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, ��� .; :. _� <br /> , , . . . <br /> -- - �� 9�, � ,. <br /> i1.00'7'i <br /> condemn�tkm or other talcin�of�ny p�t of the PropoKy.a for vonvey�na ip Ileu ut c�ndaan�lioe.aro haroby eul�p�od+u�d � . <br /> ' riudi be prW tu Lx+�r. <br /> In dx event of a toul t�kinj of the Propetty.thc prooeai�dt�ll be applitai to�he �ums recurod by thiR Securiry <br /> Insuument,whether or ncx thett due,with ury excea,r p�i6 to Bonowcr. In�he event of+�p�rtial akin�ot tho Pmpetty in <br /> which the fdr muket vdue of the Property immediakly befcm the t�kinQ ix eyual ta or�rc�ror tFw►tha otaunt of Uie sums <br /> -- �ecural by ihis Security lnsttumens immediate!y 6efae the tekin�,imle,x B�mwer wxi L.e�xiar��herwise a�rce sn wdtinE, <br /> the wrtu�ecured by Ih�s Sxurity lnstnmic�u sh�ll t�e rcduced by the amounl of the proceedr tnultipliod by the tollowin� <br />-�.� frectinn: (a>the total�+nount of the sums�Recu�d immodi�tely befi�e the aking.divided b�(b)the f�ir mulcet value ot the <br /> Pc+opeRy imnxdiately Ixfo+�tht t�kin�. Any bafwticc �hall b�:paid ta Barrowe�. ln thc cvcnt of a panial takinQ of the <br /> Pr�qx[ty!n which tht,fwir tnarket value of the PropeRy immediately before the taking is lo�s than thc�unount af tF�e�ums <br /> �ecurcd immediately befae tha taking,unlexs Bwmwer wxl Lender aherwis�s agrcc In writin�ar unk��pplicablc law <br /> otherwise provide9.tha proceodr rhtll be appiiod to the wms sxuoed by this Secu�iry Inrtrumcn[whctl�cr�r not the cum�uo <br /> then due. <br /> If the P�nperty is abandoned by Borr�wcr.or if,ufter notice by lxnder to Aamwer thut the candcmnor offen to makc <br />-- an awud or settk a claim for damages,Bormwcr fAilc to rcspond to Lendcr within 30 days�Rcr the date the notice is givcn, <br /> Lender is authorisod to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either w reuoration or rcpair of the Pro{xrty or to ttio <br /> wms secuad by tNis Security Iastnunent,whethe►or not tixn due. <br /> Unkss Lendcr and Bcxrower otherwihe agrce in writing,any upplication of procee��s to principal shwll not extend or <br /> po�tpone the due d�te of the monthly payments refemed to in paragcaphs I and 2 or changc the amount o6 such paymeryts, <br /> 11. Borrower NW Rdeased; Farbeu�aa By Leoder Not a Watver: Exunsion of thc time for payment or <br /> � modification of wnatizution of the sums securod by this Security[nnlrun�nt�nted by l.ender to uny successor in intercst <br /> of Bormwer shall,noc aparuc to rckusc the liability of�he original8ocrower or Borroweric sucassocs in ir�teiest.i.endcr <br /> �--�--- --- ih�ll nc,t be ra{uited to commence proceedings ag�inst any sucressoc in inter�st or refuse to extend Ume for payment or <br /> othenvise modify antottizudon of the sums secured by this Security ln�trument by muon of any demand made by the original <br /> Bortower or Bormwor's successars in intenest. Any forbeuance by l.ender in exercising any r�ght or remody shall not be st <br /> waiver of or prcclude the cxet�cisu of any right or remedy. <br /> -- 1Z. Successora smd Assi�ns Bouad;Joint pad Severnl Liability:Casig�ers. 'ibe covenants and agreements of this <br />, _� ..� Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and nssignF of I.ender end Borrower.subject to the provlsions uf <br /> - pazagraph l7.Bocrower iv covonants und s►greements shall be joint and sevecal. Any Bprrower who co-signs this Security <br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signins this Security lnstmment only to mortgage,grant and convey that <br /> — — Bomower's intercst in tt�e Proparty undec the terms of this SecurIty InM�utnent;(b)is not personully obligated ta pay the sums <br /> - securcd by this Security Instrumen�and(c)agnees that Lender und uny other Borrower may ugree to extend,modify,forbear <br /> or make any accannwdations with rtgard to the tertns of thi� Security Instrument or tha Note without that Borrower's <br /> - —= concent. <br /> 13. I.oan Chsrges. [f the loan secured by this Security In�trument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan <br /> charges,and that law is finaUy interpreted so that the interest or othur ioan chuges coilected or to be coiiected in com�tiu�� <br /> - with the loan excaed the peRnitt�d limits,then: (a)any such loan churge xh:�ll be reduced by the amount nacessary to reduce <br /> „ the charge ta the permitted limit:and(b)any 4ums alrepdy collected frorn Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be <br /> '��,,-'s�.� refunded to Borrowor. Lender may choose to make this mfund by�reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a <br /> �h�;;sk di�+ect payment to Borrower. If u refund reduces principal,the reduction will be trcated us a paKial prepayment wjthout any <br /> , ��;':1.�• prepaymeni chntge under the Note. <br /> . �rl��" 14. Notk'�s. Any notica to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument +hall be given by delivering it or by <br /> � r?wi,�' ,, mailing it by first class mai�unless upplicuble law reyuire.u.e of unother method.The�oticr shall be directed to the Praperty <br /> ..t�. . <br /> � � 4 � �:j"'� : Address or uny other uddmss Bortower designates by nuticr tu L�nJ�r. Any natice to LenJer shall he given by first class <br /> mail to Lender's address stnted herein or any oti�cr aJJresx Lcnd�r Je�ignates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> � .. • in this Security Itutniment shall be deemed to havc bcen given to Borrowcr or Lender when given w provided in this <br /> :,t,.e'�.,,r�r':` P3l�BC3Ph• <br /> � .,t. . ,y:,� <br /> ; ' �:}::.; 1S. Govertting Law; Sevcrubility. This Security Instrument �hall be govemed by fedcral law and thc law of the <br /> '•:? ��^".� � jurisdiction in which the Propetty is locutcd. In thr event that any provision orclau+e of this Security Inswment or the Notc <br /> i•:' :':..:.. <br /> ��^ti�...-. conflicts with applicuble law,,uch contlict shull not affect othrr provitiiuns af this 5ecurity In�trument or the Note which can <br /> . ;��*?-,•�.?�`!• � be given effect without the conflicting provixicx�. Ti�this end the pmvisions of thiti 5ecurity lnstrument And the Nate are <br /> �`_.�.°� declued to be sevcrable. <br /> ' �i;,;..,:_ ,. !''�• 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given onc conformed copy of the Note und uf this Security lnstrument. <br /> v.+��.<.-.. 17. 7lransfer of the Propertv or a Benefici�t Interest in Borrower. If aU or any part nf thc Property or nny interest in <br /> �; ���• =' � it is sold or tranAfened (ar if u heneficial interc.t in Borrowcr i.tiold or trun;fernd and Borrower ix not a natural penon) <br /> n:;;.;,ij,�,,;,� without Lender's prior written consent,Lender it.option,require immediate payment in full uf all sums secumd by <br />-_ �.;-: thix Security Instrument. However,this option xhall not he exercised by I,ender if exen:i�e i+pruhibited by federul law ati of <br /> ��'-``•`'' • �'' ' the date of this 5ecuritp instrument. <br /> � If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Bormwer noticc of accelerntiun. Thr notice�hal)provide a period of <br /> '�"`-�-- not Iess than 30 days from the date the notire is delivcred ur m:►ilyd within which Borrower muxt pay a11 sumc secured by this <br />- �'� 4 r •' Securit Instn�ment. (f Borrower fnils to a thcse sums rior to the cx irati�m of thi� ncxi, Lender ma invoke;ui <br /> � �.; ,�> :- Y P Y P F' Pe � Y Y <br /> .� �. � ••�+3:�:: remedies permitted by this Securitp Instrument withuut further notice or dem•rnd un Bom�wcr. <br /> _�_1 1& Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrowcr mcet�cenain runditiom, BoROwe� shall have thc right to havc <br />-i�y� enforcement of thiw Security lnstrument discontinurd ut un�•time prior to the crrli�r of: ea 1 S days(or such other period as <br />:••��y� <br /> � Singk Family••�nk MadFteddk Mac l'NIFORM ltiti7'RCSIENT--Unifcxm Covenanti !l�10 IpuRt 4 uJ A/wgr�! <br />:� _.� - <br /> - <br /> � M3st�f`�ttr- w . . . . . - - ,T-r.--.�.. �-�--r-.r ��-�°-iR�•-r'.-__. —. .*Y .6. ..r '. ' . <br /> — '-b � � _= ._`:i�.d_e�._'i�sD2F::C"t'T:�.::. `',_- .:.i.:liS-�ft+e"��4���. I I �I�li�.fe�•,a�.}+�:��eNa. -.. . ...�. <br /> . .Y ,<; ,r, I^ <br /> - =—`i.'FNr��_.i_1� ..' � s.�. <br /> Y�'..:��._ecllrso.�,.:�,::36��i.fn:E�.JtE4iNtt ��'= _�+�-'rt..w�'_'�.�'__ <br /> . _-. .. .., _ .. _. .. ._,_ . .__- -._ ____. _ _- _ _ . ._� ___.— <br /> _ � `�`..� . ' ' ... «C�+��,��'. �I ,�:'e�t'r'.' 1L t...�ttN .. •. . .. <br /> �4•r ta '.�-' , �' _ . ' . "-.`�. " � ... . . <br /> .�:�+�n....a,W v�.�,_ . . . . _ _ . _ �•'t.}.� f. r� .t1...._ - .' • <br /> ` w�.�. ... . .'... ...1�� � `��:. _!..:_ It. . . <br /> ,_ e . '�i:�kti�.ii: .f n h�:l�� I "a .lK��r��ua A� .� . . . . <br /> --- *v.w V +�'�Y.-+. �or..,, . .. <br /> - Y'?�:r*.��'... ,. . .._.'>�"� :;�: -, . ., <br />