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<br /> •pplk�bie taw rtu�Y�pecifY fa reinstatement)beforo�le at d�e[tiopaty purwRnt to�ny powa ot ule amtdmd ln thb
<br /> - -- -- - - Sa:u'iity I�lti�unt�iit;�i tt)c+�Ly uf�juJruirait a�Pw�iiy�tias�Socurlty L-u�r���d. 'Rs�catedf�etr thet Anen�vet: (a)
<br /> P+Ys Lender all wm:which tt�en wouW be du� onder d�� Socurlty Instcwr�ent �rid the Note a if no�cceler+ticn had
<br /> occun+ed;(b)cures�ny defalt otany othaoovensnts or�naanenu:(c)WYi alI expaue�L�cumb in enfo�cinj d�i�Secutity
<br /> [nsauman,Inetuding,but not limited w�rc�onsWe attomey�'fees: and(d) Wce�:uch acUon iu L,e�fer nuy rea�exNbly
<br /> -- require to assum thnt the lten of this Secudty Waumeat.L.ender�right�in the Propaty�nd Boimwerl abil�atktin�0 3�Y�
<br /> wms �ocurod by thic Security inswma�t �11 ca�tlnue wuhu��ed. Upon �+einsaument by Bomowa. ddt.Seeurity
<br /> � --� —= --�--�-_--- Insttume.nt and the ebli�ntions secured henby shal!mnain fully effective as if no�ccekntia�had ocivrred. Hnwever,thGt
<br /> ri�ht w reinstate s!►ptt not apply in ftre case of accsla�tion urWer p�ra�raph 17.
<br /> 1!. S�le of Nt�te;C4��e of Lo�Serv{oer The Nate oc a partisl intarcu In the Note(togettier wich.d�.Secudty
<br /> Instn►ment)trwy be sold one a more tima without prla notice w Borrower. A�le may�+esutt in�ch�n�in.thC emity
<br /> (Imoxm sts the"Lwn Serviar")that coUoctc mo�thlY W►Yments due w�der the Nota uid this Security Insirument-�There also
<br /> may be one or more ch�nga of ihe Lwn Servicer wu�elated to a sale of the Note. If there is a ctw�ge of the�.ou►Savicer,
<br /> Bocmwer will be givon written notice of tbe chu�e in acca�dsu�ce with paragraph 14 above and�pplicabk iaw, Th�notice
<br /> - wlll stata the nama and address of the new La�a Se�vicer and the addcrss to whIch payments shouW be msda The tatioa wiU
<br /> al:o contain any othct fiform�tian tequvied by�ppiicabk law.
<br /> 20. H�rdous SubMaK�es. Bormwer atwdl not c�use or pem�it ihe prcs�a�oe.use.disposal,stmige�or rekare of any
<br /> Hazudaas Sub:txnoes o�ar in the PropeRy. Bomower shall not do.na xllow anyone dse to do.mythiag affxdng the
<br /> Propaty tlut is in vi�lAtion of�ny E�vimnmenall.Aw. The pc+ecediqg twa sentenas sMll aoi�pply to tl�e presa�ca.uso.or
<br /> stonge on the Property of s+n�ll qwn[itios of H�zardex�c Subetances that�+e�enerally ncogn�Zed w be tpp�opriuc w nwnW
<br />-" raidential uses and to mAinten�nce of the Propnty.
<br /> Borrowu shali promptly gtvo L.enda written notjce of any invest;gadon,claim,demand,lawsuit or c�ther�etion by any
<br /> - govemmenwl or r�gulatory agency�x private par�ty involving the Pmperty�nd any Hazardous Substwx:a or�wlro�unentat
<br /> — Law of which Bomnwrr hu xtuai knowledge. If Bortower loams.or is notified by any govemmental or reguluory
<br /> ,` authority.that any�maval or other tetstediation ot'any[ia78rdous Substance affecting the Property is necessAry,BcXmwer
<br /> shall promptly wlce all nocessary remedial nctiuns in accbrclance wlth Environmental Law.
<br /> As usod in thic psuagraph 20."fiazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazaMa►a subswr�cus by
<br /> — Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other tlammable or wxic peualeum praducts,toxic
<br /> i pesticides pnd herfiicides. volatile solvents, materiAls�antaining asbestos or formaldehyde.and tadkactive materials. As
<br />- used in this puagraph Z0,"Environmentrl Law"means feder�l laws and laws of tt�e jurisdiction where tht Propaity is located
<br />•t� that reltto to hes�lth.safery or environmental protection.
<br />`��'r. • NON-UIVIFORM COVENANTS. Barower and I.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> - 21. Accel�ratian; Remedies. Lender slwtl g[ve notioe to Borrowtr prior to Acceleratio�fdbrrinj Borrowar'a
<br /> :.;��� breach of�ny rnvenAnt or agreemeat in t6ts Security Instrument(6ut not prlor to accekratioo under para�ropb 17
<br /> = unless sppflcsble Inw provWes otberwise). The notice s6at1 specity: (a)the detsult;(b)tl�e actian required to cure the
<br /> �� ,,; �, default; (c)A date,aot less than 30 doys from the dAte the notke is glven to Borrower,by which the ddwlt m�st be
<br /> •���;;;- • ,., cured;And(d)that fAilure to cure the default on or befor+e the dAte specitied in the notice may resutt in�cceteration ot
<br /> ' ` � the�sums secured by this Secu�ity Iastruan�ent s�nd ssile of the Property. The notice shall fl�rther fatwm Sorrower of
<br /> .: �:;"'f the right to reinctate afrer nccekrs�tian and the right to bring a court s�ctbn to nssert the nomexlstenca of�default or
<br /> x.•J
<br /> .�',;f,�,fti"t',��'�
<br /> : ;... .�, _. .,. any other defeaee of Borrower to accekration and sak. [t the default is not cured on or befare tht date spccitled in
<br /> ' ' °�""'' '� the nottce,I.eoder at its option�rwy require immediAte pAyment in full of�tl sums secured by this Security I�strument
<br /> •�•.rws:�u�.:..:.:;�:�o-
<br /> •'��r`_'.••:> � without further demand and may invoke the power of ss►le A�d Any othcr remedie.v permitted by applicable law
<br />:_ •;r',p�;�•..- - -'���� Lender slwll be eatitled to cdlect all expenses incurred In pursuin�the remediea provWed ia thB psra�raph 21.
<br /> .� `t;�7:x:�,.= + . :;, including,but not limited to.reasonAblr attorneys`fees And costs of tttle evldence.
<br /> ti�e�M�: f It tUe power of swle is invoked.lYustee shall record a notice uf def�ult in each county in whieh Any part of the
<br />__ _ , �LV'•:����: property Is located And shnll mail copies of such notice in the m�nner prescribed by ppplic�bk law to Borrower And to
<br />-�- ;j,.��; • the ather persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time required by wpplkxbte law,'ll�ustee�haY Rive public
<br /> , .s,.�. noNce of swle to the persons and In the manner prescribed by s�pplicable law. Trustee�without de�d on Bnrrower,
<br /> "�- •• ' shs�ll sell the Property at public s�uction to the highest bidder at the time and p{ace and under th�term4 designated in
<br /> -'°'-° � the nntice of sale in one or more p�rcels and(n s�ny order Trustee determines. 71�ustee mav pastpw�e sak of all or any _
<br /> '�+��.- • . '.�� paral ot the PropeRy by public�nnouncement at the time s►nd ptace af�ny previousty scheduled si+k. l.ender or its
<br /> ��Y�'��w• �•�•�;� desieoee mAy purchasc the Property s�t anv sale.
<br /> � ';�,�,-,. Upon receipt of payment of the p�ice bld.7'rustee tihall deliver to the purcha.ser'll�ustee's deed canveying the
<br /> ;:-�' • Property. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shall be prima ficie evidence of the truth of the statmunts mAde iherein.
<br /> ;��'�`�.. � � 'I�usta sh�ll apply the proceeds of the sule in the fotlowinR nrder: (a)to nll costs and expenses oPexercising the power -
<br /> .,��. `�
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