte�ciness
<br /> hereby seoured (�) enter upon and take possesaion of the Property
<br /> -- � or any part thereof and in ita own name sue for or othezwise
<br /> ` aolleat suoh rente, iaaues and profita, i.naluding those past due
<br /> and unpnid, and apply the same, less cos�a and expenses of opera-
<br /> tion and aollectian, includ3.ng reaaonable attorney'e fees, upon any
<br />- - indebtedness secured herebX atnd in such order as Benefic3.ary m�y
<br /> ``�z determine j (b) lease the same or any part thereof for a�uah rental,
<br /> . � ,,,�: _ . . term and upon auah conditions aa Beneficiary'a judgment may dictate
<br /> " ° y�,� '� �:�� or terminate or ad just the terms and oonditions of any exi.atinq
<br />` `'�"'���`"' lease or leases. Un lese Trus tor an d Bene fia iary aqree o t h e r w i s e i n
<br /> : . ��� �F.'��
<br /> �� v , . .a b=•`
<br />� � � �-''y' writing, any application of rents, issues or profits to any
<br /> " Y��`�J' �'��`��� indebtedness seaured hereb shall not extend or postpone the due
<br />: ,��.,a•�"k:;.�.,••.�_+�.. � Y
<br /> ��c,;�r,..ti�:� �.. date of the installment payments as prova.ded in the Note or ahange
<br /> �� °w����- the amount of auch installments. The entering upon and taking
<br /> . h". �' ..
<br />,�_;' ��''' •'��°� poseession of the Property, the collection of auch rents, isaues
<br /> '���`•="�""'�' and profits, and the applicatioa thereof as af-ore�aid, ehall not
<br /> ^`���' � ' waive or cure any default or not9.ce of default hereunder, or
<br /> %,r;:n,:.ti•"a.:..
<br /> ���M�•;.�•,-- invnlidate any eat done pursuant to sucri natice. Trustor assigns
<br /> • tQ to Beneficiary, as further. security for the performance of the
<br /> �!��` . . • ; ;,. indebtedness and obligations aecured hereby, all prepaid rente and
<br /> �' ••r?����� � all moneys which may have been or may hereafter be deposited with
<br /> . ,,.,:.
<br /> f';-:>� �• Truetor by any lessee of the Property, to secure the payment of any
<br /> „r*� . rent or damages, aad upon default in the performance of any of the
<br />;� �• •� provisions hereof, Truetor aqrees to deliver such rents and
<br /> '� .�:�_�- : ..� depos3ts to Beneficiary. Delivery of written notice of Benefici-
<br /> ._ ��ti�'' � ary's exercise of the rights qzanted by this paragraph THIRD to any
<br /> - - �-° tenant occupying the Property or any portion thereof shall be
<br /> � � ~'"�"�� ' suf ficient to require said tenant to pay said rent to Beneficiary
<br />—�� �;W:M`:_� until fur�her notice.
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